

Analysis of The Occult Symbols Found on the Bank of America Murals

Vatic Note: And you think this is not a spiritual war?  Maybe not to us, but it is to them.  They  ALWAYS tell us in advance what they intend to do to us and to who.  This below, in picture form, is doing exactly that.   There are some very interesting pictures here, as symbolism, rather than picture story telling.  But know that their board of directors are all insiders.

I was surprised to see the Carlyle Group on the board, along with many others from high end wall street financial firms, like Morgan Stanley.  The board also includes ex members of the Federal Reserve, and other such big high recognition names.  

This below is a story telling effort of where they intend to take us.  Its an excellent presentation of what they are trying to say about us, who are the filthy masses, while they are the elite and what we can expect, based on what they have shown us on these symbolisms painted on their walls, the worse treatment we can even imagine.  

Our corporations have been taken over by our foriegn occupied criminals, and intend to take everything we have and in return will "let us work for them as slaves".   Well, good luck.  Read this and let us know what you think about the direction they intend to take us.

November 23, 2010
from VigilantCitizen Website

Prominently displayed in the lobby of the Bank of America’s Corporate Center are “creepy” frescoes, filled with occult symbols.
Even more unsettling is the fact that those images seem to predict events of a radical world change in the not-so-distant future.  Are those murals predicting the coming of an occult New World Order?
We will look at the occult meaning of the symbols found on the Bank of America frescoes.

A reader of Infowars sent me pictures of some very odd murals displayed at the Bank of America Corporate Center in Charlotte, NC. Needless to say they immediately caught my attention, as I was flabbergasted by their symbolism and their message.

I also couldn’t help relating them to the ominous murals of the Denver International Airport.
Painted by Benjamin Long, the paintings are said to revolve around the themes of “making/building, chaos/creativity, and planning/knowledge in a “daring blend of abstract and realism, set off with touches of gold“.
The three frescoes ruling over the lobby of
the Bank of America Corporate Center.

Although we normally read from left to right, there are clues within the frescoes hinting the viewers to read the paintings from right to left.

The “planning” stage (visually represented by the fresco on the right) is normally the first step of any process so it would make sense to start from there.  There is also alchemical symbolism hinting towards the chronology of the frescoes, so we will begin with the one on the right:

Right Fresco

The fresco on the right is dubbed Planning/Knowledge.  An esoteric read of its symbolism reveals exactly what is being planned and what knowledge it is referring to.

Masonic Boy on Masonic Floor

We see here a young blond boy standing on a standard Masonic checker-board pattern floor. His feet are placed at a 90 degrees angle, in accordance to Masonic initiation ritual:
Q. On your return to the Lodge, where were you placed, as the youngest Entered Apprentice?

A. In the northeast corner, my feet forming a right angle, my body erect, at the right hand of the Worshipful Master in the east, an upright man and Mason, and it was given me strictly in charge ever to walk and act as such.”
- Malcolm C. Duncan, Duncan’s Masonic Ritual and Monitor
Seemingly underneath the boy are people dressed in business suits, seemingly strategizing while pointing at the Masonic boy. Does the boy represent the “new generation”?

This blond boy is very reminiscent of the blond boy featured at the center of one of the murals of the Denver International Airport.
Blond boy hammering a sword into a plowshare.
Note that the boy is wearing a traditional Bavarian costume…
perhaps as in Bavarian Illuminati?

Burning Bush, Woman in Cube and Pyramid

Symbolism overload

Behind the boy is a tree on fire, which is a reference of the Burning Bush of the Old Testament.

The Burning Bush is of great importance in Masonic ritual, especially for the 33rd degree, whose members are considered to be “near the Burning Bush”.

“In the third Exodus it is recordeded that, while Moses was keeping the flock of Jethro on Mount Horeb, the angle of the Lord appeared unto him in a flame of fire out of the midst of a bush, and there communicated to him for the first time his Ineffable Name.

This occurrence is commemorated in the Burning Bush of the Royal Arch Degree. In all systems of antiquity, fire is adopted as a symbol of Deity; and the Burning Bush, or the bush filled with fire which did not consume, whence came forth the Tetragrammaton, the symbol of Divine Light and Truth, is considered in the advanced degrees of Freemasonry, like the Orient in the lower, as the great source of true Masonic light.

Wherefore Supreme Councils of the Thirty-Third Degree date their balustres or official documents, “near the B.B.” or Burning Bush, to intimate that they are, in their own rite, the exclusive source of all Masonic instruction”.
- Albert G. Mackey, Encyclopedia of Freemasonry, Part 1
In the background is an Egyptian pyramid, the ultimate symbol of the Mysteries in occult teachings.

A strange feature of the painting is the woman apparently trapped inside a transparent cube, hanging from threads coming from the sky.

Do "Khazars" Suffer from False Consciousness

Vatic Note:  This is very interesting considering the problems going on in the Ukraine.   Look who is tied into Kiev and thus look at who controls Mossad, and works closely with the CIA.  OH, dear, its the khazars and the Rothschild bankers, and Israel.   I guess we have a thumbnail view with this below which even explains about how these Khazars are able to stay and bond, plan and execute those plans when they have no identifiable country called Khazaria.  

Yet, they managed to deceptively infiltrate other nations and use them to do their dirty work without ever showing their specific hand except through similarities, admissions, and universal control of finances and the economic global world.  The one obvious exception is the Brits who created Israel and gave it to the Khazars, rather than the True Israelis.

Who else wants WW III?  Yup, Israel, and has basically had a hand in it all through the bankers who run Britain through Rothschild out of his private fiefdom, the City of London which is ironically, a principality.  Because the Queen is a foreign countries monarch, she has to ask permission to come into Rothschilds City of London, even though she is a khazar that came to us through Germany as did most Khazars who migrated into eastern Europe. She changed her name to "Winsor" in about 1919 to make it sound more British.

Eastern Europe is where Rothschild, previously name "Bauer" first started his money changer business and built it into a trillion dollar mega financial empire.  So who really runs Britain?  The Khazars.   Now, The bankers funded and ran the revolution in Germany in 1933, and installed Hitler who is a Rothschild.  Previously,  Russia was taken over by the khazar bankers in 1917 and controlled it all during that time.  Putin was put into head of KGB by these same khazars, so who do you think he works for?   If you plan on starting a world war, how would you do it?   You read this and guess.  


by Henry Makow, PhD
March 2003
                                                                     from Rense Website

The Jewish people have been deceived (or have deceived themselves) on two counts:
1)  Most do not descend from the Biblical Jews. They are Khazars, from southwest Asia.
2)  Judaism is a racial credo more than a religion. It's designed to maintain racial cohesion, in this case the Khazar bloodlines.
In the absence of a more satisfying religion, many Jews sublimated their religious urge into Communist and left-liberal causes. This impulse has been hijacked and nurtured by Jewish financiers who are creating a "New World Order" with other elitists. Many Jews are unwitting pawns, profoundly out of touch with their own truth. They are foot soldiers and cannon fodder in a diabolical multi generational plot to destroy Western Civilization.

As is widely known, East European or Ashkanazi Jews (90% of the total) were descendents of Khazars, a Turko Finnish people who converted to Judaism in the 8th Century. The empire of Khazaria sat astride the Black and Caspian seas extending from the Urals to Romania.
"That the Khazars are the lineal ancestors of Eastern European Jewry is a historical fact," Jewish historian Alfred M. Lilienthal writes in an essay Judaism : Religion or Race.

"Many Christians may have much more Hebrew-’Israelite’ blood in their veins than most of their Jewish neighbors."
Jews wishing to understand their roots might do better to visit Kiev than Jerusalem. They might learn more by studying a web site like than the Old Testament. The Torah (the first five books of OT) has helped Jews maintain their identity for millennia; unfortunately it may have been the wrong identity.


In "Separation and Its Discontents: Toward an Evolutionary Theory of Anti Semitism" (1998) Kevin MacDonald suggests that Jews use religion as camouflage for race. Judaism becomes viewed as a benign highly permeable non-ethnic group whose differences with other groups are merely ones of personal belief rather than ethnicity. Conflicts of interest between the Jewish community as a strategizing ethnic group and other groups are minimized. (74)

In "the Future of American Jewry," Irving Krystol wrote:
"Jews in America may belong to Jewish institutions, send their children to Sunday schools for religious instruction, proudly identify themselves as Jews but their religion, for the most part, is only Jewish in its externals. At the core it is secular humanist."
A 1970’s survey of American Jews found that:
  • less than 50% felt it was necessary to believe in God to be a "good Jew"
  • On the other hand, over 95% agreed that "it is important that there always be a Jewish people" and,
  • "every Jew is responsible in some measure for the well being of every other Jew"
  • Only 33% agreed to the proposition: "The primary loyalty of American Jews must be to the US and their fellow Americans."
    (MacDonald, p.277)
Orthodox Jews oppose intermarriage and conversion. In 1997, the Union of Orthodox Rabbis declared that Reform and Conservative Judaism (the vast majority of "observant" American Jews) are not Jewish. In 1996 Rabbi Harold Schulweis told the LA Times, that conversion to Judaism "is upsetting to some Jews because they feel Judaism is less an ideology than a biology, a matter of chromosomes not choice." (MacDonald 267)

The AA: A Secret Society to protect "The Secret".

Vatic Note:  This below is a great introduction into the truly "secret Societies" of old.  This was one of the most secretive societies such that I had never heard of it before.  The history of this one goes  back hundreds of years and is new to me.  I had never heard of this one before.... so take that for what its worth.   I will try to confirm what is written here and I am able, I will update it for your information.  

As we can see from what is happening in our world, and from JFK's warnings to us in 1961 about secret societies and how dangerous they are, and may have cost JFK his life, it behooves us to learn as much about them as we can.  From such knowledge can come information about their weaknesses that we can take advantage of in fighting their agendas.  

Read this and see what you think. 

The AA:  A Secret Society to protect "The Secret".
by Philip Coppens
from PhilipCoppens Website

There was a “movement” named AGLA, about which we know very little. As a secret society, it maintained its nature very well. On first appearance, it seems they were an underground movement that was not very active. However, this is a dubious statement to make: as they were little known, bluntly suggesting they were not very active is dangerous, owing to the fact that we do not know anything about them, which means we know nothing about their activities or frequency thereof either. 

Robert Ambelain defines AGLA as an autonomous society and firmly closed. He suggests that rather than a subgroup, they were in fact the group behind a more visible organization, like for example, the organization led by another priest, Nicholas Montfaucon de Villars, author of “Count de Gabelis”, subtitled “The Extravagant Mysteries of the Cabalists, expounded in Five pleasant Discourses on the Secret Societies.”


The book which appeared in 1670, was a treatise on the occult and elemental sex magic, assuring its ban in France, even though it sold out several editions in the first few months. Nevertheless, it had no known author, until Montfaucon’s name was advanced. He was a well-known figure, a “Libertin”, an intellectual whose ideas were deemed dangerous both for the church and the king. In March 1673, De Villars was murdered by a rifle bullet, near Lyons. His murder was never solved, but René Nelli believes that Montfaucon de Villars had been assassinated, possibly because in his book, he had revealed “too much”.


Villars wrote on the topic of,

“the great name of AGLA, which operates all these wonders, at the same time as it is called upon by the ignoramuses and the sinners, and who would do many more miracles in a Kabbalistic fashion”.

What could this secret be that had to be protected at all cost, even with the life of this priest? This question remained unanswered, but raises another, almost identical one: what could be the secret that had to be protected at all cost, even with the life of the priest Antonin Gélis? No answer has ever been provided for his murder either. 

That murder occurred on the evening of 31st October, 1897, in his presbytery. Newspaper accounts relate how Gélis was found lying in a pool of blood, his arms placed on his belly, but his legs in an awkward position, with one leg firmly underneath the body. He had suffered 14 blows to the head, fracturing his skull and even making the brain visible.


There were further minor injuries on the rest of his body. Gélis had locked up the night before and it was known he never let anyone in at night, unless he knew the person visiting. With no signs of a break-in, it is clear that Gélis let his murderer in – and was thus familiar with him. 

The murderer killed the priest, but did not steal anything of value. Although cabinets had been gone through and some documents had been stolen, nothing of value, including 500 Francs, had been taken. Newspaper reports spoke of a “masked intruder” who had also broken into the presbytery many years before and had got away with certain papers. He was never found and now history was repeating itself and no-one was ever charged with the murder.

One organization known as AGLA was not esoteric at all. That AGLA was, from its inception, only intended to attract invited members from the publishing industry: booksellers, printers, etc. The presence of a Rabelais, Nicholas Flamel, Sebastien Greif, Montfaucon de Villars would therefore not seem odd – neither would the booksellers of Lyons, who bought Saunière’s books. According to Robert Ambelain, AGLA also attracted the makers of the first sets of Tarot cards.

There is AGLA, but there is also A.G.L.A. – written with all capital letters punctuated by a point. In this interpretation, “AGLA” would not be one word, but the abbreviation of four words. It is clear that this approach would be a clever “trick” – a smokescreen. For all intents and purposes, any observer would read AGLA or A.G.L.A. as an incorrect rendering of Agla – a society which had no esoteric connections whatsoever. 

Even if someone felt that A.G.L.A. could not be an error, but meant something else, there was no way for that person to know what each letter stood for – unless he had powerful computers at his disposal, or, more likely, came across someone who “knew”.

So what might A.G.L.A. stand for? One proposed reading is Attâh, Gibbor, Leholâm, Adonâi:

“Thou art strong for ever, O Lord”.

Actually, many people in Germany thought it stood for “Almachtiger Gott Losch Aus!

It is said to contain all the letters of the Kaballah. Tradition has it that the Divine Power resides within this simple set of four letters, containing at the same time absolute knowledge, the science of Solomon and the Light of Abraham. 

In other readings, it is the Secret or Hidden Name of God, so cherished by the Kaballists, but also other esoteric traditions, including the Freemasons. The question arises, therefore, as to whether Saunière’s remotely guided steps were to direct him into that direction?

The A.A. is a genuine organization – the very organization that was identified as the one to which Henri Boudet, the priest of Rennes-les-Bains, and Felix-Arsène Billard, the bishop of Carcassonne, belonged. However, trying to find information on the A.A. is next to impossible. We note that a document was found, which listed Boudet and two bishops of Carcassonne as members of this organization. This information was given to us by Gérard Moraux de Waldan.

It seems that several movements, at least four to our knowledge, claimed to be a part of this organization. However, although it was certainly present in more than 39 areas of France, only the Toulouse area seems to have had retained documents on the subject.

The general presentation of these little known groups shows a structure established on secrecy, accompanied by an undeniable spiritual improvement. At the time of the French Revolution, these secret societies opposed a clergy managed by a civil Constitution. One also finds their virulent action against the Napoleonic Regime during the plundering of the Vatican archives, the general confusion in Rome and the arrest of the pope.

According to Jean-Claude Meyer, in the Ecclesiastical Bulletin of Literature,

“The study of the AA of Toulouse, founded into the 17th century, forms part of the understanding of the more general movement of spiritual and apostolic reform of the clergy of France at that time. Beyond rules which appear out of date today, the history of this AA reveals the spirit of a sacerdotal fraternity lived by the fellow-members: thus is explained its exceptional longevity, one which will see the positive effects during the decade of the Revolution.”

There is also the work of Count Bégouin who, in 1913, presented one of rare works on the subject in the form of a work entitled:



On the bottom of the title page is the address of the “editors”, set in two columns:

• on the left: “PARIS, Auguste Picard, rue Bonaparte 81”
• on the right-hand side: “TOULOUSE, Edouard Privat, rue des Arts, 14”.

At the bottom of the last page of text (page 131), is the identity of the printer:

“Toulouse, Imp. Douladoure - Privat, rue St Rome, 30–678.”

Count Bégouin himself admits that there are difficulties when he tries to base his argument on previously unpublished documents, which are, of course, essential for his work. These documents were extremely difficult to find, although apparently some were said to exist in the region of Lyons and Vienna, at the beginning of this century.


The Mystery of Rh-Negative Blood Genetic Origin Unknown

Vatic Note:  This is really great. It does go well beyond what we have read so far.   Some of the info in the beginning is stuff we have already covered and I find that almost any article on RH Neg has the same information about the traits and some history.   But this one  goes a whole lot deeper and further than any of the others we have put up so far.   It goes beyond anything I have read so far, and I have read a lot on this subject. 

In fact, one truly interesting point was the term "Blue Bloods" and how it was speculated that there were competing royalty bloodlines and that makes perfect sense to me, given all the questions I have had about what is going on in the world today.  We might just be in the middle of an ancient warfare situation with blood as the issue.  One line had hemophilia, which was intentionally used in conquoring another royal blood line, just by marrying into that line, rather than going to war.  Now that is an interesting point made below. 

As those of you know, who have been following this,  we at Vatic Project are obsessed about this subject and are trying to piece together from very little solid information, what we can do with what we are learning.  I just know that eventually we will get there and this below is just one more piece to add to the puzzle.  Hang in there and never give up.  We will prevail.  We just need more time. There is so much more so its well worth the read.  

The Mystery of Rh-Negative Blood Genetic Origin Unknown
by Admin, Here be  dragons

Authenticity and legitimacy are based on factual history and the power of sacred history.

What Does the absence of Rhesus monkey factor mean?

 No solid scientific explanation exists as to how or why Rh- blood came about. It is presumed to be the result of a random mutation. Have you ever felt you were weird or different? 
It may be due to your DNA ... 85% of humans have the monkey gene (RH+) and 15% do not (RH-) and maybe have an alien gene instead. RH- people are characterized by higher IQs, sensitive vision, lower body temperatures, sensitivity to heat and sunlight, psychic power, ability to stop watches and electrical appliances and having extra vertebrae. This film explores the possibility that we were bred as a slave race for labor, since 97% of our genetic code is disabled, with only 3% left for us to survive.
RH negative blood group is from ANNUNAKI heritage

Of the human blood types, O is the most common. It is a universal blood type. Blood types are further broken down into two groups, negative and positive. This is called the RH factor. The RH factor is the Rhesus (rhesus as in monkey) blood factor. If your blood tests positive for this, you have the factor in your blood. If you test negative, you do not have the factor in your blood. The RH factor is a protein found in the human blood that is directly linked to the Rhesus Monkey.

When blood type is inherited from your parents, it is known that this factor element of the blood is the most consistent human or animal characteristic passed on to the off spring. There are VERY few aberrations. It rarely changes.

Most people, about 85%, have RH-positive blood. That could support the idea that humans evolved or were derived from Primates. 15 % of humans have RH-negative blood. If blood type is one of least mutable human characteristic, where did the RH negative come from? This question has puzzled scientists for years. There is some evidence that suggests the RH-negative blood group may have appeared about 35,000 years ago. And the appearance was regional and seemed to, originally, be connected with certain groups/tribes of people.  (VN: the author has this wrong.   Its should read that "15%  of humans have the RH negative designation and 85% have the RH positive designation."   The fact is of the 85% Positive,  many, as much as 60% have one allel from at least one parent.  In other words, there are those "designated RH positive"  who have all the traits of Negative,  because they have one allel from one parent which makes them RH neg in reality, but they also have RH + traits for the same reason.)

Northern Spain and Southern France is where you can find some of the highest concentration of the RH-negative factor in the Basque people. Another original group were the Eastern/Oriental Jews. In general, about 40 – 45% of Europeans have the RH-negative group. Only about 3% of African descendent and about 1% of Asian or Native American descendent has the RH-negative group. Due to the larger European numbers, it is a safe bet that was where it was introduced into the human genetic code. Could this also be where the Caucasian was introduced? Is the introduction of Caucasian related to the RH-blood factor.

If the RH-negative factor is a ‘normal’ presentation of blood, then why is there a problem when a mother of the RH-negative blood group gives birth to an RH-positive blood group baby. This Hemolytic disease, actually an allergic reaction, can cause death when the two different blood groups are mingled during pregnancy. When the antigenic substances attack the negative blood group it can destroy the blood cells. So why does the human body produce antigens to this blood type? Is the blood group alien?

The only other time this occurs in nature is, as an example, when donkeys and horses are crossed to produce mules. This is not ‘natural’ because left alone in the wild, these animals would never cross breed. Only with intervention would this happen. Was there a cross breeding of two human like beings, similar but genetically different?

People with RH-negative blood group have certain characteristics that seem to be common among the majority. Here is a brief list of the most common.

¨ Extra vertebra.
¨ Higher than average IQ
¨ More sensitive vision and other senses.
¨ Lower body temperature
¨ Higher blood pressure
¨ Increased occurrence of psychic/intuitive abilities
¨ Predominantly blue, green, or Hazel eyes
¨ Red or reddish hair
¨ Has increased sensitivity to heat and sunlight
¨ Cannot be cloned
¨ Alien Abduction and other unexplained phenomenon

So what does this mean? What can be concluded?

The appearance of RH-negative blood did not follow the usual evolutionary path. In fact, evolution would seem to be ruled out as a possible cause of the anomaly. It has been proven that blood is the least likely to mutate. There are no other blood mutations. The introduction of the RH-negative blood type was not a naturally occurring part of human evolution.

This would lend credence that the RH-negative factor was introduced from an outside source. Could the source be from human like beings from another planet? Or maybe we are just as alien as they are, in that, we are a product of their manipulation and interference. Could they have come here and manipulated life forms already present on earth to create modern man?

Many ancient texts, including, the Bible, do support this theory. Many stories in the ancient texts, especially pre-Christian texts, do tell about a race that from the Heavens to the Earth Came. And they created man in their image. Man saw them as gods, living long lives and performing miracles. Flying about in the sky ships and shooting fire and creating ear-shattering booms. The humans watched as these gods built massive and glorious houses and created beautiful cities for themselves. From man’s primitive point of view, they were gods. But that was early man’s point of view.

Who were the gods? The ancient stories tell us a lot about these gods. They obviously had advanced technology capable of space travel and air travel. They knew about aviation, metallurgy, the universe, the cosmic progression, medicine and evidently genetics. They knew about atomic energy and weapons and used them. Evidence of this can be found on Earth. They knew about agriculture and how to create more nutritious grains and other food staples. All of the basic grains that humans rely on for food have been determined to have all appeared at the same time spanning roughly a 10,000 year period. A very short time, geologically speaking. And no new grain has since been developed.

Our ancient texts tell us they began to take humans for their spouses. The Bible says, and the gods looked upon woman and found her pleasant to behold and took her as their wives. They had children, many children. But not all humans were a result of interbreeding. The first human was a result of scientific research combining primates with the gods’ genes. The first humans were not a product of interbreeding. But small portions of humans are a result of this interbreeding and their blood type can support this.

In the first part of this article, I described to you what happens when two species who similar but genetically different interbreed. They produce hybrids. The example I gave was about horses, donkeys, and mules. Mules are the hybrid, the product of a union between a horse and a donkey. However, mules are born sterile because there is no genetic relationship between the horse and the donkey.

When humans were first created, they were a product of two genetically similar but not related species.

The combination of the DNA of the primates and the gods was produced ‘artificially’ in a lab. If the gods have the technology to create a new species, they would have no problem overcoming the problem of the hybrids being sterile. A little genetic manipulation and it would no longer be an issue.

Three proto types of humans were created. Each one successively more advanced. Two types by design and the last by chance. Neanderthal Man is suspected of being an early humanoid created by the gods but Cro-magnon was definitely a product of their intervention. The next type is whom we call pre-human and then we have modern man. Modern man was a result of interbreeding between the gods and pre-humans. This interbreeding for the most part created no problems in the resulting offspring, except for a line that inherited, from their godly parents, the RH-negative blood type.

This is supported by the fact that these humans did not inherit the protein found in the blood that is directly linked to the Rhesus Monkey. They did not inherit it because one of their parents did not have the monkey protein. This protein is present only because combining primate DNA with DNA from the gods created the original human proto-type that carried the monkey protein. So in conclusion, I suggest that man is a creation of a highly technological race of human like beings that From the Heavens to the Earth came. I suggest that these advanced beings are still among us today and are still very active in the affairs of man. To what end, I can only suggest.

Global Blood suppliers managed to infect or kill 90% of Hemophiliacs in world by providing them with tainted blood. If Hemophiliac is the "Royal Disease", woe to generations of boys, who could not be king. Worldwide, over 120,000 men, women and boys...a true "genetic holocaust"...are now infected with HIV world wide...due to tainted blood transfusions At least 25,000 have died.

In some areas, the Rh-Negative blood factor is referred to as "Blood Royale" or "Royal Blood". For centuries, European royalty have been inflicted with Hemophilia or "bleeders disease". Apparently, Queen Victoria was a "carrier" of Hemophilia and gave it to all of her children who then intermarried and infected the bloodlines of very throne in Europe during the 1800s and 1900s.

As a direct result, Hemophilia became known as the "Royal Disease". To keep this in perspective, only about 5% of all "royalty" have Rh-Factor negative blood...which means "less than the general population. That would indicate that the vast majority of "rulers" and "monarchs" are NOT Rhesus-factor negative. Is this by chance? or by genetic engineering called "arranged marriages"?

For all practical purposes the cultural group with the highest rates of Rh-negative blood are the "Berbers" of Morocco. In an earlier meme, i indicated that the highest concentration of Rh-Factor Negative was from Iraq. It seems that the Berbers may actually have originated thousands of years ago, from the border of Syria and Iraq.

If European royalty are no disposed to intermarriage with Rh-Negs, it may be because they are avoiding the "arab" bloodline? Let's not get ahead of ourselves. It appears that the Basque Rh-neg factors come from ancient Berber sea farers as early as 8,000 BC! Perhaps, many of the "cave paintings" may be attributed to "strangers" of great artistic ability that migrated into the area.

Is "hyper-creativity" a "symptom" of Rh-Negative Blood? Artists? Entertainers? Who knows...but if European Royalty refuse to marry into the Rh Negative blood line it means one thing...Rh-Neg people are a "competing royal line".

How do you get rid of it once and for all? Although the British would love for you to think that Victoria was the world's first carrier...don't be confused. It was he Hapsburg's disease. Was Victoria a Hapsburg?

The unofficial motto of the Hapsburg family was “Bella gerunt alii, tu, felix Austria, nubes!” (”Where others must fight wars, you, fortunate Austria, marry!).

It's curious that "marriage" can be a "dynastic" undertaking but it can also be a perverse form of "bio-warfare" or "genetic warfare". In fact, the disease was much more ancient.

The "Father of Surgery" was El Zarhawi or Albucasis, 1013-1106. Albucasis described a family where only males died from blood loss after the most trivial of injury.

His full name was Abul Qasim Khalaf ibn al-Abbas al-Zahravi. He was born and brought up in Zahra (zorro?) , the royal suburb of Cordova (Arabic Qurtuba), the capital of Muslim Spain. As we know from the history, Zahra competed in grandeur and magnificence with Baghdad. Al-Zahravi served in the capacity of the court physician to King Al-Hakam-II of Spain. After a long and distinguished medical career he died in 1013 C.E.

As an inventor of many surgical instruments, Al-Zahravi is famous for developing instruments for internal examination of the ear, internal inspection of the urethra and for applying or removing foreign bodies from the throat. He introduced such new procedures as cauterization of wounds, crushing stones inside the bladder, the vivisection and dissection.

He applied cauterization procedure to as many as 50 different operations. In addition, Al-Zahravi discussed the preparation of medicines and the application of such techniques as sublimation and decantation. He prescribed the use of diuretics, sudorifics, purgatives, the absorption of pure wine and hot baths. Al-Zahravi was the first to give detailed description hemophilia and was the first to use silk thread for stitching wounds.

So, you begin to wonder if the good doctor was treating an "Arab" family in Moorish Spain for the disease. Then you begin to wonder just where a supposed blue blood like Victoria got her "Arab Royalty Disease"??? Was it a disease of Spanish Royalty?

In other words, was marriage to Victoria's daughters a way to kill or weaken future "non-Hapsburg" kings...since mostly males only contract the disease from their mothers? Still, Hemophilia was in Royalty long before Victoria.

Victoria's daughters passed the disease into the Spanish, German and Russian Royal lines and threatened the thrones of all of Europes major powers. It would appear that Victoria is actually a direct descendant of Ferdinand of Castille, who retook he city of Castille in 1236, where the surgeon Abulcasis had counseled King Hakam II about a family who's sons died easily.

What's the connection between Hemophilia, Rh-Negative, AIDS and Royal Blood?


 As you can see the vast majority of RH- people come from the Basque people of France and Spain, and then Europe has the second highest percentage.  We can surmise that the RH- blood type originates out of Europe and has spread over to other countries that contain European ancestry heritage.  The RH- recessive alleles (+/-) make up approximately 60% of the Basque people and 40% of the Europeans, so that means that a higher percentage of RH+ people in Europe are carrying the genetics of the RH- factor in their DNA.


“No one has tried to explain where the Rh negative people came from. Most, familiar with blood factors, admit that these people must at least be a mutation if not descendants of a different ancestor. If we are a mutation, what caused the mutation? Why does it continue with the exact characteristics? Why does it so violently reject the Rh factor, if it was in their own ancestry? Who was this ancestor? Difficulties in determining ethnology are largely overcome by the use of blood group data, for they are a single gene characteristic and not affected by the environment.

The Basque people of Spain and France have the highest percentage of Rh negative blood. About 30% have (rr) Rh negative and about 60% carry one (r) negative gene. The average among most people is only 15%-Rh negative, while some groups have very little. The Oriental Jews of Israel, also have a high percent Rh negative, although most other Oriental people have only about 1% Rh negative. The Samaritans and the Black Cochin Jew also have a high percentage of Rh negative blood, although again the Rh negative blood is rare among most black people.

The Basque people are also known for having the oldest language in Europe, and the origins of the Basque language are unknown.  The languages in neighboring countries in Europe show no resemblance to the Basque language, so this has become a real mystery to the linguist.

The Celtic people of Ireland and Great Britain also have high incidences of the RH- factor and it has recently been proven that there is a genetic link between the Basque and the Celts.  This research proves that the Celtic people came from the Basque regions of France and Spain and a group must have migrated over to the islands of Great Britain.  With this research I can surmise that my family got this distinct blood type from our French and Irish ancestry roots. 


Genes link Celts to Basques

The Welsh and Irish Celts have been found to be the genetic blood-brothers of Basques, scientists have revealed.

The gene patterns of the three races passed down through the male line are all "strikingly similar", researchers concluded.

'Statistically indistinguishable'

He and his colleagues looked at Y-chromosomes, passed from father to son, of Celtic and Norwegian populations. They found them to be quite different.

"But we also noticed that there's something quite striking about the Celtic populations, and that is that there's not a lot of genetic variation on the Y-chromosome," he said.

To try to work out where the Celtic population originally came from, the team from UCL, the University of Oxford and the University of California at Davis also looked at Basques.

"On the Y-chromosome the Celtic populations turn out to be statistically indistinguishable from the Basques," Professor Goldstein said.

Why are people calling RH negatives “blue bloods”?  Well, again a peculiar thing happens between an RH- mother and a second RH+ baby.  As you may remember an RH- mother builds up antibodies against the RH+ baby, and this means that the babies blood will start to agglutinate.  Before the rhoGAM shot, babies were born blue and they needed to have blood transfusions to survive.

Blue blood is an expression from the Spanish phrase "sangre azul," indicating noble birth or descent. This is said to derive from the fact that the native Spanish had fairer skin, which displays veins more prominently, than people of Arab origin. After the Moorish occupation of Spain, intermarriage occurred. The result seems to have been that the aristocracy, particularly certain families in Castille, who would not mix with the Moors, showed rather bluer blood vessels (in, for example, the back of the hand) than the ordinary folk.

So the phrase blue blood came to refer to the blood which flowed in the veins of the oldest and most aristocratic families. The phrase was taken over into English in the 1830s. By the time Anthony Trollope used it in The Duke's Children in 1880, it had become common:

The article is reproduced in accordance with Section 107 of title 17 of the Copyright Law of the United States relating to fair-use and is for the purposes of criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research.

Breaking: Obama's Origins Resurface at Intel Experts Trial; Obama DNA test

***I apologize for the condition of this blog, but the powers that be are doing everything they can to mess this up to make it impossible to read it in a good condition.  This video below that they won't let me put up  is scathing about more than just Obama.  He throws in Ron Browns death and the bullet holes in the back of his head....etc.  Lots of information that we did not know or had not been confirmed. I gave you the link to go directly to the video since they won't let me put up the embedding. 

Vatic Note:  We did a blog a while back, sometime during 2009, after Obama's return from his asian trip BY NAVY FLEET, and it showed scars on his  head which had hair cut down to the nub.  It is very possible that project Blue Brain might have been  in play at the time. So, the question is, "Was Obama a created being"?  Is he a clone with an Israeli project Bluebrain, programmed brain in his head?

That is just speculation on my part and a weak one at that, but with these soul-less creatures, who knows these days.   The Kenyan birth certificate was validated recently in court, so that means he was "recorded" as born.... in Kenya.  That does not mean he was.   Its a shame we have to learn about deceit and distrust this way, but its now a fact of our lives and we are on our own.  That is probably where we should be so we know who we can trust that way and who we can count on.

After reading this, it became clear there is something to this, since a trial that was suppose to start April 2014 was postponed by the Judge, "on the day the trial was suppose to start",  until after the US elections were done in November of 2014.  According to this article, by Dr. Corsi, The defendant intended to put on an aggressive defence, and right after submitting the derogatories to the judge, the Judge postponed the trial that was to begin that day.

Yup, something is up.  Stay tuned in November and watch that trial.   It should prove very  very interesting.  After all, if Obama's wife is a "he", then who knows about the mother.  It could be anything that we least expect.  I feel it only fair to say that I have my suspicions about WND.  When we tried to talk about the "facts" about Israel, they censored the comments and then barred us from posting on their site, then I found out they had a full time reporter stationed right in Israel.  So there is a definite connection between WND and Israel.

How far beyond censoring and banning, this goes, I cannot say.   Ours was a disclosure that Goldman Sachs worked for Rothschild and Goldman Sachs was proven to have more of their employees working on our government than any other institution or occupation.  Most were in top key depts, such as SEcretary of Treasury. 

Breaking:  Obama's Origins Resurface at Intel Experts Trial; Obama DNA test
Dr. Jerome Corsi, WND, April 20, 2014


British figure defends claim on 
DNA disproving president's mother

Dr. Jerome Corsi | WND

This is the first of three articles  examining the criminal defense planned by British barrister Michael  Shrimpton on national security charges in a London jury trial scheduled to begin Nov. 10.

LONDON – In a nearly empty courtroom at the Southwerk Crown Court by the  historic London Bridge, a hearing took place in a criminal case that  not only has national security implications for the United Kingdom, but,  curiously, is woven into the increasingly bizarre fabric of the  controversy over Barack Obama’s presidential eligibility.

When it came his time to speak, defendant Michael Shrimpton, a  middle-aged London barrister by profession and self-proclaimed  intelligence expert, politely issued to the judge a series of  interrogatories that made clear he plans to launch a vigorous defense, representing himself before the court.

The criminal charges brought by the British government against Shrimpton  under Section 51(2) of the Criminal Law Act 1977 accuse him of falsely  notifying the British government to prepare for a terrorist nuclear  attack on the 2012 Olympics in London that the British government claims  had no basis in reality.

It’s the same Michael Shrimpton who  appears in a 2008 video that began re-circulating earlier this year on  the Internet in which he claims to have been privy to shocking  intelligence information on Obama’s origins. Shrimpton contends to this day  that the CIA collected DNA from then-Sen. Obama and a grandparent,  establishing that Stanley Ann Dunham was not Obama’s biological mother.

The video naturally has raised questions about Shrimpton’s credibility  and his qualifications to make such an extraordinary claim.

Meanwhile, Shrimpton has been indicted for having telephoned in 2012 the  secretary of state for defense in London and declaring that a nuclear  weapon stolen from the Russian submarine Kursk that sank in the Barents  Sea on Aug. 12, 2000, had been smuggled into Britain.

Shrimpton said the smugglers were agents of a top-secret German  intelligence agency that intended to detonate the weapon to cause  massive damage and murder members of the Royal family and top government  officials attending the London Olympics.

Postponed trial

On March 17, in a courtroom devoid of news media except for WND, a short-tempered Senior Circuit Judge Alistair William McCreath,  a resident judge based at Southwark Crown Court, surprised the Crown  Prosecution Service and the defense by postponing Shrimpton’s trial  until Nov. 10.

It was originally scheduled to begin that day. 

The postponement meant any issues Shrimpton wants to pursue in his  defense will not be aired in court until after the November mid-term  elections in the U.S.

Government intelligence experts on both sides of the Atlantic  marginalized Shrimpton as a loud-mouthed nuisance and gadfly who lacks  professional credentials as an intelligence expert. But McCreath,  nevertheless, dismissed a prosecution motion to order Shrimpton to  undergo a psychiatric examination, making it clear a trial on the merits  would take place.

Shrimpton was born in RAF Hospital Ely  on March 9, 1957, to an RAF officer father and a Welsh mother. He was  schooled in Wales one year then in Australia, beginning in 1964. He  earned a Bachelor of Laws degree from the University of Queensland in  Australia in 1976 and from the University College Cardiff at the  University of Wales in 1981. He attended the Inns of Court School of Law  in 1982 and 1983, and was called to the Bar in 1983.

His biography, while admirable in its educational achievements,  irreparably placed Shrimpton outside the British social classes from  which the most distinguished professional intelligence agents and  lawyers have traditionally been recruited. Most come from the upper  classes of British society with pedigrees and sufficient financial  resources to be educated at boarding schools such as Eton, followed by  university studies at Oxford or Cambridge.

Although Shrimpton has never held an official government job, he has published in a peer-reviewed intelligence publication,  the Journal of International Security Affairs. The editor at the time  of Shrimpton’s publication was the late U.S. Ambassador Harvey Feldman,  perhaps best known for the role he played in helping plan President  Nixon’s 1972 visit to China.

Shrimpton is the author of an upcoming book, “Spyhunter: The Secret  of German Intelligence,” which is being finalized now for publication in  the U.K. this week.

Confirming military satellite intelligence?

Shrimpton intends to defend himself in a November jury trial by  demanding to see specific intelligence information he believes will  exonerate him.

In a document shared with WND that Shrimpton submitted to the court  in his defense, he put CPS prosecutors on notice that he intends to  subpoena radar signature readings taken by U.S. military satellites.

In particular, Shrimpton wants to obtain readings from U.S.  intelligence satellites involved in the KH-13 satellite surveillance  program operated by the NRO, the highly secretive U.S. National  Reconnaissance Office headquartered in unincorporated Fairfax County,  Va., two miles south of Dulles International Airport.

Shrimpton believes readings from U.S. military intelligence  satellites operating in low orbit between 2200 hours GMT and 0100 on  April 20 through 21, 2011, downloaded to a ground station near Fort  Belvoir, Va., will indicate a source of weapons-grade plutonium was  adjacent to, and then on, the Blackwater River Estuary in Essex.

“This Satellite Intelligence (SATINT) is consistent with reporting of  a viable IND [Improvised Nuclear Device] being removed from the U.K. by  a German SSD [State Security Department],” Shrimpton’s brief to the  court claims. “The SATINT would have been made available to GCHQ  [British General Communications Headquarters] as a matter of course  under the UKUSA (originally BRUSA) Intelligence Treaty and on balance is  probably being withheld from the CPS, the defense, and the court.”

Nuclear weapon stolen from Kursk?

In London, WND interviewed John Large, head of Large and Associates  Consulting Engineers, a group with established nuclear expertise that  had been contracted by the Russian government for advice on how best to  salvage the Kursk submarine.

“With the salvage of the Kursk, the Russian Federation took the  standard government line of refusing to confirm or deny the presence of  nuclear weapons on board, but there were six nuclear weapons on board  when the submarine went down,” Large told WND.

“My work was to set up the procedure assuming nuclear weapons were on  board, and the Russian Federation implemented the procedures we devised  based on the malfunction of a weapon with its conventional charge being  released.”

Large said the submarine had been at the bottom of the sea for a  year, and two of the weapons silos housing the nuclear-tipped weapons  were at the front, near the site of the explosion that sank the vessel.

WND asked Large if all the nuclear weapons were on board the submarine when the salvage operations took place.

“We have no idea,” Large responded. “We assumed the nuclear weapons were on board.”

He said the submarine sank in 110 meters of water, or 360 feet, and  the Russians had a guard ship above the location from the moment the  submarine sank.

“Because of weather, the guard ship may have run for shelter three or  four times during the year when the Kursk was sunk,” he said. “It would  be difficult at that depth to do a submarine recovery given the  shallowness of the sea there, but you certainly could do a surface  recovery if you had saturation divers. But again, a surface ship would  be immediately spotted by the Russian Federation.”
Still, Large explained to WND that he and his staff were not present during Russian Federation recovery efforts.

“We worked very closely with the Russian Federation during the Kursk  salvage operations, so we assumed and we were never challenged that the  nuclear weapons were still on board,” he said.

“But if I were to testify in Michael Shrimpton’s case, I couldn’t say  if any of the nuclear weapons were missing or not missing when the  Kursk was recovered, because I wasn’t there to observe it.”

Large concluded the interview by saying he was surprised the CPS was going forward with the prosecution.

Large also had no explanation for why the judge postponed the case  until November. However, he speculated that the judge may have wanted to  give the prosecution time to consider whether or not prosecuting  Shrimpton in a public jury trial and allowing him to launch a defense  was really in the British government’s national security interest.

While he was doubtful a nuclear weapon had been stolen from the Kursk  while submerged, Large cautioned that terrorists could have obtained a  nuclear weapon in the chaos that occasioned the end of the Soviet Union.

“Iran could also have a nuclear weapon anytime Iran wants one,” Large  also said. “With Iran making rapid progress toward a nuclear weapon,  the probability of a terrorist nuclear attack is a realistic risk. Iran  could get a nuclear weapon today, if Iran wants, from North Korea or  rogue elements in Pakistan.”

Secret German intelligence group?

WND traveled to Marlborough Wiltshire west of London to meet with  distinguished retired British Intelligence officer Lt. Col. Dr. Harry  Beckhough, MBE, who Shrimpton plans to call as a defense witness via  video link from Newbury Magistrates Court. Advanced age has limited  Beckthough’s mobility.

Among Beckhough’s many career achievements are having worked as a  code-breaker at Bletchley Park during World War II and having served  with the British 8th Army in the World War II campaign in North Africa.  His duties included working on Lt. Gen. Thomas Montgomery’s intelligence  staff with the assignment to break Nazi Gen. Erwin Rommel’s military  codes.

Beckhough presented WND two books he has authored, one titled  “Germany’s Four Reichs” and the other “Germany’s Fourth Reich,” in which  he documented the rise a secret German intelligence agency. The  Deutsche Verteidigungs Dienst, the DVD, or German Defense Agency, he  said, was created as a post-World War II continuance of the Nazi Abwehr  military intelligence organization operated by Admiral Wilhelm Franz  Canaris.

Beckhough told WND he was willing to testify at Shrimpton’s trial  that the DVD continues to operate from its headquarters outside Dachau  as a secret German military intelligence operation.

Obama’s birth story

In the U.S., Shrimpton recently has drawn attention with the  re-circulation of a video that shows him claiming that the CIA collected  DNA from Obama and a grandparent in 2008 as Obama was running for  president.
See the Shrimpton video:

(VN: Tried putting up the video and the khazar's cyberwarriors won't let me.... so go directly to Utube and watch it yourself.  He fully confirms the point that Ms. Dunham was not Obama's mother. )

Shrimpton says he was informed that Obama was born in Mombasa, Kenya,  in about 1960, which means, he said, the information sits in British  intelligence files, because that territory was under the British Empire  at the time.

Shrimpton alleged that through DNA tests conducted during Obama’s  initial presidential campaign, the CIA established Stanley Ann Dunham  was not Obama’s biological mother.

He said Dunham was not pregnant in July 1961, yet it is claimed that she gave birth to Barack Obama Jr. on Aug. 4, 1961.

Shrimpton said it was his understanding that the DNA samples were  collected at a fundraising dinner from water glasses that were bagged  after the dinner.

However, Stanley Ann Dunham’s father, Stanley Amour Dunham, died in  1992. Her mother, Madelyn Dunham, died of cancer Nov. 2, 2008, and was  not known to have made public appearances in Obama’s campaign, though she did turn up briefly in an April 2008 Obama TV commercial.

A TV news report on the commercial by Honolulu’s KITV said Madelyn  Dunham had tried to stay out of the campaign and declined formal  interviews. When a KITV reporter reached her by phone, she said she  hadn’t seen the commercial and was surprised to learn she was in it.
See the KITV report:

(VN: Can't even find this video, so we will have to be happy with this)
In conversations with WND, nevertheless, Shrimpton doubled down on  the claims he made in 2008 by asserting that NSA whistleblower Edward  Snowden, as part of his negotiations to leave Hong Kong, agreed to  deliver to Russian President Vladimir Putin in Moscow the classified  U.S. military intelligence file on Obama’s DNA.

Shrimpton made clear he intends to subpoena from the CIA and from  British intelligence any records either agency may have on Obama’s DNA.
“I intend to stand by my allegations regarding the Obama birth  certificate, knowing that U.S. intelligence agencies will prefer to  characterize me as crazy and delusional rather than admit the CIA has  the files I believe they have on Obama DNA,” Shrimpton insisted.


The postponement meant any issues Shrimpton wants to pursue in his  defense will not be aired in court until after the November mid-term  elections in the U.S.
Government intelligence experts on both sides of the Atlantic  marginalized Shrimpton as a loud-mouthed nuisance and gadfly who lacks  professional credentials as an intelligence expert. But McCreath,  nevertheless, dismissed a prosecution motion to order Shrimpton to  undergo a psychiatric examination, making it clear a trial on the merits  would take place.
Shrimpton was born in RAF Hospital Ely  on March 9, 1957, to an RAF officer father and a Welsh mother. He was  schooled in Wales one year then in Australia, beginning in 1964. He  earned a Bachelor of Laws degree from the University of Queensland in  Australia in 1976 and from the University College Cardiff at the  University of Wales in 1981. He attended the Inns of Court School of Law  in 1982 and 1983, and was called to the Bar in 1983.
His biography, while admirable in its educational achievements,  irreparably placed Shrimpton outside the British social classes from  which the most distinguished professional intelligence agents and  lawyers have traditionally been recruited. Most come from the upper  classes of British society with pedigrees and sufficient financial  resources to be educated at boarding schools such as Eton, followed by  university studies at Oxford or Cambridge.
Although Shrimpton has never held an official government job, he has published in a peer-reviewed intelligence publication,  the Journal of International Security Affairs. The editor at the time  of Shrimpton’s publication was the late U.S. Ambassador Harvey Feldman,  perhaps best known for the role he played in helping plan President  Nixon’s 1972 visit to China.
Shrimpton is the author of an upcoming book, “Spyhunter: The Secret  of German Intelligence,” which is being finalized now for publication in  the U.K. this week.
Confirming military satellite intelligence?
Shrimpton intends to defend himself in a November jury trial by  demanding to see specific intelligence information he believes will  exonerate him.
In a document shared with WND that Shrimpton submitted to the court  in his defense, he put CPS prosecutors on notice that he intends to  subpoena radar signature readings taken by U.S. military satellites.
In particular, Shrimpton wants to obtain readings from U.S.  intelligence satellites involved in the KH-13 satellite surveillance  program operated by the NRO, the highly secretive U.S. National  Reconnaissance Office headquartered in unincorporated Fairfax County,  Va., two miles south of Dulles International Airport. It operates as one  of 16 U.S. intelligence agencies that along with the CIA, the National  Security Agency, the Defense Intelligence Agency and the National  Geospatial-Intelligence Agency is considered one of the “big five” of  U.S. intelligence agencies.
Shrimpton believes readings from U.S. military intelligence  satellites operating in low orbit between 2200 hours GMT and 0100 on  April 20 through 21, 2011, downloaded to a ground station near Fort  Belvoir, Va., will indicate a source of weapons-grade plutonium was  adjacent to, and then on, the Blackwater River Estuary in Essex.
“This Satellite Intelligence (SATINT) is consistent with reporting of  a viable IND [Improvised Nuclear Device] being removed from the U.K. by  a German SSD [State Security Department],” Shrimpton’s brief to the  court claims. “The SATINT would have been made available to GCHQ  [British General Communications Headquarters] as a matter of course  under the UKUSA (originally BRUSA) Intelligence Treaty and on balance is  probably being withheld from the CPS, the defense, and the court.”
Nuclear weapon stolen from Kursk?
In London, WND interviewed John Large, head of Large and Associates  Consulting Engineers, a group with established nuclear expertise that  had been contracted by the Russian government for advice on how best to  salvage the Kursk submarine.
“With the salvage of the Kursk, the Russian Federation took the  standard government line of refusing to confirm or deny the presence of  nuclear weapons on board, but there were six nuclear weapons on board  when the submarine went down,” Large told WND.
“My work was to set up the procedure assuming nuclear weapons were on  board, and the Russian Federation implemented the procedures we devised  based on the malfunction of a weapon with its conventional charge being  released.”
Large said the submarine had been at the bottom of the sea for a  year, and two of the weapons silos housing the nuclear-tipped weapons  were at the front, near the site of the explosion that sank the vessel.
WND asked Large if all the nuclear weapons were on board the submarine when the salvage operations took place.
“We have no idea,” Large responded. “We assumed the nuclear weapons were on board.”
He said the submarine sank in 110 meters of water, or 360 feet, and  the Russians had a guard ship above the location from the moment the  submarine sank.
“Because of weather, the guard ship may have run for shelter three or  four times during the year when the Kursk was sunk,” he said. “It would  be difficult at that depth to do a submarine recovery given the  shallowness of the sea there, but you certainly could do a surface  recovery if you had saturation divers. But again, a surface ship would  be immediately spotted by the Russian Federation.”
Still, Large explained to WND that he and his staff were not present during Russian Federation recovery efforts.
“We worked very closely with the Russian Federation during the Kursk  salvage operations, so we assumed and we were never challenged that the  nuclear weapons were still on board,” he said.
“But if I were to testify in Michael Shrimpton’s case, I couldn’t say  if any of the nuclear weapons were missing or not missing when the  Kursk was recovered, because I wasn’t there to observe it.”
Large concluded the interview by saying he was surprised the CPS was going forward with the prosecution.
Large also had no explanation for why the judge postponed the case  until November. However, he speculated that the judge may have wanted to  give the prosecution time to consider whether or not prosecuting  Shrimpton in a public jury trial and allowing him to launch a defense  was really in the British government’s national security interest.
While he was doubtful a nuclear weapon had been stolen from the Kursk  while submerged, Large cautioned that terrorists could have obtained a  nuclear weapon in the chaos that occasioned the end of the Soviet Union.
“Iran could also have a nuclear weapon anytime Iran wants one,” Large  also said. “With Iran making rapid progress toward a nuclear weapon,  the probability of a terrorist nuclear attack is a realistic risk. Iran  could get a nuclear weapon today, if Iran wants, from North Korea or  rogue elements in Pakistan.”
Secret German intelligence group?
WND traveled to Marlborough Wiltshire west of London to meet with  distinguished retired British Intelligence officer Lt. Col. Dr. Harry  Beckhough, MBE, who Shrimpton plans to call as a defense witness via  video link from Newbury Magistrates Court. Advanced age has limited  Beckthough’s mobility.
Among Beckhough’s many career achievements are having worked as a  code-breaker at Bletchley Park during World War II and having served  with the British 8th Army in the World War II campaign in North Africa.  His duties included working on Lt. Gen. Thomas Montgomery’s intelligence  staff with the assignment to break Nazi Gen. Erwin Rommel’s military  codes.
Beckhough presented WND two books he has authored, one titled  “Germany’s Four Reichs” and the other “Germany’s Fourth Reich,” in which  he documented the rise a secret German intelligence agency. The  Deutsche Verteidigungs Dienst, the DVD, or German Defense Agency, he  said, was created as a post-World War II continuance of the Nazi Abwehr  military intelligence organization operated by Admiral Wilhelm Franz  Canaris.
Beckhough told WND he was willing to testify at Shrimpton’s trial  that the DVD continues to operate from its headquarters outside Dachau  as a secret German military intelligence operation.
Obama’s birth story
In the U.S., Shrimpton recently has drawn attention with the  re-circulation of a video that shows him claiming that the CIA collected  DNA from Obama and a grandparent in 2008 as Obama was running for  president.
See the Shrimpton video:

(VN: Tried putting up the video and the khazar's cyberwarriors won't let me.... so go directly to Utube and watch it yourself. He fully confirms the point that Ms. Dunham was not Obama's mother. )

Shrimpton says he was informed that Obama was born in Mombasa, Kenya,  in about 1960, which means, he said, the information sits in British  intelligence files, because that territory was under the British Empire  at the time.

Shrimpton alleged that through DNA tests conducted during Obama’s  initial presidential campaign, the CIA established Stanley Ann Dunham  was not Obama’s biological mother.
He said Dunham was not pregnant in July 1961, yet it is claimed that she gave birth to Barack Obama Jr. on Aug. 4, 1961.

Shrimpton said it was his understanding that the DNA samples were  collected at a fundraising dinner from water glasses that were bagged  after the dinner.

However, Stanley Ann Dunham’s father, Stanley Amour Dunham, died in  1992. Her mother, Madelyn Dunham, died of cancer Nov. 2, 2008, and was  not known to have made public appearances in Obama’s campaign, though she did turn up briefly in an April 2008 Obama TV commercial.  A TV news report on the commercial by Honolulu’s KITV said Madelyn  Dunham had tried to stay out of the campaign and declined formal  interviews. When a KITV reporter reached her by phone, she said she  hadn’t seen the commercial and was surprised to learn she was in it.
See the KITV report:

In conversations with WND, nevertheless, Shrimpton doubled down on  the claims he made in 2008 by asserting that NSA whistleblower Edward  Snowden, as part of his negotiations to leave Hong Kong, agreed to  deliver to Russian President Vladimir Putin in Moscow the classified  U.S. military intelligence file on Obama’s DNA.
Shrimpton made clear he intends to subpoena from the CIA and from  British intelligence any records either agency may have on Obama’s DNA.
“I intend to stand by my allegations regarding the Obama birth  certificate, knowing that U.S. intelligence agencies will prefer to  characterize me as crazy and delusional rather than admit the CIA has  the files I believe they have on Obama's DNA,” Shrimpton insisted.

The postponement meant any issues Shrimpton wants to pursue in his defense will not be aired in court until after the November mid-term elections in the U.S.

Government intelligence experts on both sides of the Atlantic marginalized Shrimpton as a loud-mouthed nuisance and gadfly who lacks professional credentials as an intelligence expert. But McCreath, nevertheless, dismissed a prosecution motion to order Shrimpton to undergo a psychiatric examination, making it clear a trial on the merits would take place.

Shrimpton was born in RAF Hospital Ely on March 9, 1957, to an RAF officer father and a Welsh mother. He was schooled in Wales one year then in Australia, beginning in 1964. He earned a Bachelor of Laws degree from the University of Queensland in Australia in 1976 and from the University College Cardiff at the University of Wales in 1981. He attended the Inns of Court School of Law in 1982 and 1983, and was called to the Bar in 1983.

His biography, while admirable in its educational achievements, irreparably placed Shrimpton outside the British social classes from which the most distinguished professional intelligence agents and lawyers have traditionally been recruited. Most come from the upper classes of British society with pedigrees and sufficient financial resources to be educated at boarding schools such as Eton, followed by university studies at Oxford or Cambridge.

Although Shrimpton has never held an official government job, he has published in a peer-reviewed intelligence publication, the Journal of International Security Affairs. The editor at the time of Shrimpton’s publication was the late U.S. Ambassador Harvey Feldman, perhaps best known for the role he played in helping plan President Nixon’s 1972 visit to China.

Shrimpton is the author of an upcoming book, “Spyhunter: The Secret of German Intelligence,” which is being finalized now for publication in the U.K. this week.

Confirming military satellite intelligence?

Shrimpton intends to defend himself in a November jury trial by demanding to see specific intelligence information he believes will exonerate him.

In a document shared with WND that Shrimpton submitted to the court in his defense, he put CPS prosecutors on notice that he intends to subpoena radar signature readings taken by U.S. military satellites.

In particular, Shrimpton wants to obtain readings from U.S. intelligence satellites involved in the KH-13 satellite surveillance program operated by the NRO, the highly secretive U.S. National Reconnaissance Office headquartered in unincorporated Fairfax County, Va., two miles south of Dulles International Airport. It operates as one of 16 U.S. intelligence agencies that along with the CIA, the National Security Agency, the Defense Intelligence Agency and the National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency is considered one of the “big five” of U.S. intelligence agencies.

Shrimpton believes readings from U.S. military intelligence satellites operating in low orbit between 2200 hours GMT and 0100 on April 20 through 21, 2011, downloaded to a ground station near Fort Belvoir, Va., will indicate a source of weapons-grade plutonium was adjacent to, and then on, the Blackwater River Estuary in Essex.

“This Satellite Intelligence (SATINT) is consistent with reporting of a viable IND [Improvised Nuclear Device] being removed from the U.K. by a German SSD [State Security Department],” Shrimpton’s brief to the court claims. “The SATINT would have been made available to GCHQ [British General Communications Headquarters] as a matter of course under the UKUSA (originally BRUSA) Intelligence Treaty and on balance is probably being withheld from the CPS, the defense, and the court.”

Nuclear weapon stolen from Kursk?

In London, WND interviewed John Large, head of Large and Associates Consulting Engineers, a group with established nuclear expertise that had been contracted by the Russian government for advice on how best to salvage the Kursk submarine.

“With the salvage of the Kursk, the Russian Federation took the standard government line of refusing to confirm or deny the presence of nuclear weapons on board, but there were six nuclear weapons on board when the submarine went down,” Large told WND.

“My work was to set up the procedure assuming nuclear weapons were on board, and the Russian Federation implemented the procedures we devised based on the malfunction of a weapon with its conventional charge being released.”

Large said the submarine had been at the bottom of the sea for a year, and two of the weapons silos housing the nuclear-tipped weapons were at the front, near the site of the explosion that sank the vessel.

WND asked Large if all the nuclear weapons were on board the submarine when the salvage operations took place.

“We have no idea,” Large responded. “We assumed the nuclear weapons were on board.”

He said the submarine sank in 110 meters of water, or 360 feet, and the Russians had a guard ship above the location from the moment the submarine sank.

“Because of weather, the guard ship may have run for shelter three or four times during the year when the Kursk was sunk,” he said. “It would be difficult at that depth to do a submarine recovery given the shallowness of the sea there, but you certainly could do a surface recovery if you had saturation divers. But again, a surface ship would be immediately spotted by the Russian Federation.”

Still, Large explained to WND that he and his staff were not present during Russian Federation recovery efforts.

“We worked very closely with the Russian Federation during the Kursk salvage operations, so we assumed and we were never challenged that the nuclear weapons were still on board,” he said.

“But if I were to testify in Michael Shrimpton’s case, I couldn’t say if any of the nuclear weapons were missing or not missing when the Kursk was recovered, because I wasn’t there to observe it.”

Large concluded the interview by saying he was surprised the CPS was going forward with the prosecution.

Large also had no explanation for why the judge postponed the case until November. However, he speculated that the judge may have wanted to give the prosecution time to consider whether or not prosecuting Shrimpton in a public jury trial and allowing him to launch a defense was really in the British government’s national security interest.

While he was doubtful a nuclear weapon had been stolen from the Kursk while submerged, Large cautioned that terrorists could have obtained a nuclear weapon in the chaos that occasioned the end of the Soviet Union.

“Iran could also have a nuclear weapon anytime Iran wants one,” Large also said. “With Iran making rapid progress toward a nuclear weapon, the probability of a terrorist nuclear attack is a realistic risk. Iran could get a nuclear weapon today, if Iran wants, from North Korea or rogue elements in Pakistan.”

Secret German intelligence group?

WND traveled to Marlborough Wiltshire west of London to meet with distinguished retired British Intelligence officer Lt. Col. Dr. Harry Beckhough, MBE, who Shrimpton plans to call as a defense witness via video link from Newbury Magistrates Court. Advanced age has limited Beckthough’s mobility.

Among Beckhough’s many career achievements are having worked as a code-breaker at Bletchley Park during World War II and having served with the British 8th Army in the World War II campaign in North Africa. His duties included working on Lt. Gen. Thomas Montgomery’s intelligence staff with the assignment to break Nazi Gen. Erwin Rommel’s military codes.

Beckhough presented WND two books he has authored, one titled “Germany’s Four Reichs” and the other “Germany’s Fourth Reich,” in which he documented the rise a secret German intelligence agency. The Deutsche Verteidigungs Dienst, the DVD, or German Defense Agency, he said, was created as a post-World War II continuance of the Nazi Abwehr military intelligence organization operated by Admiral Wilhelm Franz Canaris.

Beckhough told WND he was willing to testify at Shrimpton’s trial that the DVD continues to operate from its headquarters outside Dachau as a secret German military intelligence operation.

Obama’s birth story

In the U.S., Shrimpton recently has drawn attention with the re-circulation of a video that shows him claiming that the CIA collected DNA from Obama and a grandparent in 2008 as Obama was running for president.

See the Shrimpton video:

Shrimpton says he was informed that Obama was born in Mombasa, Kenya, in about 1960, which means, he said, the information sits in British intelligence files, because that territory was under the British Empire at the time.

Shrimpton alleged that through DNA tests conducted during Obama’s initial presidential campaign, the CIA established Stanley Ann Dunham was not Obama’s biological mother.

He said Dunham was not pregnant in July 1961, yet it is claimed that she gave birth to Barack Obama Jr. on Aug. 4, 1961.

Shrimpton said it was his understanding that the DNA samples were collected at a fundraising dinner from water glasses that were bagged after the dinner.

However, Stanley Ann Dunham’s father, Stanley Amour Dunham, died in 1992. Her mother, Madelyn Dunham, died of cancer Nov. 2, 2008, and was not know to have made public appearances in Obama’s campaign, though she did turn up briefly in an April 2008 Obama TV commercial. A TV news report on the commercial by Honolulu’s KITV said Madelyn Dunham had tried to stay out of the campaign and declined formal interviews. When a KITV reporter reached her by phone, she said she hadn’t seen the commercial and was surprised to learn she was in it.

See the KITV report:

In conversations with WND, nevertheless, Shrimpton doubled down on the claims he made in 2008 by asserting that NSA whistleblower Edward Snowden, as part of his negotiations to leave Hong Kong, agreed to deliver to Russian President Vladimir Putin in Moscow the classified U.S. military intelligence file on Obama’s DNA.

Shrimpton made clear he intends to subpoena from the CIA and from British intelligence any records either agency may have on Obama’s DNA.

“I intend to stand by my allegations regarding the Obama birth certificate, knowing that U.S. intelligence agencies will prefer to characterize me as crazy and delusional rather than admit the CIA has the files I believe they have on Obama DNA,” Shrimpton insisted.




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