

CIA secret weapon of assassination - Heart Attack Gun, Declassified 1975

Vatic Note: I had no idea. I knew the CIA and Mossad could induce a heart attack, but I thought they did it naturally, now this makes it clear this can be done from a distance and the victim would have no idea what happened nor anyone else, unless you get a "forensic" autopsy done on the body where  holes in the body would be questioned leaving room for homocide to be declared or at least considered as one of the options. Where was our DAMN PRESS during this time and look who is gawking at the gun, Biden.  Wonderful, and not a word from him about this ability and lack of control when a domestic assassination squad can operate domestically and only report to one politican figure with dubious connections and history and relations with a foreign nation bent on destroying the United States.  How did we ever let this happen?  

CIA secret weapon of assassination - Heart Attack Gun, Declassified 1975
Posted by KLC on December 28, 2009


CIA secret weapon used for assassination shoots a small poison dart to cause a heart attack, as explained in Congressional testimony in the short video below. By educating ourselves and others on vitally important matters like this, we can build a brighter future for us all.

The dart from this secret CIA weapon can penetrate clothing and leave nothing but a tiny red dot on the skin. On penetration of the deadly dart, the individual targeted for assassination may feel as if bitten by a mosquito, or they may not feel anything at all. The poisonous dart completely disintegrates upon entering the target.

The lethal poison then rapidly enters the bloodstream causing a heart attack. Once the damage is done, the poison denatures quickly, so that an autopsy is very unlikely to detect that the heart attack resulted from anything other than natural causes. Sounds like the perfect James Bond weapon, doesn't it? Yet this is all verifiable in Congressional testimony.

The astonishing information about this secret weapon of the CIA comes from U.S. Senate testimony in 1975 on rogue activities of the CIA. This weapon is only one of many James Bond-like discoveries of the Church Committee hearings,  officially known as the United States Senate Select Committee to Study Governmental Operations with Respect to Intelligence Activities.

Could this or a similar secret weapon have been used, for instance, in the recent death of 52-year-old Mark Pittman, a reporter who predicted the financial crisis and exposed Federal Reserve misdoings? Pittman, whose fight to open the Federal Reserve  to more scrutiny led Bloomberg News to sue the central bank and win, died of a heart attack on Nov. 25th.

Watch the one-minute video below for the description of a former CIA secretary and Congressional testimony on this secret assassination weapon which caused heart attacks.

To watch the revealing 45-minute documentary from which the above clip was taken, click here.  In this riveting exposé, five former CIA agents describe how their initial pride and enthusiasm at serving their nation turned to anguish and remorse, as they realized that they were actually subverting democracy and killing innocent civilians all in the name "national security" and promoting foreign policy agendas.

The above-mentioned testimony is from 1975, well over 30 years ago. With the ensuing leaps in technological capability, just imagine what kinds of secret weapons for assassination have been developed since. There is good evidence that technology has even been developed to cause suicidal feelings in a person. For more on this, read powerful information on nonlethal weapons at this link.

The box below provides several ideas on what you can do to further educate yourself on CIA secret weapons, CIA mind control projects, and more. We also invite you to comment below and let us know what you think. Does the public deserve to know about such secret programs? Can we trust that such deadly weapons are being used for the good of the nation and world, and not for selfish ends?

What you can do:

Read other powerful, reliable articles on political assassinations at this link.

Inform your media and political representatives of this critical information on secret CIA weapons of assassination. To contact those close to you, click here.  Urge them bring this information to light and allow public dialog on the topic of assassinations.

Learn about the intriguing history and development of controversial CIA behavior modification programs in this excellent two-page summary.  Footnotes and links to reliable sources are provided for verification purposes.

Visit our eye-opening Mind Control Information Center at this link.

Explore inspiring ideas on how we can build a brighter future in this short essay.

Spread this news to your friends and colleagues, and bookmark this article on key news websites using the "Share This" icon on this page, so that we can fill the role at which the major media is sadly failing. Together, we can make a difference.

The article is reproduced in accordance with Section 107 of title 17 of the Copyright Law of the United States relating to fair-use and is for the purposes of criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research.

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