

BOMBSHELL, For those who insist that the "Illuminati" is a myth

Vatic Note: Well, well, what have we here? I was wondering why everything had been speeding up, intensely. It seemed the evil ones were in panic mode and I mentioned it several times how strange things were. In fact on one blog I asked "Are there good guys in white hats?"

Having said that, I also keep in mind something I read in the protocols which is "they would create the crisis, and then, after everyone is in panic mode, the people would react to the crisis, and in return the creators of the problem offer  to come to the people's rescue".... so you have to listen to this with both possibilities in mind. I have not made up my mind which is which but given the bad guys recent  and past failures in all they are trying to do, it maybe they are trying to repair the system, quiet things down,  so they can come back another day to try again later when they are not so much at risk as they are now.  Either that or they are ready to release the deadly virus for depopulation and are all going underground.  Not funny.   Go to video #2 on this blog, watch it all the way through and you decide.

The first man was spot on about the cause which is the derivatives..... and all he said is without a doubt correct which we have proven on here, but he did neglect to mention the CIA's tie in with Britians own Tavistock group. Yes, this is getting very interesting. Its a great video, if you ignore the various slurs the commentator writes across the page, which are fairly raw swear words, then you have a fascinating situation arising here regardless of why, it connotes change, whether good or bad source. lol   Check this video out and let us know what you think. We are still trying to decide. Lets hope this can go up.

BOMBSHELL, For those who insist that the "Illuminati" is a myth
The first gentleman in this video giving his report to Parliament is now dead...
mcriot80, November 21, 2010

The first gentleman in this video giving his report to Parliament is now dead, and this video was recorded on November 1st, just 21 days ago. (VN:  since doing this a few days ago, we found out about the muslim banks and it may well be it was the muslim banks that offered to bail us out with no interest payments since its against their religion to charge interest.   I found that to be very plausible so I have moved more toward these are good guys trying to save the planet.  Good on them.)  Now watch these videos.

Info: Lord James of Blackheath describes a Private "Foundation" which has more money than all the governments of the world put together. This "Foundation X" willing to bail out the world "for nothing". What a lovely sounding old Lord this man is BUT is he seriously this naive?

Nevertheless, why is all this so top secret if it is a real, honest offer by a Private Group of people who should never have achieved such an amount of money in the first place (for what I hope are obvious reasons).

Further, if such a Foundation exists (which it certainly seems to) then they can only have gained this amount of wealth over a very significant period of time (thinking in decades to centuries here) and it will have been, without a shadow of a doubt, ill-gotten.

So the question is: Why don't we simply hold a gun at their heads fully loaded and say "Hand it over! What's preventing you?" Because if they need to talk to a Head of state before they do it then there must simply be conditions.

And lastly, WHO are these top 6 people of the world? You may say "it said top 6 security clearance" but so what? How many nations are there? So HOW can there be only 6 people with a Worldwide top security clearance? From what nations and what has security got to do with it? Probably very much the same as what the Official Secrets Act has to do with the Bank of England eh?


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  1. Lord James of Blackheath is dead?

  2. I've seen this video several times, and something seems not right with it. Aside from the mention of a mysterious 'Foundation X', Lord James, a conservative, was involved in something called the 'Cash for Peerage' scandal involving a political scandal in the United Kingdom in 2006 and 2007 concerning the connection between political donations and the award of life peerages. It doesn't sound like that big of a deal, but I don't live in England so I don't know how big a deal it was.

    But aside from all this, there are only a handful of people in that room -- whatever room that is. And the video doesn't state exactly who the handful of people are. They look like part of the Parliament, but why so few people in attendance? And who was video-taping it and why? Is this normal procedure, to be having talks video-taped, and especially one in which a mysterious 'Foundation X' is mentioned and letting the world know that it consists of ONLY 6 PEOPLE with more money than all the world governments put together? Perhaps these 6 people, if they exist, represents various organizations, like the Vatican, the Rothschilds, the Rockefellers, Bill Gates, George Soros -- and one more is needed, but can't think of anyone else offhand.

    I would doubt if the entire talk was staged for some conservative reason.

    On wiki it says: "On Saturday November 6, 2010; the UK Treasury issued a statement which contradicted James' earlier claims; denying that any meeting took place between Lords James & Sassoon and a representative of the group which had being referred to as 'Foundation-X'."

    Maybe the conservative party over there were attempting to pull something. This whole thing is one of those 'wait and see' things.

    David James, or Baron James of Blackheath, among other things worked as a Consultant for Cerberus Capital Management, founded in 1992, a private equity investment firm based on NYC and run by a financier named Steven Feinberg.

    Cerberus is named for the mythological three-headed dog that guarded the gates of Hades. Feinberg has stated to his employees that while the Cerberus name seemed like a good idea at the time, he later regretted naming the company after the mythological dog.

    Former U.S. Vice President Dan Quayle has been a prominent Cerberus spokesperson and runs one of its international units.

    On October 19, 2006, John W. Snow, President George W. Bush's second Treasury Secretary, was named chairman of Cerberus.

    What's interesting about these private equity investment firms is their list of acquisitions. At these rarefied atmospheres of the financial world it's no wonder the average person has no idea what's going on, and just who owns what.

  3. Jammer, as I said before, on the blog, I didn't take it seriously until I read about the African continents movement toward shirai banks which is driving Rothschild nuts, then it hit me that the terms of loans there were almost exactly the same as that offered to that Lord. So that is why I put it up, so one has to read and decide for themselves. This is another fence sitter for me.

    The Lord involved is somewhat scummy, I agree, but at least he is involved with a different level of criminals than the criminals running all our governments, so what is the difference? I bet that is how he felt as well. Some criminals actually have loyalty to their country, gosh what a shock. LOL Not the khazars thought, only loyalty is to the pervert satanist Rothschild.


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