

Encounters with The Unexplained – The Mystery of Oak Island

Encounters with The Unexplained – The Mystery of Oak Island
February 16th, 2011, by Unexplained Mysteries, provided to the Vatic Project by Atomic Review

Encounters with The Unexplained 1X11 The Mystery of Oak Island Total Living Network and Grizzly Adams Productions

Vatic Note: This is an interesting side journey from our normal coverage. It was a fascinating exposure of a legend and the famous people who got caught up in the legand. A young FDR and Errol Flynn. It begin in 1785 when a pit was discovered and floors were found in the pit. This really was an intriguing mystery. This was a nice change of pace so enjoy it.

The article is reproduced in accordance with Section 107 of title 17 of the Copyright Law of the United States relating to fair-use and is for the purposes of criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for this piece! We have added it to our vocabularity of understandingness. We may want to explore the Bosnian pyramids and the significance of 28khz perpetually generated. We live in a dimension (the fifth) that requires left brain dominance. All our hearts are right-(brained) and left brained. Right brain dominance is necessary for entrance into the sixth dimension and all the others, which are many. Love is the KEY that unlocks the progression. love is the reverse of evol, the other way, the choice we must all make. Love is not ignorant of evi/ol! However, it is stronger! We are not the chosen ones, we are the choosing ones! adtomeus in love


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