

Sarah Palin was Chosen for the Vice President by Henry Kissinger's Elite Oil Cabal

Vatic Note:   Excellent commentary indeed. They hit it exactly as I have in my treatment of Henry Kissinger. He works for the Rockefeller Rothschild cabal and has from the beginning. He is also the one who mentored Zbig Breszinski who now handles Obama. So you see the zionists are in complete and total control of both parties who then select the handlers as their back room advisors as Obama did with Zbig calling them the National security Advisor, and now if Palin wins we get a mass humanity war criminal indicted on a global level as security advisor to a President. ( Remember who are the major stockholders of these oil companies and its not the muslims).  REMEMBER, PALIN'S HUSBAND TODD WORKED FOR BP.  WHO RUNS BP?  GOLDMAN SUCKS INTERNATIONAL, who owns that company?  ROTHSCHILD OWNS GOLDMAN SUCKS WHO OWNS BP. 

Cozy, yes???   Are we not sick and tired of these people yet?  Are we not sick and tired of both parties being owned by the same cabal?  Brilliant on their part but no longer hidden.  We know and they must go, all of them from both parties.  Tell the zionists  to go back to their own country where they get away with blatant crimes against humanity as they will not get away with it here.  Not by a long shot.  They have done nothing but wars and more wars, just like kissinger did with VN and with the Indonesian massacre of millions of their people,  all for profit, gain and oil.   With this guy and Zbig, we are going to pay a very heavy price for allowing these psychopaths to run our gov and conduct unjustified wars against other nations.

Sarah Palin was Chosen for the Vice President by Henry Kissinger's Elite Oil Cabal
Video by IranContraScumDid911 , July 19, 2010
And Commentary by Cuttingedge Newsletter

Sarah Palin reveals who chose her for the Vice President position, her handler...

As I have stated many times before, my research over the past 24 years has proven to me that the Illuminati will not even let a person on their stage who is not completely sold out to their global Plan.

Therefore, when Senator John McCain chose Sarah Palin to be his running mate in the 2008 presidential election, and when Sarah stepped on to that national GOP stage, I knew she had to be sold out to the plan of the Global Elite.

Now, she has admitted that her mentor is Henry Kissinger. Listen:

NEWS BRIEF: "Sarah Palin was Chosen for the Vice President by Henry Kissinger's Elite Oil Cabal", YouTube Video

In this video, Sarah Palin reveals that she has had conversations with Henry Kissinger about foreign policy issues. Palin said that old Henry had a real passion for diplomacy. She talked very casually about her conversations with the Illuminati fox that you felt she had met with him so often that she felt very comfortable with him.

But, there is more to Palin's tone. She speaks about him with great admiration. She speaks about him as if he were a father figure to her

Indeed, Henry Kissinger has schooled Sarah Palin on foreign policy issues since McCain tapped her as his Vice Presidential candidate.

This reality is absolute disaster! Henry Kissinger is one of the most powerful Illuminati figures in the entire world today!

In NEWS1328, we revealed, in 1952, the Illuminati redrew all sovereign nations of the world into military patrol zones. We encourage you to read and study the map of this article, for then you will understand the ultimate plan of the Global Elite once the Masonic Christ -- the King of Despots whose name is "Destiny" -- is on the world scene.

The United Nations is acting to fully implement their Plan worldwide, fully in compliance with their 1952 world map. Former Secretary of State Henry Kissinger -- one of the most high-ranking Illuminists today -- let the cat out of the bag for anyone who knew of the Plan. During the Rodney King rioting in Los Angeles, Kissinger made this following statement:

"Today, Americans would be outraged if U.N. forces entered Los Angeles to restore order. Tomorrow, they will be greeted."

A more succinct statement of this part of the New World Order Plan is not possible! Henry Kissinger has just stated the full and complete Plan for his listeners, but since most Americans do not know this part of the Plan, Kissinger's remarks flew right above the heads of most. Do not be deceived: the United States is not only going to voluntarily give up its sovereignty, its leadership is going to voluntarily allow foreign troops to enter so as to impose military rule! Every time you see the United Nations intervene militarily somewhere else in the world, you can know for increasing certainty that America's time for such intervention draws ever nearer.

But, Henry Kissinger is even more dangerous.

Henry Kissinger is one of the most powerful of all Illuminist leaders. According to former Satanists, Cisco Wheeler and Doc Marquis, Kissinger once sat on the Council of Nine, a global occult organization which makes the top-level global decisions as to which direction the Plan to reorganize the world will go next.

But there is more! Kissinger is one of the key members of the openly Satanic, "Bohemian Grove", the Bilderbergers and the Trilateral Commission! For more details, please read our archived Headline News article, NEWS2100)

This is also not the first time when Kissinger has been firmly linked to President Obama. Several weeks ago, Kissinger announced that, as President, Obama was "primed" to bring about the New World Order! (NEWS2336)

Therefore, if you are still holding on to a shred of belief that Sarah Palin can be a genuine Christian, her mentor-type relationship to Henry Kissinger should alone change your mind. Furthermore, her involvement in the "Joel's Army" Movement, as detailed by Pastor Hoggard, in the DVD above, should further convince you.

Today, Sarah Palin is an occasional commentator on the Republican Illuminati station, Fox News, and is the darling of Conservative Elitist programming nearly everywhere.

Just remember this: Before the Illuminati will allow anyone on their stage, that person must be a trusted insider and a firm supporter of their global plans. Sarah Palin is no exception!

The article is reproduced in accordance with Section 107 of title 17 of the Copyright Law of the United States relating to fair-use and is for the purposes of criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research.


  1. Breszinski's son handled McCain during the presidential campaign, and was perhaps his chief advisor. Yes, there is no difference in ultimate objective between either the Democratic Party, or the Republican Party. Yes, as I have been saying for almost 40 years, both parties are controlled by the same people at the visible top, and beyond.

    We have been conditioned to choose sides from our early years, principally by sports. It is a very small step to transfer the old RAH, RAH, GO TEAM over to the political spectrum. Think- you have the cheerleaders and mascots whipping the fans into a frenzy, to the point of wanting to obliterate and smear the other team, or fight them in the parking lot along with their supporters. Is there any real difference in how the people are manipulated in politics, to the point of being blind to anything but the success or failure of there chosen party or candidates?

  2. beautifully stated indeed. One small correction, it was Obama that Zbig handled during the primary and general election campaigns.

    However, it was Zbigs two sons that handled McCain, so yes, he was covered by the international Zionist bankers in case by some odd chance he should win. Then I am sure Zbig would have taken over.

  3. Oh, dear, you said that...... his son was McCains advisor and Kissinger was Palins but they both had the same agenda. How cozy. The fact that Zbig himself was Obama's advisor should be screaming volumes to the uninformed.

    Everyone is handled in gov by private bankers and corporations at the international level. Given we genuinely have no choice, then why bother to vote and legitimized the farce and fraud??? I say boycott or vote third party in all elections.

    THE ONLY WAY THIS CAN WORK FOR THE EVIL ONES IS IF WE COOPERATE. LETS QUIT COOPERATING. Its better than rioting in the streets for now. Even if we have to resort to violence, rioting gives them the upper hand. UNDERGROUND GIVES US THE UPPER HAND. They want us to riot so they can use the rioting to scare the sheep, but if its underground, the sheep won't know about it.


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Be respectful in your comments, keeping in mind that these discussions will become the Zeitgeist of our time that future database archeologists will discover. Make your comments worthy and on the founding father's level in their respectfulness, reasoning, and sound argumentation. Prove we weren't all idiots in our day and age. Comments that advocate sedition or violence are not encouraged. Racist, ad hominem, and troll-baiting comments might never see the light of day.