


Vatic Note:   Remember, FEMA showed up the night before 9-11 and this man, Sonnenfeld worked for FEMA as a videographer and he took 22 hours of filming the entire event and that means "everything" which FEMA would want IF in fact they knew in advance what was coming down and were part of it.   Why would they need that 22 hours of filming?   Now we know how seriously badly they want him and willing to use a murder charge to get him back with that film.   I don't give a plug nickel for his life though.  If they want you they will get you, so that film better be someplace else they don't know about or he will be gone.  It might protect him to release it to the world publically.  That way everyone will know who did him in if they do take him out. 

Press TV, provided to vatic by world for 9-11 Truth

Kurt Sonnenfeld, a man who was provided provisory refugee status seven years ago, is now wanted by the US government on murder charges. He is the only cameraman that filmed crucial images of Ground Zero in New York after the Twin Towers collapsed.

Sonnenfeld, who lives in Buenos Aires with his Argentine family, says the footage proves that 9/11 was a lie. He still has the 22-hour footage that US authorities want.

“I have promised to give my footage to the big investigators that are credible and widely known – investigators who will be able to detect anomalies that I or other people without scientific education might miss. With that in mind, I hope that there are many things they can discover that disprove the current official story of what happened,” Sonnenfeld told a Press TV correspondent.

He says he fears for his life if he is sent back to the United States to face trial.

The Denver police have claimed they have evidence that show he killed his first wife in the US.   Social activists who are campaigning for Sonnenfeld to be given refugee status in Argentina say the Denver police are lying.   The Sonnenfelds say they have been under police surveillance and that their phone has been tapped.

Sonnenfeld claims that his footage proves top US government officials were aware of the 2001 terrorist attacks before they occurred says he is a victim of a US plot to silence his 9/11 conspiracy theory.

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