

VATIC ALERT: America 'Dead Last' In Education (E29): Its even worse than that!

***Fund raising status We wish to thank all those who have contributed to  our fund raising efforts so far this month, as it will help our continued efforts on your behalf. 

Our deficit, is still at $180 with only 7 days left before the due date, and additionally, its a short month of only 28 days so it is actually crunch time right now.  So if you have benefited in anyway from our work, then please help us stay up by donating at the Pay Pal button off to the right of the blog.  There has never been a time like this in the history of our nation.... so this is the time we must stand and keep the light shining on the darkness they are trying to cover us with.

We want to thank you for all your support in both reading what we have found and passing it around to educate others.... we also appreciate any and all donations that come  from our readers and we wish you great blessings for all the good you are doing.  

Vatic Note:  Well, the gestapo always start with the children in order to indoctrinate them through fear, intimidation,  manipulation etc, to do  exactly as they are told and to engage only in acceptable behavior, and thus become model citizens of a police state.   No resistance or dissent.   They are using these tactics to bring us down off our high horse.

What most people do not realize is we are one of the few remaining countries who "bows" to no one.  No monarchies, no elected officials etc, and that had to be addressed and dealt with by the NWO Zionist nazi crowd before they could bring us down.   They cannot change adults who already believe they are the bosses of those in government, so they had to start with the children.  And this below is how they are doing it and the result is a massive drop in our education levels  for our children.   They are now dead last.

Fear is the new mental and spiritual diet they are feeding our children.  What I don't understand is how parents are tolerating this.   Pull your children out of school and home school them.  Its the only way.   Home schooled children do far better and as a group are right up in the top percentile of students applying to college.   You are going to be appalled at what you will read below.  They are arresting and brutalizing these kids for nothing.  A girl wearing perfume to school,  breaking a girls wrist.   What message do you think these children are left with?

And now, the drug companies and the schools collude to drug our children for drug profits and to turn our children into Zombies.  And gov is backing them by threatening parents with neglect charges if they don't cooperate.  Wait til you read all this below.  Its amazing to me that this story is not viral all over the net.

This is where we must give the message to our congress, that this is totally unacceptable and treasonous.  Its an intentional act of destruction of our nation and its people. Send them the message that they must purge these AIPAC minions from out of our government and do it now......  Its a good thing Gun production is up 31%.

America 'Dead Last' In Education (E29)
by Truthseeker,  RT,  Dec 1, 2013

(VN: RT won't let us embed, so you have to download from this link below or simply read the transcript, which is what I did and put it up for you.  This is a must read.... its way worse than what I imagined, these are seriously sick people doing this to our world and our nation.)
Download video (84.78 MB)
   Just look at these faces of every child in this room.  Not one smile between them.  This  is what we are allowing to be done to our children.  Shame on us.

An extensive skills study from the OECD finds young Americans are 'dead last', leaked lesson plans from corporate-controlled schools, expulsion and arrest offences under child ‘zero tolerance’ policies, teen mental patient screening questions, and hundreds of thousands of US college students being forced into prostitution.

Seek truth from facts with The Untold History of the United States, co-author Prof. Peter Kuznick, Associate Director of the Campaign for a Commercial-Free Childhood, Josh Golin, co-founder, Robert Applebaum, Storyleak editor, Anthony Gucciardi, and filmmaker, Michael Moore.

Watch The Truthseeker on RT on Sunday, December 1 at 0445, 0845, 1245, 1645, 2045 GMT and Monday, December 2 at 0045 GMT.

This is a rush transcript. Copy may not be in its final form.
RT: Why are America’s children being ranked last place in class? Coming up.

Announcer: Shocking findings in latest schools research. The effects of ‘zero tolerance’. And the sordid profession hundreds of thousands of college students are being forced to do.

RT: The OECD's latest skill figures put young Americans ‘dead last’. In an article titled ‘Measuring America's Decline’, The New Yorker notes a shocking slide in US education is no longer in question.

In reading, The New York Times writes, Hong Kong and Russia are top, while Finland's first at numeracy, the most highly valued skill in the workforce. America's not just lagging but ‘dead last’ and by a long way.

In literacy, it's beaten to last place by Italy.

In problem-solving, it's topped by every single advanced industrialized country.
The New York Times writes while Obama's ‘nation-building’ in Afghanistan, funding new schools and teachers, ‘all across America’ school budgets are being cut and teachers fired.

War spending has more than doubled since 9/11, going to places like Afghanistan, Iraq and now arming Al-Qaeda in Syria.

The Pentagon claims it takes just 5% of your tax. But Economics Professor Jurgen Brauer discovered vast expenditures from military debt repayment to veterans affairs, nuclear weapons and many many other direct war costs that taxpayers are unknowingly paying for.

Brauer found an astonishing 68 cents of your every tax dollar now goes on foreign wars, the education of a new generation of Americans gets five.

Professor Peter Kuznick's co-author of The Untold History of the United States with Hollywood director Oliver Stone. Professor Kuznick joins us, it's great to see you, what happens in states that choose war over school spending?

Prof. Peter Kuznick, co-author of The Untold History of the United States: The thing that threatens the United States more than terrorism, more than anything, really, is the failure of our educational system.

It's the worst of both worlds, they have the debt and they don’t have the education. What's going to happen to the US is what’s happening already - the United States is declining.

Our Untold History project is dedicated to burying this myth of ‘exceptionalism’, we think it's noxious. Obnoxious and noxious, both. It’s dangerous for Americans to think they’re God's gift to humanity.

RT: What worries you about the direction America's schools are going in?

Kuznick: One of the things the United States was exceptional, in a negative way, is we have these armed guards, and metal detectors and, in some states, they want to arm the teachers.

RT: US education itself is now ‘militarized and criminalized’. Razor wire, surveillance cameras, gun-toting security guards and militarized officers with police dogs roam the grounds.   ABC reports they're breaking girls' arms unprovoked.

ABC report: He went from 0-60 without any provocation. Had this been a regular person doing this, that person would have been criminally charged.

RT: Another school security guard broke a girl's wrist, reports Fox News, for spilling some crumbs of a birthday cake, then arrested her. When her mother went to school to find what happened, she was arrested too. And just for taking this photo of the security guard, a classmate was arrested for good measure. Almost all US schools now have policies dubbed ‘zero tolerance’, reports USA Today, for behavior previously called childish or just normal. It's leading to the most bizarre criminal records:

- Girls arrested for using perfume.
- A 12-year-old girl who doodled ‘I love my friends Abby and Faith’ on her desk was actually arrested by police and marched out the school in handcuffs.
- In a class when a little girl kissed a little boy on the cheek, authorities called in police and child welfare. Authorities admitted that it was not sexual.
- School kids who have a bottle of Scope mouthwash, or who flick a rubber band, are expelled.
- A seven-year-old was arrested in the cafeteria for nibbling his Pop-Tart into the shape of a hill.
- Kids are now even arrested for burping.

And US schoolchildren now don't need to do anything wrong, notes investigative site Storyleak, to be forced on mind-altering, psychotropic drugs. 

Lawrence Smith, son died from Ritalin: We were told that if we do not follow up with their evaluation of ADHD and take him to the pediatrician and get him on Ritalin, that child protective services could charge us for educational and emotional neglect.

RT: From the very first grade, Big Pharma teams up with authorities to screen school kids as mental patients. Prozac reps hold ‘National Depression Screening Days’ to push their products in high-school assemblies which all students must attend, and hand out Prozac gifts. ‘Pop a pill and everything will be alright', notes The Washington Times, was the message.

Fred Baugman, neurologist: ADHD is a means of making paying patients out of normal individuals, and once they are given a prescription and put on medications that are virtually never discontinued, they have lifetime paying patients. That’s what's behind the epidemic.

RT: Screening questions are so generalized that every living being on the planet qualifies.

Making a Killing: The Untold Story of Psychotropic Drugging:
- ‘Do you feel sad, blue, unhappy or down in the dumps?’ Sometimes.
- ‘I’ve had periods of great optimism and other periods of equally great pessimism.’ Yeah, that happens a lil’ bit.
- ‘My heart beats faster than usual.’
- ‘I have trouble sleeping.’
- ‘Shortness of breath?’
- ‘Gained weight?’
- ‘Trembling hands?’
- I have an idea that most of these are going to be ‘sometimes’.
- Everyone has.
- Hasn’t everybody?
- All right, my score totaled 42. Bipolar disorder, moderate to severe symptoms.

Allen Jones, Investigator, Office of Inspector General (ret.) Pennsylvania: I absolutely believe that the survey for TeenScreen was intentionally structured to flag as many children as possible as having a possible mental health problem.

AIPAC Congressional Sockpuppets are a National Security Threat

***Fund raising status We wish to thank all those who have contributed to  our fund raising efforts so far this month, as it will contribute to our continued efforts on your behalf. 

Our deficit, is still at $180 with only 7 days left before the due date, and additionally, its a short month of only 28 days so it is actually crunch time right now.  So if you have benefited in anyway from our work, then please help us stay up by donating at the Pay Pal button off to the right of the blog.  There has never been a time like this in the history of our nation.... so this is the time we must stand and keep the light shining on the darkness they are trying to cover us with.

We want to thank you for all your support in both reading what we have found and passing it around to educate others.... we also appreciate any and all donations that come  from our readers and we wish you great blessings for all the good you are doing.  

Vatic Note:   I hate it when these party type hacks try to make this a right or left issue when in fact its obvious that both parties are sold out, with exceptions in each party.  The parties are controlled through the campaign contribution system and we all know it.   So why do they keep trying to go back to the old way of seeing this  through a division of Americans,  I will never understand.

This is an American issue against a foreign infiltrating force for the purposes of conducting a coup,  not of one party or the other but a coup of AMERICA and that means both parties need to come together against the foreign infiltrator and kick them out of this country.  

IRELAND Is the latest country to take them head on by prosecuting them for banking practices and that country now joins Iceland, Argentina, Hungary, and others who have kicked the Israeli backed Rothschild bankers out of their system and now are in recovery as we should be. 

Notice how these below do not talk about that fact.  So why no call for kicking them out of here?  Why no call for prosecuting them and jailing them for their illegal and unethical banking practices?  Then there is the lobbying to use our nation and its people as fodder for that foreign nations "empire building" wars.  

AIPAC is the most blatant offender.  Can we prosecute those who force us into an unjustifiable war for that foreign country's benefit, with a non enemy of our country, and do so for murder of our children who die in that war or are maimed???

Maybe if we made that a law, then the lobbying would cease to be so blatant by a foreign power within our governing system.  AIPAC should be registering as a foreign lobbyist and not as a regular lobbyist. 

AIPAC Congressional Sockpuppets are a National Security Threat
By Jim Dean, Editor, Veterans Today, 2/18/2014


Cantor ‘very close’ to Israel lobby in Congress

… by  Jim W. Dean, VT Editor      …with  Press TV,  Tehran

[ Editors Note: We hope that PressTV will fix the embedding problem with their media links so we can show them here, but the audio link for this 3 minute spot is here.]

Eric Cantor - Moonlighting for Israel, or America?
Eric Cantor – Moonlighting for Israel, or America?

An American columnist says House Majority Leader Eric Cantor is very close to the Israel lobby in order to put more pressure on lawmakers on Iran sanctions legislation.
“Eric Cantor has been very close to the Israeli lobby in Congress,” managing editor at Veterans Today Jim W. Dean told Press TV on Tuesday.  (VN: Gosh, you mean almost as close as Barrack Obama is?)

“By very close what we mean is they can actually hand certain congressmen statements that they want them to read and they will absolutely do it,” he added.
On Monday, Cantor criticized President Barack Obama’s foreign policy and called for further sanctions against Iran.

Cantor said the United States should “lay the groundwork now for additional sanctions” in the event that Iran violates an interim nuclear agreement reached last year.

He was referring to the sanctions bill introduced by Senate Foreign Relations Committee Chairman Robert Menendez and Senator Mark Kirk in December.

The AIPAC has been vigorously trying to convince US senators to approve the legislation against Iran in order to derail nuclear talks, but America’s largest pro-Israel lobby group has failed so far.
Dean also noted that the AIPAC “has pretty much been defeated on this. They didn’t have their votes.”
The White House has repeatedly announced that it is against fresh sanctions while the talks are under way.

The article is reproduced in accordance with Section 107 of title 17 of the Copyright Law of the United States relating to fair-use and is for the purposes of criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research.

Quantum Mechanics: Fabric of the Cosmos - Documentary

***Fund raising status We wish to thank all those who have contributed to  our fund raising efforts so far this month, as it will contribute to our continued efforts on your behalf. 

Our deficit, is still at $180 with only 7 days left before the due date, and additionally, its a short month of only 28 days so it is actually crunch time right now.  So if you have benefited in anyway from our work, then please help us stay up by donating at the Pay Pal button off to the right of the blog.  There has never been a time like this in the history of our nation.... so this is the time we must stand and keep the light shining on the darkness they are trying to cover us with.

We want to thank you for all your support in both reading what we have found and passing it around to educate others.... we also appreciate any and all donations that come  from our readers and we wish you great blessings for all the good you are doing.  

Vatic Note:  Given my hobby of science, we have published quite a bit about this subject.  There is "hard physics" that we all learned about in school and that has been around for a very long time going all the way back to Neutonian physics, and then there is "Soft Physics" which has only recently been discovered and studied and both are real within their realm.

Gravity is what is considered Hard psychics and the Plasma Universe is in the realm of "Soft Physics".  We did a blog on the plasma universe where the laws and rules were different than we had known about previously.   It would probably be a good idea to revisit "The Thunderbolts of the Gods", which was a blog we put up about soft physics.

The breakthrough on Soft physics came about during an experiment that was a surprise that scientists did not expect.  What they discovered is that the experimenter of the science project, was affecting the outcome of the experiment. They could not get the same results every time where a particle would act as a wave one time and as a particle another time, and the only variable that was involved that could possibly change the outcome, was the experimenter.  Wow, what a door that opened and what a universe we discovered from opening that door.

Please watch as a change of pace, and as a potential solution to all our problems.  See what you think, and you then decide. 

Quantum Mechanics: Fabric of the Cosmos - Documentary
Published by Best Documentary TV on Apr 22, 2013
Subscribe now for more documentaries! Thank you!

"The Fabric of the Cosmos," a four-hour series based on the book by renowned physicist and author Brian Greene, takes us to the frontiers of physics to see how scientists are piecing together the most complete picture yet of space, time, and the universe. With each step, audiences will discover that just beneath the surface of our everyday experience lies a world we'd hardly recognize—a startling world far stranger and more wondrous than anyone expected.

Brian Greene is going to let you in on a secret: We've all been deceived. Our perceptions of time and space have led us astray. Much of what we thought we knew about our universe—that the past has already happened and the future is yet to be, that space is just an empty void, that our universe is the only universe that exists—just might be wrong.

Interweaving provocative theories, experiments, and stories with crystal-clear explanations and imaginative metaphors like those that defined the groundbreaking and highly acclaimed series "The Elegant Universe," "The Fabric of the Cosmos" aims to be the most compelling, visual, and comprehensive picture of modern physics ever seen on television.

The article is reproduced in accordance with Section 107 of title 17 of the Copyright Law of the United States relating to fair-use and is for the purposes of criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research.


Israel’s Hand in Guatemala’s Genocide

***Fund raising status We wish to thank all those who have contributed to  our fund raising efforts so far this month, as it will contribute to our continued efforts on your behalf.  Our need is great since much has happened in the past 30 days that we do not talk about, and part of it is due to the powers that be messing with the blog and our fund raising call for help.  Notice they have messed with the font, the size of the font and the content, but we keep at it.  Sometimes it has taken 3 or 4 hours just to fix what they mess up and that is from the time we catch it, which takes time as well.

Our deficit, is now down to $180 due by the first of the month, and additionally, its a short month of only 28 days so it will be crunch time a lot sooner than normal.  So if you have benefited in anyway from our work, then please help us stay up by donating at the Pay Pal button off to the right of the blog.  

We are grateful that in March we will have served you for 4 years and that is a long time  for our readers to stick with us during some of the most horrific times for our nation and some of the most unbelieveable happenings that  I have ever seen in this country.  

We want to thank you for all your support in both reading what we have found and passing it around to educate others.... we also appreciate any and all donations that come  from our readers and we wish you great blessings for all the good you are doing.  

Vatic Note:  Oh, my, this is so reminiscent of the Native American genocide done by the British in early American history when they began bringing over the Governors and minor royalty to run the nation and extract the wealth to support that khazar family running their monarchy.   Israel works for Rothschild who is a major player in British royalty.

He controls the Bank of England and therefore the royal family and the British government as many of us have noticed.  Canada and Australia, the same way.   Just like today, they are using us to blame for what they have done.  How typical of Israel to slime their way out from under their own feces they leave behind in every third world country they have infiltrated or invaded.  We saw that in the middle east.  Rebels funded, trained and supplied by Israel.  Israel's man then takes over control of the nation.  Egypt is in the middle of that right now.

They are wiping out indigenous peoples in third world countries as if they were pesky flies they needed to get rid of, so they can rape and pillage their country without being hassled.  Wonderful.  NOT! Anyway, read this.  I do not completely blame Israel since she does as britian/rothschild tells her to do.

I blame her for lacking the courage, and intestinal fortitude to stand up to those trying to use her for their own purposes.  We have the same disease when it comes to Israel using us.  Notice how they use the "Jews" as a front for their acts of perversion, when in fact, these are ashkenazi khazar, pagan satanists without an ounce of Jewish blood are the true culprits.  The real Jews have had to seek asylum  in New  York and in London, from the brutality visited upon them by crazies (Khazar settlers) in Israel.

I found it interesting that the "incriminating documents" against Reagan were found in his Library.  Its amazing how they can hide so many documents that we know about, and keep the truth from us, but these very conveniently point the finger at Reagan while leaving Bush Sr. and Israel totally out of it.  They were just victims..... hahahaha, yeah right.  I wonder who is in charge of the Reagan Library.  hmmmm

Israel’s Hand in Guatemala’s Genocide
By Robert Parry  Consortium News,  1/14/2014

At the height of Guatemala’s mass slaughters in the 1980s,  (VN:  BUSH SR.) including genocide against the Ixil Indians, the Reagan administration worked with Israeli officials to provide helicopters that the Guatemalan army used to hunt down fleeing villagers, according to documentary and eyewitness evidence.

During testimony at the recent genocide trial of former Guatemalan dictator Efrain Rios Montt, one surprise was how often massacre survivors cited the Army’s use of helicopters in the scorched-earth offensives.
Journalist Allan Nairn, who covered the war in Guatemala and attended the Rios Montt trial, said in an interview, “one interesting thing that came out in the trial, as witness after witness testified, was a very substantial number of them talked about fleeing into the mountains and being bombed, attacked and machine gunned from U.S. planes and helicopters. 

“At the time this was going on, I was aware this was happening in some cases, but from the testimony of the witnesses, it sounded like these attacks from U.S. planes and helicopters were more frequent than we realized at the time. That’s an example of how we don’t know the whole story yet – how extensive the U.S. complicity was in these crimes.”                                                                          Former Israeli Prime  Minister Ariel Sharon. (Photo credit: Jim Wallace of the Smithsonian Institution)

Part of the mystery was where did Guatemala’s UH-1H “Huey” helicopters come from, since the U.S. Congress continued to resist military sales to Guatemala because of its wretched human rights record. The answer appears to be that some helicopters were arranged secretly by President Ronald Reagan’s National Security Council staff through Israeli intelligence networks.

Rios Montt began pressing the United States for 10 UH-1H helicopters in June 1983, as his military campaign was ramping up. Since Guatemala lacked the U.S. Foreign Military Sales credits or the cash to buy the helicopters, Reagan’s national security team looked for unconventional ways to arrange the delivery of the equipment.

On Aug. 1, 1983, NSC aides Oliver North and Alfonso Sapia-Bosch reported to National Security Advisor William P. Clark that his deputy Robert “Bud” McFarlane was planning to exploit his Israeli channels to secure the helicopters for Guatemala, according to a document that I discovered at Reagan’s presidential library.

“With regard to the loan of ten helicopters, it is [our] understanding that Bud will take this up with the Israelis,” wrote North and Sapia-Bosch. “There are expectations that they would be forthcoming. Another possibility is to have an exercise with the Guatemalans. We would then use US mechanics and Guatemalan parts to bring their helicopters up to snuff.”

By then, McFarlane had a long and intimate relationship with Israeli intelligence involving various backdoor deals. [For more on McFarlane's Israeli channels, see's "How Neocons Messed Up the Mideast."]

Israeli Channel
McFarlane’s approach to Israel for the helicopters was successful, according to former Israeli intelligence officer Ari Ben-Menashe, who described some of the history behind Israel’s activities in Guatemala in his 1992 memoir, Profits of War.

Ben-Menashe traced the Israeli arms sales to Guatemala back to a private network established in the 1970s by Gen. Ariel Sharon during a gap when Sharon was out of the government. Sharon’s key representative in Guatemala was a businessman named Pesach Ben-Or, and through that channel, Israel supplied military gear to Guatemala’s security services in the 1980s, Ben-Menashe wrote.

(In the early 1980s, Sharon was Israel’s Minister of Defense collaborating with the Reagan administration on secret shipments of weapons to Iran and claiming a green light for the Israeli invasion of Lebanon, which led to the massacres at the Sabra and Shatila refugee camps in 1982, carried out by Israel’s Christian Lebanese allies under Sharon’s protection.)

In an interview in May 2013, Ben-Menashe said the Israelis supplied a total of six helicopters to the Guatemalans along with computers and software to keep track of alleged subversives who could then be identified and executed.

Ben-Menashe said he learned of the mass slaughters during his travels to Guatemala and reported back to his Israeli superiors about the atrocities involving the equipment that they had authorized. The response, he said, was concern but inaction.

“They weren’t for killing these people, not at all,” Ben-Menashe said. “But they thought their interest was to help the Reagan people. If the Reagan people wanted it [the equipment sent to Guatemala], they would do it. [They thought,] ‘this is bad, but is it any of our business? Our American friends are asking for our help, so we should help them.’”  (VN: As I stated in my vatic note....  you will have to excuse me if I don't believe a word of it.  After the lies, manipulation, stealing of 3rd world countries resources, empire building using the US, rather than the other way around, I am prone to believe the opposite, that this was all done for Israel.  Who controled in Guatamala after the coup?) 

After our phone interview had ended, Ben-Menashe called me back to stress that the Israelis were unaware of the genocidal nature of the Guatemalan military campaigns against the Ixil Indians, although the Israelis did recognize that they were assisting in mass murders of dark-skinned Guatemalans; the distinction being that the Israelis did not identify the slaughters as genocide against a specific racial or ethnic group.   (VN: how convenient of them.... I guess that sign on their wall in Mossad is accurate.... "And by deception, we will conduct war")

“As we saw it, they [Guatemalan military authorities] were targeting all non-white villagers who were sitting on fertile lands that the white Guatemalans wanted,” he said, adding that when he reported this information to his superiors, “the Israelis rolled their eyes [in dismay] but said, ‘this is what our friends in the Reagan administration want.’” [For more on Ben-Menashe's work for Israeli intelligence, see Robert Parry's Secrecy & Privilege and America's Stolen Narrative.] (VN: remember, Bush was suppose to win the GOP primary, for his dual citizen country, Israel, and was instrumental in the assassination attempt of Reagan, so why was he suppose to win?  So he would carry Israel's water for them, like our other Presidents had done. Nancy Reagan made a deal with Bush "leave my husband alone and we will do what you want", and that is exactly what happened, just look at the big Iran Contra scandel they had with many of those involved going to jail, and that was proven to be a Bush operation, not a Reagan operation, he just signed off on it to stay alive.)

Bee activists swarm Home Depot and Lowe's

***Fund raising status We wish to thank all those who have contributed to  our fund raising efforts so far this month, as it will contribute to our continued efforts on your behalf.  Our need is great since much has happened in the past 30 days that we do not talk about, and part of it is due to the powers that be messing with the blog and our fund raising call for help.  Notice they have messed with the font, the size of the font and the content, but we keep at it.  Sometimes it has taken 3 or 4 hours just to fix what they mess up.

Our deficit, is now down to $180 due by the first of the month, and additionally, its a short month of only 28 days so it will be crunch time a lot sooner than normal.  So if you have benefited in anyway from our work, then please help us stay up by donating at the Pay Pal button off to the right of the blog.  

We are grateful that in March we will have served you for 4 years and that is a long time  for our readers to stick with us during some of the most horrific times for our nation and some of the most unbelieveable happenings that  I have ever seen in this country.  

We want to thank you for all your support in both reading what we have found and passing it around to educate others.... we also appreciate any and all donations that come  from our readers and we wish you great blessings for all the good you are doing.  

Vatic Note:   I am lucky to be living in the mountains of Colorado because I get an up close birds eye view of the weather, clouds, and anomolies caused by man, as well as that caused by nature.  Seeing both, allows me to see the differences between the two.  I have lived up here for 17 years now, and I know my sky, clouds, weather and snow.  I intend, a bit later, to tell you what I have been seeing lately above our area, so stay with us.

This below is from MSM, and I published it to show you just how they are adjusting to their loss of readership.  Now they are partially covering such subjects as this, when in the past, they would never mention it at all.  Their revenue losses must be horrific.  I can hardly wait until the MSM whistle blowers start coming out of the woodwork.

They are directing this type of news to the internet alternative press readers.  What we know about disinfo is that it always carries partial truths with it.  Its partially true about the pesticides, but more importantly, it also true there is a real problem with the bee die off from man made efforts.  First thing we do when we want to analyze an issue is discover the holes in the information  and ask questions whose answers would fill the holes.

So my question here is "We have always had pesticides, so why now all of a sudden are the bees dying off?   What do we know right now about our world and the affect man has had on it through his technology?   What do we have now that we did not have back in the 40's, when we were the bread basket of the world??

Answers are as follows:  We know about Haarp, Geoengineering using chemtrails,  our new laser in space, GMO plants which when fed to animals cause horrible birth defects, death, and major illnesses in animals.  You can imagine what the GMO's can do to bees.  Finally, we have man made viruses, an example is the  "Israeli accute paralysis virus".  Scientists have identified this along with other mutating viruses, as contributing to such a rapid and massive die off.  Its more than just one thing happening.

Its at this point I will tell you that when ever I see the "ripples" in the clouds above our area, I know that Haarp is at work, and then I watch the weather news and sure enough, every single time I can match the coincidences of Haarp operations with the bad weather, such as droughts,   floods,  snow etc that ends up causing major problems for millions of residents and then is used to justify some police state action that the sold out officials take.  I have recently seen these ripples in clouds and following that was the news that power went out somewhere in the nation and I believe it was somewhere in the south. So they are working overtime and they should be in jail at the very least.

What we obviously have to do is an "Iceland, Hungary, Argentina, and Ireland who is currently prosecuting bankers in their country, etc" and we should rid ourselves of these bankers and their infiltrated foreign agents into our science, universities, government, and technology fields of study and activity.  There is no doubt in my mind, that they are at the heart and bottom of all our earth problems.  Read this below and keep an eye on weather now being manipulated all over the country to our detriment.  They are going for that famine they promised to do to us a year ago.  They  always tell us what they intend to do. 

Bee activists swarm Home Depot and Lowe's
By: Mark Koba | Senior Editor, CNBC 
   Pat Greenhouse | The Boston Globe | Getty Images
   Honeybees at work on their hive.

Home Depot and Lowe's are under fire for selling pesticides that some believe are partly to blame for killing billions of the nation's honeybees.
Petitions with thousands of signatures are being delivered to the home-improvement retailers this week, demanding they stop selling the pesticides—called neonicotinoids—along with any plants in the stores that have been treated with them. Neonicotinoids are the most widely used class of pesticides in the world.

"There's a growing body of science indicating that the pesticides are a key factor in recent global bee deaths," said Lisa Archer, director of the food and technology program at the environmental group, Friends of the Earth.

Archer said her group, which is leading the petition effort, tested plants for sale at Lowe's and Home Depot and more than half had the pesticides.

She said because there were no labels on the plants or pesticides that they could be harmful to bees, consumers were left in the dark about the dangers.

(Read more: How the Pacific could be California's drought fix)

Home Depot was aware of the pesticide issue before the petition effort began, said Ron Jarvis, vice president of merchandising and sustainability at the retailer.

"We've been in contact for months with several environmental groups about neonicotinoids," Jarivs told CNBC by phone. "Now we've been in contact with Friends of the Earth."
Jarvis said Home Depot has been working on an alternative to neonicotinoids for some time and that several of the retailer's suppliers are already using the replacements. He said that anti-pesticide petitioners who have been in the stores this week have been very polite—and that anytime someone has an issue with a Home Depot product, it is taken seriously.

Lowe's has not made any public statements or responded to meeting requests from Friends of the Earth, said Archer. (Calls to the company's corporate offices were not returned in time for this story.)

Another historic bee die-off
Bees and other pollinators are critical in producing—through the pollination of plants—two-thirds of the food crops humans eat every day. It's estimated that between $20 billion and $30 billion in American agriculture production depends on honeybees and other pollinators.

Read more: Pacific storm eases California drought, but state has long way to go).  But the bees are dying by the billions. The common name for what's killing them is Colony Collapse Disorder.

Last year, U.S. beekeepers reported losing 40 to 100 percent of their hives, and they are likely facing another winter of historic bee die-offs, according to the Friends of the Earth.

—By CNBC's Mark Koba. Follow him on Twitter @MarkKobaCNBC.

The article is reproduced in accordance with Section 107 of title 17 of the Copyright Law of the United States relating to fair-use and is for the purposes of criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research.


***Fund raising status We wish to thank all those who have contributed to  our fund raising efforts so far this month, as it will contribute to our continued efforts on your behalf.  Our need is great since much has happened in the past 30 days that we do not talk about, and part of it is due to the powers that be messing with the blog and our fund raising call for help.  Notice they have messed with the font, the size of the font and the content, but we keep at it.  Sometimes it has taken 3 or 4 hours just to fix what they mess up.

Our deficit, is now down to $180 due by the first of the month, and additionally, its a short month of only 28 days so it will be crunch time a lot sooner than normal.  So if you have benefited in anyway from our work, then please help us stay up by donating at the Pay Pal button off to the right of the blog.  

We are grateful that in March we will have served you for 4 years and that is a long time  for our readers to stick with us during some of the most horrific times for our nation and some of the most unbelieveable happenings that  I have ever seen in this country.  

We want to thank you for all your support in both reading what we have found and passing it around to educate others.... we also appreciate any and all donations that come  from our readers and we wish you great blessings for all the good you are doing.  

Vatic Note: STAY OUT OF FEAR! Just releasing and exposing this info may well stop it from happening since it will be obvious who did it and we could then prosecute based on the DNA sequencing.

What is important about publishing these documents, especially when the whistleblower has been killed, is it stops the plans for the soft kill they intended to do.  It also explains the deaths of 89 microbiologists since 9-11 who had DNA sequencing expertise.   What is that?  Its a way to tell, by using the "Sequencing" of the DNA molecule, which bioweapon s facility the "bug" came from."  And that is why they had to die, otherwise the game would be up and someone would be prosecuted for the death penalty act of "Treason".

Who and what country besides the USA has massive bioweapons facilities?  Israel.  What country has been caught doing massive spying on the USA?  Israel.  What country has a history of creating massive terrorist attacks against other nations for political purposes to advance their global empire agenda, including the USA, does the USS Liberty ring a bell? Israel! What country hates Christians, and muslims sufficiently to murder them en mass and use the USA as the front man with the true perps standing behind the curtain?  The khazar zionist bankers of London and Israel!!!  We proved most of this on the blog with extensive evidence over these many years.

Its only now that its coming out about Israel's role in conducting 9-11 with the aid of insiders in the White House and DOD.  Its why the dual Israeli citizen Chertoff gave, in the patriot act,  immunity  to israel for anything she may have done on 9-11 and we still have no prosecution by the foreign controlled White House and Gestapo Homeland Security dept. run by ADL and SPLC.  Read and watch this below. 


By Revmichellehopkins

Published on Oct 8, 2013

Monday, November 11, 2013
Justin Tribble: Lessons Learned and How We Move Forward

"I truly believe, somewhere out there, there *is* a Dr. Bill Weld, and I believe everything he had to say, all of his information from his sources, was real, plausible, factual, and his warnings should be heeded. That's what I believe. But that's just one man's opinion."

Justin Tribble's Official Blog ???

"I'm allergic to vaccination adjuvants." This is an automatic exemption if the allergy is life threatening, such as swelling of the throat.


"The records had CIA on the records. In 1998 my friend walked away for a CIA work and came home to his sister home. So I got to know him. He told me what he worked on would kill over 50% of the people. I could not get from him what it was! But he said it either in food or water! But no cure. He's dead now!"

Federal law allows citizens to reproduce, distribute or exhibit portions of copyright motion pictures, video tapes, or video disks under certain circumstances without authorization of the copyright holder. This infringement of copyright is called FAIR USE...
...and is allowed for purposes of criticism, news reporting, teaching and parody.

Dr. Weld's original video
URGENT: Classified info given to me reveals horrifying military plot.
Published on Oct 7, 2013

*EXTREMELY URGENT* Classified documents have been given to me that reveal how our government has commissioned a project to surreptitiously place highly advanced "nano devices" in our water and food supply. These devices enter the human body and reside there until activated by a radio signal. The documents estimate that "87%" of the population of the U.S. is currently infected.

The devices, once activated, will kill a person (or a group of people, an apartment complex or even a city) within ten to twelve days and closely mimic severe flu-like symptoms.

I have been told that these devices *will* be activated during the coming economic meltdown and institution of Martial Law in the United States of America.

Please listen to the entire video, where I discuss threats to my family, how I am being harassed and how I hope this information spreads for the sake of our safety, and for the sake of our country. We are also preparing to release PDF file scans of these documents in the coming weeks.

I ask humbly that those of you out there who are supporting us to please pray for us.

God bless,
Dr. Bill H. Weld
CDC Says: the US health care system is likely to be overwhelmed" from a Fall 2013 H7N9 Outbreak
According to a CDC Solicitation...
Solicitation Number: 2013-Q-15473 and Solicitation Number: 2013-Q-15472

...H7N9 Avian Influenza 'overwhelming the U.S. health care system' is the driving force behind a massive pandemic C4ISR mobilization...CDC and FCC mobilizing the Emergency Alert System ...television broadcasts ..."

[To help cope with this possible catastrophic emergency] FEMA is mobilizing ...mass quantity, all to be delivered on 48 hours notice.

In the
Notable contractor comments:
Contractor A (Mobile showers and restrooms):
I think the Armageddon scenario is too large to provide the Federal Emergency Management Agency...... With several responsible parties....we could address and service the 20 camps in California, the 5 in Oregon and the 5 in Washington"
Dr. Weld's son, Bill Weld Jr., also appeared on 'Heads up Warriors Radio' on October 6th:

The article is reproduced in accordance with Section 107 of title 17 of the Copyright Law of the United States relating to fair-use and is for the purposes of criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research.


8th Banker Commits Suicide: JP Morgan Hong Kong & 30 Stories Down!

***Fund raising status We wish to thank all those who have contributed to  our fund raising efforts so far this month, as it will contribute to our continued efforts on your behalf.  Our need is great since much has happened in the past 30 days that we do not talk about, and part of it is due to the powers that be messing with the blog and our fund raising call for help.  Notice they have messed with the font, the size of the font and the content, but we keep at it.  Sometimes it has taken 3 or 4 hours just to fix what they mess up.

Our deficit, is now down to $230 due by the first of the month, which is behind for this time of month, and still a good distance away from what we need to continue this work.  So if you have benefited in anyway from our work, then please help us stay up by donating at the Pay Pal button off to the right of the blog.  We are grateful that in March we will have served you for 4 years and that is a long time  for our readers to stick with us during some of the most horrific times for our nation and some of the most unbelieveable happenings that  I have ever seen in this country.  

We want to thank you for all your support in both reading what we have found and by passing it around to educate others.... we also appreciate any and all donations that come  from our readers and we wish you great blessings for all the good you are doing.  

Vatic Note:  Well, this was a lower level banker who jumped, so the question is, where are his bosses?   When will we get the story of why he jumped, even though we can guess since he worked for the Forex part of the firm.   Don't these JP Morgan guys know how to do the markets without fraud?   I am beginning to wonder.

Well, this clears up one thing, and that is the gold disappearing.   Now we know there are serious investigations going on around the globe, including China, so they must have confiscated the gold and hid it until after all those that will be indicted are identified.  Rothschild, when he wrote the protocols, made the point that getting all the gold, land and hard assets was more important than anything else except global domination and control.

Well, the Chinese are getting a taste of what will be in store for them once the bankers are through with the west, then it will be their turn.  Same with Brazil, Russia, and other emerging financial players.   Rothschilds are the rot that pervades society and the world and must be excavated out of our planet and soon.

8th Banker Commits Suicide: JP Morgan Hong Kong & 30 Stories Down!
by Volubrjotr,  Political Velcraft, 2/18/2014

The man stands on the roof of Chater House in Central as police try to talk him down. Photo: SCMP Pictures
Moments ago a third JPMorgan banker committed suicide, this time at the JPMorgan Charter House Asia headquarters in central Hong Kong, where a 33 year old man who was said to have been an FX trader for JPM, just jumped to his death.
Not much is known yet about the circumstances of the suicide, however according to early reports, the man was 33-years-old, surnamed Lee, and believed to be a forex trader for JP Morgan.
Commuters noticed the man at the top of Chater House around 2pm to 3pm in the afternoon and called the police but policemen who arrived at the scene failed to convince the man not to jump. The deceased was sent to the hospital immediately but was pronounced dead on arrival. As several lanes on Connaught Road Central were closed because of the incident, traffic in the area were chaotic.

JP Morgan High Level Forex Trader
JP Morgan Forex Trader
Perhaps what is most notable about this particular death is the reference that the man was involved with FX trading: as is well-known, this is a hot topic for banks around the world, as it is expected to be the next Libor-manipulation like bonanza for regulators and enforcers. Did he know too much? ZeroHedge
The missing and the dead: a timeline
January 11, 2014
MISSING:David Bird, 55
January 26, 2014
DECEASED: Tim Dickenson
DECEASED:William Broeksmit, 58
January 27, 2014
DECEASED:  Karl Slym, 51
January 28, 2014
DECEASED:  Gabriel Magee, 39
January 29, 2014
DECEASED: Mike Dueker, 50
February 3, 2014
DECEASED: Ryan Henry Crane, 37
February 6, 2014
DECEASED: Richard Talley, 57
February 18, 2014
Deceased: Mr. Lee, 33
An investment banker at JP Morgan jumped to his death from the roof of the bank’s headquarters in Central yesterday.  Witnesses said the man went to the roof of the 30-storey Chater House in the heart of Hong Kong’s central business district and, despite attempts to talk him down, jumped to his death.

"Out of respect for those involved, we cannot yet comment further. Our thoughts and sympathy are with the family that’s involved at this difficult time"

Shocked witness said the 33-year-old – believed to be a junior-level employee at the bank – climbed onto the roof shortly after lunchtime.  Police said a man was found in a dangerous position on the roof of Chater House on Connaught Road Central at about 2pm. He threw himself off the building before emergency crews arrived.

He landed on the four-lane westbound carriageway outside the building. A police spokeswoman said the man was taken to Ruttonjee Hospital in Wan Chai, where he was declared dead at 2.31pm.

According to several JP Morgan employees, the man worked for the firm’s investment-banking business in Hong Kong.

An initial police investigation showed he had recently told a colleague he was under heavy work-related stress, according to a police source involved in the investigation. The police said no suicide note was found.

A spokesman for JP Morgan said: “A sad and tragic incident occurred at Chater House, Hong Kong today, which is currently being investigated by the police.
“Out of respect for those involved, we cannot yet comment further.

“Our thoughts and sympathy are with the family that’s involved at this difficult time.”

The news shocked the city’s financial community, as many were quickly informed of the tragedy via social media and real-time communications apps such as WeChat and WhatsApp.

The incident apparently also had some internal impact on JP Morgan’s business activities in Hong Kong.   According to one source, at least one business meeting was cancelled immediately after the suicide happened.

The incident forced police to block part of Connaught Road Central for about two hours, according to witnesses.   JP Morgan takes up the 20th to 29th floors of Chater House, one of the financial district’s landmark high-rises.   Chater House also carries the logo of JP Morgan on the top corner of the building.

The Samaritans Hong Kong 24-hour telephone hotline is 2896 0000
South China Morning Post

rothschild bank

Rothschildism in action aka; communism created by Rothschild employee Karl Marx as a nation state doctrine to centralize wealth to BOE Rothschild’s Bank Of England.

The article is reproduced in accordance with Section 107 of title 17 of the Copyright Law of the United States relating to fair-use and is for the purposes of criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research.

Fed’s Dirty Little Secret: “The Gold Isn’t There… Exists as Paper IOU’s”

***Fund raising status We wish to thank all those who have contributed to  our fund raising efforts so far this month, as it will contribute to our continued efforts on your behalf.  Our need is great since much has happened in the past 30 days that we do not talk about, and part of it is due to the powers that be messing with the blog and our fund raising call for help.  Notice they have messed with the font, the size of the font and the content, but we keep at it.  Sometimes it has taken 3 or 4 hours just to fix what they mess up.

Our deficit, is now down to $230 due by the first of the month, which is behind for this time of month, and still a good distance away from what we need to continue this work.  So if you have benefited in anyway from our work, then please help us stay up by donating at the Pay Pal button off to the right of the blog.  We are grateful that in March we will have served you for 4 years and that is a long time  for our readers to stick with us during some of the most horrific times for our nation and some of the most unbelieveable happenings that  I have ever seen in this country.  

We want to thank you for all your support in both reading what we have found and by passing it around to educate others.... we also appreciate any and all donations that come  from our readers and we wish you great blessings for all the good you are doing.  

Vatic Note:   OK, i will just  come right out and say it.   They remelted the gold to recast into a more convenient storage design that takes up less space, and why did they do that?  Twin star is on the way and they sent all the gold underground.  I do not know that for a fact, but too much is going on that continues to lead me to that conclusion.

I even decided that is why the CAFR accounts have been building up and forced reporting by each muni to the feds on how much they have every year with audited financials.  They will need those funds, to start over again, when they come back up after the event.   Remember, the PTB have known about this event coming since the mid to late 1950's.... think about it.

That is when the Bilderberg group was organized, when the US Gov put soldiers down in the Antarctic.... why?  The star is coming from the south.  When 30 different countries began putting up research facilities in the Antarctic.  Its also close to when they started the CAFR audit financials being reported to the Feds.  Its when they started doing serious Chemtrail dumping globally.  Its when they wrote up their intent to create a New World Order. 

Fed’s Dirty Little Secret: “The Gold Isn’t There… Exists as Paper IOU’s”
Mac Slavo, SHTF PLAN
January 21st, 2014                                                   
The assumption by global depositors who have entrusted their national savings with the Federal Reserve and US Government has always been that when they request to repatriate their holdings the Fed would simply open the vault, access said assets and ship them back to where they belong.

That’s exactly what Germany expected would happen last year when the country requested that the Federal Reserve return about one-fifth of their gold reserves. But that’s when things got really dicey. The Fed announced that Germany’s gold would be returned… but it would take seven years to get back home.

The response to Germany’s request turned heads all over the world and raised concerns that the Federal Reserve had squandered its gold holdings. But this isn’t the only red flag that was raised. Public pressure reached such levels that the Fed was forced to take steps to maintain confidence in its operations, so it started shipping gold to Germany. Except it turns out that the gold being sent back to the Bundesbank wasn’t actually German gold. It contained none of the original serial numbers, had no hallmarks, and was reportedly just recently melted.

The implications are earth shattering and hit the very core of the problems facing America today. The whole system as it exists is just one big paper IOU.
In this must-watch interview with Future Money TrendsJefferson Financial CEO Brien Lunden weighs in on Germany’s gold, what is happening at the Fed and what other central banks are doing right now. Brien also shares his thoughts on where the gold market is today, what to expect in coming years as gold supplies tighten up, how mining companies like Brazil Resources are taking advantage of the current environment, and how to profit from gold in coming years.

For the reply to be that it would take seven years for this Gold to be sent back to you, your Gold to be sent back to you, was an obvious admission that the Gold just isn’t there.

Yes, it’s an admission that the German reserves were not still sitting there in the vault in the same form that they were sent there after WWII. They were not the original Central Bank Gold bars, same serial numbers etc. It’s an admission that at some point since then, that Gold has been used for other purposes.

So the dirty little secret here, is that a significant portion of central bank Gold reserves, including the U.S., don’t exist now in their original bar form. In fact, they exist as IOU’s, paper IOU’s, from the very banks that were bailed out in 2008 by the Federal Reserve.
So the Gold isn’t there, and the secret that they’re hiding is that it’s been replaced by IOU’s, and importantly those IOU’s are for Gold that was borrowed at much lower prices.
The Fed, through their recent actions, has essentially admitted that the gold stored in their vaults isn’t really there. Just as our government refuses to be openly transparent to with the American people, the Fed has resisted all calls to open their books (and vaults) to impartial third-party accountants for review.

The whole system, it seems, is now operating on IOU’s. Be it consumers, banks, the Fed or even the US government, all of the US dollars being exchanged are nothing but worthless pieces of paper, because given the lack of transparency at the Fed, we have to assume that the physical assets supposedly backing all this currency have already been spent.
Are we wrong in making this assumption?
If you were to store some emergency funds with a friend who promised to get them back to you whenever you asked, and then you ask and are told it’ll be a few years before he’ll get you the cash, what assumption would you make?  That your friend has the money on him right now, or that he’s used it for other purposes and doesn’t really know exactly when he’ll have it available for repayment?
Our entire consumer economy, as well as the credit worthiness of our nation, is built upon confidence. It’s took decades to get America in a position where our country’s monetary issues and services would be trusted by the international community. It’s taken just a few years for that confidence to be lost.
It’s now only a matter of time before our creditors and global investors pull the plug on the whole thing.

The article is reproduced in accordance with Section 107 of title 17 of the Copyright Law of the United States relating to fair-use and is for the purposes of criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research.

How Monks and Monasteries Saved Civilization and Killed Usury

***Fund raising status We wish to thank all those who have contributed to  our fund raising efforts so far this month, as it will contribute to our continued efforts on your behalf.  Our need is great since much has happened in the past 30 days that we do not talk about, and part of it is due to the powers that be messing with the blog and our fund raising call for help.  Notice they have messed with the font, the size of the font and the content, but we keep at it.  Sometimes it has taken 3 or 4 hours just to fix what they mess up.

Our deficit, is now down to $230 due by the first of the month, which is behind for this time of month, and still a good distance away from what we need to continue this work.  So if you have benefited in anyway from our work, then please help us stay up by donating at the Pay Pal button off to the right of the blog.  We are grateful that in March we will have served you for 4 years and that is a long time  for our readers to stick with us during some of the most horrific times for our nation and some of the most unbelieveable happenings that  I have ever seen in this country.  

We want to thank you for all your support in both reading what we have found and by passing it around to educate others.... we also appreciate any and all donations that come  from our readers and we wish you great blessings for all the good you are doing.  

Vatic Note:  There is no one who doubts that we, as humans, are part physical, mental, emotion and finally spiritual bodies.   We know much about three of those 4 bodies we have because they are with us in our conscious world and we learn to deal with them every day as we grow.... however, the spiritual body, as children, is pure, fully born intact and experienced by us as children.  They come into this world with no hate or fear and pure love of family, and others, until the secular world impinges on that condition.

We lose that ability as we learn to cope with the rest of our bodies in this secular world in a more direct way, which is not subtle..... so we float back and forth between the secular world and the spiritual world, and if it gets out of balance, then one atrophies, while the others dominate and cover up the 4th one which is the subtle one.

Its when we find it again later on as adults that we can see the changes as we progress.   2 signs you are spiritually enhanced is 1.  You don't worry about things like you use to, stress is dramatically reduced,  and  2.  synchronicity increases,  more and more until miracles become the result. You begin to draw people to you that match and that aid you and you aid them in their navigation through this life.

Love for your fellow man becomes the result, especially for those of a spiritual bent like yourself.  Fear is gone, and openness is expanded, which does nothing but expand us as humans and this below, I believe, shows what can happen to a whole society and culture when that is in play.

What we learn with a commitment to spiritual development, is its an internal journey totally separate from this world, which allows us and aids us in coping in this world with the other three bodies.  I have experienced this for myself and can confirm that is the result. 

Reading this brought all of that back to me remembering how much spiritual development meant in changes in my life.  This below is EXCELLENT and well documented so we can see its for real and not just some "opinion".   If they could "KILL" Usury back then,   then with the right tools, we can kill it now.  Materialism must go and be in balance with Spiritual concerns.  Its the only way. Now I understand why the evil ones hate Christianity and kill off as many as they can.

Once the various religions became politicized by the monarchies and others, that is when the degeneration of our western society began its steep and steady decline resulting in where we are today, where satanism is becoming the new religion of the western world, thanks to the "MONEY CHANGERS".  And Satanisms edict is "DO AS THOU WILL"  with no regard for anyone or anything else.

This is what we have to get rid of and reinstitute a commitment to our spiritual life and the balance that it will bring. The satanists hate morality as much as they hate Christianity and for the reason that it  promotes morality as a way of life.  WATCH THE VIDEO at the end of this article.....its explosive and this rep is great who put the Fed Reserve attorney on the spot big time.  Heck, he brought up stuff even I didn't know. 

How Monks and Monasteries Saved Civilization and Killed Usury
by Jonas E. Alexis, Veterans Today, 2/12/2014 

Christ and the money changers

In the first century, Christ cast the moneylenders out of the Temple, but they gradually arose again during the thirteenth century, which created economic panic among the peasants. For example, the French town of Villefrance wrote to King Philip IV in the thirteenth century, saying that moneylenders “are absolutely and utterly destroying the town and district.”[1]

The moneylenders throughout the Middle Ages were involved in exploiting the peasants, and thus were hated. Even philo-Semitic historians such as James Parkes admitted that this was the case, where interest rates ranged between 22 and 173 percent.

Similar exorbitant interest rates were widespread throughout medieval England and France. The people behind all of this of course were Jewish moneylenders.[2] During that period, the word “Judaize” took a radical meaning.

Historian W. C. Jordan declared that it meant “to act like an outsider, to regard others not as brothers but under a different set of rules that permitted forms of exploitation that were forbidden to the circle of brothers and friends.”[3]

Jordan also observed that in the thirteenth century Jews in general “never successfully integrated themselves into the local society. They were always conceived as strangers involved in a business that was both extortionate and perverse.”[4]

This was part of the anti-Jewish reaction of that period, for Jewish authorities “suggested that charging interest to gentiles is a religious obligation for Jews.”[5] As a result of exorbitant interest rates,
“many ecclesiastical institutions went bankrupt and were closed down as a result of debts owed to Jews.”[6]
The moneylenders did not suddenly disappear in the early centuries. They evolved into usurious bankers and settled in private institutions which later controlled the ins and outs of nations.
Usurious contracts, which the Bank of England, the Bank of France, the Bank of Italy, the European Central Bank, the Bank of Canada, and the Federal Reserve have used since their inceptions, cannot be ruled out as a cause of the economic collapse.
This again is why serious Western thinkers through the ages saw usury as immoral. Usurious contracts certainly could not exist without “capitalism,” which makes greed, avarice, and many of the vices that early Church Fathers warn about legitimate.

As we have already seen in previous articles, in a usurious society, Mammon always comes first. From a Christian point of view, people have always come first, and using God’s gifts and talents for the benefit of all mankind should always be the ultimate goal.

It is for this purpose that in the seventeenth century many in the Catholic Church were motivated to help the Indians both spiritually and economically. As an alternative to the colonized thought of early Europeans which drove many of the Indians away from the Gospel, many took the path of self-denial and love that Christ had taught His followers.

As a result, a tremendous shift happened both in the economic and spiritual lives of the Indians. This was an alternative to the greed and avarice which capitalism made sophistically legitimate.[7]

The Christian principle of self-denial got its chance in the monasteries right after the fall of the Roman Empire. It was based on the principle Christ told a rich young ruler.

“If thou wilt be perfect, go and sell that thou hast, and give to the poor, and thou shalt have treasure in heaven: and come and follow me” (Matthew 19:21).

From this the Catholic Church deduced that priests or bishops ought to follow Christ rather than wealth, which can become a powerful stumbling block.
Hence, the monasteries were dedicated for people who would follow the principle of not only self-denial, celibacy, and obedience, but would also abstain from worldly attractions such as wealth.

Celibacy was important because “those who did not marry did not need money to support their families, nor did they need the autonomy necessary to use that money wisely as heads of households.” As E. Michael Jones points out,
“The monasteries became wealthy in the mundane sense by ignoring wealth. The individual monks renounced money, but their labors produced enormous wealth for the monasteries. The wealth grew over generations because the monks did not have children or the expenses they require.
“More importantly, their lands were not constantly divided as children inherited the land from their father. The monks who had turned their backs on wealth ended up living lives of wealth, and wealth led to moral decay. The enemies of the Gospel used that moral decay to justify their attack on a supernatural way of life deeply repugnant to the carnal mind.
“Christ told his followers that those who live according to the Gospel will elicit hatred from the carnal; the monasteries were no exception…Wealth can promote its own decline. Carnal clerics fuel resentment and oftentimes the very resentment their own immoral behavior has fostered in others.”[8]

Monasticism became the religious institution that sought to restore balance in pagan societies after the fall of the Roman Empire.[9] Monks were not only interested in prayer and fasting, but in saving a vast strata of life during the Middle Ages.

In fact, had it not been for their laborious work, Europe as we know it would have been a by-gone continent after the fall of the Roman Empire.[10] Cambridge Medieval historian Christopher N. L. Brooke acknowledges,

“The monastic library, along with the cathedral library, became the repository that ensured the survival of some part of the legacy of ancient literature.”[11]

Other leading scholars in this field, such as the late David Herlihy, have made similar remarks.[12] The academic and intellectual life, according to Brooke, began with Cassiodorus, who lived between 485-580 A.D. and who took a great effort to transmit Greek works into the West.
“His library was the last really massive collection of books that the ancient world produced….

“In the eleventh and twelfth centuries, when learning revived for good and all, his scheme provided one of the chief foundations for the reintegration of learning, sacred and profane, of Roman literary science and Christian theological science based on the study of the Bible.

Cassiodorus was one of the most distinguished of a group of men who tried to gather in encyclopedic form the best of ancient learning before the failure of education and the barbarian onslaught destroyed it.”[13]

In addition, throughout the ninth, tenth, and eleventh centuries, monks were highly trained in the scholarly world.[14] Monks also participated in saving what knowledge was left about almost every aspect of life, including agricultural life.[15]

Those monks knew that they were working primarily for the glory of God, and as such they took some of the most “difficult and unattractive” jobs, such as working in swamps, which used to be considered not only a low occupation but “sources of pestilence.”

One of the primary reasons again was that civilization must reflect God’s creation and beauty.

The Benedictine Rule emphasized that monks were obligated to participate not only in worship and contemplation, but also had the responsibility of doing manual work.[16] Benedict declared,

“Idleness is the soul’s enemy, and so at certain times the brothers ought to be engaged in manual work, and again at certain times in spiritual reading.”[17]
The work hours were varied, but on several occasions they would consist of more than twelve hours—from 2 am until 6:30.[18] In general, a typical day for monks “was given to labor, reading, teaching, hospital work, charity, and rest.”[19]

In 1197, when a famine hit a particular place in Europe, 1,500 people were taken care of; one monk remembered that they helped “all the poor who came to us.”[20] During the same crisis,

“A Cistercian abbey in Westphalia slaughtered all its flocks and herds, and pawned its books and sacred vessels, to feed the poor.  Through their own labor and that of their serfs, the monks built abbeys, churches, and cathedrals, farmed great manors, subdued marshes and jungles to tillage, practiced a hundred handicrafts, and brewed excellent wines and ales.”[21]

In the process of time, “they managed to dike and drain the swamp and turn what had once been a source of disease and filth into fertile agricultural land.”[22]

This was so impressive that nineteenth-century historian Comte de Montalembert admitted,

“It is impossible to forget the use they made of so many vast districts, uncultivated and uninhabited, covered with forests or surrounded by marshes.”[23]

In a nutshell, the monks “taught metallurgy, introduced new crops, copied ancient texts, preserved literacy, pioneered in technology, invented champagne, improved the European landscape, provided for wanderers of every stripe, and looked after the lost and shipwrecked.”[24]

From villages to villages, cities to cities, and countries to countries, monks followed the same method of industry,[25] and thanks to them, Western civilization was restored during the Middle Ages; by that time, the works of art, biography, and history had began to shape Western culture[26] and later set the backdrop for the scientific revolution and the progress in abolishing slavery.[27]

The monks’ contributions to Western civilization were not limited to agricultural life and farming; they also restored the education that was largely destroyed by the barbarians after the fall of the Roman Empire.[28]

Universities, within a few centuries, got built. That monks constituted a central part in preserving a large section of Western civilization has been acknowledged even by some historians who were not sympathetic to monastic life. And all of this was done for the glory of God and for the benefit of His creatures and creation.[29] By the Middle Ages, as philosopher of science David C. Lindberg puts it,

“the church was one of the major patrons—perhaps the major patron—of scientific learning.”[30]

A proper survey of monks’ contributions to Western civilization has been lacking in works written by a number of writers and historians of some repute.[31] Maurice Keen in The Penguin History of Medieval Europe tells us that logic in particular “was uncongenial to the religious, reflective cast of monastic thought. It was not a subject to which the fathers or Holy Writ devoted much attention.”[32]

Within two sentences and with no historical depth and balance, the works of Aquinas, Athanasius, Tertullian, Ambrose, Jerome, Augustine, St. Anselm, among others who laid the intellectual foundations of Christendom, were dismissed!

However, historian David Herlihy, who was one of the leading scholars in this field, tells us quite the opposite. He writes,

“Christian writers, and the tradition of Christian theology they developed, were instrumental in preserving at least in part classical rhetoric and logic—the fruits of the ordered intellect of antiquity.”[33]

Had it not been for the Church, according to Herlihy, the art of rhetoric, philosophy, and “orderly thought” would not have been preserved into the Middle Ages.[34]

Jewish historian Norman F. Cantor agrees that the Benedictines “were the pioneers in whatever rudiments of agrarian science the early Middle Ages possessed,” yet he goes on to indicate that they got their power from monopolizing others.

In Cantor’s view, their powers increased “as a result of the monastic monopoly of learning.”[35] Congruent with this view is the popular idea that the Church got rich in the Middle Ages because it plundered the wealth of others for its own gain. Moreover, the Church allied with the state primarily for political and lucrative reasons.

There are other historians, however, who try to be fair and honest about the Middle Ages. George Homes in his quite balanced work The Oxford History of Medieval Europe tells us that there were many who converted “for political and financial backing,” but he also acknowledges that

“the Church had scored notable successes in establishing a Christian view of kingship, in setting up enduring centres of education and learning, in moving toward standardization of usages and, most important of all, promoting itself as a distinct elite corporation whose institutional and sacramental structure was intended to lead man to salvation.”[36]