

Is It Even Possible that Haarp Could have Done Weather Modification in Brazil and Australia???

UPDATE:  This is still a relevant blog even with things settling down in Queensland today.  Its the very detailed history of this progression of HAARP from a pure research project to a weapon of mass destruction and how weather could be used as such a weapon.  Its still worth knowing as we know,  things are never over til they are over.   California was just listed as one to expect devastating floods as well, so read this and especially watch these excellent interviews and the word games this official plays.  Its very interesting.

Vatic Note: This is up even though old, because its an historical treatment of the birth of Haarp. Its also a story of those coming together to build HAARP but also of those who came together to thwart Haarp as the realized the military does research for weapons applications and nothing else. Further this covers how corporations screw each other over and eat each other up in order to control such technology. That was the most fascinating part of the story. Watch the video and see for yourself and decide. HAARP CBC Broadcast Weather control part 1 and 2

Notice in the first video when asked if haarp could shut down "global" communications, his answer was probably correct, he specifically said "Haarp?? Alaska?? No!, Word games personified. But notice he did not mention Haarp in Norway and in Puerto Rico and whether together all three could do it? It was his way of not answering the "intent" of the question. This is a very comprehensive treatment of Haarp and the experiments they did including zapping animals brains and central nervous system. THIS IS A MUST WATCH...... REMEMBER JOHN HOPKINS IS FUNDED IN PART BY THE "TAVISTOCK GROUP" AND WE KNOW WHAT THEY FUND EXCLUSIVELY FOR RESEARCH and that is mind control and mass psychology for manipulation of large masses of humanity. We covered that in a blog on here. Watch and get an education. I did.   Really well done.  I think I have almost had it with the British about as much as I have with Israel and the Khazar bankers.  After watching the 6 videos on being a slave and how they have done it,  I swear I am fed up. 

Here's a report on HAARP, an expirement made by USA to engineer the weather.!

bourreux, May 23, 2007, Utube

Here's a report on HAARP, an expirement made by USA to engineer the weather.

Part I -!

Part II -

The article is reproduced in accordance with Section 107 of title 17 of the Copyright Law of the United States relating to fair-use and is for the purposes of criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research.

1 comment:

  1. I strongly suggest that people get a copy of the book "Angels don't play this HAARP", and not just because it gives a good treatment of it's development, which it does. It also includes copies of the first page of the patents that were granted and bought up for this technology. On the page, is the actual patent number which can then be looked up online directly from the patent office nowadays. I had to visit a basement repository to get the full patents. What you will find is that the intended uses are three main topics: communications, weather modification, and mind control. Not that 'they' can insert specific thoughts into your head, but because it operates at the same frequencies as the brain, it CAN induce certain emotional states across a large population. Please, read them (the patents) for yourself to verify this information as true.


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