

Columbia University Trial For Treason Obama Fraud

Vatic Note: As you have probably guessed the Vatic site seldom gets into "right" or "left" issues or parties or personalities, since the creators of this blog felt that we were way beyond right or left politics. We believed that some force on an international level with no loyalty to any nation rather only to their "class", was the culprit in all that has been done to bring the country down and have used both parties to do so. The reason this is up here now, is because the issue is not a right or left issue, but a issue of "truth" and of consequences if true, to this nation of someone who is directing our nation to the shore of rocks intent on destruction. Thus this becomes an issue of trust in our leaders and those responsible for all that is occurring. Remember, even instructions to a jury state clearly, "IF YOU FIND A WITNESS LIED IN A MATTER BEFORE US, THEN YOU MUST ASSUME HE LIED IN ALL MATTERS IN HIS TESTIMONY." That is why this is up here and the solutions we have for addressing this rather serious issue. We are a nation ready to go down either politically, economically and war wise, by Obama and the congress, or/and ready to go down with a massive attack by enemies without or within on our our natural resources and system. We have a lot to look at, consider and decide to do if all is true. At least watch the videos since these were provided by Jim kirwan who has been so very right on everything he has called so far. Thank you for reading, watching and acting. These videos represent someone who had done extensive and credible research on the issue of Obama and his citizensship, and now has enough where the court has upheld the movement toward a law suit against Columbia University for selling a degree to Obama. Very interesting approach by this pastor in Harlem. Please watch these videos as the content is amazing.    Solution:   Write to the President and ask him  to resign to save the nation and himself the stress and embarrassment of future actions that would be far more unpleasant.   This way he could bow out gracefully and leave the issue behind him.  We could then get on with fixing the messes left behind by both him and Bush.  A NEW beginning.  

Columbia University Trial For Treason Obama Fraud
James Manning, author
Contributed to Vatic Project by Jim Kirwan

It appears that Obama's degree was purchased, not earned, from Columbia University and
its actually going to trial. At that point, we should know what the truth is and if true, then we
will know that we have to act.  It appears Obama's passport contradicts the time frame of his attendance
to Columbia.  Its a crucial part of the case.  Listen to these videos.  The messanger is not important, but the message is. 

Part 1:

Part 2:

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