

Project "Ride Me" - Military Testing on Children of Enlisted Men and Women

Vatic Note: Just when I think there could not be anymore barriers to the inhumanity visited upon us by the foreign occupying army of a fascist country, here comes another one that blows me away. If we do not stop this we could become so desensitized that we would not react even if its to our children. Is that the kind of brain washing and mind control we are willing to stand for??? A nation of unfeeling robots? If so, then we are better off nuked and all of us gone. Start over again.

Project "Ride Me" - Military Testing on Children of Enlisted Men and Women
Melissa Collins, More About: Whistleblowers

While reading this bio, please remember it was written for my senators, congressman, etc. Some of the information or wording was intended for people that are already well aware of the project. I also should inform you that the pictures and soundbites are too big for me to transfer to this website. Thank you.

Project Ride Me: Secret Army Project: Fort Bragg, North Carolina. Start Date: Started in the 1960's. Still an open Project present day September 2010.

Test Subject, Victim: Melissa Dawn Collins Clark.
Other Known Civilian Subjects: Julia Elizabeth Holt Collins Fisher and James Chadwick Collins.

How I Became A Subject: I was signed up by my father and my mother. Billy Ray Collins and Julie Elizabeth Collins(her surname before her remarriage). My father was enlisted and was presented the opportunity to participate. However, it was myself and my brother that were the actual test subjects. This was done out of Fort Bragg, North Carolina in the mid 1970's. I had heard that my mother had been signed up and had been a subject herself in the 1960's when this particular project began. She was signed up by my grandfather, Authur James Holt. I am unclear as to the particulars of my mother's involvement in the 1960's. My family are civilian lab rats in this secret government project with my father being the only one actually enlisted.

Subjects: It appears the focus of this project was on the civilian children of enlisted men and women. There were tests, experiments and government control of subjects all done without the knowledge of the civilian lab rats, i.e. myself, my brother and a number more children that I do not have the names of. However, I do know that my next door neighbors were involved to some degree. They would be the Roger's family. There was Robert(Budda), Kay, Christy and Scott Rogers. From the intel I have been gathering it appears that there were 6 children involved in this project around the same time that I was being experimented on.

Description: There was a microchip implanted somewhere in the soft tissue around the back of the ear near the brain. Through this implant and the technology being used the Army scientists could control your body and it's functions along with being able to hear and read thoughts and thought patterns in these subjects. The Army also placed people(sleepers) in the subjects lives to control the subjects from age 5 years old and up. The Army was looking for ways to eliminate free will, to control not only the subjects but the different people and agencies involved in this project. An experiment in total government control of subjects, agencies, enlisted and civilians. A subject could be only what the armed forces would create, predesigned to their specifications for easier control of subjects, enlisted, other armed forces and agencies outside of the Armed Forces including regular civilians, doctors, lawyers, news, teachers and the people placed in my life by the Army.

I am talking about a real life conspiracy perpetrated from the Pentagon to every letter in the alphabet in the government; Army, Navy, Marines, FBI. CIA, everyone they could control all the way down to regular civilians and some of their practices.(doctors, lawyers, psych., etc.) I also know that this project used my own thoughts to create what my life has become. To make this clearer, if I thought "I sure would not want to know what kidney stones feel like", within the next say 48 hrs. I would be in agonizing pain in my lower back where my kidneys were. If I thought I wish that I could find a boyfriend, there again within 48 hrs. I would have one. If I thought I want to go on a road trip, but worried about my tires making it all the way there and back I would wake up to a flat tire. Everything from simple hope my mom makes lasagna to thinking about people that have insomnia, it would all happen to me.

I always thought I was just weakly and my family called me a hypochondriac, because if I heard about some illness going around or saw some disease on the television and the side effects of this illness or disease, within 48 hrs. I would experience the symptoms. The major problem with this is that my whole life I have been in and out of doctors' offices, have had every problem from feeling feverish to having a miscarriage(induced by the implant) because I thought about or worried about these different medical problems. Medical problems though were only part of the problem. People were placed in my life on purpose to control my behavior, my wants and needs. This is just a brief description to allow you to get a feel for some of the illegal, unconstitutional and inhumane things I have had to deal with since I was about 5 years old. I will add on a separate page a list of some of my thoughts and their side effects. How or why and to what end I have to say I am still unaware of exactly what the Army hoped to accomplish, other government control of everyone and everything.

Exposure: I have spoken with and written to everyone I could think of to get some help(after the threat from them against my life and the other threat to make me disappear to Cuba)with the result being I could get no help or to find out the places I spoke with were already advised as to my situation and would not help. Whether this was done through intimidation, promises of no consequences, or selective info being given to whom ever I sought help from to get those people to respond and act according to what they were told to do by the Army, I am unsure. I can tell you who I have spoken to so far and inform you that I am now going to start over from scratch and call all of these people and agencies back and will continue to do so until this whole project has been exposed.

I have spoken with, Senator Burr and Hagan's offices, Congressman Coble's office(side bar: I have the congressman's aid, Nancy, on tape agreeing with me that I was not psychotic and that she believed everything I told her and she had a friend in the Pentagon that she was going to submit a Congressional Complaint to against the Armed Forces), SBI and FBI and their Internal Affairs Unit, the District Attorney of Guilford County, Supreme Court Judge Sara Parker, ACLU, Inspector General @ Fort Bragg, Martinez, US Special Counsel, EOC, Deputy IG James Burch @ Pentagon, Mike Alexander the Military Advisor for North Carolina, several news reporters including whistleblower, Daniel Ellsberg, of the Pentagon.

Experiment: This project is cruel, unconstitutional and inhumane. It ranks up there along with other secret experiments done to civilians and enlisted going back as far as the 1930's. Some of these experiments were: Tuskegee, Pellagra, Biological experiments @ Fort Detrick, MD., Project Paperclip, Program F. CIA experiments with LSD, Joint Army-Navy-CIA exposing thousands of people to airborne germs Serratia marcscens and Bacillus glogigii, project MKULTRA, Holmesburg State Prison being infected with Agent Orange, Project MKOFTEN,ect.I could list pages and pages of secret military experiments done to the citizens, civilian and enlisted and however awful these projects were this project is just as cruel and inhuman if not more cruel than these other projects.

The one thing that stands out to me is that all these other "experiments" were done once, one time only, where mine has been going on for 30 years. It involves my family, friends, coworkers and even aquaintances, doctors, lawyers, etc. This is a joint project straight out of the pentagon. I heard something on a show about witch hunting where the narrator said to imagine a conspiracy that included everyone and you knew it was all false and you also knew everyone involved knew it was true but they just denied everything, he explains this in modern day times you would consider this ploy as EVIL. Well, I don't have to imagine it because it happens to me every minute of everyday of my life since 1980.

Summary: I only briefly told in this statement letter some of the things that are going on and have been going on since my birth. It would take much longer to go into the specifics of this project and everything the project is responsible for in my life. I can tell you however know matter what the government says about me as a person, I know as well as anyone that has all the info that the person I am is totally by design from the military and their project. I do have some proof of this project and the involvement of all levels of the government. I am no angel, but I was told directly that even if I was they would have done all this to me anyway. But they had to make me out to be some kind of monster so that the people and agencies involved would be easier for them(Armed Forces) to control.

When investigating this project you have to remember that 90% of everything I have done in my life was the predesigned effect of this project. I realize it all seems so extreme and even unbelievable, but that is all just part of project. To make me seem crazy or to try and confuse this as a local issue as a cover to where, what, when, why and how this actually started up to today. The Army wants people to believe what they selectively say about me, instead of allowing the general public to know how inhumane, illegal and unconstitutional this project really is, which I have doctor's notes, pictures, tapes, etc. The only conclusion you can come to is that I am a civilian and a citizen that has been tortured, physically tortured, scared for my life and that not one second of any of this was done legally. Even my criminal record was an illegal set up to make me have a felony to keep me from being able to leave the country with a passport. The people in court that day including my own lawyer called it a "Kangaroo Court Room" which I heard again when I was detained at a mental institution a couple years ago under false pretenses. The police filled out a report saying that I was collecting urine and feces on my porch and that they had to talk me out of the attic when they got there.

Not one thing about any of that was true. My mother (although not on my side of things) told the hospital that the police report was bogus and that my house didn't even have an attic. I had no idea until recently what a Kangaroo Court Room even was, although I did know it was all false and they still detained me a few times in psychiatric hospital, including the time I just described. I have done everything I know how to handle what I have gone through and I have exhausted as many avenues for help that I knew of and I am far from finished. It is my intent to whistleblow this project ride me, from local all the way to the Pentagon. I have had my life threatened enough, along with being run off the road and being fed chicken fingers with barbed wire wrapped around them. The chicken-barbed wire was one of their jokes and ways to let me know about Barbara McKay's involvement and her husband Johnnie McKay. I know freedom of prosecution of myself is just part of this mess, because they can't take the chance that with my proof and knowledge of this project and its extent could get out there for everyone to see how horribly I have been treated and how huge this project really is, but my life being threatened is just too much. I am a victim of a predisgned Army project that has almost killed me more than once and there is no one or nothing that will ever silence me. This as I read over it seems so small compared to all the stuff I could tell you, even under a polygraph, of what has been done to me.

Thank you for your time and for your consideration. I have a plan to expose the project and typing up this small bio is just a small part of what needs to get out there for the public to see exactly what their tax dollars are being used for and how MKULTRAish this really has been.

I have included pictures of different body parts that were affected by the testing of this Army technology. I have also included measurements on some of these body parts so that you can see the difference in size. These differences occurred within days. This implant has the ability to shift, beat on, rearrange and pull on different parts of my body. I have submitted a few doctors reports to show that there has been damage done to my body. The differences are easier to see in person, but I think you can get the general idea of what my body has gone through and when they are experimenting on me it causes great pain. Not knowing why I was in so much pain through different stages of the experiments I sought out doctors to help me with the reason and pain management.

Here in lies a problem for me, once I was told what was happening and that I was an experiment and the constant harassment from the Army and their threats to harm me in a number of different ways I went to get help and an MRI so I could get a picture of what this implant looks like, the doctors admitted me claiming mental illness without so much as giving my extremely real situation another thought. I have been tortured. Goverment sanction torture. This mental illness was just a cover for them to make me seem crazy. This went on for years. I was tested on which caused my body pain and when i could not handle this anymore I would go back to the doctor for help to uncover the implant and for help with the pain. One example is my right leg and buttocks. One side of my body was normal while the other side was 25 mm difference, which causes exstreme pain and is quite visable, along with some of the other torture tests I was put through. The doctor was baffled at the amount of loss of fatty tissue in these areas stating it could be sciatica, but that really did not fit on how fast this was happening and referred me to a specialists. The specialist put me through a MRI and still can find no normal or abnormal reason for the difference in size. I also went to the eye doctor that proved my eyesight had changed in less than a month from being examined. I included his note as well. What I have sent to you is just an example of some of the horrible things I have been through recently, but this dates back to 1980 for me.

The government, ARMY, has been testing and experimenting and torturing me for 30 years. I use the word torture because of pain involved. I was told by the Army that this was a secret project started in the 60's and they do anything to divert attention so as not to be discovered as the sole reason for ALL of my problems in life. If you look at the pictures you should be able to tell by the outline of my muscles the differences on my body. The Army wants to divert attention away from their project through various other channels, but do not be fooled it is the Army and that is it. The deal was I could not be prosecuted because of these experiments and tests, the coersion, the physical damage, ect. I entend to send this info and more when I receive it to every news station in the US. The info, proof of body damage and the tape of the Congressman's Aid declaring she knew I was very bright, not crazy or physcotic and that she believed this enough to do a Congressional complaint against the Army. I'm not perfect but almost everything I have done was because of their design and to elviate painful experiments. I was told by a friend that has been in the Army and the Congressman's aid that they believed me, but they also thought the Army would just deny what they are doing to me.

I can't let that happen no matter what exstemes I must go to to get the truth out there for the general public to see what their taxes are being used for. I would settle for just being left alone and for them to not try and cause me any ill will, anymore. I'm tired of having my life threatened. I am tired of them trying to blame everyone but themselves as a cover. I tired of being in pain. But most of all I am tired of not being able to get help. This project ride me is not the America I believe in. I know they are trying to divert attention away from themselves, but they are the whole reason for my life being so hard, so painful, so difficult and now so much harassment while they laugh and smile and tell me they were always going to do this to me, no matter what I did in my life. They admitt complete control and taking away free will as well as causing my body so much harm. This is no different than MKULTRA or a 100 other secret projects that the government had done to its people.

Of course it sounds crazy, but so does every whistleblower at first then little by little people realize those people were telling the truth. If I do not get the desired effects from my attempt to whistleblow on this project, I am prepared to go to the extreme to protect myself from a government that has experimented on me and threatened my very existence. In closing I have more pictures, more doctors notes and other bits of evidence still here with me.I am going to comprise a list of the things that I have experienced being through several experiments and testing. I am aware how hard it is to believe some of the things I will tell you about, but like I said before just remember all the other projects I mentioned that we a a nation now know about (like MKULTRA). You should also consider that every whistleblower always seems crazy until someone does some research and pushes the right people's buttons and then they go from crazy lunatic to an american hero for letting the general public in on what their country has been doing. I also do have proof of some of the stuff I have been through and a tape of Nancy, Congressman Cobles aid, explaining that she believes me, she does not think I am crazy and that she is submitting a Congressional Complaint against the Army to the Penatagon. I have pictures, tapes, doctor reports, ect. In June I was a perfectly healthy 35 year old woman. I was also a model and had perfect tone, skin, with the weight of 135 lbs. and 5'6". I had no health or beauty problems until I said I was going to expose them and then they really turned into tortures. There is no other way to describe what I have been through than the systematic, predesigned, inhumane torture of a civillian lab rat. Why I say torture is because of the severe pain I have had to endure during this project.

List: I thought about Helen Keller and how brave she was to be blind. So I pondered about being blind and how your other senses would increase and the more I pondered this notion the more messed up my eyesight became. I have a doctor's note explaining that within one month my eyesight had been comprised. It was notably different and it happened so fast.

I thought about when I got older would I get liposuction. As I thought about it I started to notice that my right leg and buttocks were in pain and seemingly deteroriated. The more I thought about the more pain I was in and the more my leg and buttocks just started to deteriate. I have pictures and lots of doctor notes explaining they have no medical explanation. I also got a professional personal trainer measure me and those measurements from head to toe prove that parts of my body are unexplainably larger and smaller than their counterparts. Ex. ankles are different sizes, but have never been before, thighs, arms, etc. None of my body matches up to the other side of my body, all within a few months. I do not know how their implant makes it possible, but I have pictures, measurements and doctor notes to prove it. The really bad part about it is now I know all my physical pain, fatigue, insomnia, etc. was caused by this implant. It is top notch technology.

I thought about migraines and how weird the side effects of the medication was I saw on a commercial and that very day I ended up with a migraine.

I thought about Christopher Reid being hurt and turned into a quadraplegic and all the sudden I could feel what seemed like someone pulling on my spine.

Lately it has been arithritis in my left hand. Overnight after I heard a commercial about arthirtis, my left hand started hurting and bad! It currently is in allot of pain and I am having trouble with my grip and typing.

My teeth have been pulled on until they were lose. I thought I just had bad teeth, but then they(Army) told me it was them the whole time. So now I am almost toothless. I can show you the dental records to show how fast my teeth desintigrated and how even today, just a few weeks ago, I had to have two teeth removed.


I could go on and on about what was and still is being done to me, but I know the things I can show proof of and until I gather more evidence I will stick to what I can show you. I know I am not perfect, but I promise you everything I have done was already predesigned by the government to make me seem like someone not worth saving. Everything I did was in direct response to something they were doing to me. Imagine if you had no outside relief for your brain, now that thinking and thinking thinking would really drive someone crazy or would cause me more bodily damage and trust me if it were you, you would do the same thing to keep your health and sanity. These things are not even worth bothering over, but the Army sure wants you to believe this ti control and scare me. Well, they never cared about the law, the constitution, torture and testing of civilians, actually beating me up by some of the men they placed in my life, my rights as an American or doing things that weren't just illegal, but inhumane. So I have to say if I need relief, I am not worried about their laws either. If I feel threatened then I will protect myself at all cost because an advancement towards me is seen to me as a threat to my life and my survival. I have the right to protect myself at all costs, I have the right to bear arms against a corrupt government, I have the right of freedom of speech and to tell every American civilian what is going on. Of course the Army is all this is, just a project with no right under any law to torture and test civilians.


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  1. OK, Well injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere! You will all look like barbarians that were playing with human lives. There is no other conclusion that anyone with a brain will ever conclude. Do you honestly believe you will ever be safe from the public of this day? Just more arrogance on your part. The major problem to me is that you did all this to so many people but your patsy is more clever than imagined. So do you honestly believe this semi-secret will not spill out into the general public? Still? Really? You will be seen as barbaric and unrelenting in ruining lives for fun. For science is almost tolerated, but for fun!!!! I hope you get what you reely deserve!

  2. "Torture of any American civilian by their own government will not come out right in the end and if you have in anyway participated in this, you will surely be found." It is not the public I would fear as much as your own minds that as age finds you, shall be restless and if you believe in God, will harm only you. You are your own worst enemy. Do you beg God as you are old for forgiveness? Do you believe in karma which I know has personally taken a few of his children prematurely, already. Do you wonder what examples you set for your own children? I would pray for you, but at last I lost what makes me care!

  3. I so agree. However, we MUST remain focused on who the "REAL BARBARIANS ARE" before we make any mistakes like the Russians did. The elite were stupid enough to keep their people dumbed down and thus unable to count on them when the khazar zionists came for their revenge in 1917 Russian revolution, which should have been against the ZIONIST KHAZAR BANKERS who always do these revolutions and wars and overthrows.

    Well, we know history now. Not all of us are dumbed down as you wrote in your training manual to the mossad and cia operatives for that objective. We have a copy of "The Lawful Path: Silent Weapons for Quiet Wars". That proved this was a war and why I say that all the time now. You said it first in your 1897 protocols. So, Anonymous, focus like a laser on the international banking cartel like Goldman Sachs and JP Morgan, and The Fed Reserve, the IMF, the World Bank, the BIS in Switzerland, HACKERS???? ARE YOU LISTENING????

    Anyway, focus on ROTHSCHILD, ROCKERFELLER, BOTH JAY AND DAVID....ON GEITHNER, SUMMERS, BERNANKE, THE KOHN BROTHERS, SILVERSTEIN, AND ALL OTHER DUAL ISRAELI CITIZENS WHO HAVE DONE THIS TO OUR NATION FOR PROFIT AND GAIN OF POWER. Lets show them what real power looks like. Focus and imagine them in a place full of light and love and watch them suffer in agony. They hate light, love and life. They actually suffer pain when seeing it in anyone but themselves. Trust me it works. They go after anyone who thinks, speaks and acts like they have power. That scares them, so lets scare them to death by all of us thinking, speaking and acting like we are all powerful beings.

  4. Anonymous, when I said "you" above, I was talking to the khazar internatoinal Rothschild/Rockefeller bankers. Not you. LOL

  5. I know who "you" are and pretend to be. I have suffered in agonizing pain from torture for 13 years while speaking to politicians the police the feds the doctors and got no help until I had no choice but to turn to whatever I could to not physically hurt. Conspiracy to commit murder twice isnt pardoned and that's what you are up against. I will never rest until I tell the world all about the beginning and the past 13 years of being used like a rag doll by the government while being physically tortured. They attempt to make me seem crazy or a liar or an addict when I am none of those things....just someone being physically tortured and used by my government and doing what ever I have to so I can figure out what is happening to me.I know what they are up to and I play along just to figure out who is at the core of the torture so I can fight back. FBI SBI DEA CIA Guilford County North Carolina State Greensboro city Marshville and Monroe and High Point and Whitsett and Burlington and Graham and Winston Salem just to name a few plus the military. Conspiracy to commit murder 2 different counts is what yall are facing and I will not quit until the world knows about your projects and torture.

  6. I know who yall are and pretend to be and have endured physical torture with 2 murdered children while in utero for the past 13 years after doing everything perfectly politically correct and asking questions to politicians police feds doctors family members anyone and endured intense physical torture pain and suffering for 13 years at the hands of my government whom are sworn to protect citizens from this very stuff. My entire life I have been used and abused and now tortured for 13 years up to the point of conspiracy to commit murder two counts. I will not stop until the world knows what you are and who you have the audacity to work with for against. I have been to the politicians police doctors pastors FBI DEA SBI CIA GUILFORD COUNTY NORTH CAROLINA STATE GREENSBORO CITY HIGH POINT WHITSETT MARSHVILLE MONROE WINSTON SALEM POLICE AGENCIES ect. They are attempting to make me seem crazy or liar or addict just to cover up the murders and torture because I have had to go along with their game just to figure out who and what to do next just to survive and end the physical torture pain part of this project. I can't believe the police involvement with such torture but its very true and I only want to not be in physical agony anymore. Conspiracy to commit murder 2 counts is what they face after murdering my two children while in utero so they have done some unbelievable stuff to me that I have had no choice but to play along with because of the need to stop the physical pain and agony I have suffered for 13 years while they laugh in my face and refuse to say who they are other than "we are you". I attempted to do everything politically correct breaking no laws and begging doctors lawyers politicians police pastors anyone I could just to figure out what was going on for 5 years while physical torture was too much so I had to resort to anything I could get to not be in such physical pain and suffering for a total of 13 years. These ppl are doctors lawyers pastors police store clerks bankers paramedics ect.and I have done everything perfectly right and loudly wrong just to end the physical torture but with no luck. I am embarrassed by my government and the communities in which I live for their involvement. I refuse to give up until the world knows everything I have endured and publicly outed my government for torture and big banks and companies for this project that has the very ppl sworn to protect its citizens ruining its own country and backyard.

  7. Big banks big business and the big government that have been working for them. Shame on "you" and there will be repercussions to you and your projects that are ruining our country. You won't be able to keep a secret of this degree no matter what you believe about your cleverness. There are more children out there and Congressman Coble, Senator Jesse Helms,FBI William Urban are just a few names that are known and I hope they ruin your attempts to destroy this girl because there is no excuse for torture of American citizens.


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