

Another False Flag Threat by the US/British/Zionist Terrorists???

Another False Flag Threat by the US/British/Zionist Terrorists???
Vatic commentary
by Vatic Master, Sept 30, 2010

Are the International Rothschild Zionist Bankers planning another major 9-11 Terrorist attack? I suspect so, you can tell by which MSM paper they own they chose to announce their intentions for justifying WW III blaming the poor muslims and non existant AQ and Taliban ONCE AGAIN.  We have that Rothschild banker owned MSM article below as evidence of this serious crime being proposed. We have said many times, but we are going to keep repeating it, IF THERE IS ONE MORE ATTACK ON AMERICAN SOIL AND ONE MORE AMERICAN IS MURDERED, than the Rothschild bankers internationally and nationally who did it are who we are to go after,  including all those involved in 9-11.

Its time for justice and a clean sweep anyway, this would simply provide for the justice that is so sorely needed to heal the wounds of this nation and its people. Without justice, a nation will die and this we must prevent at all costs. I strongly recommend Europeans make the same commitment to let the zionist terrorists know that it will cost them to do this again.  This time we "know" who is what. 

The history of these Zionist bankers "intentionally killing Americans" to instigate their much needed wars to increase their wealth and power is long and dirty. They, NOT THE MUSLIMS, are our enemy and the international terrorists who must be stopped. First was the Lavon Affair  that was exposed early enough to avoid massive American deaths. Then came the USS Liberty, remember that one? It was worse than just an accident. We learned they tried everything to sink that ship and it was brutal and worse when these men dying knew it was done intentionally by their very ally, Israel, It was hard for them to comprehend an ally could intentionally murder their own best friends.

It changed the survivors entire view of the USA's relationship with Israel and the zionists forever. (in fact a threat was made by "MOSSAD" to assassinate one of the more vocal USS Liberty survivors). Then came the USS Cole and the senior FBI investigator (scroll down to John O'neils name) trying to find out what happened that again killed our sailors for no apparent reason WHO FINALLY FOUND EVIDENCE OF MOSSAD INVOLVEMENT , using like they did in South Korea, their submarine to torpedo the USS Cole. Finally came 9-11 and who did it? Well, Vatic provided a comprehensive massive evidence blog on that question and the answer was "Israel" did 9-11

This does not even include any part Mossad may have had in the the assassinations domestically that have gone on since 9-11, 89 microbiologists, Senator Wellstone and Carnahan, One of the 9-11 victims spouse who was to meet with Obama, JFK Jr, to keep him from running against the Hillary clinton in the senate race that she won and launched her into the white house in the key position of Sec of state to extend Israel's control over our foreign policy. etc.

There is more we do not know about yet, but these assassins in our CIA in concert with mossad were exposed by Seymour Hersh of the NYer and not denied by either administrations. So we have a serious history of these terrorist events with not a SINGLE MUSLIM ANYWHERE IN SITE OR NEARBY.  Nor is HOMELAND SECURITY doing the job it was paid to do, since it is controlled by the Dual Israeli IDF mossad officer, as chief of staff in the White House (Rahm) and controlled in congress by Israeli Senator Lieberscum, .

The terrorism conducted by Israel in this nation is blatant and seriously well documented that would hold up in any court with a conviction and imprisonment in our international banker owned private run prisons. Yet, Homeland Security treasonously does nothing to stop it, investigate it, or prosecute it. This makes them aiders and abettors to the crime which carries the same penalty as that put upon the mass murderers they are covering for, which is by the way a death penalty offense.   Lets start talking truthfully about all this shall we? Its way past time to be dancing around the truth. 

Keeping all of this above in mind, now read this below by a international banker owned MSM from the seat of international terrorism, BRITIAN, by the Rothschild bankers, exactly what the next false flag is going to be.

Keep in mind as you read this piece of blatant propoganda and disinfo, that proof is now fully available that 1. Al Qaeda was created and is currently funded by the CIA who works for the British "Tavistock Group" that we proved on here, and 2. That we also proved that the CIA and Mossad, funds the taliban in both Afghanistan and Pakistan and, 3. We have contracts with Blackwater to also do false flags dressed as taliban in both countries. When you realize how much of our terrorism is done by ourselves and the british zionist international bankers, it then becomes clear who the real enemy is and how Nazi this has become.

This article below is an attempted continuation of harming and killing Americans and now other Europeans to acheive their political agenda without regard to the lives they will be taking to achieve it.   Another false flag to complete the move toward world war for profit and power and fascist globalizing which is moving forward daily as we speak.   This was to put the icing on the cake.  Hopefully the pure exposure of it will stop it, but I doubt it, the terrorist/traitors are running out of time.  Notice the paper mentions the various false flag bomb threats that never materialized in France.   Well Zarkozy works with Mossad,  so who is the threat to the French people??? Remember that when you read in the article about the threat to France and what those poor people went through.

We, the people of all nations on this planet must begin obtaining the same focus and commitment as our would be assassins.  Do not forget their goal...... 6 BILLION PEOPLE TO BE DEPOPULATED in order to ensure their control over the remainder and it can only be done by Sterilization (Monsanto Seeds) and mass murder (nuke or bioweapon attack).  

We are powerful and out number them by billions and they know and fear that more than anything.    Know that....and think on it well and long.   We are the ones who they should fear should we become angry enough.   It appears from the riots in europe we are close to that point.  10 years of this war by terror against their own people is long enough. 

Plan for multiple terror attacks uncovered
By James Blitz in London and agencies , obtained by Vatic from Alex James
Published: September 29 2010 09:03
Last updated: September 29 2010 09:23

Western intelligence agencies have disrupted plans for multiple attacks on European cities by a group thought to be linked to al-Qaeda, security sources have confirmed to the Financial Times.  (VN:  Ah, good, they have "DISRUPTED PLANS",  this is good, yes? And further the group is linked to AQ, I wonder if that is linked through the CIA, the AQ employer?)

According to these sources, terrorist groups based in Pakistan were planning simultaneous strikes in London, as well as cities in France and Germany.

US security officials told Reuters news agency on Monday night that they could not confirm that a plot had been disrupted. But they said they believed that the threat of a plot or plots was continuing.  (VN:  What?  Do not the intel security forces of both Britian and US talk to each other?  Why can't they confirm the "disruption" and why then if disrupted is the threat still continuing?  Oh, thats right, disruptions do not cause sufficient fear.... need it to be continuing to keep the fear going)

Four US security officials, who asked for anonymity when discussing sensitive information, said initial intelligence reports about the threat first surfaced about two weeks ago, around the time of the anniversary of the September 11, 2001 attacks on the US. (VN:  Wow, a record number of security officials asked for anonymity, wonder if this was all at once at the same time or over time?  How lucky for us they exposed so little, very little details in any of this, has anyone else noticed?)

According to security sources in Europe, the plot was at an “advanced but not imminent stage”. (VN:  good thing they disrupted it then since it was not imminent)

Britain in January raised its international terrorism threat level to “severe”, the second-highest level of alert in the five-tier system. The head of Britain’s MI5 security service, Jonathan Evans, said on September 16 that there remained “a serious risk of a lethal attack taking place”.  (VN:  how is this possible if they disrupted it and why do we spend so much on these depts when they can't even handle decent and detailed intel on what cave dwelling pakistanis' are doing to threaten the Globe?  Waste of tax payer dollars I would say.  The intel people say they disrupted the attack and then still say there is a serious risk of attack and don't even tell us by what mode?  THEY KNOW NOTHING????  Shades of 9-11 if you ask me, Downey street memo time).

The Eiffel Tower and the surrounding Champ de Mars park were briefly evacuated on Tuesday because of a bomb alert, the fourth such alert in the Paris region in as many weeks, but a search turned up nothing, police said.

Brice Hortefeux, the French interior minister, said on September 20 that France faced a real terrorism threat due to a backlash from (CIA financed) al-Qaeda militants in North Africa, with fears growing of an attack from homegrown cells within French borders. (VN:  I think their real terrorist threat is from the Israeli  mossad partner, French  President Zarkozy)

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