

White Hat Report #8 – The end of Obama’s Presidency

Vatic Note:   I have not been able to independantly verify this, but if true, that means we get Biden who is way worse than Obama.  I am wondering why they are throwing Obama under the train?  Is he rebelling?  Is he resisting the agenda now that he knows what the real agenda is..... depopulation by chemical warfare?  Is this connected to Wheeler?  Something is going on at the highest levels.   We all know that for 10 years they ignored this as well as every single crime, violation of the constitution, the bill of rights, murder with impunity and violated many criminal laws like SEC and others.  So now why is the court going to pretend like they are doing something?   Any ideas would be welcome,  I am at a loss about it all.  Rumormill News is reliable so I am more sure than not, that this is true.  But again, we have to wait til this plays out.  Should prove interesting, and worth keeping an eye on since something is going on at levels we are not privy to as cattle. 

White Hat Report #8 – The end of Obama’s Presidency
Posted By: Jordon, Rumormill news
Date: Wednesday, 12-Jan-2011 12:07:18 January 11, 2011 – The White Hat Report #8 – The end of Obama’s Presidency


Held: Obama did not meet the residency requirements

Supreme Court is holding on to the decision and will not publish its decision for the sake of the American political process

From the moment Barrack Hussein Obama announced he was a candidate for the office of the President, his credentials have been under constant and considerable scrutiny by the finest Constitutional legal minds in our Country.

As President, in each of the legal challenges presented to the Supreme Court, the legal question presented is not what the Honorable Court preferred to hear or the case of the Plaintiff was not proper and deemed not to have “standing” or “merit”. As always, the Court was positioning to hear the correct positions and arguments, so the Court could opine and rest the matter forever. The longer the proper legal challenges took to develop, the more difficult it would be to unwrap all of the damage that Obama, and his special interest groups, would bestow on the American people and the international community (i.e. Obama's totally ignorant comment from the White House podium declaring the French are America's closest ally). This ignorant statement insults Great Britain and the rest of our most important allies and relationships). (VN:  Aaah, maybe there is a hint in this mistake he made.... France is run by a Zionist Mossad agent in Sarkozy, so it begs the question, "is there a rift between the various elite at the top as between the rothschild zionist faction and the rest"?  Given the Mossad/CIA are constantly messing up the vaious false flags and agendas, its possible.  Anyone with other ideas, let us know).

The continual thread of the legal arguments is relative to Obama's required constitutional credentials. Specifically, if he meets the eligibility requirements to be the President of the United States of America as defined in the Constitution. Apparently, Obama's political tricksters, the special interests groups, the Chicago and the D.C. Beltway groups, which tilt their heads to the Obama faction, thought they could hijack America and out fox all of the Americans that hold the Constitution close to their heart. The Supreme Court heard each case brought before it, rendered an opinion and moved on to the next case. All of the previous cases have been denied for lack of 'Standing' or being 'Frivolous'.

As we stated in our last report, about 18 months ago at a college public speaking engagement, Supreme Court Chief Justice John Roberts was confronted by Dr. Orly Taitz with a suitcase of 350,000 confirmed signatures from World Net Daily and other sources. Dr. Taitz asked the Supreme Court to hear the complaints about Obama's required credentials including his status as a natural born citizen of the United States of America since he was not properly vetted for the Presidency due to the wrangling of Obama's special interest friends. Chief Justice Roberts promised Dr. Taitz publicly he would review the information. It appears that Roberts kept his promise as the matter was heard before the Supreme Court Justices on Friday, January 7th, 2010.

The outcome of this single case has been in the specter of legal scholars for many months as the target issue lies within the confines of the Article Two, Section One of the Constitution of the United States of America, as quoted below:

“Qualifications. The President must be a 'natural born citizen' of the United States,

at least 35 years old … “

If we break this down to its simplest common denominator and confine the argument to the true meaning of the Founding Fathers, Obama's mother, upon the conception Barrack Hussein Obama, was married to a verified Kenyan citizen, meaning he does not have the blood of two (2) verifiable citizens of the United States of America. Not only do we have the records but so do all of the National Security agencies charged with protecting American interests by the letter of the law. As of this date, the issue of Obama's citizenship status has become a National Security matter due to the wrangling of a group of people attempting to keep their candidate in office at all costs. For the record, and to this date, the American public and the Supreme Court have yet to receive the answers required to this question and Obama has yet to provide his long-form birth certificate and answer other Interrogatories.

In the Supreme Court, the test for Obama, his cronies and this Administration, is for Obama to prove that he is a Natural born Citizen. Obama can't do that as he has a Certified Birth Certificate in Kenya and 'Certificate of Live Birth' from the State of Hawaii. Herein lays the quandary for Obama, his cronies and the Court. Obama does not have the ability to prove and cannot provide a certified document providing for a true birth certificate for any of the American states. The only record of his birth is in Kenya.

From extremely high and very credible sources within the Judicial system, it has been reported that Obama and his legal team lost their arguments to have this case dismissed. The Court heard the applicable arguments from each side and held, in short form; the Obama did not meet the residency requirements as set forth in the Constitutional of the United States of America. A preliminary vote in favor of the Plaintiff was taken, with Associate Justice Elena Kagan not voting due to her previous political relationship and involvement with Obama's birth certification issues.

The Supreme Court is holding on to the decision and will not publish its decision for the sake of the American political process. What does this mean and why would they choose this path?

Notwithstanding the difficulty before the Judicial system as to what to do with an unlawfully sitting President, the real problem comes after the fact. This President has been sitting in the office illegally for two (2) years while propagating conjecture about American life and liberty, pushing his agenda, signing bills into law, issuing Executive Orders and trying to act as a real President. It is for this reason that all of the American Security agencies consider this single item a National Security matter with the single question: How do you control an out of control person acting as President?

Although the Court has not recorded or published their finding, there is already disinformation being propagated that the Court ruled in favor of Obama. This is not true.


With the Court opinion in hand and everyone attempting to make sense of the underlying issues to be addressed, our analysis, based on what we have reported previously, is that any person in a position for an executive seat is a named party in criminal allegations of bank fraud, theft, unauthorized usage of government assets, etc. Review previous White Hat reports. The proof of these allegations exists. Hence, we know the following:

1. The Supreme Court is holding on to its decision and not publishing due to the damage it would do.

2. It has been opined that Obama in the near future will resign from the Office of The Presidency. The political machine is now determining how to spin his resignation so the American people can grasp something simpler than he never had the credentials to serve as President. The reason will not be his birth certificate issue.

3. The Supreme Court will publish their findings after Obama's resignation is detailed to the American people. Once Obama resigns the Supreme Court can simply dismiss the case and avoid any embarrassment of the parties.

4. One possible scenario would be for Biden to step down first, due to his well publicized participation with George Bush Senior, Bill Clinton, Hillary Clinton, and Mitt Romney in the theft of Falcone's funds or due to the political spin of his alleged brain cancer... whichever works best. Obama will appoint Hillary Clinton as Vice President. Obama steps down and Hillary becomes President. The Clinton machine has always wanted Hillary as President. If this happens, the information on the funds she has stolen will become exposed. The funds that Hillary took are substantially greater than the amount Biden took. Remember that Hillary bribed Biden per Bush Senior's request.

5. Obama could resign first and allow Biden to become President. Biden would then appoint a new Vice President, but this appointment would have to be approved by both Congresses. This option seems less likely, but is certainly possible since the White House has been trying to enhance Biden's image. The criminal allegations against Joseph Biden are too great to allow him to become President.

It is our sincere desire for all individuals to understand the monumental issues stated above and, in concert, with all of the information contained in our previous reports. We have stated that the Executive branch of the government has failed us. Will Congress, fail us, too? Or will they do their duty, keep their responsibility to their constituents and honor their oath to the Constitution and protect America from enemies, both foreign and DOMESTIC?

We have heard from Americans and people from all walks of life including people from other countries who are wondering what has happened to the United States of America. Our purpose has been to inform the public and expose the corruption that threatens our freedoms, both now and in the future. Therefore, we implore you to contact your Senators and Representatives. Let them hear your voice and let your voice hold weight. Tell them your opinion. Hold your elected officials accountable for every act they perform on your behalf!!

View the Obama Birth Certificate here:


The article is reproduced in accordance with Section 107 of title 17 of the Copyright Law of the United States relating to fair-use and is for the purposes of criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research.


  1. Let me just state I never cared for that robotic way Obama has of talking. Therefore I never listen to anything he has to say. And the fact that he can't seem to produce a bona fide birth certificate doesn't help.

    I did hear about that recent Supreme Court hearing (with the Zionist Kagan abstaining), and I *thought* I heard the end result was that Obama was a citizen after all. Which disappointed me.

    But now the author of the excellent article above says the result was that the Supreme Court is holding on to its decision and is not publishing its decison? I am presuming these Supreme Court decisions MUST be published? So if in reality this decision was NOT published -- and the Supreme Court is being shown to be between a ROCK and a HARD PLACE -- I'd say the author of the above article is making his case all right of future spin and obfuscation for public consumption.

    The author mentions positioning Hillary to be the next president.

    But Sorcha Faal came up with a more chilling possibility: the Republican positioning of two MORMONS, one for the President (Mitt Romney) and one for the Vice-President getting in Mormon John Huntsman Jr., who is the current United States Ambassador to China and former governor of Utah.

    In other words, what this amounts to is "the ASCENDENCY of the Mormon Church to the pinnacle of US power, where two of its top elders would become the President and Vice-President..."
    2012 ‘White Horse Prophecy’ Warned Is Coming True In America (1/2/2011)

    SF weaves an interesting cloth by also noting another Mormon -- Glenn Beck -- "... one of America’s most powerful conservative media personalities named Glenn Beck, and who, according to the influential Huffington Post,
    “sent a coded message” that the time of “White Horse Prophecy” was soon to be upon them all, and as we can read:"
    Mormon Prophecy Behind Glenn Beck's Message

    About the White Horse Prophecy:

    "The “White Horse Prophecy” refers to a prediction made by Joseph Smith Jr. (1808-1844) [pictured top left] who was the founder of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints (LDS) [aka as the Mormon religion], and was reported to have said that a time would come when the US Constitution would be hanging by a thread and a church elder from Zion [Mormon Church] will ride in on a metaphorical white horse and save it."

    And how often have I heard Beck's hysteria about the Constitution 'hanging by a thread' while listening to him on the radio? ALL the time.

    All my life it has bothered me WHY does this Mormon Church have such power in this country? Just because of its Mormon Tabernacle Choir, that somehow became 'America's Choir'?

    The Mormon religion is the most bizarre of all religions, its apparent origins the most bizarre things I've ever read, and its Temple and apparently the inside of it, from things I have read -- IS BASED UPON FREEMASONRY. NEED I SAY MORE? Become acquainted with the deep history of this bizarre religion of Mormonism in this country. These are the ones that are positively OBSESSED with genealogies and keep libraries of records of it also.

    As high strangeness gets even stranger and we plummet down the Rabbit Hole at break-neck speed come next election, all I can say is:

    I would watch those REPUBLICANS come next election -- just as much as I would watch those DEMOCRATS and whoever they come up with.

    p.s.: Yes, it came as a surprise to me also to find out Szarkozy is jewish, and no reason not to think a zionist -- CIA/Mossad connection there, no doubt of it.

  2. Where is my post about the possible Mormon Church and what Sorcha Faal had to say, while the focus is on the democrats and Hillary?

  3. I probably haven't gotten to it yet, I am swamped as I am sure you can imagine. Hang in there its coming.

  4. I see my post isn't up yet. But I still think my previous post (not undoubtedly lost) was a very important post to balance out the possibility of Hillary for president.

    While eyes are on the democrats and what they are up to -- Sorcha Faal presents an interesting speculation about Mormon Ascendancy to the Presidency with the help of the Republicans.
    2012 ‘White Horse Prophecy’ Warned Is Coming True In America

    People should also become acquainted with this bizarre Mormon religion and its history in this country. Somehow it has also managed to become "America's Choir". It seems to have a LOT of behind-the-scenes influence in America.

    Add to this the Freemasonic nature of the Mormon religion. And the Mormon obscession with keeping tons f genetic information (DNA).

  5. Deep throat, I could not find it, so somehow it got lost in the system. Can you email it to me directly??? I am truly sorry, but I beleive we maybe overloadng their system here as you can well imagine. lol So, help me out, it looks fascinating idea. Thanks

  6. Keep you eyes on the entire chess board. A few months ago, dual-citizen Israelis were deserting the Obama administration. Obama has been trying to straddle the fence on the Palestinian issue. He has been giving the Israelis an amber light, rather than a green light, to the robbing and killing of innocent Palestinians.
    I told you more than a year ago that the NWO crowd like Obama because the birth certificate issue made him easier to control. I also pointed out that Obama's obedience to the NWO may be on a collision course with Obama's narcissism.
    I postulated to results of Obama trying to break free of their short leash. Either the NWO-controlled MSM would suddenly profess themselves shocked, SHOCKED, to discover that Obama doesn't meet Constitutional requirements for the presidency; or he would be assassinated, and his assassination would be blamed on the enemies of the NWO.

  7. I hope I am not rehashing old topics here.

    Having lived overseas during my service in the US Military and currently living overseas at the present time, I decided to research this issue a little further. Knowing that children born overseas of US Military members are considered US Citizens. This law also applies to children born to US Embassy employees. Children born to a US Citizen have a few other requirements to meet to become US Citizens from the requirements listed below.

    These are the indications and appearance of the paper trail. The Hawaii Birth Certificate may well be of how the system works. A Birth Certificate was issued on the same date and time from Hawaii (the last place of residence of the mother). Why the Control Number was redacted on the Hawaii Birth Certificate and the Birth Location is very suspicious.

    Perhaps the original documents concerning his mother’s residency could not be obtained or did not qualify for Natural Citizenship. Again, perhaps the Hawaii Birth Certificate was back-dated after the fact by the Obama Camp. The Kenyan certification was not done until 1964. Perhaps the Kenyan documents are forgeries, but the dates appear genuine.

    In 1961 it would have been difficult to get original documents from Kenya to Hawaii to be filed in just 4 days after birth. There is something wrong, because the Supreme Court has not issued a statement.

    I suspect the registration from Kenya was initiated by Obama’s parents in 1964. Perhaps the paperwork was never applied for or rejected in Hawaii post 1964. The evidence of Obama being a legitimate Natural Born Citizen is becoming very slim. The evidence does not support Obama being a Natural Citizen, it is still possible, but indications from the Supreme Court that his Natural Citizenship has no supporting evidence. That would explain no findings or ruling on the case.

    I also suspect the Supreme Court is stalling to evaluate all the options and the associated problems that would be available for the Presidency, and also get instructions. The Supreme Court could possibly even stall until Obama’s term of office ends. But I also do not think the issue will be left for dead until then.

    Who initiated the question of his citizenship anyway? The earliest I found was prior to June 2008.

    If Obama resigns:

    - What about the legality of the 2 years of legislation, including Executive Orders, which Obama signed?
    - If the above legislation is illegal; what about the status of the legislation and their subsequent actions?

    I am no attorney, but have some experience in the legal field. I see long legal battles and turmoil on the horizon, what ever the outcome and decision by the Supreme Court, nothing good can come of it.

    ***************Jus sanguinis***************
    Under certain circumstances, US citizenship can be acquired via jus sanguinis from one's parents. The following conditions affect children born outside the US and its outlying possessions to married parents (special conditions affect children born out of wedlock: see below):[5]
    • If both parents are US citizens, the child is a citizen if either of the parents has ever lived in the US prior to the child's birth
    • If one parent is a US citizen and the other parent is a US national, the child is a citizen if the US citizen parent has lived in the US for a continuous period of at least one year prior to the child's birth
    • If one parent is a US citizen and the other parent is not, the child is a citizen if
    o the US citizen parent has been "physically present"[6] in the US before the child's birth for a total period of at least five years, and
    o at least two of those five years were after the US citizen parent's fourteenth birthday

  8. Anonymous living overseas. You say "nothing good can come of it". Nothing good "has" come from it already. You are overseas so you don't know just how bad it is. We are on the verge of something breaking here and it won't be pretty, but it will be powerful. We, as usual, have let things build up and build up and now a point is being reached it doesn't matter.

    If you look at who was appointed to hte court, you would know now that it is completely controlled by the Kagan faction of Khazar zionist and that was the last place we had any chance WITHIN THE SYSTEM. Now that is gone. So, its just a matter of waiting for them to make their first illegal act against us, we then attempt to get justice through the system

    It won't happen, and only then can we LEGALLY act. And this is a 250 year old nation of laws, so when that goes, then the only thing left is resistance. Millions in resistance and non cooperation is going to devastate them. They intend to use Russian and Chinese troops to do this but I am afraid we have already spotted their weapons movements.

    People already know where they are located and have already determined how they will deal with them and have prepared. Much is going on with the people as is going on with the elite. Watch and see.

  9. It was known before the elections even happened that obumma was not an american. his grandmother and his family members said he was born in kenya. his grandmother said she was present at his birth in kenya. HE IS A KENYAIAN PERIOD. obumma is also president of the corporation--UNITED STATES INC. NOT PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA WHICH I DO NOT THINK EVEN EXISTS ANYMORE. That is why the supreme court is ignoring this matter. UNLESS AMERICANS STAND UP AND TAKE AMERICA BACK IT WILL NO LONGER CONTINUE TO EXIST. THE CLOCK IS TICKING. IT IS NOW OR NEVER. LORD PLEASE GUIDE US IN THIS MATTER. AMEN.

  10. Anonymous, on top of what you just said, he is also part Jewish on his mothers side of the family. They were slave traders and owners back prior to the civil war. I was shocked to find that out. so he isn't even muslim as they try to sell that to us.

    As for your prayer, my answer is "AMEN".

  11. Ann Dunham spent at least 2 years in Washington state after she was 14 and grew up in California and Texas. There's a huge paper trail about her satisfying the requirements of "Jus sanguinis" and yet you all went on and on about this.

    It's a good laugh to read this 3 years later.


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