

Saturday, Oct 24, 2015 is Vatic Masters Day Off

She will return on Sunday October 25, 2015.   Fund Raising will continue til November 1, 2015, so if you can afford it, we would appreciate your donation to our cause of continuing this work of research and exposure of the evil ones agenda.   We will to thank all of you for your support.   If you are being blocked or prevented in some way from reaching our site,  please email us at and let us know.  Thanks again and our current balance on our deficit is now at $190.  God Bless and keep you all safe. 

The article is reproduced in accordance with Section 107 of title 17 of the Copyright Law of the United States relating to fair-use and is for the purposes of criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research.


Incubus Attack - Are People Visited by Demons During the Night? Part 1 of 2

Vatic Note:   Now this is a bit out there, but because of all the reports from different parts of the world, at ancient times as well as current times, it was enough to say "something is going on here".   What it is is anybody's guess right now, but this is certainly one possible answer.  If its a parable type situation, then what does it represent in the real world?

I found this very interesting because I am currently in the middle of midnight sleep interruption, but not like what is described here.   What causes it in reality, is yet to be determined, so this below is as good an explanation as any other without evidence to suggest any other answer is real.  Speculating, it could be IMF weapon used to disturb the most important time in our sleep cycle, which is dream time and when we are at our most deepest sleep that we need to clean our psychological house each day. 

As I was reading, I realized he relied heavily on Wikipedia for his concept and proofs.  Well, as Veterans Today proved,  Wikipedia is manipulated by the  Khazar Zionists in Israel and elsewhere, to make us think and believe what their masters want us to believe.  If that is the case, then read this with a discerning eye, but read it non the less, since its the only explanation for this that I have found. 

Incubus Attack -  Are People Visited by Demons During the Night?  Part 1 of 2
By QueenofSienna,  In Our Image Blog,  Sept 28, 2010  (From an article by John Cline, PHD in psychology

I have inserted many of my own true life experiences into my novel “In Our Image” as well as the sequel “Abode of the Clouds”.  Among these experiences were sleep paralysis episodes.  I have experienced terror as my body, awoken from sleep, was unable to move and an all pervasive feeling of evil surrounded me.  Although I never saw a being during these episodes, I could hear the breathing, heavy labored breathing very near.
Like me, there are Rh negative readers of this blog who have had similar experiences.  I wonder if the preponderance of sleep paralysis episodes occur to Rh negative individuals?  It is my understanding that the majority of alien abductions occurs to Rh negative individuals; does sleep paralysis follow that same trend?  But I’m jumping the gun here.


Vatic Note:   This was very fascinating, but it did conjure up questions that poked me in the eye.  For instance, with all that advanced technology, why were the advancements recorded on primative low tech materials using the same type of "low tech" recording methods (Pictures on stone????)   It just did not jive for me to have "physical proof" of such advancements and yet all recording of these advances were done on primative, 3rd world type recording methods.  

Does that make sense to anyone else???  Where are the printed or electronic records?   Where are the descriptions and records showing the science behind it?   Could they have been in the Library of Alexandria that was burned down?   

If so, then how come there were no other libraries with the same information world wide and why no advancements in technology to do with daily air flights and other high tech modes of transportation.   Scientific break throughs have always carried with them, translations into civilian, public use for day to day living?  So why not back then?

While this was fascinating, it still had too many questions raised.  Another one that bothered me was who made these advances?   Was the society back then, structured in such a way as to hide these devices from the general pubic?  If so, then how were they able to keep it from the masses?   After all, artifacts were found during our day, and no explanation why it was not disovered prior to our day and then written about???  

If it was a monarchy then a very small percentage of the general population were educated in the field of science, sufficiently to make the tools of the advance technology and why were wars fought with primative methods and weapons???  See?  So much does not make sense. 

One thing the powers that be wanted to do was to gain recommendations through their 1966 Iron mountain report and their majestic 12 group, on how to manipulate us into accepting alien invasion as a justification for globalizing, in order to fight such aliens.   

In doing so, it was recommended that they create artifacts that could only be explained if there were ancient aliens in the past.   Is this one of those attempts to manipulate us????  Some serious thinking, and pondering is needed here.   

Then some serious answers to serious questions we have asked above.  I have an open mind, so if someone can answer these and document those answers, I am more than willing to publish the results.  Let us know in the comments section. 

I have also added VN in the text of this article, so include them in your comments if applicable. 

FUND RAISING TIME AGAIN.  Its now our normal time due to the 1st being our time to pay out our deficit.   We could not do our blogs or fund raising campaign, if we are out of business.  Now we are  asking for donations toward our $190 deficit this month.  If you can afford it, we appeal to you to donate to our cause to keep truth exposed and lies distroyed so we can prepare based on reality.... so help us do that so we can stay on the net to over come the treason being done by our MSM, both left and right. Please donate off to the right of this blog at the pay pal button.

Thank you for all your support over these many years.  I am still trying to find a way to fund this deficit without fund raising.  So far, no luck, but I am not giving up, so hang with us until we do.  Thank you again and God bless you and your family.

Published on Dec 20, 2012

Complete Set -The purpose is to expose secrets, lies, suppressed info and illicit facts that most in authority would rather keep you ignorant of and most others don't even know exists. It's about challenging the comfortable world of official versions/established thinking giving you access to the knowledge/info that will make the most powerful people, whether in Government, business, academia, military, the judiciary, media, or the established church uncomfortable at the least and will probably piss them off. 

It’s designed for those seeking "TRUTH" in this world of lies. Like truth of our unbelievable ancient history, who/what is behind all atrocities committed against mankind/Earth, and the most important is what God actually is and our intimate/divine connection to It/Him. I want to help you ALL understand the amazing/divine creature you ALL truly are, what you are truly capable of and help you reach your full God-given potential. I do not wish to convince anyone of anything but simply wish to help give those who are truly looking for answers access to the hidden evidences.

Chemtrails and Rh Negative Blood: Is there a connection???

Vatic Note:   I have not been able to find anything that would prove a connection between RH neg blood and the Chemtrails, but then the evil ones never do anything for only one reason.   They usually have multiple reasons, so the RH neg blood "could be" one of those reasons.

You read and check out the photos and you decide.   What bothered me most were the two photos with the black or dark streak through it just like the white ones, only black.   Does that mean they used different materials to dump, then those being used in the white chemtrails? If so, why?  and What are those black chemtrails?

We now know pretty much what the white ones are, but not the black ones.  If anyone knows, please share and we will post it on the blog.  I just need to be able to confirm or prove it, so please provide a valid link to the info. Thanks for working with us.

FUND RAISING TIME AGAIN.  Its now our normal time due to the 1st being our time to pay out our deficit.   We could not do our blogs or fund raising campaign, if we are out of business.  Now we are  asking for donations toward our $190 deficit this month.  If you can afford it, we appeal to you to donate to our cause to keep truth exposed and lies distroyed so we can prepare based on reality.... so help us do that so we can stay on the net to over come the treason being done by our MSM, both left and right. Please donate off to the right of this blog at the pay pal button.

Thank you for all your support over these many years.  I am still trying to find a way to fund this deficit without fund raising.  So far, no luck, but I am not giving up, so hang with us until we do.  Thank you again and God bless you and your family.

Chemtrails and Rh Negative Blood
By queenofsienna

The other morning I was out filling my bird feeders and noticed a chemtrail “X” over my house.  There was a truncated curved chemtrail coming off the center of it.

It was eerie looking up in that beautiful blue cloudless sky and seeing this thing hanging directly over my house. Pictures follow.

Then,  just a few days  later, I saw something that looked more like an asterisk over the house and this time there was a black beam going through it.  As I stood there looking up it seemed to me that I could almost see two dark eyes in a face behind the chemtrails.


The Pentagon’s Biggest dirty secret ?

Vatic Note: This is definitely a "MUST READ" all the way through.  I can't believe what we did not know about all this. The authors on Veterans Today are doing a superb job of educating and exposing.  I commend them deeply for taking the risk.  Its definitely dangerous work.  No question about it. 

Also, Is this why both Cheney/Bush, and Obama cleared out over 90 top officers of the military Pentagon???  Or at least "one" of the many reasons??? Remember, we have had top Khazar banker dual Israeli citizens running the Pentagon all these years in both administrations.   That is why I continually make the point that both parties are run by the khazars/Illlum banking family bloodlines, since the appointments after winning the election, reflect that fact, regardless of which party gets into power.

This below FULLY  explains Holders gift of assault weapons to the Mexican drug cartels.   Remember when that was the big scandal of the day?  In fact, He had to resign as Attorney General when the scandal would not go away.   It was a back fired false flag attempt to grab our guns and shut down gun shops. As well as re-addicting America on hard drugs.   Instead, someone did effective research and exposed the criminal plan to aid the Mexican drug cartels in securing the drug market here in the states.   We did several blogs on that issue.  And Obama just announced his intention TO KEEP TROOPS IN AFGHANISTAN AND THIS ARTICLE EXPLAINS PERFECTLY THE "WHY" OF IT. 

Further, we covered why Britain seems to continue trying to get her empire back again, including the USA, and drugs are part of the program. The corruption we are experiencing has been built into the system for centuries, starting with Britain and migrating over here to the western hemisphere, and now both Canada and Australia are definitely gone, and the USA is almost there.

This article also talks about music as an antidote to all the negativity that these disclosures create within us. and I must agree.   You must realize, I have to read an enormous amount of writings in order to select 3 each day for your consideration.  Then I have to analyze, using my Vatic Notes, for each of the 3, and then I have to publish them with all the various associated items that go with each one such as photos, etc.   Then I have to fight the powers that be to KEEP them up, since they change dates on me,  they change fonts to extra small so you can't read it, so I have to monitor blogs at least 3 times a day and make the necessary corrections.  Sometimes, I miss them.  I spend at least 13 hours a day researching, and all the rest above.  So, what I wrote below explains how I can do that and keep my sanity. 

Well, I keep getting asked "How do you keep such an upbeat, positive attitude doing this"?  And my answer is "I always have my spiritual music on all the time and that balances it out for me and keeps me positive about how we are exposing and causing them such a problem.   These blogs help us do that to these Satanists.   Now its time to call our senators and reps, as I have done, and tell them truthfully what treason really is and the penalty and to ask them to rescind their acts of treason or else, we will have to push enmass for their prosecution.   Will it make a difference???  IT WILL IF ENOUGH OF US DO IT. SO LETS MAKE IT A PRIORITY.   Make this one go viral since it surely motivated me to call and make my point.  

FUND RAISING TIME AGAIN.  Its one day past our normal time due to the internet being down here in my town for almost 2 days now.   We could not do our blogs or fund raising campaign.  Now we are back up and asking for donations toward our $190 deficit this month.  If you can afford it, we appeal to you to donate to our cause to keep truth exposed and lies distroyed so we can prepare based on reality.... so help us do that so we can stay on the net to over come the treason being done by our MSM, both left and right. Please donate off to the right of this blog at the pay pal button.

Thank you for all your support over these many years.  I am still trying to find a way to fund this deficit without fund raising.  So far, no luck, but I am not giving up, so hang with us until we do.  Thank you again and God bless you and your family.

The Pentagon’s Biggest dirty secret ?
By Preston James, Ph.D, Veterans Today,  on October 17, 2015

Over the years some who have retired from working inside the upper levels of Intel and Defense have claimed that the core controllers of the Pentagon are themselves under the control of a secret occult-linked drug trafficking group. 
This group is also believed to run the Israeli-American Terror machine and the private central Banking Systems run out of the City of London.

Direct Intelligence from Syria and Lebanon

Vatic Note:  Well, now we know why there was an Israeli general in Iraq commanding ISIS and now we know that these many of our soldiers were backing up the Israeli's.   When will we ever learn???  After our country is destroyed by that little piece of rock called Israel???

Don't get me started.  Read this below and let us know what you think. This tells us that so much is now tied into the Ukraine which is the pathway to Russia.  I keep remembering Zbigs book he wrote called "The Grand Chessboard - America's Primacy and its Geostrategic Imperatives."   Lets first make something very clear,  Zbig is a zionist supporter of Israel and is a khazar.

The blueprint he wrote about in that book was how to isolate Russia and steal her natural resources for Israel, just like these same khazars did in 1917.  I guess this ploy will never end as long as Israel remains a country of Khazar bankers. We have to decide what to do about it and make sure our elected officials do the right thing, instead of the khazar Zionists "thing".

FUND RAISING TIME AGAIN.  Its one day past our normal time due to the internet being down here in my town for almost 2 days now.   We could not do our blogs or fund raising campaign.  Now we are back up and asking for donations toward our $190 deficit this month.  If you can afford it, we appeal to you to donate to our cause to keep truth exposed and lies distroyed so we can prepare based on reality.... so help us do that so we can stay on the net to over come the treason being done by our MSM, both left and right. Please donate off to the right of this blog at the pay pal button.

Thank you for all your support over these many years.  I am still trying to find a way to fund this deficit without fund raising.  So far, no luck, but I am not giving up, so hang with us until we do.  Thank you again and God bless you and your family.

Direct Intelligence from Syria and Lebanon
By GPD, Veterans Today,  on October 16, 2015

America's 3000 man contingent inside Iraq, is managing combat operations for ISIS and al Nusra in combination with Israeli forces.

Breaking: Israeli General Commanding ISIS Captured in Iraq by Iraqi's.

Vatic Note:    Why is this NOT a surprise?  It appears through the events listed here, that the US and especially Israel and her US agents are the ones pushing the terrorists to attack Russia and all of this for Israeli control of oil in the middle east.

However, this has either backfired on them by losing an Israeli General to ISIS, that Israel has created and funded,  or this is another game of deception they are playing.  You read and decide.  I am holding off on this one til I get more info.   Remember, Iraq has the largest oil fields in the region and Israel wants them.  Is this part of the plan to get their fields???

FUND RAISING TIME AGAIN.  Its one day past our normal time due to the internet being down here in my town for almost 2 days now.   We could not do our blogs or fund raising campaign.  Now we are back up and asking for donations toward our $190 deficit this month.  If you can afford it, we appeal to you to donate off to the right of the blog at the pay pal button,  to our cause to keep truth exposed and lies distroyed so we can prepare based on reality.... so help us do that so we can stay on the net to over come the treason being done by our MSM, both left and right.

Thank you for all your support over these many years.  I am still trying to find a way to fund this deficit without fund raising.  So far, no luck, but I am not giving up, so hang with us until we do.  Thank you again and God bless you and your family.

Breaking: Israeli General Commanding ISIS Captured in Iraq
By Nahed Al-Husaini,  Veterans today,  on October 19, 2015


A VATIC MUST WATCH: Geoengineering Earth, Exposing The Global Climate Modification Assault ( )

Vatic Note:  This presentation is compelling like nothing we have ever put up before.   It highlights and pinpoints the war these evil ones are conducting against humanity through this geoengineering.  If you have any doubt about the veracity of this presentation, then go visit the blogs we did on

- the Rockefeller and Gates seed bank located at the Artic circle. It also contains the DNA of every wild animal and human DNA.
  If that does not convince you, then go look at the
- nuke powered drills being used to build massive underground living facilities for the safety and survival of the evil ones who are slowly destroying this planet.  Then check out the Construction going  on laying fibre optics underground to allow these evil critters to control facilities and satellites from  underground.  They are doing the same thing for water and sewer.  FIND THOSE SYSTEMS BEING FED INTO THE UNDERGROUND AND IDENTIFY THEM FOR FUTURE ACTIONS.  I will leave those actions up to your imagination.  If we are to survive that is what we must considered, is "how do we make their underground facilities as unsafe as they are making our above ground unsafe and dangerous."  Its the only choice we have now at this point.   then check out the ......
- Georgia Guidestones about the Satanists plan to depopulate this planet and bioengineer the remaining population into Zombies, with enough knowledge and brain function to do simple tasks without question, but not sufficient brain power to rebel.  They intend for us, our children and grandparents to die early and often.  That is what California is all about.   Its a test run to see if we react to what they are going to do to the rest of the planet if we do nothing.  Prosecutions must begin, either by the system or by us, if the system refuses to address the seriousness of this assault against humanity, then WE MUST ACT

I do a foot bath through my chiropractor,  with a special machine that pulls toxins out of my lymph system every two weeks to a month, and the candida and heavy metals I have pulled out of my body every month is amazing.   Once I got clear on this happening to us, I then began my own program to stay healthy and righteously angry.  I have since been going down rabbitholes and exposing as much as I could find.  I now eat Non GMO and organic and take vitamin D3, due to the lack of sunshine that now pervades our planet. 

This below is the very best presentation so far and the most EDUCATIONAL on the technology, the timing, the equipment, the purpose, and the status of their agenda.  If this does not make you mad, then there is something wrong with you. We need a second revolution globally, rather than just nationally.

The presenter is absolutely correct, those doing this are insane, fully and irretrievably. Thus, we MUST take our power back and lock these insane ones up for life.  This is treason at its highest order and prosecution is compulsory.

FUND RAISING TIME AGAIN.  Its several days past our normal time due to the internet being down here in my town for almost 2 days now.   We could not do our blogs or fund raising campaign.  Now we are back up and asking for donations toward our $240 deficit this month.  If you can afford it, we appeal to you to donate to our cause to keep truth exposed and lies distroyed so we can prepare based on reality.... so help us do that so we can stay on the net to over come the treason being done by our MSM, both left and right.

Thank you for all your support over these many years.  I am still trying to find a way to fund this deficit without fund raising.  So far, no luck, but I am not giving up, so hang with us until we do.  Thank you again and God bless you and your family.

Engineering Earth, Exposing The Global Climate Modification Assault, Live Presentation
Published on Sep 17, 2015

Governments around the world have long since fully deployed global climate engineering on a scale that cannot truly be comprehended.

They decided (without public knowledge or consent) that they had the right to use the atmosphere of our planet to serve their own agendas which amount to nothing less than weather and biological warfare.

Neocons & Neolibs Clear & Present Danger To USA & World Peace

Vatic Note: This is an important read for all nations peoples in order to understand the seriousness of the problem, and the agenda behind it. Notice, not one word about what Obama has done in that region over the past few years and he also does not mention the "real reason" this has all been happening. Obama is a neolib and works for the same cabal that the neocons work for.

There is no difference between the parties as our forefathers warned us about.   It was to start Albert Pikes, WW III where the object was to have the Christians and Muslims kill each other off and leave the Satanic Khazar Zionists standing to rule the world.

Remember, its money that determines who the elected officials represent and right now that appears to be the Khazar Rothschild bankers and their corporate fascist companies. This is certainly not something they are doing to benefit the  "people" of our respective countries.

FUND RAISING TIME AGAIN.  Its several days past our normal time due to the internet being down here in my town for almost 2 days now.   We could not do our blogs or fund raising campaign.  Now we are back up and asking for donations toward our $240 deficit this month.  If you can afford it, we appeal to you to donate to our cause to keep truth exposed and lies distroyed so we can prepare based on reality.... so help us do that so we can stay on the net to over come the treason being done by our MSM, both left and right.

Thank you for all your support over these many years.  I am still trying to find a way to fund this deficit without fund raising.  So far, no luck, but I am not giving up, so hang with us until we do.  Thank you again and God bless you and your family.

Neocons/ Clear & Present Danger To USA & World Peace
By Karl Schwartz, Rense dot com,  March 10, 2015

As events are unfolding in the murder investigation of Russia opposition leader Boris Nemtsov it is becoming more apparent to me that the USA, the desperate Neocons (VN: and neolibs, after all, Obama is not a neocon, he is a neolib and is controlled by the Rothschild khazars since there are 32 dual Israeli citizens in the White House and 2 Muslims, so we know who is running this country and its not the Muslims) and their proxies may well have been behind the murder. 

Suspects have been arrested in the Russia provinces of Ingushetia and Chechnya. Both areas have been part of the Neocon/lib’s “Grand Chessboard” strategy against Russia for over two decades, and attempting to create more areas that are ‘former territories of the U.S.S.R.’ as per the Wolfowitz Doctrine (Neocon) that was finally stated in 1992.

The Hole in Hillary’s Flip-Flop Excuse

 *** The Powers that be did not want you to read this.   They changed the schedule from 1 am to 1:30 am which coincided with another blog.   That meant they would both come up at once and since this was first, that meant it would NOT be showing on the site,  not at all.   You would have to know it existed and then seek it out to find it.   They do this to me all the time, but usually I can catch it before it happens.  Unfortunately, I missed this one and we will only have about 10 minutes of it up by itself and showing.  Please read it, since this woman wants to be President and we would have to  live with whatever that will mean, given her background OF DECEPTION AND CORRUPTION.  Biden is no different, just more blackmailed and under control of the khazars or he would never have made it to VP.

 Vatic Note:  Having watched Hitlary over these very many years since the Governorship of Arkansas and all the blogs we have done, I find she has become one of those politicians we are being exposed to now, and that is one that has no moral core, only political considerations and breaking the law to achieve an objective, is not new to her what so ever. Just ask her boss on the Nixon investigation committee where she served as a young lawyer.   He fired her for her corruption.

Unfortunately, without exception, all politicians with maybe one or two exceptions, are the same way and thus it has become the new standard for holding public office.   That is why the powers that be and their owned press have gone after Donald Trump.   He may have a huge ego, but so does Hitlary, and all other politicians, but at least he is sufficiently confident in himself to finance his own campaign so he can speak truth to power.   We have not seen that in such a long time, such that we didn't even know it had existed at one time in our system.

It was so refreshing to listen to his honest opinions that it became patently clear that we have been desensitized to truth telling.  Only when it was done by Trump did we realize just how long it had been since we had anyone remotely like him. I am glad we have a choice now between all those running who are politically correct, and those that speak truth regardless of the consequences. Lets hope the khazars do not kill him like they did JFK when he did away with the federal reserve.

FUND RAISING TIME AGAIN.  Its one day past our normal time due to the internet being down here in my town for almost 2 days now.   We could not do our blogs or fund raising campaign.  Now we are back up and asking for donations toward our $240 deficit this month.  If you can afford it, we appeal to you to donate to our cause to keep truth exposed and lies distroyed so we can prepare based on reality.... so help us do that so we can stay on the net to over come the treason being done by our MSM, both left and right.

Thank you for all your support over these many years.  I am still trying to find a way to fund this deficit without fund raising.  So far, no luck, but I am not giving up, so hang with us until we do.  Thank you again and God bless you and your family.

The Hole in Hillary’s Flip-Flop Excuse  
By JACK SHAFER, Politico, October 14, 2015 
Hillary Clinton has a propensity to change her mind on big issues. She has reversed her positions on gay marriage, immigration, gun control, the Trans-Pacific Partnership trade pact, mass incarceration and the Iraq War, and some believe her recent stand on the Keystone XL pipeline constitutes a flip, too.

When CNN moderator Anderson Cooper called Clinton on her flip-floppery in Tuesday night’s presidential debate (“Will you say anything to get elected?” he asked), she defended her policy somersaults as expressions of political thoughtfulness rather than weakness.
“Well, actually, I have been very consistent,” Clinton said, arguing her unyielding fealty to “the same values and principles” over her entire life. “But like most human beings—including those of us who run for office—I do absorb new information. I do look at what’s happening in the world.” It is the information that changes, she led her questioner to understand, and when that new information surfaces, she folds it into her existing “values and principles.”


The Rise of Israel’s Settlers and the downfall of Democracy

Vatic Note:   These settlers are not Jewish by DNA, they are Khazars that has been admitted by Netanyahu a few months back.  So, where ever you see the word Jewish, or Judaism, its incorrect.   Where you see the word "settlers", substitute "Khazars" and you will be correct.  These are the Zionists and are chasing the real Torah Jews out of Israel.   Many have had to see asylum in both London and New York.

What bothered me most is the war being waged with Israeli illegal phosphorous weapons, against Palestinian babies.  There is a photo below showing just one such event and it makes anyone who is human, want to vomit at the horror and Nazi behaviour of these Zionists against the indigenous people of Palestine and all for money, oil, resources, and profit.  Don't get me started..... too late.

This is a must read, and one of the best educational offerings of real history that we have run across so far.   It literally explains how things have turned out in Israel, the way they have.  It is "real history", and not some politically correct history book fake that is usually published, as we are finding out through all of this.

I keep saying that what is happening to us and the world, has been good for exposing the real history of the world that we never had taught to us in schools.   But then, we know who owns the publishing companies, that publish the history books.

FUND RAISING TIME AGAIN.  Its one day past our normal time due to the internet being down here in my town for almost 2 days now.   We could not do our blogs or fund raising campaign.  Now we are back up and asking for donations toward our $240 deficit this month.  If you can afford it, we appeal to you to donate to our cause to keep truth exposed and lies distroyed so we can prepare based on reality.... so help us do that so we can stay on the net to over come the treason being done by our MSM, both left and right.

Thank you for all your support over these many years.  I am still trying to find a way to fund this deficit without fund raising.  So far, no luck, but I am not giving up, so hang with us until we do.  Thank you again and God bless you and your family.

The Rise of Israel’s Settlers and the downfall of Democracy
By James Dean – Managing editor of Veterans Today, October 18, 2015

VATIC CHANGE OF PACE: 3 Hour Deep Healing Tibetan Meditation Music: Soothing Music, Relaxing Music, Calming Music

Vatic Note:   Sometimes its important to get away from all the bad news, and find refuge in soul and spiritually enhancing music.   Once we can do that, we can buy time to digest, ponder, and spiritually rejuvenate so we can "SEE" better without all the "fear" mongering that is fed to us.

By the same token, TRUTH is a must have or all else is lost.  We must base our preparations on truth without all the accompanying fear they prefer  us to have.  Its truly our choice how we want to confront this point in time in our history and this music buys us the time and space we need to do it right. 

So, please enjoy this and maybe even play it while reading and digesting...... I hope you enjoy it as much as I have. 

FUND RAISING TIME AGAIN.  Its one day past our normal time due to the internet being down here in my town for almost 2 days now.   We could not do our blogs or fund raising campaign.  Now we are back up and asking for donations toward our $240 deficit this month.  If you can afford it, we appeal to you to donate to our cause to keep truth exposed and lies distroyed so we can prepare based on reality.... so help us do that so we can stay on the net to over come the treason being done by our MSM, both left and right.

Thank you for all your support over these many years.  I am still trying to find a way to fund this deficit without fund raising.  So far, no luck, but I am not giving up, so hang with us until we do.  Thank you again and God bless you and your family.

VATIC CHANGE OF PACE:  3 Hour Deep Healing Tibetan Meditation Music: Soothing Music, Relaxing Music, Calming Music
Published on Aug 30, 2015
YellowBrickCinema is the leader in Sleep Music, Relaxing Music, Study Music, Meditation Music (including Tibetan Music and Shamanic Music), Healing Music, Reiki Music, Zen Music, Spa and Massage Music, and Yoga Music.


Rh Negative Blood Origins and DNA Mutation

Vatic Note:   I have quite a few blogs just on this subject of the RH neg designation that accompanies the blood types.   One of the things I discovered that I want to share with you is how the Books of Enoch were removed and rediscovered in the writings of the Dead Sea Scrolls and they confirm much of what the Sumarians wrote about the gods from the sky.

So please read this blog and see what you think.   I have also put comments within the text of the article that were appropriate at that point to show, in order to make things more clear.   Please take the time.  There will be more coming.

FUND RAISING TIME AGAIN.  Its one day past our normal time due to the internet being down here in my town for almost 2 days now.   We could not do our blogs or fund raising campaign.  Now we are back up and asking for donations toward our $340 deficit this month.  If you can afford it, we appeal to you to donate to our cause to keep truth exposed and lies distroyed so we can prepare based on reality.... so help us do that so we can stay on the net to over come the treason being done by our MSM, both left and right.

Thank you for all your support over these many years.  I am still trying to find a way to fund this deficit without fund raising.  So far, no luck, but I am not giving up, so hang with us until we do.  Thank you again and God bless you and your family.

Rh Negative Blood Origins and DNA Mutation
By Queen of Sienna,  October 29, 2009

The origins of Rh negative blood are unknown and believed to be caused by some sort of mutation that occurred many thousands of years ago (VN:  Not so.... here is a ditty that confirms the RH neg is NOT a mutation.  Give it a gander and decide for yourselves.  So what else could it be?  After reading the 5 books of Enoch, you might be able to guess.)

As indicated in other of my posts to this blog, I’ve considered the possibility that the human was created by extraterrestrial intervention, and have linked that intervention with the plural pronouns used in Genesis “let us make man in our image, after our likeness…”  

Britain's Queen Elizabeth II not Real Heir to the Throne Full Documentary in search of the Rightful Heir

Vatic Note:   This below explains a lot.  So pay close attention to the geneology of this Queen.  Let me point out that Queen Victoria was married to Prince Albert who was an avowed gay man and would NOT perform his fatherly duties to sire a son or daughter, so the Queen had Rothschild perform the honors and that is the khazar line.  Only a few people knew this and its been around for quite a while and explains the close relationship Rothschilds have with the British Monarchy.

While this presentation deals with Edward the 4th,  notice not a word about Albert being gay, so who impregnated Victoria?  That rabbithole needs to be explored since the Khazars clearly control Britain under the royal house of Windsor. Here is a link to some info about this possibility.

This presentation on Edward the fourth was totally new to me, so I found this very interesting.

FUND RAISING TIME AGAIN.  Its one day past our normal time due to the internet being down here in my town for almost 2 days now.   We could not do our blogs or fund raising campaign.  Now we are back up and asking for donations toward our $340 deficit this month.  If you can afford it, we appeal to you to donate to our cause to keep truth exposed and lies distroyed so we can prepare based on reality.... so help us do that so we can stay on the net to over come the treason being done by our MSM, both left and right.

Thank you for all your support over these many years.  I am still trying to find a way to fund this deficit without fund raising.  So far, no luck, but I am not giving up, so hang with us until we do.  Thank you again and God bless you and your family.

Britain's Queen Elizabeth II not Real Heir to the Throne Full Documentary
Published on May 24, 2012

Tony Robinsons' documentary tracing the family history of our royals has established that our queen is NOT the rightful heir to the throne of England - nor is ANYONE within her family.

Tony Robinson goes in search of Britain's Real Monarch. The result is a detective story that takes him from the Tower of London, via Debretts Peerage, to the other side of the planet... 

Congress Moves To End Raw Milk Prohibition Nationwide

Vatic Note:   The absolute Irony of this prohibition on raw milk is the allowance by the federal government for us to eat GMO foods that attack our organs and can cause serious damage and yet they go after a food that has been around and used by our citizens for several hundred years.   Its also proven to be healthy for us, while GMO seed produce has proven to be damaging to us.  Is this the sign of a fascist government where corporations control what we can eat and what we cannot eat???  I think so.

I am glad someone in Congress has the cajones to stand for the people for a change against the big corporate and globalist interests.  Depopulation is on the globalists agenda and that is why we have GMO products while other nations are banning them altogether, due to their damaging properties when it comes to our organs.

I keep remembering the Georgia Guidestones and the attempts that have been made to also grab our guns.  It time we took over and took our government back from the special interests and sold out congress and senate. AIPAC should be sent back home again and forbidden to operate here, except as a foreign interest lobbyist.

FUND RAISING TIME AGAIN.  Its one day past our normal time due to the internet being down here in my town for almost 2 days now.   We could not do our blogs or fund raising campaign.  Now we are back up and asking for donations toward our $340 deficit this month.  If you can afford it, we appeal to you to donate to our cause to keep truth exposed and lies distroyed so we can prepare based on reality.... so help us do that so we can stay on the net to over come the treason being done by our MSM, both left and right.

Thank you for all your support over these many years.  I am still trying to find a way to fund this deficit without fund raising.  So far, no luck, but I am not giving up, so hang with us until we do.  Thank you again and God bless you and your family.

Congress Moves To End Raw Milk Prohibition Nationwide
By JONATHAN BENSON,  Real Farmacy, 

Buying and selling raw dairy products across state lines has been outlawed in the U.S. since the late 1980s, when the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) decided that Americans were no longer free to make their own food decisions without government approval. But this senseless and unconstitutional policy of prohibition could soon become history if a bipartisan effort to restore food freedom reaches a breaking point in Congress.



Vatic Note:   I put this up because I have a story to tell to back up everything they said on here.  First I must let you know that my entire history is one of practicality and no nonsense reality.  Until I started down this rabbit hole of RH negative blood, I was totally convinced that if I could not see it, touch it, feel it, or manipulate it,  it did not exist.

I have since changed my mind and have done a complete 180 degree turn around.  Here is my story to let you know what happened that created that complete turn around during my journey down this rabbithole of the RH negative.   First I must say in advance that my mother is or was a full RH negative person and prior to the advent of the Rhogam shot, she had me as the oldest and then 3 miscarriages, because my father was RH positive. Her antibodies built up during her pregnancy with me.

So, I have one allele of RH negative and many of the traits.  As most of you know, I am a seeker of Truth,  I know things without being able to explain "how" I know them, but they always seem to come true. And I can "feel" people and know from that feeling whether I can trust them or not.   Like this below, "IF" and that is a big "IF",  I make up my mind, I want something to be the case, then it becomes the case.  This below explains it.  Now for my story.

Doing research on DNA, I discovered that, years ago, we had mapped the DNA molecule, except for about 70% of it, which for 40 years we called "JUNK DNA".  Well, then in researching this,  I discovered that about 2 years ago, a  Vienna Linguistic and a Russian Microbiologist had gotten together and had finally mapped that last 70% and discovered that it was a "full blow language" WITH A 25,000 CHARACTER ALPHABET.

So my question was "Who is our DNA talking to, or who is talking to it, or both?" And why a 25,000 character alphabet?  Our language is one of the most complicated in the world, and it only has a 26 character alphabet, so why such a big one in our DNA?  I also aready knew that the concept of "mind over matter" had been in our society for generations... as my grandparents used to say that to me all the time..... "MIND OVER MATTER, YOUNG LADY,  MIND OVER MATTER"!

Well, after I found out about this alphabet, I had an incident happen.  My left knee has a torn cartiledge in it and I have had it for years.   It finally got seriously arthritic and one friday night I woke up in excruciating pain, like nothing I had every experienced before.  My leg has also swollen DOUBLE the size of my right and it went from the toes all the way up past the thigh, and that swelling increased the pain tremendously. I could not walk even with a cane.  It was excruciatingly painful and intolerable.

I was laying in bed on a friday night, and I knew, since I could not walk with or without a cane, that I would have to go in the next morning for a knee operation. I have this weird thing about anyone cutting into my body, I calmed myself down and decided since I could not sleep anyway, that I might as well try what my grandmother always told me "Mind over matter, young lady".

I also then remembered the 25,000 character alphabet and put 2 and 2 together and decided to try to talk to my DNA and tell it to heal my left knee.... at that point I began a mantra, while laying in bed and said to my DNA,  "DNA, repair my  left knee according to the ORIGINAL BLUEPRINT", since we carry one in our DNA, and I continued repeating that like a mantra, until I fell asleep.  I started out with faith, that it would work and by morning time, the swelling was completely gone and the pain was half of what it was the day before.

I found that I could walk with half the pain that was there the day before.  Because of that, I moved from having "FAITH", into "BELIEF",  but I decided I wanted to go further than that, and decided to do the mantra all day and into the night, and see if I could heal the whole thing completely in such a short time.  By the way, I have witnesses to this story.  I then began the mantra all day whenever I was not doing any brain work.

I did it whenever I went to the john, took a shower, drove the car,  anytime I was doing brainless activities which includes washing dishes, cleaning house, etc.   Well, I woke up Sunday morning, (how appropriate), and the knee was COMPLETELY HEALED.  No pain, I could walk without a cane, and no swelling of any kind.   This is now a year later and no RECURRENCE OF THE ARTHRITIC SYMPTOMS.  My belief then went from "Belief" to "KNOWING".

As a prophet once said " you cannot have true spirituality without knowledge" and now I have true spirituality.......And ever since then I can overcome any symptom of illness simply by stating the above mantra with specifics about "where" to do the healing.   This works, but you MUST BELIEVE AND HAVE FAITH. Its why "prayer" works.  No wonder Satanists hate Christians.  They do not have this power.  They must conjure up demons to do their bidding and pay a heavy price for it. 

I passed this onto a friend who was having terrible pain in her shoulder in the back, caused by problems with her tendons or ligaments.... forgot which it was,  and she did the mantra as I had instructed and within 24 hours she was completely healed and no side affects.   WE DO NOT NEED ALEOPATHIC DRUGS.  Now we know why the powers that be made natural remedies illegal, as they  are constantly trying to hide these facts from us.  Imagine what we could do to heal the world.

So, how did our grandparents know "mind over matter"  way back when and when did that knowledge get lost and how did it get lost?  Soooo many questions and so few answers.  Well, that is why I published this, since it was the first thing to explain how, what, where and why.

FUND RAISING TIME AGAIN.  Its one day past our normal time due to the internet being down here in my town for almost 2 days now.   We could not do our blogs or fund raising campaign.  Now we are back up and asking for donations toward our $240 deficit this month.  If you can afford it, we appeal to you to donate to our cause to keep truth exposed and lies distroyed so we can prepare based on reality.... so help us do that so we can stay on the net to over come the treason being done by our MSM, both left and right.

Thank you for all your support over these many years.  I am still trying to find a way to fund this deficit without fund raising.  So far, no luck, but I am not giving up, so hang with us until we do.  Thank you again and God bless you and your family.

Rh Negative Blood Attributes?
By Queen of Sienna,  July 10,  2010

Elsewhere in this blog I have discussed having seen a UFO, having an out-of-body experience, and experiencing episodes of night paralysis.  Are these incidents associated with having Rh negative blood?  Have other of you readers with Rh negative blood  had similar situations?  If so, please share your experiences and I’ll post your comments.
Another thing which has intrigued me is the power of the mind.  When I saw a UFO decades ago, and stood there staring at it, watching it make its slow path across the sky, I felt the beings controlling it knew I was watching it.  They had picked up telepathically on my observation of them.  I have had an intense interest in the subconscious mind ever since.


Vatic Note:  Another blog on proof that these Saudis' family line are from arabs.  They are not, rather they are Jewish in their origin.   Given it was the British Royal family that placed them into their position in Saudi Arabia and the fact that we proved on here that the royal family in Britain were also from the Khazar line, admitted by Prince Charles, then the appointment as royalty to Saudi arabia, now makes sense since the Saudi's have been working partners with Israel.

This is definitely one of the most comprehensive treatments of this subject and extremely educational and answers a lot of questions about some of the most confusing and conflicting parts of the problems occurring in the Middle East.  Frankly, this explains it all for me at least.  Read and decide for yourselves.  History is never what we were told it was and this below proves it. It was the  The Globalists Created Wahhabi Terrorism

FUND RAISING TIME AGAIN.  Its one day past our normal time due to the internet being down here in my town for almost 2 days now.   We could not do our blogs or fund raising campaign.  Now we are back up and asking for donations toward our $340 deficit this month.  If you can afford it, we appeal to you to donate to our cause to keep truth exposed and lies distroyed so we can prepare based on reality.... so help us do that so we can stay on the net to over come the treason being done by our MSM, both left and right.

Thank you for all your support over these many years.  I am still trying to find a way to fund this deficit without fund raising.  So far, no luck, but I am not giving up, so hang with us until we do.  Thank you again and God bless you and your family.

By admin of CIFA on Line 

Understanding the Codes of Darkness: Melanin

Vatic Note:   What a fascinating discussion about Melanin  and their function within the human body and its relationship to our subconscienceness of our being.   This expert being questioned also makes a distinction in our blood between the caucasian and blacks.  I found that to be fascinating and how complicated all this is and how complex we, as humans, are in so many ways.

She even discusses some of the diseases that are affected by the changes in Melanin.  One of the one she mentions is Parkinsons disease.  She also explains how the Dopamine reduction can cause that disease.  She says that eating raw foods can correct much of those problems.   They did not mention the Pineal in this video so I have taken it off the  original title.

FUND RAISING TIME AGAIN.  Its one day past our normal time due to the internet being down here in my town for almost 2 days now.   We could not do our blogs or fund raising campaign.  Now we are back up and asking for donations toward our $340 deficit this month.  If you can afford it, we appeal to you to donate to our cause to keep truth exposed and lies distroyed so we can prepare based on reality.... so help us do that so we can stay on the net to over come the treason being done by our MSM, both left and right.

Thank you for all your support over these many years.  I am still trying to find a way to fund this deficit without fund raising.  So far, no luck, but I am not giving up, so hang with us until we do.  Thank you again and God bless you and your family.

Understanding the Codes of Darkness: Melanin
Uploaded on Jan 9, 2012

Ms Blue and Ann C, Brown Ph.D explore the Codes of Darkness. Dr Brown "Why Darkness Matters the Power of Melanin in the Brain" will be speaking on Melanin and Pineal, sharing tools for Understanding & Activation.