

Dimitri Khalezov's 9-11 Nuclear Demolition Videos Being Scrubbed Off Web!

*** Whoooo, they didn't like this one either.... This is my third time.....  Its a good one though,  much I did not know is in here.  I can see why they don't want this out.   Its proves "intent",  planning and first degree mass murder. 

Vatic Note:   This is impressive,  I did not know about the melted vehicles up on the street from the explosions.  In fact, there is a lot in here I did not know and I thought I knew a lot.  Far from it.  Please take the time and then go visit the videos done that he did which are also impressive.  If you want a real education, this is the place.   IF WE CAN GET 9-11 prosecuted and adjudicated prior to their final  acts against us, I believe we can win this battle and war.  WE HAVE ALL THE EVIDENCE FROM EVERY PERSPECTIVE THAT WE NEED TO PROSECUTE AND CONVICT AND PUT THIS TO REST BEHIND US.  Then we must do the same with the Goldman sachs players,  like how did they know to clear out their offices the day of 9-11???  How did Jeb Bush know there was going to be martial law on 9-11 when he signed the florida executive order on declaring martial law in Florida and he signed it on 9-7 but dated the effective date as 9-11???  Another brilliant Bush.... lol  

Dimitri Khalezov's Nuclear Demolition Videos Being Scrubbed Off Web!
Posted by Glenn Canady, Project.NSearch
on May 5, 2010

Here's the deal. Somebody is busy trying to remove all videos about Dimitri Khalezov's nuclear demoltion theory out of existence on the Internet. At the end of this article I'm going to list all the pages that show this censorship. I feel that Dimitri's theory is the best one because it fits ALL the evidence. He also wrote a book on the entire thing which I want to read also. This type of scrubbing never happened with the Nano Thermite theory. I still believe nano thermite could have been used because something melted a lot of steel before the 150kT nuclear demolotion charges were blown in all 3 buildings. I will cover this first and then give you links where you can see all the videos being scrubbed off the web. Please post links to this article on your facebook walls so we can get people to be aware of Dimitri's excellent research on this.

Why I believe nuclear demolition fits all the evidence we know about.

They didn't call it "ground zero" for nothing! Before 911, ground zero only meant the area below or above a nuclear detonation, after 911, they changed some of the dictionaries to say it was also the place where
terrorists attacked the trade centers. It's all mind control.

Dimitri Khalezov has been an expert in nuclear demolition for many years and has an
incredible amount of proof that the buildings were taken down by
underground micro nuclear demolition charges! I've posted some links to
other material such as the melted cars that could have only been done
by EMP type effects caused by a nuclear bomb since there was no jet fuel
burning at ground level AND some of these cars were missing engine
blocks! They were totally melted!

How do you melt an engine block whenno fire was burning at ground level -
many of these cars were 7 blocks away! They were never explained in any way.

Also it was never explained why Tritium levels were 55 times more than normal at ground
zero. And of course we have ALL the strange cancers from first
responders and many of them have died. They were forced to wear "air
quality" badges which Dimitri says were really just radiation detectors
in disguise so they could monitor everybody's exposure and pull people
out of the hot zones for a while when their badges reported higher
radiation. Easy to lie to everybody and tell them the badge is to
monitor air quality. That is pure garbage if you think about it. There
is not going to be that much difference in "air quality around such a
relatively small area anyway.

Dimitri even said that in the 70's he was told that the Americans had authorized the twin towers to be taken down at the end of their lifetimes with small nuclear demolition charges! I did some research
and it was true! It was determined that only a nuclear demolition
charge could safely bring down both Towers and Building 7 because of
their construction. Here's some good information on nuclear demolition

Information on Nuclear Demolition plans for Trade Center buildings

Can you believe that? Here I find out that the original PLAN for the trade towers was to take them down bynuclear demolition charges and nobody in our government or press reported this! Of course they didn't
want that information reported because people would start putting the
pieces together. The Russians knew it because they were informed of it
in the 70s. Dimitri even remembers everybody getting a good laugh at
the crazy Americans plan to destroy a skyscraper with a nuclear
demolition charge when he was a young man working in the field.

Apparently the Sears tower in Chicago also will be taken down by a 150
Kt nuclear demolition charge at the end of its life also. If you ever
see that one fall down by after a bombing or airplane and it comes down
all nice and neat you can be sure that a demolition nuke brought that
down too because the experts concluded that only a nuclear demolition
charge could do it properly.

Information about Melted Cars many blocks away from Ground Zero

This was not caused by Jet Fuel! There was no jet fuel even on the ground. Some of
these melted cars were 7 blocks away from the buildings! There was no
fire anywhere near these vehicles and jet fuel can't melt engine blocks
anyway! Only an EMP from a nuclear detonation or a energy weapon can do
this. There is no other explanation of all the melted cars. But those
cars weren't mentioned in the report either!

Video on Melted Cars  -  This one has been scrubbed
Video on Melted Cars  -  This one is still working

Here are links to Dimitri's Videos That have been scrubbed clean!
(this one shows as there but doesn't work)

We have all the Dimitri Khalezov's videos posted on our site now. Please watch now while they are still up.

The article is reproduced in accordance with Section 107 of title 17 of the Copyright Law of the United States relating to fair-use and is for the purposes of criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research.

1 comment:

  1. Oh, wow, another rabbit hole. This makes sense and fits with other blogs we did on testing of new technology with lasers from space. I will try to find the old blog on that and put it up with this as an update to see if its related after reading your suggested link and Dr. Woods. Thanks so much for this. Excellent. Bruecke with be happy that he got this one right.


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