

People-To-People Initiative - Strategy # 5 - Build your own energy source from scrap, here's how!!

Vatic Note: OK, its been awhile since we spent time on solutions and alternative strategies to what is coming. The idea is not to focus on the "problem" as it "appears" rather to focus on the solution TO THE EFFECTS OF THE PROBLEM. So rather than waiting and suffering through trying to do something after the fact, we should seriously begin now. So here is the first one on alternative home energy that we can create and begin building right now while we still have energy available to us that we have to pay for, this will be free except for the expense of purchasing the items one time needed for each panel. So, watch this, take notes and begin figuring out how to put this together by following his instructions and checking out his equipment. Good luck.  This way we are already prepared for whatever comes down in the heating dept.

"Giving money and power to government is like giving whiskey and car keys to teenage boys."   P.J. O'Rourke  (I put his up because that is what this has looked like since the neocons took over our government, and they want to run the world??? LOL)

If this works, then those that are unemployed in each town, can form an employee coop and contact this man to act as distributors here in the states and also as local builders of these units to then sell to others who have money and can afford it, thus fullfilling another strategy of  starting "employee coops" that we covered in one of our other strategies.  He then makes money and so do those wishing to pursue these alternatives.  No matter how this ends, we will have done something for ourselves that is better than what we now have at the control and whims of those in power WHO NEVER DID A PRODUCTIVE PIECE OF WORK IN THEIR LIVES.  Our chances of surviving and prospering rests with us and no one else.   Screw them, lets rock and roll.. Any info you wish to share please do so in the comments section and we will try to add them to the strategy section of our people to people initiative of non cooperation especially if your comments can add to what we have learned. This is where we begin the process of becoming community. Yahoooo.

Once we do this, we can then help our neighbors and relatives to help themselves as well. Now if you decide to do this one, keep a record of what mistakes were made and how to fix them. Then feed them back into us and we can then modify and pass the info onto everyone else. We can use this place as a clearing house and of course any blog that wants to help out,  which most funded by themselves or the readers,  are probably game for this. Those funded by foundations are ones to avoid like the plague as they work as controlled opposition publications. How you can tell is if they are constantly ragging on the right or the left. That means they are neocons trying to distract us and manipulate our behavior and votes and KEEP US FROM DOING EXACTLY THIS KIND OF ADAPTING.

Time to forget about all that and focus on what really matters. We didn't vote third party in the last general election which means we lost, so now we adjust and come back, BUT DO NOT PLAY THE SAME GAME EVER AGAIN. We have a new strategy that will probably come up on the board either tomorrow or the next day. Don't forget if this works, then get together and do the same for the senior old lady down the street who might die if her heat is turned off in winter. We must remember always to take care of each other while we are busy taking care of ourselves. OK?

Brilliant Newfoundlander Invents the Solution!
Feb 20, 2008

Jim Meaney, owner of Cansolair Inc. displays how he converts pop cans into a powerful solar heating panel. His company info and his unique solar panel system is below the video for further info about him and his ingenuity. Funny how no one had thought of this before. Yes, we do live in dynamic interesting times, don't we???  (Watch Video)

Now this video is a homemade one by someone who did this from scratch to affect the same results.  So watch this as well.  If you can't afford to buy the tools to do this, you can rent them for the time it takes which is a lot cheaper.  Or get together with some other neighbors and go in together to buy the equipment, or share in renting which will save everyone money.   COMMUNITY is the key word for all of us to survive and prosper.  

How To do at home

Here is the EXCERPT and the link to his information. You can go to the link to finish reading the rest of the information. Its worth the effort. Heck, if you are handy in crafting, this could even be a great idea for starting your own local business and helping others to convert. See? More than one option in adapting to changing times.  Actually OPPORTUNITY ABOUNDS IN THIS CRISIS, so lets grab those opportunities as they arise. 

Technology used in Solar Panel

Cansolair Inc. has developed a forced convection solar heating unit called the Model R.A. 240 SOLAR MAX. This unit is mounted on the exterior wall of a dwelling and it captures solar energy through an array of tubes, which heat up air forced through the unit with an electric fan. The fan removes cool air from the dwelling, forces it through the solar panel and returns heated air into the dwelling. During sunlight periods in Newfoundland the unit returns warm air at the rate of 180 cfm indicating that a room of 200 square feet (1600 cubic feet) can have a complete air change in nine minutes. A dwelling of 1000 square feet can have a complete air change in 45 minutes. Working experience indicates that a comfortable room temperature can be maintained in a 1000 square foot dwelling with 15 minutes of sunlight per hour.

There are many solar energy products on the market, most of which use either water to transfer the heat or solar cells designed to capture the solar energy and convert it to electricity. Both of these systems are considerably more costly compared to this solar panel both for initial purchase and for installation. Passive solar collection is the closest technology to this product and this requires initial design and construction and is not generally an economical retrofit project.

All of these units will be attractive to the majority of consumers only if the economics of the installation can be justified in terms of reduced electrical or oil supplied energy. It is becoming clear that increased use of oil-based energy will be discouraged and countries including Canada and the United States will be seeking to increase the use of alternative energy sources such as solar power. Based on an initial review of the Patent database for units of this nature there does not appear to be any competing patent filed nor does the current technology appear to conflict with current patents.

There were a total of 226 patents reviewed to arrive at this conclusion. The company plans to file for patent protection on this innovation. A number of these units have been built and have been installed in various residential environments all with a good measure of success. (VN:  As long as we do not sell them, we can build them for our personal use or family extended family as well, hehehe)   A small number of the units have also been sold. The company feels that it has a product that will have mass appeal. The company’s marketing plan anticipates sales to national hardware outlets in Canada and in the United States as its prime distribution mechanism.

The article is reproduced in accordance with Section 107 of title 17 of the Copyright Law of the United States relating to fair-use and is for the purposes of criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research.


  1. Absolutely Brilliant,I have a couple of friends with the tools and inventive spirit that I will forward this to.Simplicity is beauty.To be able to heat your house and your water with a minimal amount of products.This looks somewhat time intensive but so what.The one thing I do have is time.I also like the idea that it is non polluting,and I could put it one Visionary Health website,along with the various supplements when I get that up and going.Or maybe on Water Beyond Belief.Hell, this should Rock,by just word of mouth!! Brock

  2. Brock, wow, thanks for your enthusiasm. You are a guy so you have a leg up. I don't even know which end of the hammer to use so I am going to have to try and get partnered with someone to do mine. I will have to save for the materials, and then pay someone who is like you to do this for me. I rent, but this thing is mobile, so I could take it with me.

    We need to check into how much you would have to pay that guy if he filed a patent for it since they are getting really vicious about patents and copywrites now, but heck, its a life time investment.....ITS ALSO ENERGY INDEPENDANCE AND I AM SURE THEY WILL REALLY HATE THAT A BUNCH.


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Be respectful in your comments, keeping in mind that these discussions will become the Zeitgeist of our time that future database archeologists will discover. Make your comments worthy and on the founding father's level in their respectfulness, reasoning, and sound argumentation. Prove we weren't all idiots in our day and age. Comments that advocate sedition or violence are not encouraged. Racist, ad hominem, and troll-baiting comments might never see the light of day.