

UPDATE 4: Mysterious Caller on Alex Jones Confirms US has total control of weather

*** UPDATE #5 - Since the last update, hundreds of banker executives have resigned all over the globe.  See 2/26/12 for list of bankers and countries.  Winds and weather are now much different this year than is normal for our respective areas around the country.  Winds are up,  sun is intentionally being blocked, less moisture etc.   Further, the woman below where all this started as a phone call to Alex Jones and George Noory where they blew her off about proof she has of US gov having total control of weather globally, has been fired from her job as a VP of the company that was working on Haarp for the government.   I could not find that video with her and Alex Jones, but I did find the one she did with Noory and she gives the internet address for the proof she says exists.  Listen and write it down.  Then see if its still up.  I hope she is still alive.    She has completely disappeared.  Could find nothing else on her.  But both noory and Jones blew her off.  Neither asked any questions about the proof she insisted she had that the US gov had total and complete control of weather.  

*** UPDATE # 4  - Again this supports what we have been saying for the past two days showing man made evil using our technology.   Is this what they are doing and resigning and going underground? Is it a real event or manmade?   OR BOTH?  Rahm Emmanual said "Never let a good crisis go to waste".  Well, they cut off what I wrote about the gutted and fully removed videos that were with these last two updates that proved planet x was here and visible. They even cut the link as  well.  Normally they leave it, but did not this time around.   I guess they don't even want me telling you.  Lets see if this stays up.  Ok, I got an idea.   Lets put this older video of her call up here while its still up.  LISTEN THEN COMPARE WHAT SHE SAYS TO WHAT ALEX SAYS IN THE SECOND VIDEO.     

This is all about proof that the USA now has total control of weather in this country and around the globe using Haarp to manipulate the Jet Stream.  The one that was gutted was one that showed the latest transit of the planet coming into our solar system right now.  Since we can't watch that one,  lets listen to the 2nd one BY ALEX JONES and see how they are using the sun as doing so much of this as a front to make their weapons that they use to be ignored by us, and thus any event would be blamed on the pole shift and not on HAARP, IN THE SECOND VIDEO BELOW, Alex Jones does just that.  He explains it away as just an isolated pole shift with nothing else as the reason.   

I can see why he deflected her because She gives us that and IF BOTH OF THESE GUYS HAD NOT CUT HER OFF, THIS WOULD BE EXPLORED AND EXPOSED maybe even more. Not one ounce of genuine curiosity from either of them.  Think about it, your George Noory or Alex Jones and this woman calls with explosive info and is beginning to try and tell you what she discovered and instead of you being curious and asking her questions, instead you are only curious as to her listening habits..... HUH?  Now does that make any sense to you?   A Pole Shift would explain why they put the seed bank in the Arctic, since that would then find its way down near the equator, but it doesn't explain how that shift happened or who or what caused it.  What is the super secret military space mission currently in space doing up there and is it related to any of this?   Is it both HAARP and their advanced space laser system?  Is this a Rahm "take advantage of a real crisis"? YOU DECIDE.  .  Now I am glad they gutted this since I think this is even better. 

Ok, now LISTEN TO THIS REPORT BY ALEX JONES, who tells us this is a  natural event and that previous  video she categorically states ALL WEATHER EVENTS AND PHENOMENA ARE CAUSED BY HAARP.  She threw in Earthquakes and that was before Japan, I believe.  If you listen to Alex this is something outside of any government or SHADOW GOV efforts..... you have to decide if you believe her or Alex.

UPDATE 3:  4/16/11 provided to Vatic Project by Jack Peach of USA.  (Wow, they are really messing with this update, I don't blame them,  they just lost control of it all.) 

4/17/11 - both updates videos gutted and vatic notes left saying so, are also gutted. 

Jack's Notes:  Time to quickly establish communities. I feel the issue has now become of paramount importance This isn't about being alarmist but preparing, as the scriptures instruct the people of faith to be, so that we are counted in the survivors rather then in the majority that will be the victims. Also remember we live in love, not fear so what we project comes about, So preparation for survival is paramount everyone needs to stock dry foods, crop seeds, tools Secure fresh water & live at elevated areas. (VN: Find caves at higher elevations, identify them in advance and stock them up in advance, don't forget to get a manual hand grain grinder as well, oil and oil lamps, matches etc. collect and stack wood in the cave as well.  megatons of water OR BUY A FILTER FOR EVERYTHING TO CLEAN THE WATER.)  (VN: Remember what Rahm said, "Never let a good crisis go to waste" and they have taken advantage of it by making us believe its them and their powerful weapons only. As usual they are using themselves as cover for what is really going on that they have no control over and they want us to think its them, so we will believe they are all powerful and succumb to their control etc etc)

(here is one of the gaps where the video was.)

UPDATE 2 :  4/16/11 - We just Found this video from someone who did a followup on that womans call to Alex Jones and George Noorey that we covered in t his blog back in late Feb, early march, both of whom blew her off when she tried to explain to them that the gov was doing complete weather control and maybe trying to turn a non event of the arrival of the so called comet into close proximity to the earth, into a catastrophe using HAARP and thus may explain THE MAY SCHEDULED WAR GAMES FOR A FALSE FLAG OF SOME KIND.  They wargame their false flags all the time.... so pay attention to this update this guy did and its pretty damn good and also fits with what the Maya say about nothing to fear over this next year.  Its the evil ones we must fear who are playing deadly games with us for their depopulation agenda.  Here is the update:

Pole shift, comet Elenin, Alex Jones mysterious woman... What's the truth??
Uploaded by undercoveralien on Feb 8, 2011

In the last days the rumors about a planetary pole shift, provoked by the Comet C/2010 X1 aka Elenin, to occur in March 15th or so, got viral on the internet. Lots of threads in conspiracy forums, blogs, videos in YT like websites and many, many disinformation, doom-alerts and general fear mongering, being quickly spread after a call made by a mysterious woman on Alex Jones show, that was pulled off the air, after she has attempted to talk about online documents that prove that US military is largely using HAARP and other weapons of weather control. So, just like that, a guy named David came from nowhere, uploading videos claiming that this woman is a White House's insider, spilling the beams about this pole shift, the comet Elenin and stuff...

I did listen to her on Coast 2 Coast, with George Noory, I did some research about the comet Elenin and I made this video with my personal analysis, that may or not to help to clarify this subject.

UPDATE #1: 3/13/11 Just received an update video on that document that is actually being scrolled on the video.   This is the document she was referencing that can no longer be seen on the gov website that she referenced.  But now we have a copy and I highly recommend you down load it and read it, since its definitive proof of intentional criminality on the part of those foreign interests occupying and controlling our government.  This is from a french source so you will not understand the intro, but second video below has the english as we heard and saw it.  Please scroll, stop the scrolling and read the text..... ITS PRIMAE FACIA EVIDENCE OF CRIMINAL WRONG DOING BY OUR GOVERNMENT...FELONY MURDER IN THE FIRST DEGREE at least in the case of Japan..  Serious stuff and under the RICO laws which means confiscation of assets if convicted.  Its IMPERATIVE YOU DOWNLOAD THIS TO PRESERVE THE RECORD.  I do not have download capability.  Doggone it.  lol


Vatic Note: This is amazing. She called this reference into both Alex Jones and George Noory, and Alex cut her off and George instead of really getting into what she found, he asked if she "...visits talk radio a lot". NOW WHAT KIND OF A DUMB QUESTION IS THAT WHEN SHE IS BUSY TELLING HIM SHE HAS ABSOLUTE PROOF OF THE CRIME BEING COMMITTED AGAINST US? Now the assassins have her name and where she is from. I might try to track her down and see what she has. She said Alex interrupted her and when she began to tell George what Alex did, George interrupted her again so she could not finish, and told her to send it to him and then he was very abrupt and ended the call without probing or asking what was in it. She began volunteering and he changed the subject, but what she said that totally blew me away was that the document clearly states "THAT ALL WEATHER, EVERYWHERE, IS MODIFIED BY THE GOVERNMENT".   Here is the link she gave verbally on the video to George and I had to stop the video several times to get it correct by relistening, and here is the link she provided:    Now I tried it and its been a month since this interview, and now the link is dead.  Same with the link below provided by the downloader of this video.  

All weather, not just some, is fully controlled by the gov, all over the country.  So whatever is going on in your area is intentionally being put there by the gov through haarp and chem trails. DOES THE MADRID FAULT COME TO MIND?   So NOW I am suspicious of George Noory and Alex Jones, both. Until I can get a satisfactory answer as to why they both cut her off, I will not change my position and why is that important???? BECAUSE BOTH LINKS ARE NOW DEAD. SHE COULD HAVE TOLD US WHAT WAS ON THERE, BUT NOW WE DON'T KNOW, ONLY THE VERY SMALL SNIPPET THAT SHE WAS ABLE TO GET AROUND GEORGES INTERRUPTIONS. He could have asked her if it referenced dumping or delivering anything else by such methods. He asked her almost nothing about the document itself. We lost something when he neglected to do that. Now its lost forever, unless we can find her. If anything happens to her, we will know who benefited.

Mysterious Caller on Alex Jones / Coast to Coast - Chem Trail Proof?
Uploaded by rocksiphone on Feb 5, 2011

Some woman called in to Alex Jones and they say Alex cut her short, she then called Coast to Coast giving information about a document that is on the government website that fully lays out the use of Haarp/chemtrails as a full weather modification program.  (VN:  See my VN above outlining what George did to her as well but with more class than Alex who has a problem with social skills where the goyim are concerned)


The article is reproduced in accordance with Section 107 of title 17 of the Copyright Law of the United States relating to fair-use and is for the purposes of criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research.


  1. Here's a video showing the document to which the caller was referring:
    Some of my News English students are researching HAARP, and one ran across something like that document.
    I haven't taken a close look at their papers yet. I'll let you know what this student's paper has.
    As for whether Jones or Noory are disinfo agents, I heard nothing in the broadcast that would indicate that they were. If a broadcaster for some reason cuts off a caller and fails to get back to her, it would leave a loose end for the call to be featured in a rebroadcast. Jones and Noory are, after all, entertainers even if they're serious in their purpose.

  2. Dr. Mills, do you think you could scan that document and email it to me so we can put it up for our readers here??? That would be crucial and tell your student to put her name with it as that will insure her movement into eternity as proving what history they do not control, will say about these times. Thanks so much if you can do that.

  3. Oh, thats ok, Dr. Mills, this article is about Chemtrails so that is ok for her to still travel through time having an impact on the spreading of truth during these end times. If you saw the other blogs on how chemtrails and clouds go together for weather modification and in some cases each equake has been preceded by these strange clouds and colors reflecting off the clouds then her infamy may travel even further down into history. LOL

  4. Vatic,I too would love to see those also.Thanks Dr. for teaching your students something of value.The only person who I have ever seen out talk Alex is David Icke,and alex is very respectful of them both.In defense of George Noory ,he is very protective of his callers,and would rather have them send in the info to him.I send him material all the time.(in fact I will probably send him today's blog)Once he mentioned something that I sent but with up to 20 million people listening to Coast at times I would hate to have to deal with his mailing list.Talk about a full time job,Wow!Brock

  5. I think when she mentioned gov controls all weather look at what happened in japan! seriously maybe she was going to spill it about the coming Tsunami something to think about

  6. It was Andrea Psoras that has a comment on file per the URL -
    "Weather as a Force Multiplier: Owning the Weather in 2025"

    The comment page URL - see her comment entry

    CL02 - Psoras, Andrea

    Then reading her 35 pages, the URL for “Weather as a Force Multiplier:...”
    The url is not correct, taken down or whatever, it was changed but the correct one is posted above -

    But the point of her commentary, weather is not “natural”. She submitted all kinds of URLs supporting her viewpoint.
    BTW, for those that don’t know, she lost her job – maybe because of her comment.
    Andrea was interviewed this year on – maybe archived.
    See TrueOtt show – Feb 18. 2011

    her cover page:

    CFTC Request Public input on Possible Regulation of “Event Contracts”

    Dear Commissioners and Secretary:

    Not everything is a commodity, nor should something that is typically covered by some sort of property and casualty insurance suddenly become exchange tradable. Insurance companies for a number of years have provided compensation of some sort for random, but periodic events. Where the insurance industry wants to off-load their risk at the expense of other commodities markets and participants, contributes to sorts of moral hazards – which I vigorously oppose.

    Of where there is ‘interest’ to develop these sorts of risk event instruments, to me it seems an admission that the insurance sector is perhaps marginal or worse, incompetent or too greedy to determine how to offer insurance for events presumably produced by nature.

    Now where there are the weather and earth shaking technologies, or some circles call these weather and electro-magnetic weapons, used insidiously unfortunately by our military, our intelligence apparatus, and perhaps our military contractors for purposes contrary to that to which our public servants take their someone else holding the bag in the event destruction produced by, and where so-called ‘natural events were produced by military contractor technology in the guise of ‘mother nature’.

    Consider Rep Denis Kucinich as well as former Senator John Glenn attempted to have our Congress prohibit the use of spaced based weapons. That class of weapons includes the ‘weather weapons’. as well as toher articles about this on Global Research website.

    Andrea Psoras

    Pg 35, the last page -

    Andrea Psoras
    Senior Vice President
    QED International Associates, Inc
    US agent for Rapid Ratings International
    NY 10017

  7. I know, Anonymous, I got frustrated at both shows when she was beginning to tell us, and she got cut off, I kept saying "shut up you guys, I want to hear what she has to say", and they wouldn't. Neither one of them. It was like they were not curious either and I think that bothered me more than the overtalking on her.

    Notice too, has anyone seen what she sent to George Noorey??? I haven't. If anyone has since its now been a month later, please forward it to us and we will put it up. Of course there is no way to know if that is what she sent, but hey, put it out there anyway and we can figure it out ourselves. These guys arrogance may work in our favor.

  8. Anonymous, this is explosive and great. Thanks and we will take it from here and add it above as a 5th update with your comments included. I presume you are in the USA and do not want to be identified, so will simply use the anonymous. Thanks a bunch. I swear, we have the best readers in the world. lol

  9. Remember that after Bill Cooper was supposedly murdered by the police, Jonestein came out and lied about Cooper. Proof of this is/was on ytube.
    Now about this same time Art Bell is taken out or removes himself from the show because of the matter with Ted Gunderson. George Noory becomes new permanent host of CtCam. Noory and Cooper both claimed membership in Naval Intelligence. William Cooper was an intelligence agent with the Office of Naval Intelligence in Bethesda, MD. Cooper is accused of being part of the THE MEROVINGIAN DYNASTY thru Pierre Plantard de Saint-Clair.
    Noory's boss at coast is the jew Tom Danheizer.
    One deep rabbit hole.

  10. Also remember that the ONI was the part of the pentagram that was hit on 911. Many good investigators were killed. ONI has been around longer that the CIA. Hawkescafe and Abel Danger are tracking the scoundrels.
    Abel Danger working with loyal remnants of the Stasi, MIT, ISI, CSIS and loyal oath keepers within DNI, ONI, Naval Intel, Marine Intel, FBI and CIA had followed the spider web back to the Maestro of 9/11.
    Was William Cooper a good guy sent by the good guys and taken out by the Jonestein gang?
    Noory will not touch the pedophile rings and kidnapping killers at CPS et al. I have heard him feign ignorance of the matter when a caller tried to inform him.

  11. Huge List of Planet X Stories Dating Back to the 50s!


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