

Malaysia Airlines Passengers "Maybe" Alive: Official At Secret Meeting

***- Fund Raising Status - We just had a most generous donor contribute more than enough to meet the balance of our deficit and then some and did so early.   I can't thank that person enough.  The difference will aid us in other things that we needed to do but could not due to the lack of funds.   We thank you from the bottom of our hearts.  I swear we have the best readers and supporters in the entire bloggersphere.  I thank everyone of you who helped us this month and wish you all blessings, and the fulfillment of all your desires.  We are up for another month..... I thank you all. 

Vatic Note:  In case, no one has noticed,  the push is on through massive propoganda to make the US the new nazi's on the block, without looking behind the curtain.  Russia is being painted as a good guy and all of this in the Ukraine is made to look like a total US operation.  Here is what I think.... Malaysia airlines disappeared right immediately after it was exposed that Blackwater was in the Ukraine sniping and killing individuals on both sides.  Why do I think that?  

Now why is that important that Blackwater involvement be covered up?  If it were pursued and confirmed, it may have resulted in proof that they were privately hired.   What does that mean  to the PTB?  Why try to distract us from pursuing that line of questioning?   Because that meant it was very likely that these mercenaries were hired by the bankers. Why do I think this distraction was planned as just that, a distraction?   Because of this!

The royalty in Britain, the Illumed Germans,  the Dutch, especially since Netherlands is the home of the Bilderbergs, would also be exposed and they have remained pretty well hidden through all of this....and yes, then you have the USA currently occupied and controlled by AIPAC, ADL, and SPLC all through the Homeland Security.  Those organizations report to Rothschild, so there you have it.   

Boeing, whose plane is involved,  is definitely a part of the global agenda and that was proven way back when we found a document in one of their copiers called "The Lawful Path:  Silent Weapons for Quiet Wars".... (written in 1958 and revised in 1979) and so far that is exactly what we have had.

Remember, Putin would not be where he is today had it not been for his relationship  with the khazar Zionists since he would never have been allowed to be "KGB" if he did not have such a relationship and that also means he is very familiar with black ops and psych ops.   It also means that not one country is the bad guy, it means the entire class of elite on this planet from damn near all the countries are bad guys, including the US.  Putin, once it was leaked about Blackwater owned by Bill Gates, backed off of escalating the entire operation into a war.   

Why did he do that?  Because it would have proven to be an arranged war and with us armed, we could easily turn on them with all that advanced military equipment, built by the military industrial complex.   The evil ones have had so many "EXPOSED" false flags, they just can't afford another one at such a critical time.  They must have WW III with the US as loser, or they are toast.  

Therefore, its critical that every one of us goyim support such a war and demand to fight in it.  I am sure the powers that be are having trouble not just with the citizens of the US, but of all countries.  It means, then, that only  the bankers and their families would be left to fight in it and heaven forbid that happens.   Now Jay Rockefellers arm waving "Cry" filmed by C-Span, makes a lot more  sense.   He screamed "THE INTERNET SHOULD NEVER HAVE BEEN CREATED",  IT IS RUINING EVERYTHING." And he was right.  Its not near as easy as they had planned. 

Just look at how long we have been distracted by this missing plane?  Long enough for it all to calm down in the Ukraine.  Gee, what a surprise.   "AND BY DECEPTION, WE WILL CONDUCT WAR"..... Mossad's favorite saying on their wall in Israel.  Now they will have to plan another excuse for conducting WW III and get us to buy off on it.  No thanks. 

Malaysia Airlines Passengers Alive: Official At Secret Meeting
by Deborah Dupre,  Before it's News, 3/21/2014

Hishammuddin Hussein, Malaysia’s transport minister, said Thursday night at a secret meeting in Kuala Lumpur with Malaysia Airlines Flight 370 passengers’ families that he believes all the passengers are still alive. This has been reported by Associated Press, The Guardian and CBS News.

Malaysian transport minister said he “believes that my child and all the other passengers are still alive,” said Hamid Amran, father of a child on Flight 370, speaking about transport minister Hussein after a secret meeting with him, other officials and families of passengers, according to an Associated Press report. “I will not give up hope.”

Officials held a secret meeting Thursday evening exclusively with Flight 370 passengers’ relatives in a hotel near Kuala Lumpur. Journalists were banned. Afterwards, groups of people left looking distraught, according to an Associated Press report. Hamid Amran, who had a child on Flight 370, said questions asked at the meeting made it “apparent that Malaysia’s military is incapable of protecting its own airspace”.

Debris False Hope, Jeapordising SAR

There have been continual false leads since the Boeing 777 disappeared March 8 above the Gulf of Thailand en route from Kuala Lumpur to Beijing. The plane was diverted toward the Maldives and then headed south from there – some say. US officials, very quiet for over a week after the MH370 went missing, are now guiding the world to believe the plane’s now in Pakistan, possibly readying for use in a terrorist attack. 

“The chances of it being debris from the airplane are probably small, and the chances of it being debris from other shipping are probably large,” said aviation Prof. Jason Middleton, of University of New South Wales in Sydney.

8 Reasons Young Americans Don’t Fight Back: How the US Crushed Youth Resistance

***- Fund Raising Status - We just had a most generous donor contribute more than enough to meet the balance of our deficit and then some and did so early.   I can't thank that person enough.  The difference will aid us in other things that we needed to do but could not due to the lack of funds.   We thank you from the bottom of our hearts.  I swear we have the best readers and supporters in the entire bloggersphere.  I thank everyone of you who helped us this month and wish you all blessings, and the fulfillment of all your desires.  We are up for another month..... I thank you all. 

Vatic Note:  This is a good article, but I have a belief after all these past 12 years of research, That the bogus ADD and ADHD diseases and the drug treatment required, are a major part of the reasons why our Youth have been crushed.  Those diagnosed are the ones who are independant thinkers,  do not automatically succumb to authoritarian rule, and who question authority that does not make sense.

They are then drugged to take away the critical thinking skills and resistance of our youth by changing chemically the way the brain functions.   Its very clever indeed, and effective.  Once taken off the legal drugs, the child does not feel what he is experiencing as "normal" and thus turns to illegal drugs, thereby replenishing the Bush cabal bank account and khazar bankers money laundering income.

Its a form of soft kill of the species called "humanity", since these children can never go back to normal.  The brighter they are, the more capable of their thought processes to see the reality of the authoritarian masters, the more likely they will be diagnosed as ADD etc.

We do not have the experience, training or ability to stop it except through resistance to the system to drugging your children without permission and that is where the fight has to take place.  It requires a deep love of your children and a ton of courage.  But without it, we are doomed as a species.  That and home schooling are the only way, especially after common core gets shoved down our throats.   Your choice. 

There is some truly excellent history in here that we know nothing about, that shows that school is not synonymous with "Education", as our farmers proved back in the 1800's when they created some truly great systems for aiding farmers back then.   This is truly worth the read, just for the history alone.

8 Reasons Young Americans Don’t Fight Back: How the US Crushed Youth Resistance
By Bruce E. Levine, Alternet

Traditionally, young people have energized democratic movements. So it is a major coup for the ruling elite to have created societal institutions that have subdued young Americans and broken their spirit of resistance to domination.

Young Americans—even more so than older Americans—appear to have acquiesced to the idea that the corporatocracy can completely screw them and that they are helpless to do anything about it. A 2010 Gallup poll asked Americans “Do you think the Social Security system will be able to pay you a benefit when you retire?” Among 18- to 34-years-olds, 76 percent of them said no.

Yet despite their lack of confidence in the availability of Social Security for them, few have demanded it be shored up by more fairly payroll-taxing the wealthy; most appear resigned to having more money deducted from their paychecks for Social Security, even though they don’t believe it will be around to benefit them.

How exactly has American society subdued young Americans?

1. Student-Loan Debt. Large debt—and the fear it creates—is a pacifying force. There was no tuition at the City University of New York when I attended one of its colleges in the 1970s, a time when tuition at many U.S. public universities was so affordable that it was easy to get a B.A. and even a graduate degree without accruing any student-loan debt.

While those days are gone in the United States, public universities continue to be free in the Arab world and are either free or with very low fees in many countries throughout the world. The millions of young Iranians who risked getting shot to protest their disputed 2009 presidential election, the millions of young Egyptians who risked their lives earlier this year to eliminate Mubarak, and the millions of young Americans who demonstrated against the Vietnam War all had in common the absence of pacifying huge student-loan debt.

Today in the United States, two-thirds of graduating seniors at four-year colleges have student-loan debt, including over 62 percent of public university graduates. While average undergraduate debt is close to $25,000, I increasingly talk to college graduates with closer to $100,000 in student-loan debt. During the time in one’s life when it should be easiest to resist authority because one does not yet have family responsibilities, many young people worry about the cost of bucking authority, losing their job, and being unable to pay an ever-increasing debt. In a vicious cycle, student debt has a subduing effect on activism, and political passivity makes it more likely that students will accept such debt as a natural part of life.

2. Psychopathologizing and Medicating Noncompliance. In 1955, Erich Fromm, the then widely respected anti-authoritarian leftist psychoanalyst, wrote, “Today the function of psychiatry, psychology and psychoanalysis threatens to become the tool in the manipulation of man.” Fromm died in 1980, the same year that an increasingly authoritarian America elected Ronald Reagan president, and an increasingly authoritarian American Psychiatric Association added to their diagnostic bible (then the DSM-III) disruptive mental disorders for children and teenagers such as the increasingly popular “oppositional defiant disorder” (ODD).

The official symptoms of ODD include “often actively defies or refuses to comply with adult requests or rules,” “often argues with adults,” and “often deliberately does things to annoy other people.”

Many of America’s greatest activists including Saul Alinsky (1909–1972), the legendary organizer and author of Reveille for Radicals and Rules for Radicals, would today certainly be diagnosed with ODD and other disruptive disorders. 

Recalling his childhood, Alinsky said, “I never thought of walking on the grass until I saw a sign saying ‘Keep off the grass.’ Then I would stomp all over it.” 

Heavily tranquilizing antipsychotic drugs (e.g. Zyprexa and Risperdal) are now the highest grossing class of medication in the United States ($16 billion in 2010); a major reason for this, according to the Journal of the American Medical Association in 2010, is that many children receiving antipsychotic drugs have nonpsychotic diagnoses such as ODD or some other disruptive disorder (this especially true of Medicaid-covered pediatric patients).

3. Schools That Educate for Compliance and Not for Democracy. Upon accepting the New York City Teacher of the Year Award on January 31, 1990, John Taylor Gatto upset many in attendance by stating: “The truth is that schools don’t really teach anything except how to obey orders. This is a great mystery to me because thousands of humane, caring people work in schools as teachers and aides and administrators, but the abstract logic of the institution overwhelms their individual contributions.” A generation ago, the problem of compulsory schooling as a vehicle for an authoritarian society was widely discussed, but as this problem has gotten worse, it is seldom discussed.

The nature of most classrooms, regardless of the subject matter, socializes students to be passive and directed by others, to follow orders, to take seriously the rewards and punishments of authorities, to pretend to care about things they don’t care about, and that they are impotent to affect their situation. A teacher can lecture about democracy, but schools are essentially undemocratic places, and so democracy is not what is instilled in students. Jonathan Kozol in The Night Is Dark and I Am Far from Home focused on how school breaks us from courageous actions.

Kozol explains how our schools teach us a kind of “inert concern” in which “caring”—in and of itself and without risking the consequences of actual action—is considered “ethical.” School teaches us that we are “moral and mature” if we politely assert our concerns, but the essence of school—its demand for compliance—teaches us not to act in a friction-causing manner.

4. “No Child Left Behind” and “Race to the Top.” The corporatocracy has figured out a way to make our already authoritarian schools even more authoritarian. Democrat-Republican bipartisanship has resulted in wars in Afghanistan and Iraq, NAFTA, the PATRIOT Act, the War on Drugs, the Wall Street bailout, and educational policies such as “No Child Left Behind” and “Race to the Top.” These policies are essentially standardized-testing tyranny that creates fear, which is antithetical to education for a democratic society.

Fear forces students and teachers to constantly focus on the demands of test creators; it crushes curiosity, critical thinking, questioning authority, and challenging and resisting illegitimate authority. In a more democratic and less authoritarian society, one would evaluate the effectiveness of a teacher not by corporatocracy-sanctioned standardized tests but by asking students, parents, and a community if a teacher is inspiring students to be more curious, to read more, to learn independently, to enjoy thinking critically, to question authorities, and to challenge illegitimate authorities.

5. Shaming Young People Who Take EducationBut Not Their SchoolingSeriously. In a 2006 survey in the United States, it was found that 40 percent of children between first and third grade read every day, but by fourth grade, that rate declined to 29 percent. Despite the anti-educational impact of standard schools, children and their parents are increasingly propagandized to believe that disliking school means disliking learning.

That was not always the case in the United States. Mark Twain famously said, “I never let my schooling get in the way of my education.” Toward the end of Twain’s life in 1900, only 6 percent of Americans graduated high school. Today, approximately 85 percent of Americans graduate high school, but this is good enough for Barack Obama who told us in 2009, “And dropping out of high school is no longer an option. It’s not just quitting on yourself, it’s quitting on your country.”

The more schooling Americans get, however, the more politically ignorant they are of America’s ongoing class war, and the more incapable they are of challenging the ruling class. In the 1880s and 1890s, American farmers with little or no schooling created a Populist movement that organized America’s largest-scale working people’s cooperative, formed a People’s Party that received 8 percent of the vote in 1892 presidential election.

They designed a “subtreasury” plan (that had it been implemented would have allowed easier credit for farmers and broke the power of large banks) and sent 40,000 lecturers across America to articulate it, and evidenced all kinds of sophisticated political ideas, strategies and tactics absent today from America’s well-schooled population. Today, Americans who lack college degrees are increasingly shamed as “losers”; however, Gore Vidal and George Carlin, two of America’s most astute and articulate critics of the corporatocracy, never went to college, and Carlin dropped out of school in the ninth grade.
6. The Normalization of Surveillance. The fear of being surveilled makes a population easier to control. While the National Security Agency (NSA) has received publicity for monitoring American citizen’s email and phone conversations, and while employer surveillance has become increasingly common in the United States, young Americans have become increasingly acquiescent to corporatocracy surveillance because, beginning at a young age, surveillance is routine in their lives. Parents routinely check Web sites for their kid’s latest test grades and completed assignments, and just like employers, are monitoring their children’s computers and Facebook pages. Some parents use the GPS in their children’s cell phones to track their whereabouts, and other parents have video cameras in their homes. Increasingly, I talk with young people who lack the confidence that they can even pull off a party when their parents are out of town, and so how much confidence are they going to have about pulling off a democratic movement below the radar of authorities?
7. Television. In 2009, the Nielsen Company reported that TV viewing in the United States is at an all-time high if one includes the following “three screens”: a television set, a laptop/personal computer, and a cell phone. American children average eight hours a day on TV, video games, movies, the Internet, cell phones, iPods, and other technologies (not including school-related use). Many progressives are concerned about the concentrated control of content by the corporate media, but the mere act of watching TV—regardless of the programming—is the primary pacifying agent (private-enterprise prisons have recognized that providing inmates with cable television can be a more economical method to keep them quiet and subdued than it would be to hire more guards).
Television is a dream come true for an authoritarian society: those with the most money own most of what people see; fear-based television programming makes people more afraid and distrustful of one another, which is good for the ruling elite who depend on a “divide and conquer” strategy; TV isolates people so they are not joining together to create resistance to authorities; and regardless of the programming, TV viewers’ brainwaves slow down, transforming them closer to a hypnotic state that makes it difficult to think critically. While playing a video games is not as zombifying as passively viewing TV, such games have become for many boys and young men their only experience of potency, and this “virtual potency” is certainly no threat to the ruling elite.
8. Fundamentalist Religion and Fundamentalist Consumerism. American culture offers young Americans the “choices” of fundamentalist religion and fundamentalist consumerism. All varieties of fundamentalism narrow one’s focus and inhibit critical thinking. While some progressives are fond of calling fundamentalist religion the “opiate of the masses,” they too often neglect the pacifying nature of America’s other major fundamentalism. Fundamentalist consumerism pacifies young Americans in a variety of ways. Fundamentalist consumerism destroys self-reliance, creating people who feel completely dependent on others and who are thus more likely to turn over decision-making power to authorities, the precise mind-set that the ruling elite loves to see. A fundamentalist consumer culture legitimizes advertising, propaganda, and all kinds of manipulations, including lies; and when a society gives legitimacy to lies and manipulativeness, it destroys the capacity of people to trust one another and form democratic movements. Fundamentalist consumerism also promotes self-absorption, which makes it difficult for the solidarity necessary for democratic movements.
These are not the only aspects of our culture that are subduing young Americans and crushing their resistance to domination. The food-industrial complex has helped create an epidemic of childhood obesity, depression, and passivity. The prison-industrial complex keeps young anti-authoritarians “in line” (now by the fear that they may come before judges such as the two Pennsylvania ones who took $2.6 million from private-industry prisons to ensure that juveniles were incarcerated). As Ralph Waldo Emerson observed: “All our things are right and wrong together. The wave of evil washes all our institutions alike.”
About the Author
Bruce E. Levine is a clinical psychologist and author of Get Up, Stand Up: Uniting Populists, Energizing the Defeated, and Battling the Corporate Elite  (Chelsea Green, 2011). His Web site is
gized democratic movements. So it is a major coup for the ruling elite to have created societal institutions that have subdued young Americans and broken their spirit of resistance to domination. Young Americans—even more so than older Americans—appear to have acquiesced to the idea that the corporatocracy can completely screw them and that they are helpless to do anything about it. A 2010 Gallup poll asked Americans “Do you think the Social Security system will be able to pay you a benefit when you retire?” Among 18- to 34-years-olds, 76 percent of them said no. Yet despite their lack of confidence in the availability of Social Security for them, few have demanded it be shored up by more fairly payroll-taxing the wealthy; most appear resigned to having more money deducted from their paychecks for Social Security, even though they don’t believe it will be around to benefit them.
How exactly has American society subdued young Americans?
1. Student-Loan Debt. Large debt—and the fear it creates—is a pacifying force. There was no tuition at the City University of New York when I attended one of its colleges in the 1970s, a time when tuition at many U.S. public universities was so affordable that it was easy to get a B.A. and even a graduate degree without accruing any student-loan debt. While those days are gone in the United States, public universities continue to be free in the Arab world and are either free or with very low fees in many countries throughout the world. The millions of young Iranians who risked getting shot to protest their disputed 2009 presidential election, the millions of young Egyptians who risked their lives earlier this year to eliminate Mubarak, and the millions of young Americans who demonstrated against the Vietnam War all had in common the absence of pacifying huge student-loan debt.
Today in the United States, two-thirds of graduating seniors at four-year colleges have student-loan debt, including over 62 percent of public university graduates. While average undergraduate debt is close to $25,000, I increasingly talk to college graduates with closer to $100,000 in student-loan debt. During the time in one’s life when it should be easiest to resist authority because one does not yet have family responsibilities, many young people worry about the cost of bucking authority, losing their job, and being unable to pay an ever-increasing debt. In a vicious cycle, student debt has a subduing effect on activism, and political passivity makes it more likely that students will accept such debt as a natural part of life.
2. Psychopathologizing and Medicating Noncompliance. In 1955, Erich Fromm, the then widely respected anti-authoritarian leftist psychoanalyst, wrote, “Today the function of psychiatry, psychology and psychoanalysis threatens to become the tool in the manipulation of man.” Fromm died in 1980, the same year that an increasingly authoritarian America elected Ronald Reagan president, and an increasingly authoritarian American Psychiatric Association added to their diagnostic bible (then the DSM-III) disruptive mental disorders for children and teenagers such as the increasingly popular “oppositional defiant disorder” (ODD). The official symptoms of ODD include “often actively defies or refuses to comply with adult requests or rules,” “often argues with adults,” and “often deliberately does things to annoy other people.”
Many of America’s greatest activists including Saul Alinsky (1909–1972), the legendary organizer and author of Reveille for Radicals and Rules for Radicals, would today certainly be diagnosed with ODD and other disruptive disorders. Recalling his childhood, Alinsky said, “I never thought of walking on the grass until I saw a sign saying ‘Keep off the grass.’ Then I would stomp all over it.” Heavily tranquilizing antipsychotic drugs (e.g. Zyprexa and Risperdal) are now the highest grossing class of medication in the United States ($16 billion in 2010); a major reason for this, according to the Journal of the American Medical Association in 2010, is that many children receiving antipsychotic drugs have nonpsychotic diagnoses such as ODD or some other disruptive disorder (this especially true of Medicaid-covered pediatric patients).
3. Schools That Educate for Compliance and Not for Democracy. Upon accepting the New York City Teacher of the Year Award on January 31, 1990, John Taylor Gatto upset many in attendance by stating: “The truth is that schools don’t really teach anything except how to obey orders. This is a great mystery to me because thousands of humane, caring people work in schools as teachers and aides and administrators, but the abstract logic of the institution overwhelms their individual contributions.” A generation ago, the problem of compulsory schooling as a vehicle for an authoritarian society was widely discussed, but as this problem has gotten worse, it is seldom discussed.
The nature of most classrooms, regardless of the subject matter, socializes students to be passive and directed by others, to follow orders, to take seriously the rewards and punishments of authorities, to pretend to care about things they don’t care about, and that they are impotent to affect their situation. A teacher can lecture about democracy, but schools are essentially undemocratic places, and so democracy is not what is instilled in students. Jonathan Kozol in The Night Is Dark and I Am Far from Home focused on how school breaks us from courageous actions. Kozol explains how our schools teach us a kind of “inert concern” in which “caring”—in and of itself and without risking the consequences of actual action—is considered “ethical.” School teaches us that we are “moral and mature” if we politely assert our concerns, but the essence of school—its demand for compliance—teaches us not to act in a friction-causing manner.
4. “No Child Left Behind” and “Race to the Top.” The corporatocracy has figured out a way to make our already authoritarian schools even more authoritarian. Democrat-Republican bipartisanship has resulted in wars in Afghanistan and Iraq, NAFTA, the PATRIOT Act, the War on Drugs, the Wall Street bailout, and educational policies such as “No Child Left Behind” and “Race to the Top.” These policies are essentially standardized-testing tyranny that creates fear, which is antithetical to education for a democratic society. Fear forces students and teachers to constantly focus on the demands of test creators; it crushes curiosity, critical thinking, questioning authority, and challenging and resisting illegitimate authority. In a more democratic and less authoritarian society, one would evaluate the effectiveness of a teacher not by corporatocracy-sanctioned standardized tests but by asking students, parents, and a community if a teacher is inspiring students to be more curious, to read more, to learn independently, to enjoy thinking critically, to question authorities, and to challenge illegitimate authorities.
5. Shaming Young People Who Take EducationBut Not Their SchoolingSeriously. In a 2006 survey in the United States, it was found that 40 percent of children between first and third grade read every day, but by fourth grade, that rate declined to 29 percent. Despite the anti-educational impact of standard schools, children and their parents are increasingly propagandized to believe that disliking school means disliking learning. That was not always the case in the United States. Mark Twain famously said, “I never let my schooling get in the way of my education.” Toward the end of Twain’s life in 1900, only 6 percent of Americans graduated high school. Today, approximately 85 percent of Americans graduate high school, but this is good enough for Barack Obama who told us in 2009, “And dropping out of high school is no longer an option. It’s not just quitting on yourself, it’s quitting on your country.”
The more schooling Americans get, however, the more politically ignorant they are of America’s ongoing class war, and the more incapable they are of challenging the ruling class. In the 1880s and 1890s, American farmers with little or no schooling created a Populist movement that organized America’s largest-scale working people’s cooperative, formed a People’s Party that received 8 percent of the vote in 1892 presidential election, designed a “subtreasury” plan (that had it been implemented would have allowed easier credit for farmers and broke the power of large banks) and sent 40,000 lecturers across America to articulate it, and evidenced all kinds of sophisticated political ideas, strategies and tactics absent today from America’s well-schooled population. Today, Americans who lack college degrees are increasingly shamed as “losers”; however, Gore Vidal and George Carlin, two of America’s most astute and articulate critics of the corporatocracy, never went to college, and Carlin dropped out of school in the ninth grade.
6. The Normalization of Surveillance. The fear of being surveilled makes a population easier to control. While the National Security Agency (NSA) has received publicity for monitoring American citizen’s email and phone conversations, and while employer surveillance has become increasingly common in the United States, young Americans have become increasingly acquiescent to corporatocracy surveillance because, beginning at a young age, surveillance is routine in their lives. Parents routinely check Web sites for their kid’s latest test grades and completed assignments, and just like employers, are monitoring their children’s computers and Facebook pages. Some parents use the GPS in their children’s cell phones to track their whereabouts, and other parents have video cameras in their homes. Increasingly, I talk with young people who lack the confidence that they can even pull off a party when their parents are out of town, and so how much confidence are they going to have about pulling off a democratic movement below the radar of authorities?
7. Television. In 2009, the Nielsen Company reported that TV viewing in the United States is at an all-time high if one includes the following “three screens”: a television set, a laptop/personal computer, and a cell phone. American children average eight hours a day on TV, video games, movies, the Internet, cell phones, iPods, and other technologies (not including school-related use). Many progressives are concerned about the concentrated control of content by the corporate media, but the mere act of watching TV—regardless of the programming—is the primary pacifying agent (private-enterprise prisons have recognized that providing inmates with cable television can be a more economical method to keep them quiet and subdued than it would be to hire more guards).
Television is a dream come true for an authoritarian society: those with the most money own most of what people see; fear-based television programming makes people more afraid and distrustful of one another, which is good for the ruling elite who depend on a “divide and conquer” strategy; TV isolates people so they are not joining together to create resistance to authorities; and regardless of the programming, TV viewers’ brainwaves slow down, transforming them closer to a hypnotic state that makes it difficult to think critically. While playing a video games is not as zombifying as passively viewing TV, such games have become for many boys and young men their only experience of potency, and this “virtual potency” is certainly no threat to the ruling elite.
8. Fundamentalist Religion and Fundamentalist Consumerism. American culture offers young Americans the “choices” of fundamentalist religion and fundamentalist consumerism. All varieties of fundamentalism narrow one’s focus and inhibit critical thinking. While some progressives are fond of calling fundamentalist religion the “opiate of the masses,” they too often neglect the pacifying nature of America’s other major fundamentalism. Fundamentalist consumerism pacifies young Americans in a variety of ways. Fundamentalist consumerism destroys self-reliance, creating people who feel completely dependent on others and who are thus more likely to turn over decision-making power to authorities, the precise mind-set that the ruling elite loves to see. A fundamentalist consumer culture legitimizes advertising, propaganda, and all kinds of manipulations, including lies; and when a society gives legitimacy to lies and manipulativeness, it destroys the capacity of people to trust one another and form democratic movements. Fundamentalist consumerism also promotes self-absorption, which makes it difficult for the solidarity necessary for democratic movements.
These are not the only aspects of our culture that are subduing young Americans and crushing their resistance to domination. The food-industrial complex has helped create an epidemic of childhood obesity, depression, and passivity. The prison-industrial complex keeps young anti-authoritarians “in line” (now by the fear that they may come before judges such as the two Pennsylvania ones who took $2.6 million from private-industry prisons to ensure that juveniles were incarcerated). As Ralph Waldo Emerson observed: “All our things are right and wrong together. The wave of evil washes all our institutions alike.”
About the Author
Bruce E. Levine is a clinical psychologist and author of Get Up, Stand Up: Uniting Populists, Energizing the Defeated, and Battling the Corporate Elite  (Chelsea Green, 2011). His Web site is
gized democratic movements. So it is a major coup for the ruling elite to have created societal institutions that have subdued young Americans and broken their spirit of resistance to domination. Young Americans—even more so than older Americans—appear to have acquiesced to the idea that the corporatocracy can completely screw them and that they are helpless to do anything about it. A 2010 Gallup poll asked Americans “Do you think the Social Security system will be able to pay you a benefit when you retire?” Among 18- to 34-years-olds, 76 percent of them said no. Yet despite their lack of confidence in the availability of Social Security for them, few have demanded it be shored up by more fairly payroll-taxing the wealthy; most appear resigned to having more money deducted from their paychecks for Social Security, even though they don’t believe it will be around to benefit them.
How exactly has American society subdued young Americans?
1. Student-Loan Debt. Large debt—and the fear it creates—is a pacifying force. There was no tuition at the City University of New York when I attended one of its colleges in the 1970s, a time when tuition at many U.S. public universities was so affordable that it was easy to get a B.A. and even a graduate degree without accruing any student-loan debt. While those days are gone in the United States, public universities continue to be free in the Arab world and are either free or with very low fees in many countries throughout the world. The millions of young Iranians who risked getting shot to protest their disputed 2009 presidential election, the millions of young Egyptians who risked their lives earlier this year to eliminate Mubarak, and the millions of young Americans who demonstrated against the Vietnam War all had in common the absence of pacifying huge student-loan debt.
Today in the United States, two-thirds of graduating seniors at four-year colleges have student-loan debt, including over 62 percent of public university graduates. While average undergraduate debt is close to $25,000, I increasingly talk to college graduates with closer to $100,000 in student-loan debt. During the time in one’s life when it should be easiest to resist authority because one does not yet have family responsibilities, many young people worry about the cost of bucking authority, losing their job, and being unable to pay an ever-increasing debt. In a vicious cycle, student debt has a subduing effect on activism, and political passivity makes it more likely that students will accept such debt as a natural part of life.
2. Psychopathologizing and Medicating Noncompliance. In 1955, Erich Fromm, the then widely respected anti-authoritarian leftist psychoanalyst, wrote, “Today the function of psychiatry, psychology and psychoanalysis threatens to become the tool in the manipulation of man.” Fromm died in 1980, the same year that an increasingly authoritarian America elected Ronald Reagan president, and an increasingly authoritarian American Psychiatric Association added to their diagnostic bible (then the DSM-III) disruptive mental disorders for children and teenagers such as the increasingly popular “oppositional defiant disorder” (ODD). The official symptoms of ODD include “often actively defies or refuses to comply with adult requests or rules,” “often argues with adults,” and “often deliberately does things to annoy other people.”
Many of America’s greatest activists including Saul Alinsky (1909–1972), the legendary organizer and author of Reveille for Radicals and Rules for Radicals, would today certainly be diagnosed with ODD and other disruptive disorders. Recalling his childhood, Alinsky said, “I never thought of walking on the grass until I saw a sign saying ‘Keep off the grass.’ Then I would stomp all over it.” Heavily tranquilizing antipsychotic drugs (e.g. Zyprexa and Risperdal) are now the highest grossing class of medication in the United States ($16 billion in 2010); a major reason for this, according to the Journal of the American Medical Association in 2010, is that many children receiving antipsychotic drugs have nonpsychotic diagnoses such as ODD or some other disruptive disorder (this especially true of Medicaid-covered pediatric patients).
3. Schools That Educate for Compliance and Not for Democracy. Upon accepting the New York City Teacher of the Year Award on January 31, 1990, John Taylor Gatto upset many in attendance by stating: “The truth is that schools don’t really teach anything except how to obey orders. This is a great mystery to me because thousands of humane, caring people work in schools as teachers and aides and administrators, but the abstract logic of the institution overwhelms their individual contributions.” A generation ago, the problem of compulsory schooling as a vehicle for an authoritarian society was widely discussed, but as this problem has gotten worse, it is seldom discussed.
The nature of most classrooms, regardless of the subject matter, socializes students to be passive and directed by others, to follow orders, to take seriously the rewards and punishments of authorities, to pretend to care about things they don’t care about, and that they are impotent to affect their situation. A teacher can lecture about democracy, but schools are essentially undemocratic places, and so democracy is not what is instilled in students. Jonathan Kozol in The Night Is Dark and I Am Far from Home focused on how school breaks us from courageous actions. Kozol explains how our schools teach us a kind of “inert concern” in which “caring”—in and of itself and without risking the consequences of actual action—is considered “ethical.” School teaches us that we are “moral and mature” if we politely assert our concerns, but the essence of school—its demand for compliance—teaches us not to act in a friction-causing manner.
4. “No Child Left Behind” and “Race to the Top.” The corporatocracy has figured out a way to make our already authoritarian schools even more authoritarian. Democrat-Republican bipartisanship has resulted in wars in Afghanistan and Iraq, NAFTA, the PATRIOT Act, the War on Drugs, the Wall Street bailout, and educational policies such as “No Child Left Behind” and “Race to the Top.” These policies are essentially standardized-testing tyranny that creates fear, which is antithetical to education for a democratic society. Fear forces students and teachers to constantly focus on the demands of test creators; it crushes curiosity, critical thinking, questioning authority, and challenging and resisting illegitimate authority. In a more democratic and less authoritarian society, one would evaluate the effectiveness of a teacher not by corporatocracy-sanctioned standardized tests but by asking students, parents, and a community if a teacher is inspiring students to be more curious, to read more, to learn independently, to enjoy thinking critically, to question authorities, and to challenge illegitimate authorities.
5. Shaming Young People Who Take EducationBut Not Their SchoolingSeriously. In a 2006 survey in the United States, it was found that 40 percent of children between first and third grade read every day, but by fourth grade, that rate declined to 29 percent. Despite the anti-educational impact of standard schools, children and their parents are increasingly propagandized to believe that disliking school means disliking learning. That was not always the case in the United States. Mark Twain famously said, “I never let my schooling get in the way of my education.” Toward the end of Twain’s life in 1900, only 6 percent of Americans graduated high school. Today, approximately 85 percent of Americans graduate high school, but this is good enough for Barack Obama who told us in 2009, “And dropping out of high school is no longer an option. It’s not just quitting on yourself, it’s quitting on your country.”
The more schooling Americans get, however, the more politically ignorant they are of America’s ongoing class war, and the more incapable they are of challenging the ruling class. In the 1880s and 1890s, American farmers with little or no schooling created a Populist movement that organized America’s largest-scale working people’s cooperative, formed a People’s Party that received 8 percent of the vote in 1892 presidential election, designed a “subtreasury” plan (that had it been implemented would have allowed easier credit for farmers and broke the power of large banks) and sent 40,000 lecturers across America to articulate it, and evidenced all kinds of sophisticated political ideas, strategies and tactics absent today from America’s well-schooled population. Today, Americans who lack college degrees are increasingly shamed as “losers”; however, Gore Vidal and George Carlin, two of America’s most astute and articulate critics of the corporatocracy, never went to college, and Carlin dropped out of school in the ninth grade.
6. The Normalization of Surveillance. The fear of being surveilled makes a population easier to control. While the National Security Agency (NSA) has received publicity for monitoring American citizen’s email and phone conversations, and while employer surveillance has become increasingly common in the United States, young Americans have become increasingly acquiescent to corporatocracy surveillance because, beginning at a young age, surveillance is routine in their lives. Parents routinely check Web sites for their kid’s latest test grades and completed assignments, and just like employers, are monitoring their children’s computers and Facebook pages. Some parents use the GPS in their children’s cell phones to track their whereabouts, and other parents have video cameras in their homes. Increasingly, I talk with young people who lack the confidence that they can even pull off a party when their parents are out of town, and so how much confidence are they going to have about pulling off a democratic movement below the radar of authorities?
7. Television. In 2009, the Nielsen Company reported that TV viewing in the United States is at an all-time high if one includes the following “three screens”: a television set, a laptop/personal computer, and a cell phone. American children average eight hours a day on TV, video games, movies, the Internet, cell phones, iPods, and other technologies (not including school-related use). Many progressives are concerned about the concentrated control of content by the corporate media, but the mere act of watching TV—regardless of the programming—is the primary pacifying agent (private-enterprise prisons have recognized that providing inmates with cable television can be a more economical method to keep them quiet and subdued than it would be to hire more guards).
Television is a dream come true for an authoritarian society: those with the most money own most of what people see; fear-based television programming makes people more afraid and distrustful of one another, which is good for the ruling elite who depend on a “divide and conquer” strategy; TV isolates people so they are not joining together to create resistance to authorities; and regardless of the programming, TV viewers’ brainwaves slow down, transforming them closer to a hypnotic state that makes it difficult to think critically. While playing a video games is not as zombifying as passively viewing TV, such games have become for many boys and young men their only experience of potency, and this “virtual potency” is certainly no threat to the ruling elite.
8. Fundamentalist Religion and Fundamentalist Consumerism. American culture offers young Americans the “choices” of fundamentalist religion and fundamentalist consumerism. All varieties of fundamentalism narrow one’s focus and inhibit critical thinking. While some progressives are fond of calling fundamentalist religion the “opiate of the masses,” they too often neglect the pacifying nature of America’s other major fundamentalism. Fundamentalist consumerism pacifies young Americans in a variety of ways. Fundamentalist consumerism destroys self-reliance, creating people who feel completely dependent on others and who are thus more likely to turn over decision-making power to authorities, the precise mind-set that the ruling elite loves to see. A fundamentalist consumer culture legitimizes advertising, propaganda, and all kinds of manipulations, including lies; and when a society gives legitimacy to lies and manipulativeness, it destroys the capacity of people to trust one another and form democratic movements. Fundamentalist consumerism also promotes self-absorption, which makes it difficult for the solidarity necessary for democratic movements.
These are not the only aspects of our culture that are subduing young Americans and crushing their resistance to domination. The food-industrial complex has helped create an epidemic of childhood obesity, depression, and passivity. The prison-industrial complex keeps young anti-authoritarians “in line” (now by the fear that they may come before judges such as the two Pennsylvania ones who took $2.6 million from private-industry prisons to ensure that juveniles were incarcerated). As Ralph Waldo Emerson observed: “All our things are right and wrong together. The wave of evil washes all our institutions alike.”
About the Author
Bruce E. Levine is a clinical psychologist and author of Get Up, Stand Up: Uniting Populists, Energizing the Defeated, and Battling the Corporate Elite  (Chelsea Green, 2011). His Web site is

The article is reproduced in accordance with Section 107 of title 17 of the Copyright Law of the United States relating to fair-use and is for the purposes of criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research.


***- Fund Raising Status - We just had a most generous donor contribute more than enough to meet the balance of our deficit and then some and did so early.   I can't thank that person enough.  The difference will aid us in other things that we needed to do but could not due to the lack of funds.   We thank you from the bottom of our hearts.  I swear we have the best readers and supporters in the entire bloggersphere.  I thank everyone of you who helped us this month and wish you all blessings, and the fulfillment of all your desires.  We are up for another month..... I thank you all. 

Vatic Note:  While I am not a big fan of Lyndon,  he does have a brilliant mind, and has a prowess intellectually, that few possess.   This is a very scholarly treatment of a deeply historical and political upheaval during our time on this planet.   Notice according to Lyndon, all of this is the fault of the British (who as you know are really Khazars from Germany).  What I picked up from reading all this plus some previous writings, is a deep understanding why the early pioneers simply HAD to revolt in order to get out from under that British arrogant imperialist "rage" that this author discusses in the main piece provided.

We posted blogs proving that the British royalty are Khazars who migrated into Germany, married black nobility and then migrated into the rest of Europe to take over those nations at the top.  What was done here was done there first.  That is how Europe got the EU.  Its the equivalent of the NAU they wanted to do here but we resisted, thanks to Texas that stopped the NAU super highway from Mexico to Canada.   Fast and Furious was a part of that plan.

They intended to cause murders at the border by drug cartels working for the Bush mafia , which did happen, with the guns that the Attny Gen supplied to them across the border, but it got exposed before they could complete the plan of implementing their NAU security partnership for sending foreign troops into our country, both from Canada and Mexico.  We owe a debt of gratitude to those along the border who warned us and to the TEXANS THAT THWARTED THEIR SUPER HIGHWAY THAT HAD TO GO THROUGH TEXAS.  

Read this below and get updated on their progress.  Also notice,  NO NUKE FALSE FLAGS ANYWHERE ON THE PLANET.  Now why do you suppose that is?   I think all the nukes have been nutralized by someone.... no  evidence that has happened, except by the fact that no false flag nuke attack in these past 12 years has occurred.   Maybe we have friends we didn't know about who have the technology to neutralize those nukes.  We will see, won't we?  

by Lyndon LaRouche, Feb 8, 2014

On the matter of the presently ongoing march into a global thermonuclear warfare of mutually human extinction: the crucial factor will be serenity of the truly human spirit, as to be distinguished from ‘British imperialist’ rage.


Betwixt yesterday’s webcast, and its aftermath, today, I have posed the most crucial of all the strategic issues at hand with my concluding response to the question posed to me during yesterday evening’s Webcast, and a continuation of that same subject in the discussion among the assembled body this morning.

On both of those two occasions, the crucial issue of strategy has been posed, directly, as a subject-matter which could not be competently considered, without that specific quality of command by our own republic’s forces which I have emphasized on each of these two occasions.

During the remainder of this month of February, the world in its entirety is presently gripped by a count-down to global genocide, a genocide intended against human beings, but, which the animals themselves could not outlive. That statement, just stated precisely, in these two opening paragraphs, is the basis in meanings for all that now follows here. I forewarn the reader: this opening statement contains the meanings of all that now follows, here, throughout:
On this account, I have emphasized, on both occasions, that the only visible choice of strategic policy for our United States itself, were the expulsion of the current U.S. President, Barack Obama, from office—immediately: with Constitutional due-process, but the greatest permissible haste.  (VN: and the purging and charge of treason, of all his 32 handlers, which are dual Israeli citizens, along with staffers who are supplied by those handlers and that means in every dept as well.)

The fact of the matter is, presently, that both the present majority of the U.S. Senate, and The House of Representatives, are presently disposed to prefer cheap political opportunism, over reason and sanity alike. In general, fear of lost privilege, disposes them to evade moral responsibility. The great majority of the U.S.A.’s citizenry would profoundly prefer the ouster of that British imperial puppet, Obama; but the Senate and House, so far, lack both the will, and the honor to do their true proper duty in this matter.

They have preferred, this far, their habit of operating from behind the Bushes; Prescott (who had brought Adolf Hitler into power); the essentially goofy George H. W.; and, the chronically witless George W. Jr., have, each, and all, at the appropriate time, preferred the interests of the British World Empire in earlier and present determinations over the principled Constitutional interests of our United States.

Therefore, now: the question would be, would the Bush family’s political tradition impel them to subordinate the existence of our United States to a support for the British Empire’s present tradition—impel them to support, directly, or implicitly, an imperialist, thermonuclear assault on the Eurasian region of the planet, an utterly wrongful war which would almost surely bring about the virtual extermination of the human species?1

After about an hour-and-a-half of the launch of such full-scale warfare, there would be virtually no living human beings on this planet, excepting the hopelessly dying. No option of a safe, “limited warfare,” presently exists.

The mere puppet of the world-empress of the moment, and of her so-called “Green” policy, (VN: Khazar) Queen Elizabeth II, is U.S. President Barack Obama, who is her own key instrument, presently, for bringing the human species into a never-before-known experience, that of globally thermonuclear warfare upon this planet: an almost assured extinction of the human species—perhaps before the end of this current month, or not much beyond that point: unless we prevent it!

There are, options available; but there is, presently, no significant evidence that the majority of the U.S. Congress will be willfully sane in this matter so immediately at hand. We might hope for better; but, it were better not to wait.

Throwing Obama out now, appears to be the only remedy for this presently imminent disaster. On the contrary, a duped fraction of the House of Representatives has gone to the edge of such an insane policy on this account, albeit under extraordinary pressure from the British imperial system’s flunky, the misfortunate, present, Barack Obama Administration.

That is my subject for today. I shall now explain the relevant evidence to be entertained.


The crucial factor to be considered here, and now, is the systemic flaw in the general behavior of the leaders among the nations who would, normally, be presumed not to tolerate the strategic policies of either Her Majesty Elizabeth II, nor her captive lout and that disgusting puppet, President Barack Obama, who is the mere stooge of no significant intellectual consequence: merely a very nasty puppet with a criminally-inclined mind.

He has only one eminently essential consequence: his suitability for immediate impeachment; (VN: Felony arrest for criminal fraud and removed and tried for it, and same with Biden who will only continue the khazar Queens designs of reclaiming her empire) only the foolish, or simply gutless members of our Congress would perceive matters in any other light than what I have just presented here.

History’s light must be prudently cast upon three most relevant, recent cases from the world history known this far. The first of these three, is the original (Classical Greek) presentation of the case of the evil Zeus, versus the humanist, Prometheus.

The second case of outstanding historical significance, is the systemically Zeus-ian Rise and Fall of the Roman Empire (as the tradition of the British Empire and its Dutch imperialist origins). The third, is the actually Dutch empire, but cutely, commonly mis-named as the British Empire: that is the embodiment of sheer, virtually planetary evil within which the British empire has placed its American puppet, President Obama, in particular.

The particularly outstanding relevance of the first of those three cases, is: that which Aeschylus had presented as the common case for these three instances to be considered here: the issue was, actually, as stated then, as in all competent scientific knowledge presently, the generic meaning of “fire.”2

Zeus forbad “fire’s use” by mankind; Prometheus demanded the use of fire by mankind (which is the distinction of man from ape). The Classical-Greek Prometheus demanded mankind’s progress through the use of “fire.” What Prometheus intended, and there was only one particular error-of-omission in this matter on his part: is what modern science knows under the caption of modern “chemistry:” which, in turn, is, in-fact- of-practice, best exemplified by mankind’s successive increase in the energy-flux-density of the upward course of the evolution of chemistry: as that lies under the essential inclusion of the leading factor of human progress centered in the use of “fire:” increasing leaps in the quality of “fire,” per-capita, and per-leap in the application of increasingly concentrated energy-flux-densities.

On the other side:
The so-called “green disease” spread by the British empire, is the Zeus-ian option: typified presently by Queen Elizabeth II’s evil-green obsession: to reduce the Earth’s human population: from, approximately, seven billions human beings, to less than one: genocide! The explicitly genocidal policies of President Barack Obama, are, no less than greatly-accelerated-measures-of-genocide against the U.S.A.’s population: all evils done betwixt the complicities of Obama and the mass-murderers represented by his accomplices, a rabidly anglophilic Wall Street.3
In fact: since the assassination of U.S. President John F. Kennedy, and that of his brother, Robert, and the failed attempt on the life of President Ronald Reagan, there has been a continuing downward plunge in the net physical income of the U.S. population as a whole: from the beginning of the U.S. Vietnam War, which would have been impossible, had President Kennedy not been assassinated.

The per-capita physical-net-income of the U.S. population has collapsed, continually, at increasing rates, the worst of which have been under the nominal Presidency of George W. Bush, Jr., and the deepest plunge to national U.S.A. bankruptcy was achieved only during the tyranny of President Barack Obama. (Any contrary claim was simply an outright lie, then, or now.)

It has been under those trends, and their respective phases, that we now find ourselves at the brink of a global thermonuclear holocaust. The probability is, that this is pre-set for some time between the present time in February, most likely, and early March.

President Obama was never the real President of the United States, other than certified President-in-name; but in-fact-of-practice, not; he was, in fact of practice, a stooge (a virtual lick-spittle of The imperial Court of St. James) which had been imposed by the British monarchy, as if from The-Queen-from-the-top-down.

He is a dutiful expression of a British imperial monarchy, which had steered the British-backed drug-trafficking which had been a crucial factor in his election. Obama has never been an actual President: he has been in fact of practice, merely a disgusting stooge created by, and to be deployed for, as, in fact: at the behest of Her (imperial) Majesty, Elizabeth II (and, also, by heritage, an actually imperial agency of traditionally British imperial interests: such as Wall Street, as that had been typified as treasonous by the Presidencies of Aaron Burr lackey, Andrew Jackson, Martin Van Buren, and others such as Theodore Roosevelt and Woodrow Wilson—the latter pair, as by the most notable consequences of the assassination of President William McKinley).

All of this must be understood from the three vantage-points I had identified here, above. It has been, first, a Zeus-ian (i.e. Satanic) phenomenon, one identified by the Classical Greeks; and, second, by the rise and fall of the Roman Empire: and, as by the echo of that Roman Empire, which has been the avowed intention of the so-called “Dutch Treat,” the so-called Dutch imperium (which had virtually gobbled up the France of Louis XIV, and, then, the British Isles): naming this dirty, Dutch Treat a British empire, which was made by the Dutch Treat designers. The Dutch root of all that has been seen crawling above the turf in modern Europe since.4


The most notable strategic outcome of the Great, trans-Atlantic Renaissance,5 was that activated, in fact, by Christopher Columbus’ instruction respecting the policies of a then-deceased Nicholas of Cusa. That mediation was supplied by the surviving collaborators of Cusa himself: a Cusa who had devised the grand-strategic design which became adopted for flanking the disease which was then Europe, with a prospective American alternative.

The essence of the conception of an American republic, was born, then, and there. The British (Anglo-Dutch) empire has been, entirely, an outgrowth of the Zeusian evil on which imperial Rome had based its own empire; and, more recently, what is curiously named as the British (or, better-said, “brutish”) empire of Queen Elizabeth II, today.   (VN:  that could be because she married a brutish based prince, who also happens to be an avowed racist, which is why those natives in the Diego Garcia evacuation were treated so very brutally.  They were treated like the animals he considers them, instead of like humans, whom he dispises.)


Fired NM Police Chief Shane Harger breaks his Silence! Tells of Corruption, Drug Cover Ups, Murder, and How he will go forward as an Honest Cop

***Fundraising Status -  I had all three blogs with our fund raising message up for last night to show today and they gutted all three of them off the blog.   Now I know where they are planning to attack us to keep us off the net.   Please do not let them win this, and donate whatever you can afford, off to the right side at the paypal orange button.  We wish to give our deepest thanks to those who donated to reduce our deficit, every bit helps to advance us into a continued existance, we are at a deficit of $175 that we need to raise by the first of the month.   News is breaking fast and furious. We can't find anything out on the MSM, thus we have to use the net to get this info out. 

Bless you all for your support in so many ways.  We appreciate and value you tremendously and will continue to work diligently to spread the news so we can prepare and improve our situations with knowledge as our guide. (PLEASE SEND THE PTB a message that they will not win at this level, by donating and defeating their efforts to bring us down.  Bless you for sticking with us.  Just a short comment,   You may not agree with what I might say in my vatic note, but do not abandon the principles of free speech and try to help the bad guys bring us down.  We are in this war together.

*** Ohhh, they do not want this up.  I am having trouble with it already trying to post the update on it.  Will continue to try, but if it does not appear below the MP3, then just go to the link and listen to it there.  After listening to the entire interview, I can see why they do not want this up and out there,  SO PLEASE MAKE THIS GO VIRAL.   WE have no idea how many other small towns are going through this same problem and we need to let them know they are not alone which will give them the courage to do as others are doing to save towns and by doing so, will save our nation. We still have a lot of courageous heros within our population and we need to encourage them and back them up if they need us as I am sure they will. 

Vatic Note: Listen to the MP3 down below as you read the rest of this below, since the similarities will surprise you as it did me. What a perfect example of a police state gone truly bad. But this is just the beginning of the infusion into local governments of the 30,000 khazar mossad agents we published a blog about in order to do at the local level for gaining control, as they had already done at both the state and federal level as our State of Colorado shows. Remember, we are slated to be the next White House, up near the occult airport.  Plus we were one of the first to pass Gun control and our people reacted by recalling those that voted for it, and we are refusing to comply in each county, since the county overrides the feds.

CIA has already moved their headquarters here, and this is To give you a heads up, remember we posted in the article that their cover for the mossad agents was "MOVING COMPANIES" so they could go to meetings regionally, and use moving as an excuse for being gone. Notice on the MP3, the sheriff talks about the murder of a Sheriffs wife who was killed by her husband the sheriff, and how it got covered up and the murderer was named "Levy Chavez"...... yup, makes sense.  He also talks about 4 other members of the Chavez family that were murdered in exactly the same manner.    This is in a small town, no less.


Remember, we pointed out the 3 prong attack at gaining control at the federal level,  1.  Bribery,   2.  Threats to life and family,  3.  blackmail for wrong doing some official may have done.   This is now going on everywhere at the local level as you can see.  I included our towns story below, so you can see the parallels in New Mexico and in Colorado, different states, but same happening at local levels.  I did not mention the towns name, nor the individuals involved, but I may do that later if it becomes worse.

We, here in my podunct town have just such infiltrators trying to take over local government along with our Sheriffs dept , as well as our courts who are extorting thousands of dollars from our poorest residents, since they don't have the money to fight them,  and its over seat belt laws that are not only unconstitutional, but down right tyrannical.  The town voters in majority know about it,  But these candidates are meeting with informed and educated voters and I have high hopes for our town and county. 

The first question that comes to mind, is "What is freedom, or Liberty?"  Its when you are free to do whatever you want, AND TAKE RESPONSIBILITY FOR IT,  as long as you do not harm another or his/her property.   So, who is the victim in a seat belt infracton?  Who does it harm?  No one. It should be a personal decision to wear it or not, and then take responsibility for it if you get hurt.  That makes the seat belt law Unconstitutional and in violation of both state and federal Constitutions.

Who cares???  Not the crooked politicians, and their bureaucratic minions,  not the DA, since he is from NY and is used to Bloomberg, and not the judge because these poor people will fill the coffers of the judges budget for operating his CORPORATE COURT.   Its legalized extortion and getting much worse as time goes by.  In the MP3 below, their town, according to this sheriff, did the same thing and even said they were passing laws to make money off the fines.  Check it out in your town and see if this is the same where you live.

So  the battle has moved down into the local level, and fortunately it did not do it right away, rather it was after the PTB  had already begun this corruption at the federal and state level,  whose citizens began to realize "something was wrong" and when it started down here, it was clear as a bell, the new law was about generating income and profits AND NOT ABOUT PROTECTING ANYONE, and not a word from our local press.   We also can see if the wrong sheriff gets in, how Homeland security can come and take residents from their homes and put them in FEMA camps, and how they can confiscate our guns.  So that is why someone from out of state would contribute to a sheriffs race.

Resistance to this law has now taken form and the first resister today "refused to cross the bar and stand before the judge, indicating he had no jurisdiction over her" in this matter.  And so now it begins and we will see just how corrupt the DA and judge are in this case.   We are all hoping they show their hand next week.... if they do, this will go on appeal and the further up it goes,  the more we learn about the level of corruption and expose it along the way.  Even on the issue of drugs and money laundering, meth making etc, is all going on in our county and no one cleaning it up.  It took that different county's paper breaking the news about our drug problems.


Just to give you another example:   One of our candidates for Sheriff has taken A $10,000 campaign contribution from out of state, for such a small race,  which is more than just out of county, ITS OUT OF STATE, WHAT?  WHY?  so the question is "Exactly what is that donor paying for?"  As the highest law officer in the county, under the federal constitution, he is higher as enforcer  than any federal or state official.    That gives him immense power and if he is bent, that means beaucoup bucks for him and bad luck for us.

Our county population is only 12,000 with registered voters at 10,000.  So what is the level of contribution for???  Is it to ensure The Gestapo Homeland Security can come in and do its "gestapo" thing without interference from the local sheriff????  Below, that sheriff in NM was attending a sheriffs conference that is teaching them about their powers, and duties under the Constitution and that is the last thing the PTB WANT.  So, I am sure that may well have had something to do with his firing.

AS for our local paper, its just another MSM type rag.   A town over the mountains from us, had to expose the drug problem in our county because our local rag would not address it even with DEA here investigating drug running and money laundering.  Shows you how important the integrity of the sheriff is here as well as the integrity of  a Major local paper that reports the real news before some other county had to do it.  They had access to the record on campaign contributions and not a single word about the sheriffs $10,000 contribution from out of state.

I am not mentioning any names here, anyone checking campaign contributions can see it for themselves, and another candidate said, when asked about the Constitution,  "I don't know, I haven't read it."   He said it in front of about 20 people and that got around.   One of the visitors to the meeting gave the candidate a copy of the Constitution and Bill of Rights. I watched him do it.

We still don't know if he ever read it.   Now that is a scary thought after 250 years of a nation operating and enforcing that document and becoming the freest nation on the planet and therefore, the most wealthy nation economically on the planet, that means, if he wins, we are at the mercy of a sheriff we will not be able to trust.   We are already seeing a drop in that condition of economic prosperity since we began losing our freedoms and liberty nation wide.  We can only guess how much worse it will get if its allowed to take hold at the local level.  This is one place where we all have to take a stand.   

I commend this sheriff below, for the courage to stand by what he swore to do when he took the job and to apply the law to everyone regardless of income or status and the fact that he did that at considerable cost to him, what integrity, and how lucky his constitutents are to have him.  We need more of them and fortunately  we do have one of the three sheriffs candidates just like him and that is who we hope wins.   That's if the voting isn't rigged, since the "clerk" is the mother of the candidate who has never read the Constitution.  


Fired NM Police Chief Shane Harger breaks his Silence! Tells of Corruption, Drug Cover Ups, Murder, and How he will go forward as an Honest Cop
This show will BLOW YOUR MIND! You will want to share this with all of your friends etc..

Never before have you heard a Police Officer be this candid.  Chief Shane Harger pulls no punches!

Shane Harger – an example for ALL police everywhere!

In this 60 min interview with Jack Blood, Chief Harger discusses the incident with a (fired / rehired) TSA officer that started a media storm which ended with Harger being fired, along with his entire staff, from the NM Tourist town of Jemez Springs.  ALSO: How this was payback for enforcing the laws the rest of us have to follow on the towns elite.  (VN: sounds just like our town I mentioned above, here in colorado, indeed)

The controversy all began when Chief Harger was on the way to Las Vegas to attend the “Constitutional Sheriffs and Peace Officers Association” (CSPOA) Convention 28 January 2014  (This after he signed a document promising to honor the US Constitution while performing his duties as a Peace Officer. )

The chief also talks about Drug dealing and smuggling cover ups in New Mexico, corrupt police using checkpoints to harass citizens, and the murder he walked into when (allegedly) a fellow cop had just killed his own wife… as well as how his fellow officers destroyed evidence, and covered up that murder.

Thanks to our roving producer Greg Knight for all of his work making this happen

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