

"The Mother Of All Black Ops"

Vatic Note:  This is a very extensive read, so its definitely not for the fast food info readers.  This digs so deep down, that even I missed the power of the directed energy weapons that are now being used, under the NDAA, against Americans, and especially whistleblowers and dissidents.   I don't believe I have ever seen anything like this, put together to give us the most comprehensive treatment of these weapons and how they have been used both in the past and recently.

All of this is done in the context of the Satanic global New World Order and how its been done so far, to date.   Most of us have been exposed to the various false flags that have occurred, in order to ensure, the minions in Congress and the White House, will continue to do as they are told.  But how long, and how prevalent their use is in achieving this agenda by these black hearted, corrupted individuals.  Once you read this,  all will become very clear and will explain the great number of true Patriots have been eliminated using these weapons.

This is another one, where its important you read this for yourselves and then ponder it carefully, even rewatch and reread to see just how far down the rabbit hole, this all goes.  Even if you have to do this is several different sittings, it well worth the effort. 

"The Mother Of All Black Ops"
Tuesday, March 25, 2014

World Zionism's Sabbatean And Frankist False Jews & Their Intent To Create A Satanically Driven Global Government, Overseen By Their Antichrist

The Movie Deja-Vu Is An Example Of How The U.S. Military-Intelligence Complex Uses The Media To Show The Public Technology That Really Exists, Yet Is Presented In A Fictional Venue For The Purpose Of Plausible Deniability - If You Advance This Movie To About 31 Minutes Into Deja-Vu, You Will Be Able To See The Type Of Advanced 3D Thermal Imaging Technology That The U.S. Military Intelligence Complex Is Using To Spy On American Citizens Within The Privacy Of Our Own Homes - This Technology Is Being Used To Completely Circumvent The American People's 4Th Amendment Rights Under The Draconian Patriot Act

FBI/NSA Complicity In The Directed Energy Weapons' Murder Of A Madison Avenue Executive Named Suzanne Hart - Tortures & Murders Committed By The U.S. Military Intelligence Complex With Complete Anonymity Through The Use Of Directed Energy Weapons - These Arcane Weapons Have Become The Ultimate Means Of Covert Warfare

This Author Documents 16 Consecutive Months Of FBI/NSA Orchestrated Directed Energy Weapons' Torture & Organized Stalking Psyop Attacks On My Person & Family, In Retaliation For Documenting My Experiences As A Target Of MK-ULTRA And COINTELPRO For Nearly 40 Years, And For Publicly Accusing The NSA, Pentagon & CIA Of Secretly Implementing A National Brain Mapping Program In The United States, Which Is Being Used As Part Of A Signals Intelligence Driven Domestic Spy Program - What Possible Reason Could The U.S. Military Intelligence Complex Have For Decoding The Individual Brain Maps Of Each American Citizen And Then Cataloguing Them Into A Central Government Computer Database? How About Using It As A Covert Means Of Enslaving The American People, As Part Of Rothschild Zionism's New World Order World Communist Government, By Electronically Branding Each Of Us Like A Head Of Cattle

Synagogue Of Satan

Rothschild Zionism's 21St Century Feudal System

Written by James F. Marino
In the modern day, the Internet is replete with an historical account of the House of Rothschilds' covert infiltration of every country on the face of this planet, through its establishment of institutions overseen by white collar criminals. Those whose intent has been to launder their counterfeited currencies through our economies, while looting the gold from our Treasuries, in order to bankrupt our nations, in the interest of subverting our governments, for their own satanic agenda.

While euphemistically referring to themselves as central banks.
Less understood, however, is the critical role that the Sabbatean and Frankist *false Jews (followers of Sabbatai Sevi and Jacob Frank) have played in the creation of Zionism is significant in regard to Rothschild Zionism's intent to create a 21St century global feudal system, after it has destroyed every legitimate government on the face of this planet, through its subversion of their economies with Rothschild Communist central banks like the Federal Reserve System.

* As opposed to those legitimate Jews who have fallen prey to these Satanists
The House of Rothschilds' primary purpose for creating the Federal Reserve System was to use the Fed to loot the U.S. Treasury, while the Federal Reserve counterfeited and laundered its own worthless fiat currency, in order to bankrupt the U.S. economy.

The Federal Reserve and its IRS "collection bag man" were created based on the outright lies that the Federal Reserve Act and the 16Th Amendment were legally ratified by the U.S. Congress, when in fact, they were not.

This has already been proven by the late Eustace Mullins in his book "Secrets Of The Federal Reserve" and the investigative research conducted by former IRS investigator Bill Benson, whose research compiled in a book entitled "The Law That Never Was," proves that the 16TH Amendment is treasonous. Since having proved that both the Federal Reserve Act and the 16Th Amendment were never legally ratified, and that the Federal Reserve System and IRS exist illegally, a U.S. court has violated Bill Benson's 1St Amendment rights by censuring Benson, preventing him from selling (or even circulating) his book.

This is an excellent example of the Rothschilds' furtive use of an American court to obstruct justice, by ordering what is tantamount to evidence in a criminal case being sealed, in order to block a legitimate investigation into the IRS and Federal Reserve System's rampant criminal activities.

This is typical of how the Rothschilds subvert political elections to ensure that their own "change agents" are elected to the body politic, and that this body politic only appoints federal judges whom the Rothschilds approve of in advance.
It's the same for the U.S. President's choosing from a list of men furnished to him by the Federal Reserve System's Board Of Governors, to be the next chairman of the Federal Reserve.

The reader should consider that this also applies to the U.S. Supreme Court, each of whose judges are appointed to the bench by the Zionist controlled White House.

By subverting a federal government through such covert means, the Rothschilds have been able to corrupt the governments of every country they have infiltrated, while their subversion of the military intelligence complexes in these countries has also ensured that the media systems are government controlled as well, and therefore, useless as legitimate venues for news gathering and reporting.

This subversion of the U.S. federal government has been done in the interests of bankrupting the American middle class and destroying our sovereignty, while using false flag terrorist attacks like 9/11 and the Boston Marathon bombing, to not only turn our nation into a militarized police state, but to ensure that it stays that way.

Once Rothschild Zionism's world government is fully implemented, the American citizenry (like those in every country whose constitutional government has been destroyed by these Satanic interlopers) will find themselves being subjugated to a 21St century technocratic feudal system; a citizenry enslaved through the creation of a world government, technocratic police state, which will be used to imprison the citizenry of this planet through the use of brain mapping programs, Signals Intelligence EMF Scanning Networks and over the horizon radar systems.

All of which function in unison in order to electronically brand each citizen like a head of cattle, who can be instantly identified and tracked by these high-tech and weaponized surveillance systems, while the neural pathways of their very own brains are remotely interfaced with artificial intelligence computers, for the purpose of remotely programming their minds.

The precursor to a future cybernetic society whose citizenry operate from the same computer generated hive mind; spiritually and creatively dead, a race of enslaved beings no longer capable of expressing individual thought, or emotions such as love.

As a target of MK-ULTRA for most of my life, this author has done everything humanly possible to alert the American people (as well as the rest of the citizenry of this planet) to this pernicious scheme.

I have done so in an effort to expose this agenda to enslave the human race through government financed and implemented national brain mapping programs, which are already being used on a mass scale by our own subverted governments, against an unwitting citizenry, which has no concept of the extent of this conspiracy; or how it will result in the enslavement of their persons and families for generations to come.

That is unless the public begins to realize what is occurring right before their very eyes, and acts in concert to end this Orwellian betrayal of our trust, through a massive, yet peaceful non cooperation campaign, which focuses on the removal of Rothschild Zionist driven governments from our own countries.

Given this covert subversion of our own governments, the reader should also consider that both your person and Family may well be EEG heterodyned at present, without your knowledge or consent. And it does not matter where you live, whether it's North America, South America, Europe or any continent on the face of this planet, since signals intelligence satellite networks like the *NSA's Echelon, know no boundaries.

*Editor's Note: According to Dr. Robert Duncan, the Echelon program has many subdivisions, and now operates under a different name.
Moreover, false flag terrorist attacks like the one on 9/11, continue to be perpetrated in an effort to force this planet's citizenry into accepting Rothschild Zionism's New World Order, world government agenda; a radical and deadly political ideology which includes the establishment of a global 21St century feudal system.

9/11 was such a false flag operation, orchestrated by the Zionist think-tank, The Project For A New American Century - *under the Bush 43 White House - and used as part of a conspiracy by the House of Rothschild and the British Monarchy, to maintain furtive control of this planet's underclasses, through the use of spy satellite networks like the NSA's Echelon based Signals Intelligence EMF Scanning Network.

*Google: Richard Behan's "The Fraudulent War - The Facts About The Bush Administration's War On Terror" and "John St. Clair Akwei VS The U.S. National Security Agency - 1992 lawsuit against the NSA"
All done under the cover of national security and in the interests of propagating Rothschild Zionism and its Satanic belief system.

In other words, our own subverted governments are using their military intelligence complexes to attack us, while blaming other countries for doing so, and then enforcing Draconian legislation such as the Patriot Act, in the interests of destroying our freedom in a plausibly deniable way.

And since they also control the mainstream media, the organizations which should be exposing this epic scandal and high crime of treason, are not only prevented from doing so, but also used to attack any citizen who has the courage to expose this treasonous betrayal by our own elected leadership.

The catalysts of this demonic crime against humanity are the Sabbatean and Frankist false Jews, who along with the Jesuits (the Jesuit order is said to have been founded by crypto-Jews), were also responsible for bringing Hitler and the Nazi Party to power in the 1930s, as well as the propagation of the Third Reich, which allowed for the murders of millions of legitimate Jews during the Holocaust.

They are also directly responsible for the creation of the Zionist movement and are preparing for the arrival of the Antichrist, whom authors Thomas Horn and Cris Putnam - in their book "Exo Vaticana Petrus Romanus, Project L.U.C.I.F.E.R and the Vatican's Astonishing Plan for the Arrival of an Alien Savior" - have stated will return to earth over the next few years.

This would certainly explain their intent for an expedient and efficient system of mass mind control for the citizenry of this planet, via the NSA's Signals Intelligence EMF Scanning Network, the Pentagon and CIA's MIND, TAMI, SATAN and CHRIST computer to brain interfacing networks, and through the construction of cellphone and GWEN towers, as well as HAARP over the horizon radar systems, like the Pentagon's HAARP facility in Gakona, Alaska.

World Zionism isn't about an open society where the citizenry are free to think for themselves and to challenge a government's questionable activities. It is about class warfare and the menticization of the under classes, in the interest of securing this planet and its natural resources for the Satanically driven investment class.

An investment class that presently controls the military intelligence complexes of every industrialized nation on the face of this planet.

- James F. Marino

Bill Clinton's Version Of The "Dead Pool" - A Disturbing List Of People Who Were In Someway Connected To Bill & Hillary Clinton, Who Ended Up Dead

New Footage Of 9/11 Recently Released With People In Manhattan Warning Others To Go Home Instead Of Going To Work, Because The World Trade Center Towers Were Being Blown Up With Dynamite Charges - This Offers Further Evidence Of The Controlled Demolition Of The North & South Towers On 9/11 As Well As Building 7

FORMER BUSH 43 DEFENSE SECRETARY, DONALD RUMSFELD REFERS TO BARACK OBAMA AS AN APE, In Reference To Rumsfeld's Racist Comment That A Trained Ape Could Do A Better Job Of Running The White House - Rumsfeld, A Zionist False Jew Who Believes In Satanism And Eugenics, And That Minorities Are Inferior Races Who Should Be Enslaved And Experimented On, Was One Of Several Former Members Of The Zionist Think-Tank "Project For A New American Century," Which Devised The 9/11 Terrorist Attacks On America 

- In Fact, Along With Bush 43 Pentagon Under Secretary Of Defense, Israeli Zionist, Dov Zakheim, Rumsfeld Was Likely Also Conspiratorial In The Theft Of More Than 3.5 Trillion Dollars From The Pentagon Under The Bush 43 White House, Which Was Later Likely Smuggled Into Israel

- On The Day Before 9/11 Took Place, Rumsfeld Had Called A Meeting To Announce That Trillions Of Dollars Of The Pentagon's Budget Was Missing, And That Accountants Had Been Hired To Locate The Missing Trillions - On The Following Day Those Accountants Were Murdered When A Cruise Missile Slammed Into The Pentagon - Interestingly Enough, The Missile Struck The Only Side Of The Pentagon Which Had Been Structurally Reinforced (Which Was Likely Intentionally Done In Advance Of And As Part Of The 9/11 False Flag Operation, In Order To Ensure That The Missile Did Not Damage A Much Larger Part Of The Pentagon Complex)

Did The FBI Stage A Fraudulent Interrogation As A Cover For The Premeditated Murder Of Ibragim Todashev, Because As A Friend Of One Of The Boston Marathon Bombing Suspects, Todashev's Testimony In The Trial Against Dzhokhar Tsarnaev Could Have Been Used To Exonerate Tsarnaev, Or Possibly Even Implicate U.S. Government Agencies (Perhaps Even The FBI) In The Boston Marathon Bombing?

Electoral College A Scam From The Start" - The Electoral College Was Created To Make Certain That The U.S. Presidential Candidate Whom Rothschild Zionism's Change Agents Wanted To Take Office, Actually Got Into Office; Even If Their Candidate Was Not The American People's Choice 

- When One Takes Into Account The Deception Of The Electoral College As Well As The Diebolt Electronic Voter Machine Fraud In The 2004 Presidential Election, Regarding The State Of Ohio, We Can Begin To See How Naïve Americans Are In Their Belief That America Is A Democracy Whose Body Politic Is Really Chosen By The Popular Vote - According To The Late Charles Schlund, What He Read Regarding The Don Bolles' Papers Claimed That Every Presidential Election In The United States Since Woodrow Wilson Took Office, Has Been Rigged

Making Modern Day Slaves
"Interviewee: 'These bio-communication weapons are repulsive and amazing. The best I can do to help someone understand their power to control humans is to use an analogy. This is modern day slavery. Imagine that you have a choke collar on and if you remove it, it will explode. The collar provides electric shocks according to the handlers' directives. Just with this capability *depatterning of good behavior for survival can be erased and bad behavior can be reinforced. If this technology was available during the slave trade in America they would never have let it go.'"

*Editor's Note: The concept of "depatterning" was first developed by CIA asset Dr. Ewen Cameron in the 1960s, as part of the CIA's MK-Ultra mind control research. The above comment serves as further proof that the mind control program which is being illegally conducted by the U.S. Military Intelligence complex in the modern day via the electromagnetic spectrum, is based on the original CIA MK-Ultra program of the 1950s - '70s.

The major horror today, however, is that unlike the limited scope of the original MK-Ultra program, today's second generation MK-Ultra program and its bio-communication mind control weaponry, is being used covertly by many of the federal agencies within the U.S. Military Intelligence complex, including the Pentagon, National Security Agency and CIA, so this mind control weaponry can be used on any citizen, or every citizen simultaneously, because this Nazi idealized black operation is conducted through the air via signals intelligence satellites and HAARP over the horizon radar systems, which broadcast on the same frequencies as the human brain.

What does this really mean? That each of us is vulnerable to this covert satellite predation by our own corrupted government, without ever even realizing that it is taking place. And that we can be subjected to the torturous whims of these Satanic psychopaths, through their use of this Orwellian technology.

This author has documented FBI/NSA involvement in using directed energy weapons to torture my person as well as other members of my Family for several years. I have also publicly accused these organizations of using directed energy microwave weapons to murder other people whom I personally knew, or other people who appear to have been randomly picked and later used as part of the MK-ULTRA experimentation that I am remotely subjected to through the EEG heterodyning of my own brain. I received word yesterday that another friend of our Family's died very suddenly this past week.

I am also certain that a Madison Avenue executive by the name of Suzanne Hart was covertly murdered in 2011, after the elevator she was entering was remotely tampered with through the use of a signals intelligence satellite, which resulted in her being crushed to death.

The following comment was made by another target of this Orwellian technology. The protocols for each targeted individual (TI) are designed expressly for that person, with the intent of causing that person as much psychological damage as possible, in order to ensure that if they don't actually kill themselves (the goal these psychological operations), that they at the very least do something which will result in their incarceration.

In the following situation, the protocol used against this particular target of "Organized Stalking and Electronic Harassment" involves the use of myriad different psychological triggers, including, colors, numbers, foods, objects etc., which are used in an attempt to control every single aspect of this person's daily life.

The harassment is so specific that if this person wears the wrong color, someone he knows will be murdered for it. If this person eats a food that the agents who use this technology against his person deem to be unacceptable, something in his home can be damaged (usually an electronic appliance), since these crimes involve the NSA's use of signals intelligence weaponized satellites to perpetrate these acts of covert predation.

The objective here is the total enslavement of the person, including the enslavement of that person's mind.

The NSA's objective in using this technology for such covert, yet totally bizarre forms of electronic torture is to make certain that the claims of its victims sound so outlandish, that the person will be deemed to be crazy by society. However, as the Internet continues to become the venue for exposing these Orwellian crimes, and this arcane technology becomes better understood by the general population of the United States, it will eventually become impossible for the U.S. Military Intelligence complex to continue to perpetrate these despicable crimes (including murder) with the plausible deniability, that they have in the past been able to rely on when committing them.

"Third Relative Killed Yesterday"
"Yesterday I received word that my father passed. As a targeted individual I know that events such as this are not natural causes. It seems that for one of two or perhaps both reasons, the feds decided to murder him. There was a veiled threat issued about going to Von’s (a nearby grocery store) yesterday.

Then there was the use of the color purple, which was the color of a can of room spray that I was using. They use colors to sensitize to the things they do. If I wear or use anything purple, it becomes a death sentence for a family member. I haven’t worn purple in years due to the death originally of my uncle years ago.

And now this can that I bought this week was close to purple although borderline, so I knew I was taking a chance. Well, it ended up that my dad, though 92, therefore no one would suspect wrongdoing, I know that it was murder.

"This is the third murder of a family member since I arrived in California. First was my oldest sister. 72 years old, in perfect health. Then sudden death. Perfectly healthy the night before, dead the next day. This happened in May of last year. Then around Christmastime they killed my uncle. He had multiple health issues that started in June of last year. Now it is my dad.

"I now so regret ever joining the military. I never would have if I knew they would devastate my family members. This is an evil state."

The above quote was made by a target of this insanity who worked for the NSA more than thirty years ago, and has been subjected to such remote electronic warfare harassment ever since leaving this Nazi indoctrinated organization.

The NSA is one of the main perpetrators of these furtive crimes, which is why the Agency, which was once so invisible to the America public that insiders joked that the acronym NSA should stand for "no such agency," is now using its furtive control over the media in the United States, in an attempt to convince the American people that they really have nothing to fear from the NSA.

Of course this an outright piece of propaganda being promulgated by the NSA and the Fox News Network, whose Brett Baier is in the process of hosting General Keith Alexander on Baier's "Special Report" program, in an effort to allay the fears of the American people regarding the NSA's complete disregard for the 4Th Amendment.

However, when it concerns the NSA, Americans have more to fear from this Orwellian and Satanically indoctrinated behemoth than they can possibly imagine. The NSA is part of a modern day Third Reich capable of domestic surveillance and mind control experimentation, that Hitler, himself, could have only dreamt of.

The reader will find the book: *"NSA, Citadel Of Evil" By Steve Smith, to be of interest, since Smith describes how the NSA uses torture as part of its creation of psychic warriors, who are used as part of the NSA's psychotronic warfare program. Smith was murdered for writing this book a year after having published it.

* "NSA - Citadel Of Evil" by Steve Smith

A year before the 9/11 terrorist attacks took place, Israeli Zionist, Dov Zakheim, co-authored an article for the Zionist think-tank "The Project For A New American Century," called "Rebuilding America's Defenses - Strategies, Forces and Resources For A New American Century," in which the following quote can be found: "The process of transformation even if it brings revolutionary change is likely to be a long one absent some catastrophic and catalyzing event like a new Pearl Harbor" 

- Prior To Being Appointed By George W. Bush As The Under Secretary Of The U.S. Department of Defense And Controller Of The Pentagon, Zakheim Was The CEO Of The International Division Of Systems Planning Corporation, A Company Which Was Partially Financed By The Israeli Government, And Which Amongst Its Products Contained A System For Being Able To Remotely Fly Up To Eight Aircraft From One Location (Could This System Have Been Used Regarding The Aircraft Which Hit The World Trade Center On 9/11 & The Cruise Missile Which Struck The Pentagon?) -

Zakheim Has Been Accused Of Complicity In The Theft Of More Than 3.5 Trillion Dollars From The Pentagon During His Tenure As Under Secretary Of Defense, Which The Group Of Accountants Who Were Killed On 9/11/2001 (When The Pentagon Was Struck By A Cruise Missile) Were Hired To Locate - Was This 3.5 Trillion Smuggled Into Israel?

Rothschild Zionism & Crypto Jesuit/Nazi Jew Freemasonry Collude In The Creation Of A Satanic World Government -- "The New Underworld Order" By *Christopher Story - Free PDF Download

* This author finds it of great interest that only four days after he posted the following information, accusing several members of the Illuminati - including George Herbert Walker Bush, George W. Bush and Barack Hussein Obama - in a conspiracy to murder him, Christopher Story ended up dead. The reader will also note that only a week after conservative media personality, Andrew Breitbart, publicly announced that he had information which was going to bring down the Obama Administration, Breitbart died suddenly under mysterious circumstances - the likely victim of a directed energy induced heart attack.

See: On July 10Th 2010 Christopher Story published the following information in regard to what he claimed was a conspiracy to murder him, only to end up dead four days later. Story's informants, as well as his own concerns about being murdered turned out to be credible

In 2008, only days after she met with a newly elected Barack Obama to implore Obama to open a new investigation into the 9/11 false flag operation, 9/11 activist, Beverly Eckert, was killed in a staged plane crash. Given its arsenal of classified weaponry, there are obviously more ways for the U.S. Military Intelligence complex (and the Illuminati hierarchy which controls it) to murder people with plausible deniability, than the average American citizen can possibly imagine.

In this author's opinion, Eckert, Story and Breitbart were each murdered for their refusal to acknowledge the official 9/11 propaganda campaign, recognizing that the U.S. federal government's complete lack of candor was deliberate, in order to conceal that 9/11 was perpetrated by factions within the U.S. federal government, and as part of Rothschild Zionism's agenda to implement a world government under Satanic rule, and to incorporate the United States into this world government.

This author has also wondered if the co-chairman of the 9/11 Commission Report - both of whom have since admitted that the Bush 43 Administration sabotaged their investigation into 9/11 - will eventually be murdered for having done so. One of these co-chairman was former NJ Governor, Tom Keane.
We know that a plane crash was the method chosen in order to kill Beverly Eckert. However, the question in regard to Andrew Breitbart and Christopher Story is by what means were they killed, and was directed energy weaponry involved?

The reader should also note how less than two months after Breitbart's death, the coroner who was doing the pathology work on Breitbart was poisoned to death. Did he find something anomalous in the pathology of Breitbart's autopsy that he was concerned about, which may have indicated that Andrew Breitbart had been murdered? If so, did those who murdered Breitbart also murder this coroner?

Coroner Investigating The Death Of Andrew Breitbart Dies Suddenly After Being Poisoned
One must also make the same claim in regard to journalist Michael Hastings, given the way that Hastings' died in a fiery one car collision, which may well have been caused when the computer in his brand new Mercedes was remotely "taken over" by someone with access to computer software, which is capable of doing so. Was a signals intelligence satellite also used as part of the covert operation to murder Michael Hastings, and as revenge for the Rollingstone article he wrote regarding General Stanley McCrystal's criticism of Barack Obama, which resulted in McCrystal's forced resignation from the U.S. Military?

The Jews' "Worst Enemy" is Now Ours
By Henry Makow Ph.D.
June 9, 2007

In 1962, Christopher Story was the only 'goy' working at Jewish banker "S. Japhet & Co." in the City. The Eichmann trial was in the news and Story asked a Jewish co-worker, a "nice middle aged lady," if Adolf Eichmann wasn't himself Jewish?

She replied:" Didn't you know that a Jew's greatest enemy is another Jew?"
Story, 68, now a veteran British journalist, believes that many Nazis who planned and implemented the Holocaust had Jewish blood. Jews who belonged to the (Masonic) Illuminati conspiracy "sided with the Luciferian German Nazis to exterminate millions of their own race in what amounted to an inter-Jewish civil war and ethnic cleansing operation..." (532)

The motivation? Prevent Jews from disappearing as a nation and trick them into becoming Zionists and advancing the New World Order. He cites the famous article in the Jewish owned "Daily Express" headlined "Judea Declares War on Germany" (March 24, 1933). It states that Hitler "has aroused the whole Jewish people to a national consciousness." (535)

Before Hitler came to power, less than 3% of Germany's 500,000 Jews belonged to the Zionist movement.

The account of the Nazi Jews is one of many startling revelations in Story's new book, "The New Underworld Order" which at 740 pages is an encyclopedia of the Illuminati conspiracy, past and present. (The Illuminati is the highest echelon of Freemasonry.)

The author is a devout Christian who has contacts in intelligence services. His new book is a must-read for anyone seriously interested in the NWO. I'm not saying everything is the gospel truth; you'll have to weigh the information yourself. I question some interpretations and details but this is natural in a work of this magnitude


I emailed Story about his Eichmann claim. He referred me to Jewish historian David Cesarani's "Eichmann: His Life and Crimes." The book states that as a child Eichmann was persecuted because he looked Jewish. Eichmann's stepmother had Jewish relations and he associated with Jews. Later, as a Gestapo officer, Eichmann learned Hebrew, visited Palestine and worked closely with Zionists preparing Jews for emigration.

Mr. Story says Reinhard Heydrich's maternal grandmother was Jewish and the fact forced Heydrich to commit heinous crimes out of gratitude for not being exposed. (Wighton, "Heydrich: Hitler's Most Evil Henchman" 1962).
According to Story, Himmler's grandfather was also Jewish, as Hitler's was half-Jewish. Hitler wasn't even an anti-Semite until he was recruited by the Illuminati.

It's possible that some part-Jews became anti-Semitic because they were persecuted by Jews who didn't accept them.

We must remember that by the 1930's, 60% of all German Jewish marriages were interracial. In his book, "Hitler's Jewish Soldiers" Brian Rigg states that 155,000 Nazi soldiers had Jewish blood, including some generals.

One of these, SS Lieut. General Horst Hoyer submitted a report in 1952 on the role Nazi Jews played in the Holocaust. Helping plan the "Final Solution" were Jews named Walter Sonnenschein, Zuckerhorn, Spitze, Lowenstein, Gregor and Feckler. Organized Jewry offered Hoyer 30,000 DM to suppress this report but he refused. He was murdered some years later. (533)

One commentator who read the report said:

"One must be mindful of the intense inter-Jewish tension and contrast, above all between the objectives of the nationally-assimilated Jews and those of world Jewry and Zionism. These divisions are much much deeper than the relationships between believing and non believing group of Jews fell victim to another..." (532)

Last week I featured evidence that Martin Bormann who signed the cheques for the whole Nazi hierarchy, including Hitler, was working for the Soviets, i.e. Illuminati. In my view, the whole Nazi enterprise was a conspiracy to destroy the German people and trauma brainwash Jews into taking Israel for the New World Order.

Another Banker Dead: IRAN Executes Rothschild Billionaire On $2.6 Billion Bank Fraud ~ Used Fraudulent Funds To Implement Agenda 21 In Buying State Property.

Vatic Note:  Well, now we know why there was such a rush to take down Iran.  They were not buying into the global scam within their country and have done what was needed to stop the fraud, stealing, raping and pillaging their economy by these international Rothschild bankers.

Sounds like Iraq and Libya, who were also doing the same thing, but then we invaded both countries for the sake of Rothschild and Israel and against our own best interests.  Kick out all incumbants, since those who were honest should have been screaming bloody murder over all of this.

They knew where to find the alternative media to do the right thing and expose the underbelly of the beast.  I also had some problems with information left out of this article that should have been included.  So it was either an oversight, or a possible planted disinformation effort.  I included a VN: down below to point out the obvious ignoring of facts about the drug cartels and their masters.

You read and decide if we are right about what we found missing in this piece, which is very good and well documented, however, the glaring missing piece and players has left me somewhat disappointed. 

Another Banker Dead: IRAN Executes Rothschild Billionaire On $2.6 Billion Bank Fraud ~ Used Fraudulent Funds To Implement Agenda 21 In Buying State Property.

dead bankers
Billionaire Mahafarid Amir Khosravi, executed In Iran.
Billionaire Mahafarid Amir Khosravi, executed In Iran.

A billionaire businessman at the heart of a $2.6 billion state bank scam, the largest fraud case since the country’s 1979 Islamic Revolution, was executed Saturday, state television reported.
Authorities put Mahafarid Amir Khosravi, also known as Amir Mansour Aria, to death at Evin prison, just north of the capital, Tehran, the station reported. The report said the execution came after Iran’s Supreme Court upheld his death sentence.

Kissinger Petrodollar Collapses: Russia, Iran Announce $20 Billion Oil-For-Goods Deal ~ Leads The Way For Peer To Peer Trading!

Russia Iran
Russia Iran
Khosravi’s lawyer, Gholam Ali Riahi, was quoted by news website as saying that his client was put to death without any notice.
“I had not been informed about execution of my client,” Riahi said. “All the assets of my client are at the disposal of the prosecutor’s office.”

State officials did not immediately comment on Riahi’s claim.

The fraud involved using forged documents to get credit at one of Iran’s top financial institutions, Bank Saderat, to purchase assets including state-owned companies like major steel producer Khuzestan Steel Co.

Khosravi’s business empire included more than 35 companies from mineral water production to a football club and meat imports from Brazil. According to Iranian media reports, the bank fraud began in 2007.

A total of 39 defendants were convicted in the case. Four received death sentences, two got life sentences and the rest received sentences of up to 25 years in prison.

time warp gif

Middle Class America: Message To New World Order Rothschild Banking Cabalists ~ We Are Coming!

The trials raised questions about corruption at senior levels in Iran’s tightly controlled economy during the administration of former President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad.
Mahmoud Reza Khavari, a former head of Bank Melli, another major Iranian bank, escaped to Canada in 2011 after he resigned over the case. He faces charges over the case in Iran and remains on the Islamic Republic’s wanted list.

Khavari previously admitted that his bank partially was involved in the fraud, but has maintained his innocence.
dead bankers
  1. Hungary Kills The Rothschild Banks: Ordered To Vacate Country.
  2. Operation 1776 ~ China & Russia Put Into Ink ~ Rothschild’s NWO Death Sentence!
  3. Russia, Iran, & Catholic Church On The Ground In Syria: World Unites In Massive Humanitarian Aid To Syria!
obama mission accomplished Hindenburg
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You Raise Me UP so I can Stand on Mountains....... Awesome voice!

You Raise Me UP
Post by András Horváth.

(Posters comment) No comment ... simply beautiful (Translated by Bing)

Vatic Note:  This is a definite change of pace for us.  We try to insert positive and uplifting blogs interspersed with the truth and the factual condition of the globe today, however, its up to us how we choose to see it and I found this very much in line with my own beliefs and mind set, so I decided to share it with you for a much needed  boost to our courage, morale, and commitment to be more than we can be.

I was deeply affected by this and when that happens I try to share with others who may well be affected the same way.   It made my commitment even stronger than before, if that is possible.  I found it as moving the second time I listened as I felt the first time I heard it.   Please enjoy and keep to replay periodically when you need it.

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Planck Satellite Telescope Launched In 2009 Returns With Map Of The Dawn Of Time: Established Science Continues To Validate Earth As The Epicenter Of Creation.

Vatic Note:  Now this was so mind blowing that I had to put it up.  If TRUE, then the ramifications are horrific.  It would throw just about everything we are about and that we believe in, right into the waste bin of history.   I decided not to rabbit on about this, rather to let you go ahead and read the science and all the articles on it, and decide for yourself, since its one mans interpretation of the evidence as opposed to another, and I am not an expert on this subject, rather simply a hobbyist in science.   So you decide..... at the very least its fascinating and mind tickling.

Planck Satellite Telescope Launched In 2009 Returns With Map Of The Dawn Of Time: Established Science Continues To Validate Earth As The Epicenter Of Creation.
By admin, Political Velcraft, June 5, 2014

El Cristo de la Concordia statue in Cochabamba, Bolivia

El Cristo de la Concordia statue in Cochabamba, Bolivia
Planck Space Telescope Satellite
Planck Space Telescope Satellite
Launched in 2009, Planck was designed to tease out the faintest relic radiation from the Big Bang – the Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB). The CMB preserves a picture of the Universe as it was about 380,000 years after the Big Bang, and provides details of the initial conditions that led to the Universe we live in today.

Let It Be Understood That In Fact, Geocentrism Has Never Been Disproven.

Now After 4.5 Years Of Data Gathering ~ The Planck Deep Space Satellite Shows That The Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB) Points Directly To Earth aka; Geocentrism. So there’s the conundrum between the Heliocentrists and the Geocentrists.

Heliocentrists: state that the Earth is not in a central, specially favored position in the creation of the universe aka; Earth revolves around the Sun theory. Other than working to validate their theory [which I can understand], the very fact that more recently, the Heliocentric/Copernicus Principle has now been generalized to contain an atheistic relativistic concept that humans are not privileged observers of the universe is absolutely dumbfounding. In this sense, it is equivalent to the mediocrity principle ~ which is not science, but hocus pocus dumbfounding ideology.

Let It Be Understood That In Fact, CMBs That Point Directly To Earth Must Now Be Disproven If Heliocentrism Is To Remain Viable.

Father Of Modern Science.  Catholic Bishop Nicole Oresme‘ Of Lisieux, France 1323 – 1382.
Father Of Modern Science.
Catholic Bishop Nicole Oresme‘ Of Lisieux, France 1323 – 1382.

 Father Of Modern Science

Father Of The Big Bang, Catholic Priest Georges Lemaitre Pictured With Albert Einstein. “Georges Lemaitre a Belgian astrophysicist/Mathematician developed the theory of the Big Bang. In January 1933, Georges Lemaitre traveled with Albert Einstein to California for a series of seminars. After Georges Lemaitre detailed his Big Bang theory, Einstein stood up applauded, and said, “This is the most beautiful and satisfactory explanation of creation to which I have ever listened.”
Father Of The Big Bang, Catholic Priest Georges Lemaitre Pictured With Albert Einstein.

“Georges Lemaitre a Belgianan strophysicist/Mathematician developed the theory of the Big Bang.

In January 1933, Georges Lemaitre traveled with Albert Einstein to California for a series of seminars. After Jesuit Fr. Georges Lemaitre detailed his Big Bang theory, Einstein stood up applauded, and said, “This is the most beautiful and satisfactory explanation of creation to which I have ever listened.”

Father of the Big Bang!

  1. The Big Bang Is not Heliocentrism, It Is Inflationism/Expansion
  2. Planck Data Is All About The Big Bang And The Big Bang Points To Earth Through (CMBs)
  3. IOW’s The Temperature Disturbances In The Universe Are All Pointing Towards Earth. This Is Consistent With The Big Bang And Geocentrism, in that the Earth is “central and in a specially favored position in the creation of the universe.”
The CMB is purported to occupy the entire observable universe.

Some have proposed that it might constitute a rest frame; that is, they suppose that there might be a frame where the CMB would present no dipole, and that this frame might be possible to employ as a rest frame to measure absolute motion.

There are a number of serious problems with that, by the way, among the biggest being the remarkable recent papers showing that the CMB dipole cannot be exclusively due to a supposed motion of the local group, but that’s another issue.

The Principle

The Film About The Planck Deep Space Telescope Revealing CMB’s Pointing To Earth.

I have spent considerable time reviewing accusations, so called retractions, so called duping and they all failed to convince me of any credibility.
What this all appears like to me, is an incredible attempt at back peddling by some w/o one scintilla of scientific evidence or circumstantial evidence to bolster their alleged hoaxed positions in order to lay some type of non-scientific doubt about the CMBs pointing towards Earth.
In science this makes no sense, but in media propaganda it make all the sense in the world. Thus I conclude at this point, that perhaps those who ideologically hang their hat on Heliocentrism coupled with its ‘new’ definition containing a generalized atheistic ‘clause’ that portends a relativistic concept that humans are not privileged observers of the universe as science, may now have to start eating scientific crow. IOWs they are ideologically pissed off instead of being real scientists who would continue to apply the axioms of science in testing further the CMBs.
For me personally, this is about science and science is a philosophy, where with a watch can never make the watchmaker.
Of course, if the CMB dipole is confirmed to be an intrinsic anisotropy in the CMB, then all of consensus cosmology is wrong, and the placement of Earth in the cosmos becomes a matter of the worst nightmare of the Relativist coming true.
The CMB would neatly divide the cosmos, along the equinox plane.
The quadrupole and octopoles would, just to prove God has a real sense of humor, point out the ecliptic plane.

Anybody smart enough to measure the CMB and perform a spherical harmonic analysis would find themselves directed to us, from anywhere in the cosmos they might happen to be looking.

Rick DeLano
Europe's Planck telescope
Europe’s Planck telescope

The Copernican Principle (which is the irreducible, foundational assumption of modern cosmology) has been observationally falsified.

The universe’s largest visible structure is aligned in completely inexplicable ways with Earth.

This is now established, scientific, observational fact.

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Chemtrails Killing Organic Crops, Monsanto’s GMO Seeds Thrive -

Vatic Note:   This below shows that chemtrails and GMO seeds are much worse than we thought.  What they are doing in the name of global warming, which is bogus and a felony Fraud upon the public, is ensuring we starve to death, or die from heavy metals in our organs.

This is where a citizens grand jury needs to be empaneled to view the evidence and proofs that we now have, to then indict on a RICO basis, then we confiscate the assets of the criminals indicted and use them to fix and correct the problem before its too late. 

This is a soft kill genocide and is no joke.   The GMO seeds  have already been proven to attack our organs and that is why these seeds are banned damn near every where, except here in the states.  Do you think that maybe this is why the dept of agriculture has armed itself to the teeth?

Through the use of Chemtrails, they have taken away our choices from us.  We will not be able to buy organic food, since the chemtrials will have killed that food before it even gets a chance to seed and grow.  This below makes the point patently clear.

Dennis Kucinich at least tried to get Chemtrails banned and he was targeted by the foriegn occupiers of our government for expulsion from Congress and they succeeded, either through financing his opponent or rigging the count on the election for his seat. 

Its hard to tell any more which it is.  Its when I realized that the left was as corrupt as the right.   Both parties are not only  useless but down right dangerous for their willingness to support this soft kill effort of their own people.

Treason is riding high in this nation right now.  Its hard to belive because we have never witnessed anything like this before in the past, but its so blatantly evident now , that its hard to ignore the level at which it is occurring.  We are seeing it all even at a local level, where our courts are being turned into police state type justice system. I will save that for another blog.

Chemtrails Killing Organic Crops, Monsanto’s GMO Seeds Thrive -
by Alice, Health Freedom Alliance, June 1, 2014


Organic farmers and our food supply have a huge environmental hazard to contend with compliments of the U.S. government – chemtrails. Chemtrails are chemical or biological agents deliberately sprayed at high altitudes for purposes undisclosed to the general public in programs directed by various government officials.

These sprays pollute the soil, water and air while compromising the health of humans, animals and plants. But wait – Monsanto has developed seeds that will weather the effect of the sprays, creating a tidy profit for the corporation while organics suffer.

Monsanto’s GMO seeds are specially designed to grow in the high presence of aluminum. Aluminum is the chemical found in chemtrails. If this poisoning continues, true organic farming may become impossible in the not so distant future. When aluminum pollutes soil and water it kills crops. It collects in people and causes diseases!


Chemtrail cocktail

Geo-engineering food companies such as Monsanto use the governments claim of slowing down global warming through chemtrails to justify the need for the GMO seeds.

The problem with chemtrails is that what goes up, must come down. These chemicals are seriously polluting our waterways and soil while seeping into crops and contaminating livestock, not to mention changing the weather patterns. Plants are especially sensitive to the soil degradation that occurs with chemtrail spraying, creating serious issues concerning our food supply.

Genetically Engineered Seeds Resistant

Mosantano in cooperation with the government has designed genetically modified seeds which withstand the effects of chemtrails. The seeds are designed to survive extreme weather conditions, pollution, salt stress, heavy metals and chemtrails.

Organic and natural crops will die from severe pollution and the chemtrails while Monsanto continues to profit. Further proof that the government and giant food cooperation’s are controlling the food supply.
- See more at:

Organic farmers and our food supply have a huge environmental hazard to contend with compliments of the U.S. government – chemtrails. Chemtrails are chemical or biological agents deliberately sprayed at high altitudes for purposes undisclosed to the general public in programs directed by various government officials. These sprays pollute the soil, water and air while compromising the health of humans, animals and plants. But wait – Monsanto has developed seeds that will weather the effect of the sprays, creating a tidy profit for the corporation while organics suffer.
Monsanto’s GMO seeds are specially designed to grow in the high presence of aluminum. Aluminum is the chemical found in chemtrails. If this poisoning continues, true organic farming may become impossible in the not so distant future. When aluminum pollutes soil and water it kills crops. It collects in people and causes diseases!

Chemtrail cocktail
Geo-engineering food companies such as Monsanto use the governments claim of slowing down global warming through chemtrails to justify the need for the GMO seeds. The problem with chemtrails is that what goes up, must come down. These chemicals are seriously polluting our waterways and soil while seeping into crops and contaminating livestock, not to mention changing the weather patterns. Plants are especially sensitive to the soil degradation that occurs with chemtrail spraying, creating serious issues concerning our food supply.
Genetically Engineered Seeds Resistant
Mosantano in cooperation with the government has designed genetically modified seeds which withstand the effects of chemtrails. The seeds are designed to survive extreme weather conditions, pollution, salt stress, heavy metals and chemtrails. Organic and natural crops will die from severe pollution and the chemtrails while Monsanto continues to profit. Further proof that the government and giant food cooperation’s are controlling the food supply.
- See more at:

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Man-Made Eruption of Mount St. Helens being Planned by USGS?

Vatic Note:  One of two things always happens whenever something like this is exposed, it either stops the planned attack or it exposes it as the false flag it turns out to be.  At this point we don't know which it will be.   But this author has done a good job of documenting  the real possibility that it is as he predicts. 

He shows all the various Volcanic activity going on globally, and he also makes a good case for a false flag since its unlikely the pressure would build up that much in such a short time after the last eruption. The only real weakness in his case for the false flag, is his neglect to mention the very real abiity of HAARP and the space laser to create  volcanic eruption from just such a vulcano.  He only mentions the evil ones only using explosives, which is passes these day and antiquated way to pull something that big off, with a major impact.

He does mention that it takes time and serious effort to set something like this up, with all the evidence to prove it was whomever they want to blame for it.  Its also their habit to cancel such efforts once they are exposed.   They don't want to get caught, since that is about the only thing they genuinely care about.
So, read this in case it is for real.  Then it will be possible they would cancel it due to just such exposure.

Man-Made Eruption of Mount St. Helens being Planned by USGS?
by David Chase Taylor,
May 26, 2014

SWITZERLAND, Zurich — Back on May 18, 1980, Mount St. Helens, which is located in Skamania County, Washington just outside Seattle, erupted, killing 57 and causing $1.1 billion in damage, The explosion also reportedly dispersed volcanic ash over 11 U.S. states and 5 Canadian providences.
Based on breaking news in respect to the once dormant volcano, it now appears that the USGS, at the behest of the CIA, has once again ordered the man-made eruption of Mount St. Helens. Unlike the eruption back in 1980, the 2014 version will blacken the skies along the West Coast of America for months and possibly even years, choking out the local economy.
While volcanoes are indeed a natural phenomenon, they can be rigged and subsequently triggered by large amounts of shaped underground explosives. Once an explosion (i.e., eruption) occurs, government drones can keep the so-called “volcanic ash” flowing for months or even years by the daily disbursement of chemtrails. This is the exact same scenario that will be witnessed in the aftermath of a nuclear explosion due to so-called “fall out”.
The notion that Mount St. Helens is once again “active” was first identified on May 1, 2014, when the USGS stated that that magma is “slowly rebuilding” inside the Mount St. Helens volcano. In what appears to be a play on words, the report states that “The USGS said this is to be expected with an active volcano and does not indicate “the volcano is likely to erupt anytime soon.”
Although the Yahoo News report states that the volcano will “not” erupt soon, the quote from USGS states that the “the volcano is likely to erupt anytime soon.” Regardless, the report is an ominous sign that a man-made volcano attack is indeed being planned for Mount St. Helens and the city of Seattle.
According to the U.S. Geological Survey, “The magma reservoir beneath Mount St. Helens has been slowly re-pressurizing since 2008,” and that the “re-pressurization is [being] caused by (the) arrival of a small amount of additional magma 4 to 8 km (2.5 to 5 miles) beneath the surface”. Despite 6 years of “re-pressurizing”, the May 1, 2014 report was the first by the USGS to identify any activity within the volcano.
Evidently, the science or pseudo-science being employed by the USGS is being purposely fabricated in order to provide necessary background data for the slated man-made eruption at Mount St. Helens. The answer to the question posed by the recent Weather Channel report entitled “Mount St. Helens Ready for Another Eruption?” is evidently a resounding “yes”.
Volcanic Terror Trending
Prior to a high-profile man-made volcano eruption, the American public must be psychologically prepared to accept that this is in fact possible. Fraudulent headlines and fabricated events are a slick way of convincing people that yes, it can happen. As evidenced, news and events in respect to volcanoes are trending which may culminate in the man-made eruption of Mount St. Helens.
Latest Volcanic Headlines:
1. March 26, 2014: Yellowstone Supervolcano is Active, but Not Likely to Erupt in Near Future
2. April 4, 2014: Ecuador volcano spews 6-mile ash column
3. April 4, 2014: Scientists dismiss claims that Yellowstone volcano about to erupt
4. April 17, 2014: 4,000 evacuated as Ubinas volcano spews ash clouds up 2 miles high
5. May 1, 2014: Magma rising in Washington state’s Mount St. Helens volcano: USGS
6. May 2, 2014: Mount St. Helens Ready for Another Eruption?
6. May 7, 2014: Yellowstone Volcano Eruption: US Has Disaster Contingency Deal With Brazil, Australia
7. May 14, 2014: Could Dangerous Underwater Volcano in Caribbean Cause a US Tsunami?
9. May 19, 2014: Newly Discovered Underwater Volcano Ka’ena Rewrites Formation of O’ahu Island
10. May 22, 2014: Melting glaciers could trigger volcanic activity, new study suggests
[Does not purport to be a complete list of headlines or events]
FLASHBACK: Volcanic Ash Attack
Back in April of 2010, the economy of much of Europe was shut-down due to the alleged ash coming out of the Eyjafjallajokul volcano in Iceland. This historic and unprecedented volcanic incident suspended travel for approximately 10 million people and cost the European economy billions. The Iceland volcanic incident appears to have been a beta-test for a major man-made volcanic explosion in America. A similar situation occurred on December 16, 2013, when Mt. Etna’s volcanic ash forced flights to shutdown in Sicily. Most recently on February 14, 2014, an Indonesian volcano erupted, grounding flights once again. In the aftermath of a massive “volcanic” eruption in America, the economy of the U.S. in that particular region will come to a grinding halt due to volcanic ash that would black out the sun and stop all air traffic. Needless to say, both the tourism and business sectors would suffer tremendously. To be clear, although the initial volcanic explosion would eject large amounts of dirt and dust, daily chemtrails would be responsible for the so-called “ash” that would inevitably cover up the sun and shut-down air traffic.
About the Author
David Chase Taylor is an American journalist and the editor-in-chief of Taylor currently lives in Zürich, Switzerland where he has applied for political asylum after the release of The Nuclear Bible, a book credited with foiling a state-sponsored nuclear terror attack upon Super Bowl XLV in Dallas, Texas on February 6, 2011. Taylor has also authored The Bio-Terror Bible, a book and website exposing the global bio-terror pandemic planned for 2014. To date, David Chase Taylor has blown the whistle on over 100 state-sponsored terror plots, including the man-made asteroid attack planned for 2014, and the drone strike which killed “Fast and Furious” star Paul Walker. Taylor was also the first to expose Alex Jones’ treacherous links to STRATFOR.
. Legal Disclaimer’s stated purpose is to stop terrorism by drawing unwanted global attention to terror plots prior to their fruition. Terror alerts and warnings made by DO NOT necessarily imply that these terror events will transpire in reality but rather that there is a distinct possibility that they may occur based on breaking terror-related news, events and data. Historically speaking, once a false-flag terror plot is exposed (e.g., 2011 Super Bowl Nuclear Terror Plot), it is immediately canceled or postponed (e.g., 2014 Super Bowl Nuclear Terror Plot). State-sponsored acts of terror must have a prior paper trail in order to set-up patsies, prime scapegoats, create plausible deniability, as well as mislead the public from the usual suspects of terror. Please support real citizen journalism and help make terrorism a thing of the past. Blessed are the Peacemakers. Namaste

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Official Bilderberg 2014 Membership List and "agenda" Released.

Vatic Note:  The good news is, their plans are not going according to their time frame and results.  In fact, there appears to be a disintegration of what they had already achieved rather than a going forward to progressively advance toward their global control agenda.  They are losing ground in the European Union, for instance,  and that was due to their immigration policy.

The global trade agreement also seems to be in serious trouble,  and those attending are being exposed, especially in the USA, where laws are in existance that make what these people are doing, a crime in the USA.   That has yet to playout.  Apparently elections are going awry as well.   We certainly do live in interesting times.  I highly recommend you read Paul Watson's analysis.... its very very educational and I believe its right on.

I did not include every country's reps, only those from the USA since that affects us more and is critical in identifying who the real traitors/terrorists are.  I noted that Summers is on the list,  but I also noticed Geithner was not.   Also pay attention to the level of participation by khazar Zionist bankers and their goyim foot soldiers.  There will be a day of reckoning, hopefully sooner, rather than later. 

Official Bilderberg 2014 Membership List Released
By Paul Watson and

Globalist confab reveals this year's list of participants, set to attend in Copenhagen, Denmark, from May 29 - June 1, 2014

Official Bilderberg 2014 Membership List Released
by | May 27, 2014

Current list of US Participants – Status 26 May 2014 (VN: go to link for list of all countries and their participants.  We included only the USA group of traitors for our own analysis and commonality, such has the high level of participation by Harvard, MIT, Stanford, and other gov think tanks and private sector "for profit" interested parties.)

FRA Castries, Henri de Chairman and CEO, AXA Group
USA Alexander, Keith B. Former Commander, U.S. Cyber Command; Former Director, National Security Agency
USA Altman, Roger C. Executive Chairman, Evercore
USA Berggruen, Nicolas Chairman, Berggruen Institute on Governance
USA Donilon, Thomas E. Senior Partner, O’Melveny and Myers; Former U.S. National Security Advisor
USA Gfoeller, Michael Independent Consultant
USA Greenberg, Evan G. Chairman and CEO, ACE Group
USA Hockfield, Susan President Emerita, Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT)
USA Hoffman, Reid Co-Founder and Executive Chairman, LinkedIn
USA Jackson, Shirley Ann President, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
USA Jacobs, Kenneth M. Chairman and CEO, Lazard
USA Johnson, James A. Chairman, Johnson Capital Partners
USA Karp, Alex CEO, Palantir Technologies
USA Katz, Bruce J. Vice President and Co-Director, Metropolitan Policy Program, The Brookings Institution
USA Kissinger, Henry A. Chairman, Kissinger Associates, Inc.
USA Kleinfeld, Klaus Chairman and CEO, Alcoa
USA Kravis, Henry R. Co-Chairman and Co-CEO, Kohlberg Kravis Roberts & Co.
USA Kravis, Marie-Josée Senior Fellow and Vice Chair, Hudson Institute
USA Li, Cheng Director, John L.Thornton China Center,The Brookings Institution
USA McAfee, Andrew Principal Research Scientist, Massachusetts Institute of Technology  (MIT)
USA Mundie, Craig J. Senior Advisor to the CEO, Microsoft Corporation
USA Murray, Charles A. W.H. Brady Scholar, American Enterprise Institute for Public Policy Research
USA Perle, Richard N. Resident Fellow, American Enterprise Institute
USA Petraeus, David H. Chairman, KKR Global Institute
USA Reed, Kasim Mayor of Atlanta
USA Rubin, Robert E. Co-Chair, Council on Foreign Relations; Former Secretary of the Treasury
USA Rumer, Eugene Senior Associate and Director, Russia and Eurasia Program, Carnegie Endowment for International Peace
USA Schmidt, Eric E. Executive Chairman, Google Inc.
USA Shih, Clara CEO and Founder, Hearsay Social
ESP Spain, H.M. the Queen of
USA Spence, A. Michael Professor of Economics, New York University
USA Summers, Lawrence H. Charles W. Eliot University Professor, Harvard University
USA Thiel, Peter A. President, Thiel Capital
USA Warsh, Kevin M. Distinguished Visiting Fellow and Lecturer, Stanford University
USA Wolfensohn, James D. Chairman and CEO, Wolfensohn and Company
USA Zoellick, Robert B. Chairman, Board of International Advisors, The Goldman Sachs Group
USA United States of America
Infowars analysis note: The official list ends above. What’s important to understand is that there are always members who will be attending, but who don’t want to be included in the list, due to laws such as 18 U.S. Code § 953, otherwise known as the Logan Act, which makes it a felony offense – punishable under federal law with imprisonment of up to three years – for any member of federal or state government to meet with members of a foreign government without the express authority and authorization of the president or congress.

Yesterday, Bilderberg put out a press release detailing the official talking points to be addressed at this year’s meeting. From our research, this is not their primary agenda, but usually one put out to appease the media:

Copenhagen, 26 May 2014 – The 62nd Bilderberg meeting is set to take place from 29 May until 1 June 2014 in Copenhagen, Denmark. A total of around 140 participants from 22 countries have confirmed their attendance. As ever, a diverse group of political leaders and experts from industry, finance, academia and the media have been invited. The list of participants is available on

The key topics for discussion this year include:
• Is the economic recovery sustainable?
• Who will pay for the demographics?
• Does privacy exist?
• How special is the relationship in intelligence sharing?
• Big shifts in technology and jobs
• The future of democracy and the middle class trap
• China’s political and economic outlook
• The new architecture of the Middle East
• Ukraine
• What next for Europe?
• Current events
Founded in 1954, Bilderberg is an annual conference designed to foster dialogue between Europe and North America. Every year, between 120-150 political leaders and experts from industry, finance, academia and the media are invited to take part in the conference. About two thirds of the participants come from Europe and the rest from North America; approximately one third from politics and government and the rest from other fields.

The conference is a forum for informal discussions about major issues facing the world. The meetings are held under the (VN: Rothschild's ...) Chatham House Rule, which states that participants are free to use the information received, but neither the identity nor the affiliation of the speaker(s) nor of any other participant may be revealed.

Thanks to the private nature of the conference, the participants are not bound by the conventions of their office or by pre-agreed positions. As such, they can take time to listen, reflect and gather insights.

There is no desired outcome, no resolutions are proposed, no votes are taken, and no policy statements are issued.
Below see Paul Joseph Watson’s latest article revealing this year’s agenda from inside sources.

Bilderberg Agenda Revealed: Elite Desperate to Rescue Unipolar World
Paul Joseph Watson

The 2014 Bilderberg meeting in Copenhagen, Denmark is taking place amidst a climate of panic for many of the 120 globalists set to attend the secretive confab, with Russia’s intransigence on the crisis in Ukraine and the anti-EU revolution sweeping Europe posing a serious threat to the unipolar world order Bilderberg spent over 60 years helping to build.
Inside sources confirm to Infowars that the elite conference, which will take place from Thursday onwards at the five star Marriott Hotel, will center around how to derail a global political awakening that threatens to hinder Bilderberg’s long standing agenda to centralize power into a one world political federation, a goal set to be advanced with the passage of the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP), which will undoubtedly be a central topic of discussion at this year’s meeting.

The TTIP represents an integral component of Bilderberg’s attempt to rescue the unipolar world by creating a “world company,” initially a free trade area, which would connect the United States with Europe. Just as the European Union started as a mere free trade area and was eventually transformed into a political federation which controls upwards of 50 per cent of its member states’ laws and regulations with total contempt for national sovereignty and democracy, TTIP is designed to accomplish the same goal, only on a bigger scale.

The deal is being spearheaded by Obama’s U.S. Trade Representative Michael Froman, a Wall Street insider and a CFR member, Bilderberg’s sister organization. Froman is simultaneously helping to build another block of this global government, the Trans-Pacific Partnership, which is a similar project involving Asian countries.

Given that Bilderberg schemed to create the Euro single currency as far back as 1955 (Bilderberg chairman Étienne Davignon bragged about how the Euro single currency was a brainchild of the Bilderberg in 2009 interview), the results of the European elections are sure to have stirred outright alarm amongst Bilderberg globalists who are aghast that their planned EU superstate is being eroded as a result of a populist resistance mainly centered around animosity towards uncontrolled immigration policies.

In Denmark itself, the buzz is centered around Morten Messerschmidt and the Danish People’s party, which won 27% of the vote in the Euro elections and doubled its number of MEPs. Although some are wary of Messerschmidt’s far right inclinations, his success reflects a general resentment not only in Denmark but across Europe towards immigration and the welfare state, concerns that the EU has only exasperated.

Meanwhile in France, Marine Le Pen is carving out a role as the face of a conservative movement that threatens “to break up one united Europe,” with her European election win being described as an “earthquake” that has rattled the political heart of Europe.

Voters in the United Kingdom also delivered a thumping rejection of the EU and in turn Bilderberg with the success of Nigel Farage and UKIP, a Euroskeptic triumph some are labeling the “most extraordinary” election result for 100 years.
As well as TTIP and the fallout from the European election disaster, Bilderberg will be tackling a number of other key issues, most of which will revolve around the continued effort to centralize economic power under several different guises, including a carbon tax paid directly to the United Nations, with the financial hit being taken by individuals as big companies are granted special “waivers” that will allow them to continue to pollute.
The rumbling crisis in Ukraine and the relationship between Russia and NATO will also be a focal point of Bilderberg 2014. Globalists now consider Vladimir Putin to have ostracized Russia from the new world order because he dared to “challenge the international system,” as John Kerry put it.
Bilderberg will discuss fears that Putin is intent on constructing an alternative world order based around the BRICS countries, a “multi-polar” system that would devastate the dollar as the world reserve currency and also heavily dilute the current US-EU-NATO power axis.  (VN: well of course, how else were they going to justify World War III that they do every time, these fiat curriency bankers get themselves in economic trouble.)

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