

Know Who the Zionist Are in America: Here is the list

Vatic Note:  Oh, my goodness,  look at how long that list is.  This is for representing just 2% of the population while the rest of us have no one.   Then we wonder why they are allowed to run our govenrment, our state dept, our Homeland Security, TSA, Our defense dept,  commerce and treasury.   What we should simply do is relocate our congress and white house officials over to Israel and start over again with new people from our neighborhoods, which is what the House of Reps was suppose to be about anyway according to our founding fathers.  It was to be filled with our working neighbors who share our problems and this congress is anything but.  They are professional politicians.  The founding fathers must be turning over in their graves.  End this farce that is causing us so much grief.  And certainly no one should have this much power over another country and its people and abuse it the way its been abused here with stealing our wealth to fund their repression and genocide of their own population as well as their countries interest in perpetual wars and empire building.  Further, the khazars are using what remaining wealth we have,  to do so,  along with the lives, limbs and blood of our children too boot, WHILE SATANIZING THEM through drugs and rituals.  Its as if we are cattle and they already own us.  Well, we are not, and they don't own us yet.  It will cost them to do so.
Know Who the/ Zionist Are in America: Here is the list
Sunday, March 15, 2009, Window into Palestine

Below is a list of known (official) Zionist groups, organisations, lobbyists etc.. all working and collecting funds quietly and legitimately in the USA (as of 2008):
List of Zionist Organisations in the USA
(High-lighted names are VERY powerful)

American Friends of Likud
American Gathering/Federation of Jewish Holocaust Survivors
America-Israel Friendship League
American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC)
American Jewish Committee
American Jewish Congress
American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee
American Sephardi Federation
American Zionist Movement
Americans for Peace Now
Anti-Defamation League (ADL)
Association of Reform Zionists of America
B'nai B'rith International
Bnai Zion
Central Conference of American Rabbis
Committee for Accuracy in Middle East Reporting in America
State of Israel Bonds/Development Corporation for Israel
Emunah of America
Friends of Israel Defense Forces
Hadassah, the Women's Zionist Organization of America
Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society
Jewish Community Centers Association
Jewish Council for Public Affairs
Jewish Institute for National Security Affairs
Jewish Labor Committee
Jewish National Fund
Jewish Reconstructionist Federation
Jewish War Veterans of the United States of America (JWV)
Jewish Women International
MERCAZ USA, Zionist Organization of the Conservative Movement
NCSJ Advocates on behalf of Jews in Russia, Ukraine, the Baltic States & Eurasia
National Council of Jewish Women
National Council of Young Israel
World ORT - ORT America branch
Rabbinical Assembly (RA)
Rabbinical Council of America (RCA)
Religious Zionists of America (RZA or Mizrahi)
Union for Reform Judaism (URJ)
Union of Orthodox Jewish Congregations of America (Orthodox Union or OU)
United Jewish Communities (UJC)
United Synagogue of Conservative Judaism (USCJ)
Women's International Zionist Organization (WIZO)
Women's League for Conservative Judaism (WLCJ)
Women of Reform Judaism (WRJ)
Workmen's Circle (Arbeter Ring)
World Zionist Executive, US
Zionist Organization of America (ZOA)

And here is the good bit ...

Every organisation above is ALSO a member of what is called :  "The Conference of Presidents of Major American Jewish Organisations" (this is the daddy of them all !)

The Conference of Presidents of Major American Jewish Organizations (CoP; often referred to as the Presidents' Conference) is a "non-profit organisation" that describes itself as "a central address for key American, Israeli and other world leaders to consult on issues of critical concern to the Jewish community."

The Conference meets to make major statements or meet with important leaders. The Conference was founded to promote the state of Israel in the USA and that remains its primary task.

The Conference was created in 1956 in response to requests from President Dwight D. Eisenhower and his administration. The Eisenhower administration wanted an easier method to gauge the opinion of the community, without having to wade into the internal politics of the community, and polling leaders of each organization. The Conference established a unified voice for the community, one that government officials could consult on important matters.

For its first 30 years the Conference was led by one man, Yehuda Hellman. After his death in 1986, Malcolm Hoenlein became Chairman. Hoenlein took a much stronger role in shaping U.S. policy, especially through the executive branch. ( ie US President / Vice President)

All of the members of the Conference sit on AIPAC's Executive Committee.  The Conference's chairperson is June Walker. The Executive Vice Chairman is Malcolm I. Hoenlein.[2]

Conference Activities

The Conference's website states that it engages in "consensus policy, collective action, and maximizing the resources of the American Jewish community," in particular, "when events in the U.S., Israel and elsewhere affect the American Jewish community."

The stated goals of the Conference include:

Strengthening and fostering the special U.S.-Israel relationship.
Ensuring that Israel's interests are heard and understood by policy makers, opinion molders and the American public.
Addressing critical foreign policy issues that impact the American Jewish community.
Representing the interests of organized American Jewry.
Protecting and enhancing the security and dignity of Jews around the world.

International Leadership Award

In December 2008, the Conference presented Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper, and his government as a whole, with its inaugural "International Leadership Award" for his support for Israel.Malcolm Hoenlein, the executive vice-chairman of the conference, stated that the award was given to express the group's appreciation for Canada's "courageous stands" to boycott the Durban II anti-racism conference. He also praised Canada's "support for Israel and [its] efforts at the U.N. against incitement and ... the delegitimization [of Israel], where they have taken a role in the forefront."

Support for Jonathan Pollard (US spy for Israel) !!!

In December 2008, the Conference asked President George W. Bush to pardon Jonathan Pollard, a former U.S. navy analyst who was sentenced to life in prison in 1987 for spying for Israel. Malcolm Hoenlein stated that Pollard should be pardoned on humanitarian grounds, adding that "It's time that he be released. He has expressed remorse."

Meeting with Pope Benedict XVI

On the 12 February 2009, the Conference's leaders met with Pope Benedict XVI in order to re-assert the importance of Jewish-Catholic relations in the wake of the controversy over negationist comments made by SSPX bishop Richard Williamson.

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  1. The Khazars who are not Jews and in fact practice Satanism at the highest levels of their government just like the rest of the global Rothschild Banking elite, are the ones you are talking about and they are definitely and generationally raised to continue the agenda as they have for thousands of years.

    In the Bible they were the synogogue of Satan who would pretend to be the "Chosen people" of God and it says it right there in the Bible so that is how long they have been doing this. Remember they follow the Babylonean Talmud which is more pagan than almost anything.

  2. Zionists are not Jewish; they're Babylonian Not-Sees pursuing a two-tier Fascist society.

  3. Emily, you are right about that 100%, but also they are khazars and both are pagans or satanists, so its no difference between them. Real Jews in Israel are living in a living hell.


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