

The implementation of population control programs in China

***Status Fundraising - We made it.  Yahoo! Thank you, all who contributed so we could continue this work.  I have made a commitment to try to find additional ways to raise funds, and I will keep to that commitment.  It doesn't mean I will succeed, but it does mean that I will always work on it more than normal, since I have been trying for sometime now.  I will look at alternatives to that which I have tried in the past, so wish me luck.  LOL  

Vatic Note:   Listening to the beginning of this presentation reminded me of Bill Gates and what he is doing in Africa and in India.  It appears the international bankers have taken what they learned in China as the exclusive brokerage house for China, and applied it to the rest of the world.   That means it will be coming to visit us soon. 

Once they garner a dictatorship, we will have no say whatsoever in what they force upon us and we best get that big time.  I can't believe we have let this go this far.  People like Bill Gates are Americans and should be imprisoned for the crimes they are committing against these third world countries.  We should have done something earlier, since its been our people with money who have committed these crimes against others. 

Its one thing to sell planned parenthood to people who then voluntarily use preventive methods for having no children, then it is to purposely kill babies and those fetuses feel horrible pain after so many months of gestation.   That is cruel, barbaric, and inhumane treatment of living beings within our wombs.  We allowed ourselves to be socially engineered for selfish reasons and now we will pay for that choice.

Its bad enough that when we do have children, two working parents means these children are left on their own and the only information they get is from the banker owned TV programs and movies, since there are no parents there to teach them how to be human.  That is a result of the fiat currency system controlled by the out of control Federal Reserve owned  by the international bankers.

Our constitution set it up that the currency and credit would be controlled by the people through their elected represenatives, and that is long gone now.   We must take it back and AUDITING THE FED CAN BE THE FIRST STEP.  When their wrong doing has been identified, then they can be arrested, jailed and forgotten. 

At that point we can take control back again and have a real life with real families raised to be aware, educated and informed citizen adults.  DO AWAY WITH THE TV AS WELL.   Its nothing but brainwashing for our kids. Remember this was all included in social engineering document the Protocols and in "The Lawful Path:  Silent WEAPONS for Quiet WARS."  Watch and listen to this video below.   How come billions of these Chinese have not rebelled against this system they are forced to live under?  What manipulation have these bankers done to the people that keep them from resisting such barbaric policies??? WE CANNOT LET THAT HAPPEN HERE. 

The implementation of population control programs in China
Published on Oct 30, 2011

Steven W. Mosher is an internationally recognized authority on China and population issues, as well as an acclaimed author, speaker. He has worked tirelessly since 1979 to fight coercive population control programs and has helped hundreds of thousands of women and families worldwide over the years.

The article is reproduced in accordance with Section 107 of title 17 of the Copyright Law of the United States relating to fair-use and is for the purposes of criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research.

Our Foreign Occupied US Gov Is Using Ebola to Advance its Imperialist Agenda in Africa: Azikiwe

***Status Fundraising - We made it.  Yahoo! Thank you, all who contributed so we could continue this work.  I have made a commitment to try to find additional ways to raise funds, and I will keep to that commitment.  It doesn't mean I will succeed, but it does mean that I will always work on it more than normal, since I have been trying for sometime now.  I will look at alternatives to that which I have tried in the past, so wish me luck.  LOL  

Vatic Note: Just remember, the Ebola was done by our CIA and Mossad.  All you have to do is read Zbig Brezinszki's book, "The Grand Chessboard:  American Primacy and its Geo-strategic Imperatives."  The take over of nations are all laid out in there.

That is the most educational read, since he wrote it as a policy book for policy wonks who like to have everything laid out like a blue print.  Its not our government, rather its our "foreign occupied" government, thus its not ours, it belongs, right now, to a foreign country and we need to stop allowing them to use us for their agenda. What they are doing in Africa is a "Land Grab" for natural resources and the institutionalizing of fascism in a land unable to fight them due to lack of military resources.   

Well, Africa is dealt with in Zbigs book,  fully and its definitely a blue print for a massive land grab for Greater Israel.    Zbig is a khazar but I am not sure if he is a zionist.   He is definitely an opportunist, that is for sure.  He has worked for Dems and GOP, as well as corporate leaders such as Rockefeller.

Kissinger called him a whore who will work for anybody.   That is how I saw Kissinger, since he has worked for Rockefeller and others as well.  Nixon was handled by Kissinger. So, is Kissinger jealous of Zbig's successful attempt to take his place?  Just asking. 

“US using Ebola to advance its imperialist agenda in Africa: Azikiwe”
By Admin,  Press TV,  October 31, 2014                                               

Corporate US Foreign Policy Always Consists of a Combination of the same basic platforms:

(1) Exploit Weaker Economies
– Steal and Control All Resources by any means necessary.

(2) Stage initial Covert CIA/NSA Black opps to destabilize regions and independent countries, undermine independent leadership, and destroy legitimate governments of said countries.  (VN: they are now  using this strategy in small towns in America to try and gain support from the awakening sheep. Sandy Hook, Ferguson, Boston all ring a bell? )

(3) Install puppet regimes and dictators who will do the bidding of Bilderberg, Fiat Bankster, Corporate, Imperialist expansionists.

(4) Blackmail, murder or assassinate legitimate, independent leaders who will not co-operate, and who cannot be bought off.

(5) Institute policies of genocide in the countries whose resources are stolen by multi-national corporations and their Corporate US Government thug agents, by killing as many Human Beings as possible, in any given 24 hour period.

(6) Use overt Corporate US Military invasion or occupation to wage war, achieve goals 1-5 above, and to maintain the PROFIT MARGIN of the Corporate US Military Industrial Complex.

This is why the Corporate US Government of Washington DC, Inc is so well respected the world over.  (VN: its why the Zionist fascist corporate khazar banker owned corporations.......are so respected, etc.)
Wayne Madsen – ‘CIA should be probed for Ebola’s origin in Zaire’
The Ebola outbreak in West Africa might be a resurfacing of Zaire’s Ebola infection spread, where the US Central Intelligence Agency was suspected to be involved with, an American investigative journalist says.

“When you look at the original outbreak of the Ebola in 1976 in Zaire,” Wayne Madsen told Press TV.  “We see a year when the US was violating a Senate law that forbid the US from engaging in the Angolan Civil War and we saw Zaire being used as a bait for the CIA and then we saw the outbreak of Ebola in Zaire. The same year that George H. W. Bush was the director of the CIA.”

“In 1980 we saw the outbreak of HIV in Zaire and Angola where the CIA was operating,” he said on Monday.

“I think what we need to see is an investigation of how intense the CIA biological warfare program was in Zaire and Angola between 1976 and 1980, and what has hit in Sierra Leon and other countries is the Zaire strain of Ebola,” he said.
“This may be another case of blowback to the CIA … to create pathogens for warfare purposes,” Madsen continued.

A VATIC MUST READ: The Battle of Athens: An Important Lesson on the Right to Keep and Bear Arms

***Status Fundraising - We made it.  Yahoo! Thank you, all who contributed so we could continue this work.  I have made a commitment to try to find additional ways to raise funds, and I will keep to that commitment.  It doesn't mean I will succeed, but it does mean that I will always work on it more than normal, since I have been trying for sometime now.  I will look at alternatives to that which I have tried in the past, so wish me luck.  LOL

Vatic Note:   I made this a "Vatic Must read" because we are so close to this situation today, though somewhat different than this town was when they reclaimed their rights through armed rebellion.  Our current situation is even worse than back then.

We have the same problem in many areas.  One, like Athens,  is voting and vote counting, the second is false flags to try and take our legally obtained and owned weapons/guns.  The third are the unconstitutional powers being usurped by one branch of government over the other two and over the people, such as the executive orders to assassinate Americans, without Congressional approval.

Another is declaring wars by the President without the approval of congress and the fourth is the appointment of czars by the President, in key policy positions without Senate approval of such appointments.  If these appointments are made of people whose total political leanings are antithesis to the interests of the United States and its people, then it is imperative that the Senate fulfill its obligation to discuss and vote on these appointments.

As it stands today, fascism is only a few heart beats away, and that is definitely not in the best interests of this nation or its people.  We need our oath keepers and militia to stand on the ready to lead this nation into its previous state of freedom and against the foreign power that is currently conducting a coup of our elected leaders through many and various criminal acts.

As the system continues to fail us, it behooves us to begin to seriously think about taking a stand such as these men did in Tennessee and seriously work to take our nation back again.   After all, it is ours, not theirs.  They can go home and do this work against their own people and leave us alone.  DO NOT EVEN DREAM OF COLLECTING OUR GUNS.  As we saw in Concord and Lexington, IT WILL NEVER HAPPEN. 

The Battle of Athens: An Important Lesson on the Right to Keep and Bear Arms
by Binary Loop, Liberty Crier,  October 21, 2014
  (VN: Notice not one person has belly fat in this picture.  Shows us how dangerous it is to give corporations the exclusive ability to feed us, and thus poisonous us.)

Most Americans are unfamiliar with the Battle of Athens, a rebellion that took place in Tennessee in 1946. While gun rights advocates point to it as an example of why we need the Second Amendment, in doing so they misrepresent the meaning of the amendment, as well as the context of the rebellion and the historical lessons it offers to those wise enough to heed them.

By the mid 1930's, McMinn County was run by the local Democratic political machine, headed by Sheriff Pat Cantrell. The U.S. Department of Justice had investigated allegations of electoral fraud repeatedly throughout the 1940's, but had not taken action.

In 1945, roughly 3,000 American GIs returned to the county from Europe and the Pacific, where they discovered the corruption that went on in their local government. By 1946, they decided to run their own candidates for county offices via a GI Non-Partisan League.

At one rally, a speaker said:
"The principles that we fought for in this past war do not exist in McMinn County. We fought for democracy because we believe in democracy but not the form we live under in this county."
During the August election, Cantrell hired hundreds of gunmen, who were deputized to patrol the precincts. As the polls closed, the deputies seized ballot boxes and took them to the local jail in the city of Athens, in violation of Tennessee state law which stated the ballots had to be counted in public.

In response, the GIs and other Athen citizens raided the nearby National Guard Armory, seizing arms and munitions. They besieged the jail for several hours until those inside surrendered and the ballots were counted publicly. There were several wounded, but no dead. The firearms were cleaned and returned to the armory. Not one man was arrested for the rebellion.

Ultimately, the GI candidate for sheriff was elected, and four GI candidates were elected to the county government. Within a year, however, problems arose with the coalition, and it eventually fell apart.

While many Americans are fond of citing this incident as an example of why the Second Amendment is necessary, they miss several small, but vital points.
One, the Second Amendment was written to make it absolutely clear that the feds had no authority to restrict the people’s right to keep and bear arms in the event that it became too tyrannical. It was written out of fear of the feds gaining too much power, while the Battle of Athens concerned a local jurisdiction.
Second, the GIs used firearms and ammunition taken from a state-owned armory. They fought with government-owned weapons.

Third, while the corrupt government was replaced by the GI league, the coalition failed to make any long term reforms to the county.   At the same time, however, this rebellion acts as evidence of what happens when a free people have the right to keep and bear arms.

The rebels represented what the Second Amendment meant by a "well regulated militia." They had been properly trained and drilled in the use of firearms. Their combat experience gave them a great advantage against the deputies trapped inside the jail.

Their use of firearms from the armory also illustrates why gun ownership is necessary to the “security of a free state.” Imagine if the armory had been the sole option for firearms and their efforts to obtain the guns had failed. They would not have been able to challenge the sheriff or his deputies, and the ballots would have remained in their hands. When government has a monopoly on gun ownership, corruption and abuse is inevitable.

The blatant corruption also demonstrates the folly of believing that working within the system is the only way. Deprived of their right to vote, the people of McMinn County had no other choice but to resort to the final measure of self-defense in order to restore their liberties.

Lastly, while the new government failed to implement any lasting changes politically, the armed rebellion brought about one great achievement. Never again did the county dare attempt to seize ballots in such a flagrant act of corruption contrary to state law.

Not a single man was charged or even arrested for their participation in what was an outright rebellion against the local government. The only person charged with a crime was one of the deputies, who shot a black man while he was trying to vote.

It sent an unspoken but critical message. If law enforcement officials break the law, the people have the right to use self-defense as a final resort. It set a precedent difficult to overturn.

The Battle of Athens demonstrates the eternal truth that governments do not restrain themselves. They must be restrained by the people whom they claim to represent and whose consent they require. Restraint ultimately comes from a well armed citizenry ready to defend their rights.

As Thomas Jefferson remarked, "The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants."

The article is reproduced in accordance with Section 107 of title 17 of the Copyright Law of the United States relating to fair-use and is for the purposes of criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research.


3 days In Blackness Without Sun: NASA Confirms

***Fundraising status: We still have a balance on our deficit of $20 which is still needed to meet our obligations, We are so close now, that I feel we will make, but  we have only 1 more day  before our deadline. We want to thank those who got us down to this level.  We are eternally grateful that  the hits are definitely there, and the donations are almost there as well. So please, if you can afford it, donate off to the right of this blog. Thank you to those who came through so far. 

I am looking into other ways to raise these funds, but for now it has to be a partnership between us until I can find other ways.  
So any help you can give will be greatly appreciated. The pay pal donation button is off to the right of the blog.  Thank you again from the bottom of our hearts.  


Vatic Note:  Raise your hand if you trust NASA?  Remember, its been turned over to the military and is now run by them for dual purposes, including military purposes with respect to space. Now that you have answered that, keep it in mind, but also keep an open mind, since most of those who are manipulating always include truth within the information.   These are good suggestions, so the question is "Is this really going to happen, or is it a deflection from some other piece of information they do not want us to have???

I ask you to listen to him and decide for yourselves.   I am already very prepared, however it did not include 3 days of darkness, so batteries and matches are going to be important, along with a lot of warm clothes, socks, jackets, scarves etc.   I personally can't see how they can manipulate 3 days of darkness, so for me, I am accepting the warning as real.  Stash your ammo and guns, in case this turns into a "Rahm Emmanual" special......" Never let a good crisis go to waste".

3 days In Blackness Without Sun: NASA Confirms
by Mort Amsel,  Before Its' News,  October 25, 2014

NASA has confirmed that the three days of darkness will take place this year on days 21, 22 and 23 December. The land will remain during these three days without sun, night ie in total darkness due to a solar storm ….

This is the head of NASA Charles Bolden who made the announcement and asked everyone to remain calm. This will be the product of a solar storm, the largest in the last 50 years for a period of 72 hours.

Note that in the responses of Light Beings to questions Monique Mathieu by his members “From Heaven to Earth,” she wrote: “The three days of darkness will actually take place. This will be an extremely difficult time for humanity.

I’m not exactly sure how much confirming NASA has done, see video below, but I know there has been tons of rumour and speculation over this and I also know that if I thought the end of days was near because of events on Earth, now would be the time I’d be thinking it. Thoughts?

The article is reproduced in accordance with Section 107 of title 17 of the Copyright Law of the United States relating to fair-use and is for the purposes of criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research.

Rabbis want to criticize Israel but fear donors (and ‘NYT’ buries the news) -

***Fundraising status: We still have a balance on our deficit of $20 which is still needed to meet our obligations, We are so close now, that I feel we will make, but  we have only 1 more day  before our deadline. We want to thank those who got us down to this level.  We are eternally grateful that  the hits are definitely there, and the donations are almost there as well. So please, if you can afford it, donate off to the right of this blog. Thank you to those who came through so far. 

I am looking into other ways to raise these funds, but for now it has to be a partnership between us until I can find other ways.  
So any help you can give will be greatly appreciated. The pay pal donation button is off to the right of the blog.  Thank you again from the bottom of our hearts.  

Vatic Note:  Well, if this is true, then its good that most Jews are actually siding with the Palestinians against the "khazar state of Israel".   Its even more encouraging that its the young people, since they are the ones that will be running Israel eventually.  Like us, they are at a point where they must speak up sooner than later.   If we all do not, then it will all continue.

What does not surprise me is the actions of the New York Times.  The publisher is a zionist and Khazar.  

Rabbis want to criticize Israel but fear donors (and ‘NYT’ buries the news) -

James North and Philip Weiss on

Today’s New York Times has a big and important piece on the divide inside the Jewish community over Gaza and Israel. The article is actually a puzzle: the real news about what’s happening inside the Jewish community is strewn in among anecdotes. You have to piece it together for yourself.

Under the headline “Talk in Synagogue of Israel and Gaza Goes From Debate to Wrath to Rage,” reporter Laurie Goodstein begins by saying that leftwing and rightwing rabbis are hesitant to bring Gaza up lest they divide their congregations. The rightwing rabbi says, “It used to be that Israel was always the uniting factor in the Jewish world.”

Goodstein makes it sound like a one-hand, on-the-other hand story. Here’s her nut graph:
"Israel’s occupation of Arab lands won in battle and its standoff with the Palestinians have become so divisive that many rabbis say it is impossible to have a civil conversation about Israel in their synagogues. Debate among Jews about Israel is nothing new, but some say the friction is now fire. Rabbis said in interviews that it may be too hot to touch, and many are anguishing over what to say about Israel in their sermons during the High Holy Days, which begin Wednesday evening."
But get to the fourth paragraph or so and the real meaning of the story emerges. Young Jews are alienated from Israel. They don’t want to hear a word of support! And who is holding the line? Large donors.
"Particularly in the large cohort of rabbis who consider themselves liberals and believers in a “two-state solution,” some said they are now hesitant to speak much about Israel at all. If they defend Israel, they risk alienating younger Jews who, rabbis say they have observed, are more detached from the Jewish state and organized Judaism. If they say anything critical of Israel, they risk angering the older, more conservative members who often are the larger donors and active volunteers."
And guess what: it’s not even-steven inside the Jewish community. The liberals are more afraid than the rightwingers to speak out.
"one-third of 552 rabbis who responded to a questionnaire put out last year by the Jewish Council for Public Affairs said they were reluctant to express their true views on Israel. (Most who responded were not Orthodox.) The “doves” were far more likely to say they were fearful of speaking their minds than the “hawks.”
Rabbi Jill Jacobs, executive director of T’ruah: The Rabbinical Call for Human Rights, a liberal group with 1,800 member rabbis, said: “Rabbis are just really scared because they get slammed by their right-wing congregants, who are often the ones with the purse strings. They are not necessarily the numerical majority, but they are the loudest.”
THAT is the story. Congrats to Rabbi Jill Jacobs. She shows real courage. Why isn’t Goodstein giving us that story from the start? She should have written:
"Rabbis who are critical of Israel’s action in Gaza are afraid to say so in their shuls because they are afraid of angering donors– even though younger members of their flock agree with them."
Late in the Times article, we learn that some of these rabbis even support BDS, boycott, divestment and sanctions. That’s a story. And by the way, all that happened to the rightwing rabbi at the start of the article was he got a letter from a member who was quitting. That’s a bit different from a donor’s call. Just ask Rev. Bruce Shipman. A member quitting and a donor withholding funds — that’s false equivalence.

There is today a revolution taking place inside American Jewish life. Gaza has destroyed many young Jews’ belief in the Jewish state and undermined liberal Zionists’ belief that they can reconcile the two strands of their ideology. The New York Times continues to put its head in the sand.

P.S. JCPA, which reports that doves are afraid to speak out, is a Zionist organization (link). It’s probably undercounting the shift.-

See more at:

The article is reproduced in accordance with Section 107 of title 17 of the Copyright Law of the United States relating to fair-use and is for the purposes of criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research.

A "Secret Society" to Protect "The Secret"

***Fundraising status: We still have a balance on our deficit of $20 which is still needed to meet our obligations, We are so close now, that I feel we will make, but  we have only 1 more days  before our deadline. We want to thank those who got us down to this level.  We are eternally grateful that  the hits are definitely there, and the donations are almost there as well. So please, if you can afford it, donate off to the right of this blog. Thank you to those who came through so far. 

I am looking into other ways to raise these funds, but for now it has to be a partnership between us until I can find other ways.  
So any help you can give will be greatly appreciated. The pay pal donation button is off to the right of the blog.  Thank you again from the bottom of our hearts.  

Vatic Note:  Secret Societies go back a long way in Europe, the United States and Israel,  and usually among the elite.  The home of most of the secret societies we have today at Yale, Harvard and other elite universities,  were spawned from Oxford which is the home of secret societies.  Don't forget, it was Oxford that trained and educated 3,000 of China's current leaders.  This one discussed below, seemed to belong to the religious elite of the day, back in 1600's and either before or after the French Revolution.

Keep in mind that the khazars migrated into eastern Europe as "Ashkenazi Jews" back around 750 AD.  The "current" British royal line runs through Romania, with Count Dracula as their ancestor.  The Blood drinking count. And that country was previously part of Khazaria.  I have always contended that the Winsors (not their real name) were khazarian based on their migratory path into Britain.

Also their barbaric practices support that as well.  We did several blogs on the Queen and her husband travelling to Canada and partaking of blood-letting of native American school children and leaving the dead bodies behind that were found buried later, as much as 10 years later on the same school grounds were the Queen had taken them on picnics.

This one below intrigued me very much, not only its age (since 1660 or so) but it seemed to be tied in very much to Jewish Cabalism, which was leaning more toward paganism, than traditional Jewish religion.  This secret society was sooooo secret, that I had never heard of it before.  I have tried to imagine what their secret was that was so important to protect, but for the life of me, I cannot and that made it all the more  intriguing. I thought we have bared all that was possible to bear, maybe I was wrong.   Please read and see what you think.

                                                    THE " AA"
                                A "Secret Society" to Protect "The Secret"
by Philip Coppens
from PhilipCoppens Website

There was a “movement” named AGLA, about which we know very little. As a secret society, it maintained its nature very well. On first appearance, it seems they were an underground movement that was not very active. However, this is a dubious statement to make: as they were little known, bluntly suggesting they were not very active is dangerous, owing to the fact that we do not know anything about them, which means we know nothing about their activities or frequency thereof either. 

Robert Ambelain defines AGLA as an autonomous society and firmly closed. He suggests that rather than a subgroup, they were in fact the group behind a more visible organization, like for example, the organization led by another priest, Nicholas Montfaucon de Villars, author of Count de Gabelis, subtitledThe Extravagant Mysteries of the Cabalists, expounded in Five pleasant Discourses on the Secret Societies.”

The book which appeared in 1670, was a treatise on the occult and elemental sex magic, assuring its ban in France, even though it sold out several editions in the first few months. Nevertheless, it had no known author, until Montfaucon De Villars name was advanced. 

He was a well-known figure, a “Libertin”, an intellectual whose ideas were deemed dangerous both for the church and the king. In March 1673, De Villars was murdered by a rifle bullet, near Lyons. His murder was never solved, but René Nelli believes that Montfaucon de Villars had been assassinated, possibly because in his book, he had revealed “too much”.

Villars wrote on the topic of,“the great name of AGLA, which operates all these wonders, at the same time as it is called upon by the ignoramuses and the sinners, and who would do many more miracles in a Kabbalistic fashion”.
What could this secret be that had to be protected at all cost, even with the life of this priest? This question remained unanswered, but raises another, almost identical one: "what could be the secret that had to be protected at all cost, even with the life of the priest Antonin Gélis?" No answer has ever been provided for his murder either. That murder occurred on the evening of 31st October, 1897, in his presbytery. 

Newspaper accounts relate how Gélis was found lying in a pool of blood, his arms placed on his belly, but his legs in an awkward position, with one leg firmly underneath the body. He had suffered 14 blows to the head, fracturing his skull and even making the brain visible.
There were further minor injuries on the rest of his body. Gélis had locked up the night before and it was known he never let anyone in at night, unless he knew the person visiting. With no signs of a break-in, it is clear that Gélis let his murderer in – and was thus familiar with him. The murderer killed the priest, but did not steal anything of value. 

Although cabinets had been gone through and some documents had been stolen, nothing of value, including 500 Francs, had been taken. Newspaper reports spoke of a “masked intruder” who had also broken into the presbytery many years before and had got away with certain papers. He was never found and now history was repeating itself and no-one was ever charged with the murder.

One organization known as AGLA was not esoteric at all. That AGLA was, from its inception, only intended to attract invited members from the publishing industry: booksellers, printers, etc. The presence of a Rabelais, Nicholas Flamel, Sebastien Greif, Montfaucon de Villars would therefore not seem odd – neither would the booksellers of Lyons, who bought Saunière’s books. According to Robert Ambelain, AGLA also attracted the makers of the first sets of Tarot cards.

There is AGLA, but there is also A.G.L.A. – written with all capital letters punctuated by a point. In this interpretation, “AGLA” would not be one word, but the abbreviation of four words. It is clear that this approach would be a clever “trick” – a smokescreen. 

For all intents and purposes, any observer would read AGLA or A.G.L.A. as an incorrect rendering of Agla – a society which had no esoteric connections whatsoever. Even if someone felt that A.G.L.A. could not be an error, but meant something else, there was no way for that person to know what each letter stood for – unless he had powerful computers at his disposal, or, more likely, came across someone who “knew”.

So what might A.G.L.A. stand for? One proposed reading is Attâh, Gibbor, Leholâm, Adonâi:

“Thou art strong for ever, O Lord”.

Actually, many people in Germany thought it stood for “Almachtiger Gott Losch Aus!
It is said to contain all the letters of the Kaballah. Tradition has it that the Divine Power resides within this simple set of four letters, containing at the same time absolute knowledge, the science of Solomon and the Light of Abraham. 

 In other readings, it is the Secret or Hidden Name of God, so cherished by the Kaballists, but also other esoteric traditions, including the Freemasons. The question arises, therefore, as to whether Saunière’s remotely guided steps were to direct him into that direction?

The A.A. is a genuine organization – the very organization that was identified as the one to which Henri Boudet, the priest of Rennes-les-Bains, and Felix-Arsène Billard, the bishop of Carcassonne, belonged. However, trying to find information on the A.A. is next to impossible. We note that a document was found, which listed Boudet and two bishops of Carcassonne as members of this organization. This information was given to us by Gérard Moraux de Waldan.

It seems that several movements, at least four to our knowledge, claimed to be a part of this organization. However, although it was certainly present in more than 39 areas of France, only the Toulouse area seems to have had retained documents on the subject.

The general presentation of these little known groups shows a structure established on secrecy, accompanied by an undeniable spiritual improvement. At the time of the French Revolution, these secret societies opposed a clergy managed by a civil Constitution. One also finds their virulent action against the Napoleonic Regime during the plundering of the Vatican archives, the general confusion in Rome and the arrest of the pope.

According to Jean-Claude Meyer, in the Ecclesiastical Bulletin of Literature,

“The study of the AA of Toulouse, founded into the 17th century, forms part of the understanding of the more general movement of spiritual and apostolic reform of the clergy of France at that time. Beyond rules which appear out of date today, the history of this AA reveals the spirit of a sacerdotal fraternity lived by the fellow-members: thus is explained its exceptional longevity, one which will see the positive effects during the decade of the Revolution.”


Anomalous Native American DNA: New Tests Show Middle East Origins

***Fundraising status: We still have a balance on our deficit of $20 which is still needed to meet our obligations, We are so close now, that I feel we will make, but  we have only 2 more days  before our deadline. We want to thank those who got us down to this level.  We are eternally grateful that  the hits are definitely there, and the donations are almost there as well. So please, if you can afford it, donate off to the right of this blog. Thank you to those who came through so far. 

I am looking into other ways to raise these funds, but for now it has to be a partnership between us until I can find other ways.  
So any help you can give will be greatly appreciated. The pay pal donation button is off to the right of the blog.  Thank you again from the bottom of our hearts.   

Vatic Note:  Hmmmm, that is interesting, since the cherokee tribe has a high percentage of RH neg within their tribe.  I wonder if there is a connection?  Further, this confirms the teachings of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints.  Now, how ironic is that?

Their Book of Mormon contains writings of prophits from among the American Indians that were transplants from the middle east to here.  Specifically, from Israel, Iraq and Iran.  Archeological digs have also reported the same thing based on finds here.  They also knew about Christ long before the Spaniards arrived.  How was that possible?

Ironically, the Book of Mormon gives a complete and detailed history of how these middle eastern people arrived here in the United States, beginning with their first adventure and how it came about and who were the players.  A fascinating read if I do say so myself. They were translated from gold plates that were discovered by the early founder of the church and translated by him.  I find the information about the cherokees, scientifically, to be fascinating.  Its amazing what we did not know about history.

Is that why the Christians in early America went after these Indians so viciously? And eventually went after the Mormons just after the Bill of Rights were passed, that gave everyone the freedom to practice their particular religion?? Is that how they chased them out of America and into other countries, before they became states in America???  Utah was not a state when they migrated there. Anyway, this is a fascinating read. 

Anomalous Native American DNA: New Tests Show Middle East Origins
Posted by "Rumormill",  October 28, 2014

The universe is full of mysteries that challenge our current knowledge. In "Beyond Science" Epoch Times collects stories about these strange phenomena to stimulate the imagination and open up previously undreamed of possibilities. Are they true? You decide.

Geneticist Dr. Donald Yates has been studying Cherokee DNA, particularly genetic markers passed on only from a mother to her children, not passed on along paternal lines. Anomalies in Native American DNA are often dismissed as signs of racial admixture after colonization, the anomalies are not attributed to the origins of Native peoples.

Yates chose to focus on the maternal line to make it easier to filter out any colonial-era admixture. It was far more common for male colonists to mate with Native American women than it was for female colonists to mate with Native American men when the Old World first met the New.

To further rule out admixture in his test results, Yates combined genetic testing with genealogical records where possible.

He found what he sees as strong evidence that Cherokee Native Americans have Middle Eastern ancestry—ancestry that cannot be accounted for by modern admixture, but which is rooted in the ancient origins of the people.

Native Americans are conventionally held to fit into a handful of haplogroups. The term haplogroup refers to a genetic population group stemming from a common ancestor. Haplogroup T is not among the haplogroups most geneticists recognize as Native American. Yates, however, said that it is prevalent among the Cherokee and has been for a very long time.

He wrote in his report, released earlier this month: “T is the leading haplogroup (23.1 percent), with a frequency on a par with modern-day Egyptians (23.4 percent) and Arabs (24.4 percent). T is thus a defining mark of Cherokee ancestry. … We can safely rule out recent European admixture.

As we have discussed again and again, there was no available source for a huge, sudden influx of female-mediated Middle Eastern DNA on the American frontier. Even Sephardic Jews (11 to 14 percent), many of whom were also Indian traders, could hardly have accounted for such admixture.

“Moreover, had it occurred in the colonial period or more recently, the diversity, age, and unique characteristics of the T haplotypes would not have yielded the patterns noticed in this paper. 

Most T’s would have matched people in the Old World and we would simply be looking at an effect of migration. Instead, we have a North American branch of T with peculiar SNPs [Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms, a DNA sequence variation] which is evidently a cross-section of a very old population originating in the Old World.”

In a different part of the report, he explained one way to tell if the genetic characteristics are ancient in origin, or if they could be attributed to recent admixture: “Generally, the more mutations, the more ancient the type.”

While the level of the T-haplotype found across Yates’s 67 Cherokee test subjects is comparable to those found in Iraqi and Iranian Jews (about 24 percent), it is far higher than that found in nearby regions where one would expect admixture.

In neighboring countries in the Middle East, as well as among Jews from other regions, the frequency of T is only 4–14 percent.

An example of how Dr. Yates combined genetic testing with genealogical research is the case of Kathleen Rogalla.

Mother of Kathleen Rogalla, Ethel Estell Caywood Christian, ca. 1930. (Courtesy of Dr. Donald Yates)
Mother of Kathleen Rogalla, Ethel Estell Caywood Christian, ca. 1930. (Courtesy of Dr. Donald Yates)

Kathleen Rogalla of Panama City, Fla. is descended from Deborah Cook(e), wife of William Chisholm (born 1720 in Amelia County, Va.). Cook is her ancestor in an unbroken female line. A woman named Amy or Annie (no last name) was Cook’s mother. Yates wrote, “It is unlikely Amy or Annie was the daughter of an Englishwoman … around the time of first intermarriages.”

Rogalla underwent genetic testing from another company, which she had sought out after taking an interest in her Native ancestry. This company told her she was of 100 percent European ancestry with no chance of being Native American. When Yates tested Rogalla, he found haplotype T in her results.

He wrote: “These historical accounts are given here in detail to document the early Cherokee affiliation of the line. More could be added. Suffice it to say that the Chisholms and all their marriage partners were well known to Cherokee leaders from the 1760s on … All the names are well documented in Cherokee and Melungeon genealogies, as well as U.S. Indian treaties, chiefs-lists and agency records. … There is every reason on genealogical grounds to regard her T* haplotype as Cherokee, not Eurasian.”

Yates is of Cherokee descent, he has a Ph.D. in classical studies, and he founded the genetics research institution DNA Consultants. These three credentials have given him a unique perspective on Native American history as it relates to these ancient cultures, and how DNA testing can support the theoretical link.

He hypothesizes that an expedition of Ptolemaic Egyptians and others in the 3rd century B.C. sailed to North America and were the settlers from whom descended today’s Cherokee Native Americans.

Follow @TaraMacIsaac on Twitter, visit the Epoch Times Beyond Science page on Facebook, and subscribe to the Beyond Science newsletter to continue exploring the new frontiers of science!

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Wayne Madsen – ‘CIA should be probed for Ebola’s origin in Zaire’

***Fundraising status: We still have a balance on our deficit of $20 which is still needed to meet our obligations, We are so close now, that I feel we will make, but  we have only 2 more days  before our deadline. We want to thank those who got us down to this level.  We are eternally grateful that  the hits are definitely there, and the donations are almost there as well. So please, if you can afford it, donate off to the right of this blog. Thank you to those who came through so far. 

I am looking into other ways to raise these funds, but for now it has to be a partnership between us until I can find other ways.  
So any help you can give will be greatly appreciated. The pay pal donation button is off to the right of the blog.  Thank you again from the bottom of our hearts.   


Vatic Note:  If you have read Zbigs book "The Grand Chessboard:  American primacy and its Geostrategic Imperatives"  then this below will sound familiar.  It was laid out perfectly by Zbig way back in 1997 when he wrote the book.  Remember that is when the neocons,  who wrote the "Pax Americana" paper while serving on the "New American Century"  think tank, wrote about needing a "pearl harbor" type event to do all that which they planned to do.  

Its finally coming to fruition.   Africa serves, not only as a resource dump for the Illums to pillage, but also as a test run for their depopulation program they intend to do to the western world, prior to pillaging our resources.  Remember, these khazars are the world biggest bigots.  They hate all races; blacks, arabs, and caucasians, which are the white Europeans and Americans.  

I am surprised at nothing they do to any nation, culture, or peoples.  They are psychopaths of the highest order without an ounce of humanity, compassion, integrity, or courage within them and they certainly lack any Semitic, or Jewish DNA which explains their total lack of anything resembling humanity.  So whatever happens will be a surprise to them, indeed.

Wayne Madsen – ‘CIA should be probed for Ebola’s origin in Zaire’
by Wayne Madsen, 10/21/2014

Corporate US Foreign Policy Always Consists of a Combination of the same basic platforms:

(1) Exploit Weaker Economies – Steal and Control All Resources by any means necessary.
(2) Stage initial Covert CIA/NSA Black opps to destabilize regions and independent countries, undermine independent leadership, and destroy legitimate governments of said countries.
(3) Install puppet regimes and dictators who will do the bidding of Bilderberg, Fiat Bankster, Corporate, Imperialist expansionists.
(4) Blackmail, murder or assassinate legitimate, independent leaders who will not co-operate, and who cannot be bought off.
(5) Institute policies of genocide in the countries whose resources are stolen by multi-national corporations and their Corporate US Government thug agents, by killing as many Human Beings as possible, in any given 24 hour period.
(6) Use overt Corporate US Military invasion or occupation to wage war, achieve goals 1-5 above, and to maintain the PROFIT MARGIN of the Corporate US Military Industrial Complex.

This is why the Corporate US Government of Washington DC, Inc is so well respected the world over.  (VN:  "NOT")
Wayne Madsen – ‘CIA should be probed for Ebola’s origin in Zaire’


The Ebola outbreak in West Africa might be a resurfacing of Zaire’s Ebola infection spread, where the US Central Intelligence Agency was suspected to be involved with, an American investigative journalist says.

“When you look at the original outbreak of the Ebola in 1976 in Zaire,” Wayne Madsen told Press TV.

“We see a year when the US was violating a Senate law that forbid the US from engaging in the Angolan Civil War and we saw Zaire being used as a bait for the CIA and then we saw the outbreak of Ebola in Zaire. The same year that George H. W. Bush was the director of the CIA.”

“In 1980 we saw the outbreak of HIV in Zaire and Angola where the CIA was operating,” he said on Monday.

“I think what we need to see is an investigation of how intense the CIA biological warfare program was in Zaire and Angola between 1976 and 1980, and what has hit in Sierra Leon and other countries is the Zaire strain of Ebola,” he said.
“This may be another case of blowback to the CIA … to create pathogens for warfare purposes,” Madsen continued.

US President Barack Obama on Saturday said that there would not be any travel bans on passengers coming from West Africa saying restrictions would exacerbate the situation.

“We can’t just cut ourselves off from West Africa,” Obama said during his weekly address. “Trying to seal off an entire region of the world – if that were even possible – could actually make the situation worse,” he added.

At the moment, there are over 500 active-duty troops in Liberia and Senegal on the mission. The Pentagon says it is planning a 3,600-strong force to fight the Ebola epidemic in West Africa.  (VN: This is what I mean, they think we are stupid.  Think about it.... you don't send 3,600 military to fight a disease, or send health scientists to fight a war.   You send the health professionals to fight the disease and the military to fight a warDUH!!!!!

“It’s very peculiar that the US is sending the military in when obviously health workers, doctors, and other health care professionals are needed,” Madsen said.
AN/DDB    (VN: my thoughts exactly....)

US to further infiltrate into African states with Ebola: Azikiwe

A political commentator says Washington’s plan to send troops to West Africa for Ebola is to further infiltrate into the African states with the US military presence.

The United States on Monday announced that it will expand its response to the Ebola crisis in Africa by assigning 3,000 military personnel to the afflicted region.

Abayomi Azikiwe, editor of Pan-African News Wire, told Press TV in a phone interview on Tuesday that the situation “does not require a militarized response.”

“We feel that this is just another effort to further infiltrate these various African states with the US military presence. All of the impacted countries in West Africa already have US military involvement within their borders. Liberia is one, also Sierra Leone, Guinea, Conakry has also had some US military involvement,” Azikiwe said.

“What the situation requires is a scientific assessment of the extent of the problem. A plan on how to arrest and eventually eradicate the virus and its impact,” he said.

“So I don’t think that it’s a question of military response to a medical problem, that the response should be medical, social and also scientific.”

Azikiwe said the United States can have a role in containing this outbreak, “but the character of the role of the United States has to be monitored, it has to be evaluated on the part of those within the United States who are opposed to US military intervention.”

He also mentioned Cuba’s initiative as a “correct” response to the Ebola crisis in West Africa.

“Contrasting the role of the United States in West Africa in response to the Ebola virus that is the efforts on the part of the Cuban government where they were going to send over one thousand medical personnel into West Africa to address the crisis.”

“Cuba’s relationship with Africa has been much more cooperative and much more progressive and supportive. And I think that countries around the world need to follow Cuba’s lead,” he said.
US using Ebola to advance its imperialist agenda in Africa: Azikiwe
The United States is using the epidemic of the Ebola virus to advance its imperialist agenda in West Africa, a civil rights activist and journalist in Detroit says.

Abayomi Azikiwe, editor of the Pan-African News Wire, made the remarks in a phone interview with Press TV on Tuesday while commenting on President Barack Obama’s announcement that the US military will be involved in tackling the Ebola outbreak in West Africa, arguing that it represents a serious national security concern.

“I believe this is just another means for the United States military intelligence’s deeper penetration of the African continent. Already the United States has military presence in Libya, in Sierra Leone, as well in the west African state of Nigeria, all of which have been… impacted by the epidemic of the Ebola virus,” Azikiwe said.

“The only way in which this disease can be tackled is through the proliferation of medical personnel, trained doctors, nurses, the development of the field hospitals and clinics, and it’s through this process that the disease can be arrested,” he added.

“The reason why this disease is having such a traumatic impact on Africa… is the fact that there are not adequate healthcare facilities in these various countries — adequate research facilities — so this disease can be tackled both through research as well as through medical treatment,” the civil rights activist noted.

“This treatment will be designed to contain a virus and also to eliminate it. But it’s not a military solution, it’s a medical solution, and the medical solution is definitely related to the lack of the development, the lack of resources inside the region,” he stated.

“The Ebola cases that have been sent to the Unites States for treatment have gotten very positive results. That is directly related to the level of medical facilities and healthcare professionals [in the US] that can address this issue,” Azikiwe said. “But it’s not a military issue, it’s a medical issue, and the medical issue is definitely related to the question of development in West Africa.”

“[T]his is the only way of which there will be a long-term solution for this crisis. The disease at this point is a threat for West Africa; but it’s also an international threat because there’s no way it can be contained strictly in the West African region,” he emphasized.

He added that “there have been some cases in the northern region of Democratic Republic of Congo. Although they are claiming the outbreak is unrelated to the outbreak in West Africa, still we go back to the question of adequate medical facilities and adequate medical personnel.”

“So this is the real solution and [regarding] AFRICOM – the United States Army Command for the Africa Region – these military intuitions are not established for the purposes of healthcare. They are established for the purpose of carrying out the United States’ imperialist foreign policy in Africa and this is just another mechanism for Barack Obama to move in that direction,” Azikiwe concluded.


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Henry Kissinger once called Brzezinski ‘a total whore’

***Fundraising status: We still have a balance on our deficit of $20 which is still needed to meet our obligations, We are so close now, that I feel we will make, but  we have only 2 more days  before our deadline. We want to thank those who got us down to this level.  We are eternally grateful that  the hits are definitely there, and the donations are almost there as well. So please, if you can afford it, donate off to the right of this blog. Thank you to those who came through so far. 

I am looking into other ways to raise these funds, but for now it has to be a partnership between us until I can find other ways.  
So any help you can give will be greatly appreciated. The pay pal donation button is off to the right of the blog.  Thank you again from the bottom of our hearts.  

Vatic Note:   Now this is a prime example of the "Pot" calling the "Kettle" black.  However, I took so much pleasure in Zbig getting some heat for his work, that I just had to post it and it was even better coming from one of these two psychos who have managed to bring the world to the point it is at today.

Sometimes you just have to share a post that brings such joy to warm the cockles of one's heart... lol   This is one of those times.   I hope you will indulge me a bit here...... this is one of the simple pleasures I get, seeing these psychos pounding on each other instead of us,  and these moments don't come often. LOL

Henry Kissinger once called Brzezinski ‘a total whore’
By Al Kamen,  Washington Post, 10/16/2014

(Alex Wong - Getty Images) The State Department Historian’s office publishes the Foreign Relations of the United States (FRUS) series which, subject to security concerns, aims to give readers ”a comprehensive record of the major foreign policy decisions of the United States.”

The oft-tedious books, usually perused by policy wonks and history buffs, are released about three decades after the fact, often long after the principals are gone from the scene.   But not always.

A volume published Monday — first flagged by Micah Zenko, the Douglas Dillon fellow at the Council on Foreign Relations (who actually reads these tomes) — includes notes of internal discussions on the energy crisis of 1974-1980.

There’s a March 1976 meeting of top Ford administration officials: Secretary of State Henry A. Kissinger, National Security Adviser Brent Scowcroft and others.
The CIA- installed Shah of Iran was in power, and Ford was running against Ronald Reagan in the GOP primaries and soon to face Jimmy Carter in the general election.

Kissinger, now 89, complains about attacks by Reagan and a prominent Democratic senator and says: “They’ve been going around for weeks attacking American foreign policy and accusing us of weakness. And the first time I hit back, they call it unfair. But I’ve got news for them, I’m going to hit them again in Dallas on March 22.”

Scowcroft, 87, says: “Even Carter hit back. I understand he’s got [Zbigniew] Brzezinski working for him. That won’t help him very much.”

Kissinger:  ”Brzezinski is a total whore. He’s been on every side of every argument. He wrote a book on “Peaceful Engagement” [in 1965] and now that we are doing most of what he said in the book, he charges us with weakness.”

We’ve asked for comment from Kissinger and Brzezinski.
Brzezinski, now 84, e-mailed: “Henry is a friend of mine — he must have meant ‘bore.’”

Nothing yet from Kissinger.

At another meeting, on Dec. 9, 1974, we find Kissinger again displeased. “We have all of these eunuchs from David Rockefeller’s Trilateral Commission running around town saying that we are trying to confront the Arabs. . . . I don’t know whatever possessed me to give those idiots my blessing.”  (VN: looks like a battle between the Fascists (Rockefeller) and the Zionists (Kissinger).  These are long term partners that fight every so often and snipe at each other when displeased with the way something is going.)

Eunuchs? Idiots? We always thought of it as a shadowy, all-powerful, world-controlling organization, bigger even than the Bilderburg Group.

The article is reproduced in accordance with Section 107 of title 17 of the Copyright Law of the United States relating to fair-use and is for the purposes of criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research.


'US ignores The CIA, and Allies aid to ISIL'. So Whats' New?

*** I just discovered they GUTTED my fund raising paragraphs on all three of the blogs I put up yesterday, which are the ones you are seeing today. 
***Fundraising status: We still have a balance on our deficit of $45 which is still needed to meet our obligations, especially now that we are running out of time, we have only 2 more days  before our deadline. We want to thank those who got us down to this level.  We are eternally grateful that  the hits are definitely there, but the aid we need is not. So please, if you can afford it, donate off to the right of this blog. Thank you to those who came through so far. 

I am looking into other ways to raise these funds, but for now it has to be a partnership between us until I can find other ways. 
We hate giving up at this point in the program since we are close to things breaking one way or the other.    So any help you can give will be greatly appreciated. The pay pal donation button is off to the right of the blog.  Thank you again from the bottom of our hearts.  

Vatic Note:  Every time these "so- called Rogue groups" of terrorists get outted, a new one shows up.  Has anyone else noticed that?   As soon as Hamas got outted as being funded by Israel, then ISIS showed up and after ISIS got outted as being an Israeli, MI6, and CIA formed, funded and trained group, then up shows ISIL.  When will it end? 

Now we know they are part of Israel's etc. deception and manipulation to obtain the land they want in  Syria for their "Greater Israel" plans that have been laid out for sometime now.   I just think its so obvious and I am surprised that Gordon didn't catch that and mention it.

'US ignores The CIA,  & allies aid to ISIL'
By Gordon Duff, for Press TV, interview, October 27, 2014

As the US military intensifies its bombing campaign against ISIL in Iraq and Syria, the CIA and intelligence agencies from members of the US-led coalition are lending material support to the terrorist organization, an analyst says.

The US in the last week or so began an increased bombing campaign; some of it around the area of the Turkish border, in particular the sites where ISIS (ISIL or Daesh) has been most effective,” Gordon Duff, senior editor at Veterans Today, told Press TV on Saturday.

“While the US military is openly supporting the Kurds and Iraq as they have promised, other coalition members are still actively behind ISIS,” the journalist said.

According to US Central Command officials, the United States and its allies conducted 22 airstrikes against ISIL in Iraq and Syria Friday and Saturday.

While the air campaign has “certainly reduced the capability” of ISIL to seize more territory, Duff said, “the United States has not kept to its promises.”

“The United States has not dealt effectively with Turkey [which is] absolutely behind ISIS,” he explained.

“We know that the Israelis have been involved in support as well, we know that Saudi money or money from Qatar is still flowing in,” he continued.

“And the CIA itself-- tied to Saudi intelligence, Turkish intelligence, and Israel—is supplying arms, and money and weapons of mass destruction to ISIS,” the journalist noted.

Furthermore, Duff pointed to the hypocrisy of US strategy in dealing with the terror network. “The US is ignoring all of these things… they are talking to the public out of one side of their mouth, and from the other side they are ignoring the realities of what’s going on.”  (VN:  isn't that intentional? )


The article is reproduced in accordance with Section 107 of title 17 of the Copyright Law of the United States relating to fair-use and is for the purposes of criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research.