

***  Google is going to get an earful!!!!  THEY JUST GUTTED PART 2 OF THIS SERIES.  SO IT WILL NOT BE UP TOMORROW AS PLANNED, BUT HERE IS THE LINK TO THE ORIGINAL ARTICLE FOR YOU TO READ, AND TRUST ME,  ITS EXPLOSIVE AND EXPLAINS DAMN NEAR EVERYTHING.   I had extensive vatic notes both in the beginning and through out the blog and they cut all of it out.  So, please read that until I can get it back up again.  Believe me, I remember what I said.  Here is the link for you to go to directly and PLEASE READ IT THOROUGHTLY AND YOU WILL UNDERSTAND WHAT WE ARE GOING THROUGH AND WHY.   It also explains this below.   When they are attacking both of these yet, did not do this dramatically with the bloodlines, we are onto just who is messing with us... its the khazars and not our government.   Keep that in mind as well.  They use our government but our gov doesn't care about the history of the khazars, but those running our gov who are khazars do care.  This is a total expose on it all.   Wait til we get to part 3.  LOL

Boy they are messing with this one. Ignore all the mess. I fixed it but who knows how long it will last. After reading it, I don't blame them.ITS EXPLAINS EVERYTHNG AND YOU WILL SEE THAT WHEN YOU FINISH READING IT.  Ok, now they have made the print really small throughout so you will  have a hard time reading it.   Its actually included in their Talmud to deceive the goyim and anything they do to the goyim is ok, there are no limits since they are not human, rather animals.  Damn.   Talk about Hate speech, in writing where you can read it and they teach all this to their kids.   THATS HOW THEY  COULD KILL RACHAEL CORRY WITH NO CONSCIENCE.  SHE WAS JUST AN ANIMAL TO THEM, A RODENT.  

Vatic Note:THIS IS A MUST READIt explains everything that we did not understand about the inhumanity we were experiencing from those destroying the middle east, the real Jews, and our country. No wonder Jesus called the Pharisees and Saducees "Sons of Satan". My goodness, this is almost like reading a dirty book or a guide on how to be hateful, hating, and mean spirited. Here is just one example and believe me there are plenty more.
"All Gentile Children are Animals". No wonder they can betray an ally and think nothing of it.

Well, here we are again. As I have said often lately, look what we have found traveling down rabbitholes. Amazing. I am getting a full college education in this stuff and could teach a course if required at the University level, I swear. I really like Michael Hoffman, as he does not fear the khazars at all and has been honest and immediately reacts and takes great risks when he does. What he does that is so great is he publishes actual Quotes from the B Talmud that shows the racism and supremacy they advocate. He calls it hate literature, but he preceded this write up with disclaimer due to white supremacists from misusing his educational research to educate us. I was impressed that he did that. Hit the link and you will see what he says, or wait til the end of this presentation and read it there.

I remember we posted a ditty he did in response to a dissertation by Fox of the ADL.You know, the organization that is running our Homeland Security into the ground? I don't remember right off hand what the subject was, I just remember Michael doing such a great job that I posted it up on the blog. Here is another such incident and well deserves a serious airing and discussion. There are two Talmuds, one is the oldest which is the Jerusalem Talmud and the other is the Babylonian Talmud.These were passed on in what is called "The Oral Tradition" and not put to writing until much later, in fact close to Christs lifetime. This one below has some horrible stuff in it that could be considered slanderous. Why do they hate Christ and Christians so much? I thought it was the Muslims they hated, but they don't. Its the Christians.   Based on this below it appears they hated Christ for his teachings.

My understanding of the Babylonian Talmud was that it was pagan from the days when the Israelites were held captive in pagan Babylon. Some of those captured became pagans, others adopted some of the "pagan" teachings and ways to their own faith. I also read that the Khazars adopted the Babylonian Talmud as cover for their pagan religion. So, who knows, but this is very well done I must say. We have other parts, 2 and 3 that will be following which are writings by other authors that are addressing the same issue but from a different perspective. All of it is amazing and great reading if you are a history buff. I am.

A Documented Exposé of Supremacist Rabbinic Hate Literature

By Warrant of John 18:37, Galatians 4:16
Copyright ©2000-2006 by Michael A. Hoffman II All Rights Reserved


The Talmud is Judaism's (VN:  Khazar Jews holiest book) (actually a collection of books). Its authority takes precedence over the Old Testament in Judaism. Evidence of this may be found in the Talmud itself, Erubin 21b (Soncino edition): "My son, be more careful in the observance of the words of the Scribes than in the words of the Torah (Old Testament)."

The supremacy of the Talmud over the Bible in the Israeli state may also be seen in the case of the black Ethiopian Jews. Ethiopians are very knowledgeable of the Old Testament. 

However, their religion is so ancient it pre-dates the Scribes' Talmud, of which the Ethiopians have no knowledge. According to the N.Y. Times of Sept. 29, 1992, p.4:

"The problem is that Ethiopian Jewish tradition goes no further than the Bible or Torah; the later Talmud and other commentaries that form the basis of modern traditions never came their way."

Because they are not traffickers in Talmudic tradition, the black Ethiopian Jews are discriminated against and have been forbidden by the Zionists to perform marriages, funerals and other services in the Israeli state. (VN:  Well of course they are, they are real Jews.  Those forbidding it are not.)  

Rabbi Joseph D. Soloveitchik is regarded as one of the most influential rabbis of the 20th century, the "unchallenged leader" of Orthodox Judaism and the top international authority on halakha (Jewish religious law). Soloveitchik was responsible for instructing and ordaining more than 2,000 rabbis, "an entire generation" of Jewish leadership. 

N.Y. Times religion reporter Ari Goldman described the basis of the rabbi's authority:
"Soloveitchik came from a long line of distinguished Talmudic scholars...Until his early 20s, he devoted himself almost exclusively to the study of the Talmud...He came to Yeshiva University's Elchanan Theological Seminary where he remained the pre-eminent teacher in the Talmud...He held the title of Leib Merkin professor of Talmud...sitting with his feet crossed in front of a table bearing an open volume of the Talmud." (N.Y. Times, April 10, 1993, p. 38).

Nowhere does Goldman refer to Soloveitchik's knowledge of the Bible as the basis for being one of the leading authorities on Jewish law.

The rabbi's credentials are all predicated upon his mastery of the Talmud. Other studies are clearly secondary. Britain's Jewish Chronicle of March 26, 1993 states that in religious school (yeshiva), Jews are "devoted to the Talmud to the exclusion of everything else."

The Talmud Nullifies the Bible

The Jewish Scribes claim the Talmud is partly a collection of traditions Moses gave them in oral form. These had not yet been written down in Jesus' time. Christ condemned the traditions of the Mishnah (early Talmud) and those who taught it (Scribes and Pharisees), because the Talmud nullifies the teachings of the Holy Bible.

Shmuel Safrai in The Literature of the Sages Part One (p.164), points out that in chapters 4 and 5 of the Talmud's Gittin Tractate, the Talmud nullifies the Biblical teaching concerning money-lending: 

"Hillel decreed the prozbul for the betterment of the world. The prozbul is a legal fiction which allows debts to be collected after the Sabbatical year and it was Hillel's intention thereby to overcome the fear that money-lenders had of losing their money."

The famous warning of Jesus Christ about the tradition of men that voids Scripture (Mark 7:1-13), is in fact, a direct reference to the Talmud, or more specifically, the forerunner of the first part of it, the Mishnah, which existed in oral form during Christ's lifetime, before being committed to writing. Mark chapter 7, from verse one through thirteen, represents Our Lord's pointed condemnation of the Mishnah.

10 Reasons For Hope and Optimism

Vatic Note:  Yes, indeed, this is a good read, but keep in mind this is one of the sites the evil ones do not harass, so they are pleased with his offerings.   Having personally just went through a very large and important blog being stripped after hours of work, and talking to another blogger beloved by the public that has also been harassed, we see its not the ones you would suspect.  What do they all have in common???  Disinformation, redirection, and serious denial of truth. 

They do not push us toward action OR TRULY EXPOSE WHO THE REAL CULPRITS ARE.   That is well within the evils ones agenda.  Keep us distracted with Bread and circus while they complete their take over.  At least the Canadians are moving toward action.  Their children  will be safe in the future based on their actions consistent with truth telling.   Well, enjoy your bread and circus below.  This Author sounds like "truth" is an inconvenience to his material well being and his life, so the best way to deal with it is "DON'T".  

Maybe with ignoring and pretending, it will all just disappear after thousands of years of finally getting here, the bad guys will just stop all of a sudden because they felt "the love" they had never felt before and thus are willing to finally give up that which they have worked so hard for.   I can hardly wait to see that happen.  Hope I am one of the ones remaining when they get done with their eugenics, so I can see it.  (Remember what they are doing used to be a crime against humanity in the nuremberg protocols. They hung people for doing what we are doing today)

I do believe them when they said, create chaos,  get the public to react, and then solve the problem you created with the chaos.  Its called Mass manipulation.  You can see below how successful they are in manipulating us through  their 25 disinformation tactics.  This article is prima facia evidence mass psychological manipulation works.  They actually believe this will replace peoples own experience in their daily lives of the loss of freedoms, disposable income as more and more wealth is transferred to the khazar bankers and their illuminati handlers.  The vaccine causing autism in their children,  and necrolypsy in their teens.  Amazing.  even our upper classes are being ripped off through stock market manipulations.  Ask Keiser! They actually believe we are dumb.  Well, maybe we are if anyone buys this fodder.  

Canadians seem to be immune to that manipulation,  I wonder how they did that?  Now that is something worth pursuing.

By: Fred Burks for PEERS and

Why We're Not All Screwed

What wild, crazy, and exciting times we live in! If you watch the news or read the newspaper, it may seem that everything is falling apart, the world is filled with war, fear, greed, and hate, and we're all screwed. These are real challenges we are facing, yet there are also many amazing developments that the media is hardly reporting. The old media truism is that fear-mongering and sensationalism sell. But what if we make it more fun and even profitable to spread love, joy, and inspiration in life?  (VN:  Yes, lets do that instead of Truth,  truth is boring.  I love love and would rather have that instead of truth, wouldn't you? )

Below is a list of 10 most inspiring trends showing that we are not screwed, that despite the challenges, there are many great reasons for hope and optimism. These inspiring trends suggest that we are in the midst of a huge shift that could very well lead to a much more rich and enjoyable world for all. For each reason listed below, several links are given to verify the inspiring material presented and to dive deeper into it. Behold, 10 reasons to become hope-mongerers!  (VN:  yes and check out the sources of those statistics.  Wonder who is feeding us this good news that is in direct conflict with our daily life experiences.  Probably those in high tech jobs are doing better, than every one else.  Raw milk farmers being forced to shut down their farms,  Ranchers forced to shoot their animals, organic food standards reduced etc. Someone is in total and complete denial of our reality. They are refusing to take the red pill. ) 

Reason #1 : Humans Are Not Lemmings! Global Population Leveling Off   (VN:  yes, those chemtrails, GMO, pesticide tainted food, Haarp weather manipulation killing thousands in floods, earthquakes, and droughts, heavy metal in our drinking water etc,  ARE FINALLY ALL PAYING OFF.... not to even mention the vaccines.  Yup, good news,  population is dying and leveling off.  How exciting.  What an ingenius way to depopulate without firing a shot.  I am sure those who have died from it and their families are happy to be the ones to make the sacrifice.  Looks like we have God on earth who has taken human form and decided eugenically who will live and who will die.  What a priviledge.  It must be Rockefeller serving as the host body for God.)

Reason #2 : Solar Power Soon Cheaper Than Coal, Gas, and Oil  (VN:  and now has been proven to be 3,000  times more polluting than oil and gas but less than nuclear.  That was a real eye opener when I learned that one. Blog coming soon on that little ditty.)

Reason #3 : The Internet Miracle – Unprecedented Networking, Information Access (VN:  Ah, truth.  Now that is encouraging, but laws are in place to end that for the cattle such as us.)

Reason #4 : Children More Loved, Supported Than Past Generations - (VN: Oh, this is a good one.  There is more open satanism than ever before and ritual sexual abuse than ever before, pedophilia is on the rise and prosecutions are down for that offense, and countries have proposed legislation to legalize it as we proved on here,  and so I guess techically thats true if you hold that sex is love. So, I guess the Bush's are good guys after all, oh and Karl Rove too, both liked little boys.) 

Reason #5 : Violent Crime Dropping Dramatically, Wars Much Less Vicious - ( VN:  HUH?  How can you have "much less vicious" wars?  Tell that to the Libyans, the Syrians, the beheaded africans who were aiding the countries against foreign insurgency,  the white phospherous used to kill sleeping unarmed children and pregnant women burning them alive and a most painful and long suffering death.  See what I mean?  What pap!!!! but we will buy it rather than face our need to act. WE are the aggressor nation and we are doing nothing to stop it, except to excuse it , rationalize it, and pretend its all good wars we are having.... doesn't that make you feel better?  Now you can get back to your TV and weekend jaunts. How dare they screw up our weekend with all this ugly truth.  I like this better. )

Reason #6 : Focus Shifting from Left vs. Right to 99% vs. 1% to the Human Family - (VN:  Oh, even better, focus shifting away from the real agenda and instead redirecting to class warfare as the protocols called for.  Yup, everything is on schedule and Americans are the only ones not reacting. Heck our denial is soooo complete that I bet we become the model in the future, for how to manipulate millions of mass populations.  Our TV is the new Coloseum gladiator games)

Reason #7 : Man Behind the Curtain Exposed – The Global Power Elite -(VN:  Aaah, yes, like the other major alternative sites, notice how the "khazars" are never mentioned?  I picked up on that one right away.  Denial is good.... no expose of the criminal elements in the banking industry who are khazars working for Rothschild, no mention of great Britain or Israels role and infiltraton of our system helping to bring it down. And definitely not one word about our ally, Israel murdering thousands of Americans to achieve a political agenda, nor the threat to Iran of mass murdering their population for no reason except to confiscate their oil like we did in Iraq. ) 

Reason #8 : Interest in Personal Growth, Consciousness Expansion on the Rise
(VN:  Definitely true, but that is partly because of two things, 1.  an awakening to the "TRUTH" of what evil exists,  true history being exposed,  our own power being exhibited and taught how to use it for good and  2.  The disinfo sites promoting it but directing it away from our true power base and into innane and ineffective passive methods for coping.  Even David Icke has commented on that fact and tried to get us to wake up to our real power, but we even refuse to see that. It would require we actually take responsibility for what we are doing to our world and the people in it.) 

Reason #9 : Love and Cooperation Are Rockin' Our World! (VN:  Right,  LOL   That one is so ridiculous I can't even stop laughing long enough to to comment.  Lets see, what bill was just signed taking away humans basic right to due process of law that has been on the books for 250 years???  And a mother killing and eating her baby's brains,  a rise in Zombism.... a rise in satanism,  a rise in tatooing our bodies, piercing our bodies and rejecting seniors and permanently handicapped as useless eaters???  Right..... lots of love here.  Boy I don't know what definition of love someone is using, but its perverted.)  

Reason #10 : You Can Be Master of Your Own Life Now!!! (VN:  Oh, my this is even funnier yet.  I absolutely believe anyone who reads this one will know what a crock this is. I am definitely not going to say anything on this one and just let it hang out there and ask yourselves..... are you the master of your own life or have you lost that slowly  and gradually over the past 30 years?)

Reason #1: Humans Are Not Lemmings! Global Population Leveling Off

D. Rothschild: "They Have More Insights Than Others"

Vatic Note:  Just look at those eyes.   I mean you can see it clear as a bell.  He is laughing at us.  Remember, that is who has declared war against us,  he and his adopted country, Israel.  After all that I have read and reading the protocols numerous times,  I have come to believe true evil does exist, but I did not realize exactly what that meant until very recently.  Remember, these satanists control our military.  keep that in mind. 

I would say in the last two years.... I finally get it.   Psychopaths are running the globe and there is no doubt about that at all and that is fully dangerous for millions if not billions of sane rational people all over the globe,  just wanting to get along.  After reading about the bloodlines and the trauma based ritual abuse they put their children through and extensive use of mind control,  to garner control over them through adulthood,  I can see how the psychopathy came about and how its not retrievable.  Psychopathy is  classified as a real Mental Illness.  Insane, for lack of a better word.  

So its again time to go within and use the power we have of prayer, which ever way you do that, and use it hard and fast and now.   They are on the verge of realizing their perverted dream of their control fully of the globe and everyone in it.  It means they can kill you if they feel like it.  No due process.  No anything resembling what we are used to.   Begin thinking about what this all means.  Its important since decision time is closing in.  They have military on our streets against our Constitution and in violation of everything we believe in.  So you can see they do not intend to dally. 

“We may have more “insights” than others”..per David de Rothschild

Markets Signal Coming Depression

May 15, 2012

This article was originally posted at the height of the credit crunch Nov. 14, 2008 as “Credit Crunch: Occult Colonization of the Developed World?” It appears that the Illuminati will use the secession of Greece from the EU to precipitate another credit crunch and Depression.

In “The Telegraph” today, Ambrose Evans-Pritchard says Greece’s exit from the EU will cost France and Germany 155 billion Euros and cause a Depression. The Illuminati will use this crisis to advance their agenda for world government dictatorship.
by Henry Makow Ph.D.

“Economic crises have been produced by us for the goyim by no other means than the withdrawal of money from circulation.”
– Protocols of Zion, 20

How did the Rothschilds manage to emerge relatively unscathed from the financial meltdown?
“You could say that we may have more insights than others,” Baron David de Rothschild coyly told a reporter during a recent visit to Dubai.

Does “more insights than others” include being personally responsible for the financial meltdown? “World events do not occur by accident,” Denis Healey, former British Defense Secretary said. “They are made to happen… staged and managed by those who hold the purse string.” According to another insider, the Illuminati were responsible for the last Depression too.

For hundreds of years, mankind has been force-fed a diet of depression, war, Communism, division, depravity and dysfunction by central bankers like the Rothschilds. They want to translate their monopoly over our government’s credit into a total monopoly over power, culture and religion, i.e. the New World Order.

Social Engineering

By: William Whitten
Date: 2010-07-17

Now information is interpreted by the sane individual in one way and by the insane, or mind controlled individual in another. Such as, the way that Orwell’s book, 1984 was accepted as a warning of horrible future possibilities by most. Others however, those involved in the state control apparatus for instance, were intrigued in quite the opposite fashion.

The same is true in the case of the Milgram experiments. The information itself in neutral.  While Milgram proved a particular point about human psychology with regards to obedience to authority, his was an academic exercise, not a policy recommendation. Those with the position to effect social policy interpreted the Milgram information as a clue to further modes of social control—not as a warning to humanity.

I do not know Milgram’s personal views on social engineering, whether he was an advocate or not. I do know that Aldous Huxley, with his novel, Brave New World, was sounding an alarm in the same way as Orwell had with Animal Farm and 1984. Theirs was not neutral academic data—theirs was humanistic compassion. And still the social engineers took their works as playbooks and instruction on how to control the masses.

It is hard for the common man to imagine that there were those who identified with Ming the Merciless back in the days of the Flash Gordon serials. But any who have gone to science fiction conventions can testify to the hoards of “storm troopers” and “Darth Vader” costumed attendees to these events. This ‘romance of the costume’ may seem innocent enough in such settings. However, any who have studied the Nazi regime, the ‘Hitler Youth’ in particular, come away with a more sophisticated understanding of the ‘cult of the uniform’.   Which is in no way missing from modern militarized Amerika. In fact, those who play out their fantasies at afore mentioned Sci-Fi outlets are much healthier exercises than those who long for ‘patriotic duty’ in the  ‘cult of the uniform’  in the official military services. But there is a crossover psychologically.

So again; what does it mean to be well adjusted to a psychotic society?

Icelandic Anger Brings Debt Forgiveness in Best Recovery Story

Vatic Note:   As I believed from the beginning,  righteous anger is a high vibrational emotion.   Its not fear or helplessness, nor is it sitting on your duff hoping something or someone will come along and save you.  David Icke said it very well.  We must become spiritual warriors and act.   Righteous anger leads to action, but then it doesn't happen when your water is full of fluoride.   Can you imagine if 300 million of us pelted our congress with stones,  how quickly they would respond???  Oh, thats right  "martial law" was put in place and we did not say a word about it.   

Sorry,  we are too late to use that tactic.   We should have done it when we posted the article about Iceland, titled "The Mouse that Roared".   What we can do, that will work, is boycott all national banks and brokerage houses, and that includes all investors that are not affiliated with the national banks.  Deposit your money into the small local community banks,  state banks, and credit unions.   

Lets boycott all things they own.... MSM for one.  They are already suffering severe losses due to a drop in readership and viewers of 50%.  Can you imagine if it dropped to 0%???  I can  and its delicious.  They own the energy companies, so it would behoove us to buy a wood burning stove for winter heat and burn wood,  then they would lose there as well.  Heating is their big income off of natural gas.  Same with oil.  So do like I did and burn wood in the winter,  it saved me over 50% in heating bills.  

Boycott any corporation that proves they are a part of the cabal such as McDonalds.  I have a photo of the two owners of McDonalds giving the Baphomet hand sign and that seled it for me. There are corporations (Bilderberg corps) that have occult symbols for logos, and they should be boycotted as well.   Study occult symbols and see for yourselves.  You can begin with this one.

Remember, it was the Black Nobility Bloodline of Queen Elizabeth that created the state of Israel in 1948 and if you read the link above you will see just exactly what this really is instead of the Star of David as presented to con everyone.   Its their way of telling us and laughing at our ignorance.   Same with the corporations and banks who are part of this occult satanic cabal in our nation and around the globe.  This is what your hard earned taxes are being used to support all over the globe.  Stop feeding the monster.  

We would love to hear from anyone in Iceland to confirm this story below.  Thanks.  
Icelandic Anger Brings Debt Forgiveness in Best Recovery Story

By: Omar R. Valdimarsson
Date: 2012-02-19

Icelanders who pelted parliament with rocks in 2009 demanding their leaders and bankers answer for the country’s economic and financial collapse are reaping the benefits of their anger.

Since the end of 2008, the island’s banks have forgiven loans equivalent to 13 percent of gross domestic product, easing the debt burdens of more than a quarter of the population, according to a report published this month by the Icelandic Financial Services Association.

“You could safely say that Iceland holds the world record in household debt relief,” said Lars Christensen, chief emerging markets economist at Danske Bank A/S in Copenhagen. “Iceland followed the textbook example of what is required in a crisis. Any economist would agree with that.”


A Documented Exposé of Supremacist Rabbinic Hate Literature - Part I of 3 of the Khazar History Series

***  THEY JUST GUTTED PART 2 OF THIS SERIES.  SO IT WILL NOT BE UP TOMORROW AS PLANNED, BUT HERE IS THE LINK TO THE ORIGINAL ARTICLE FOR YOU TO READ, AND TRUST ME,  ITS EXPLOSIVE AND EXPLAINS DAMN NEAR EVERYTHING.   I had extensive vatic notes both in the beginning and through out the blog and they cut all of it out.  So, please read that until I can get it back up again.  Believe me, I remember what I said.  Here is the link for you to go to directly and PLEASE READ IT THOROUGHTLY AND YOU WILL UNDERSTAND WHAT WE ARE GOING THROUGH AND WHY.   It also explains this below. 
HAH, THEY EVEN CUT THE LINK !  Ok here goes again.

NOTICE TO KHAZARS:   Ok you khazars,  NOW I am committed to putting this back up again and if I have to I will do it on another site that is busier than I am.  So which shall it be???  Make up your minds?  You take it down again, then I promise to go to another site to put it up from me as a guest article and that site I know has 4  times the readers I do.  You have your choice!  

***Boy they are messing with this one. Ignore all the mess. I fixed it but who knows how long it will last. After reading it, I don't blame them.ITS EXPLAINS EVERYTHNG AND YOU WILL SEE THAT WHEN YOU FINISH READING IT.  Ok, now they have made the print really small throughout so you will  have a hard time reading it.   Its actually included in their Talmud to deceive the goyim and anything they do to the goyim is ok, there are no limits since they are not human, rather animals.  Damn.   Talk about Hate.  

Vatic Note:THIS IS A MUST READIt explains everything that we did not understand about the inhumanity we were experiencing from those destroying the middle east, the real Jews, and our country. No wonder Jesus called the Pharisees and Saducees "Sons of Satan". My goodness, this is almost like reading a dirty book or a guide on how to be hateful, hating, and mean spirited. Here is just one example and believe me there are plenty more.
"All Gentile Children are Animals". No wonder they can betray an ally and think nothing of it.

Well, here we are again. As I have said often lately, look what we have found traveling down rabbitholes. Amazing. I am getting a full college education in this stuff and could teach a course if required at the University level, I swear. I really like Michael Hoffman, as he does not fear the khazars at all and has been honest and immediately reacts and takes great risks when he does. What he does that is so great is he publishes actual Quotes from the B Talmud that shows the racism and supremacy they advocate. He calls it hate literature, but he preceded this write up with disclaimer due to white supremacists from misusing his educational research to educate us. I was impressed that he did that. Hit the link and you will see what he says, or wait til the end of this presentation and read it there.

I remember we posted a ditty he did in response to a dissertation by Fox of the ADL.You know, the organization that is running our Homeland Security into the ground? I don't remember right off hand what the subject was, I just remember Michael doing such a great job that I posted it up on the blog. Here is another such incident and well deserves a serious airing and discussion. There are two Talmuds, one is the oldest which is the Jerusalem Talmud and the other is the Babylonian Talmud.These were passed on in what is called "The Oral Tradition" and not put to writing until much later, in fact close to Christs lifetime. This one below has some horrible stuff in it that could be considered slanderous. Why do they hate Christ and Christians so much? I thought it was the Muslims they hated, but they don't. Its the Christians.   Based on this below it appears they hated Christ for his teachings.

My understanding of the Babylonian Talmud was that it was pagan from the days when the Israelites were held captive in pagan Babylon. Some of those captured became pagans, others adopted some of the "pagan" teachings and ways to their own faith. I also read that the Khazars adopted the Babylonian Talmud as cover for their pagan religion. So, who knows, but this is very well done I must say. We have other parts, 2 and 3 that will be following which are writings by other authors that are addressing the same issue but from a different perspective. All of it is amazing and great reading if you are a history buff. I am.

A Documented Exposé of Supremacist Rabbinic Hate Literature

By Warrant of John 18:37, Galatians 4:16
Copyright ©2000-2006 by Michael A. Hoffman II All Rights Reserved


The Talmud is Judaism's (VN:  Khazar Jews holiest book) (actually a collection of books). Its authority takes precedence over the Old Testament in Judaism. Evidence of this may be found in the Talmud itself, Erubin 21b (Soncino edition): "My son, be more careful in the observance of the words of the Scribes than in the words of the Torah (Old Testament)."

The supremacy of the Talmud over the Bible in the Israeli state may also be seen in the case of the black Ethiopian Jews. Ethiopians are very knowledgeable of the Old Testament. 

However, their religion is so ancient it pre-dates the Scribes' Talmud, of which the Ethiopians have no knowledge. According to the N.Y. Times of Sept. 29, 1992, p.4:

"The problem is that Ethiopian Jewish tradition goes no further than the Bible or Torah; the later Talmud and other commentaries that form the basis of modern traditions never came their way."

Because they are not traffickers in Talmudic tradition, the black Ethiopian Jews are discriminated against and have been forbidden by the Zionists to perform marriages, funerals and other services in the Israeli state. (VN:  Well of course they are, they are real Jews.  Those forbidding it are not.)  

Rabbi Joseph D. Soloveitchik is regarded as one of the most influential rabbis of the 20th century, the "unchallenged leader" of Orthodox Judaism and the top international authority on halakha (Jewish religious law). Soloveitchik was responsible for instructing and ordaining more than 2,000 rabbis, "an entire generation" of Jewish leadership. 

N.Y. Times religion reporter Ari Goldman described the basis of the rabbi's authority:
"Soloveitchik came from a long line of distinguished Talmudic scholars...Until his early 20s, he devoted himself almost exclusively to the study of the Talmud...He came to Yeshiva University's Elchanan Theological Seminary where he remained the pre-eminent teacher in the Talmud...He held the title of Leib Merkin professor of Talmud...sitting with his feet crossed in front of a table bearing an open volume of the Talmud." (N.Y. Times, April 10, 1993, p. 38).

Nowhere does Goldman refer to Soloveitchik's knowledge of the Bible as the basis for being one of the leading authorities on Jewish law.

The rabbi's credentials are all predicated upon his mastery of the Talmud. Other studies are clearly secondary. Britain's Jewish Chronicle of March 26, 1993 states that in religious school (yeshiva), Jews are "devoted to the Talmud to the exclusion of everything else."

The Talmud Nullifies the Bible

The Jewish Scribes claim the Talmud is partly a collection of traditions Moses gave them in oral form. These had not yet been written down in Jesus' time. Christ condemned the traditions of the Mishnah (early Talmud) and those who taught it (Scribes and Pharisees), because the Talmud nullifies the teachings of the Holy Bible.

Shmuel Safrai in The Literature of the Sages Part One (p.164), points out that in chapters 4 and 5 of the Talmud's Gittin Tractate, the Talmud nullifies the Biblical teaching concerning money-lending: 

"Hillel decreed the prozbul for the betterment of the world. The prozbul is a legal fiction which allows debts to be collected after the Sabbatical year and it was Hillel's intention thereby to overcome the fear that money-lenders had of losing their money."

The famous warning of Jesus Christ about the tradition of men that voids Scripture (Mark 7:1-13), is in fact, a direct reference to the Talmud, or more specifically, the forerunner of the first part of it, the Mishnah, which existed in oral form during Christ's lifetime, before being committed to writing. Mark chapter 7, from verse one through thirteen, represents Our Lord's pointed condemnation of the Mishnah.

The Coming Derivatives Crisis - Bankers Gambling Addiction

Vatic Note:   It won't destroy the entire global financial system if the people step up and say NO MORE BAIL OUTS FOR YOUR GAMBLING DEBTS. You are NOT TO BIG TO FAIL. We will show you that fact. You will be allowed to fail and watch our economy improve just like Iceland. Instead we will offer to pay your counselling bill for gambling addictions and that is only for 6 months and after that, you will have to draw on your bonuses you got paid with our bail out money. While in counselling, no more prostitutes with our bail out funds. Go cold turkey and forget about the size of your dong. We don't care. It's irrelevant and immaterial.

The Coming Derivatives Crisis That Could Destroy The Entire Global Financial System
by Admin,  The Economic Collapse

Most people have no idea that Wall Street has become a gigantic financial casino.   The big Wall Street banks are making tens of billions of dollars a year in the derivatives market, and nobody in the financial community wants the party to end.

The word "derivatives" sounds complicated and technical, but understanding them is really not that hard.  A derivative is essentially a fancy way of saying that a bet has been made.

 Originally, these bets were designed to hedge risk, but today the derivatives market has mushroomed into a mountain of speculation unlike anything the world has ever seen before.  Estimates of the notional value of the worldwide derivatives market go from $600 trillion all the way up to $1.5 quadrillion.  Keep in mind that the GDP of the entire world is only somewhere in the neighborhood of $65 trillion.

The danger to the global financial system posed by derivatives is so great that Warren Buffet once called them "financial weapons of mass destruction".  For now, the financial powers that be are trying to keep the casino rolling, but it is inevitable that at some point this entire mess is going to come crashing down.  When it does, we are going to be facing a derivatives crisis that really could destroy the entire global financial system.

Most people don't talk much about derivatives because they simply do not understand them.
Perhaps a couple of definitions would be helpful.

The following is how a recent Bloomberg article defined derivatives....
Derivatives are financial instruments used to hedge risks or for speculation. They’re derived from stocks, bonds, loans, currencies and commodities, or linked to specific events such as changes in the weather or interest rates.
The key word there is "speculation".  Today the folks down on Wall Street are speculating on just about anything that you can imagine.

The following is how Investopedia defines derivatives....
A security whose price is dependent upon or derived from one or more underlying assets. The derivative itself is merely a contract between two or more parties. Its value is determined by fluctuations in the underlying asset. The most common underlying assets include stocks, bonds, commodities, currencies, interest rates and market indexes. Most derivatives are characterized by high leverage.
A derivative has no underlying value of its own.  A derivative is essentially a side bet.  Usually these side bets are highly leveraged.

A Different Philosophy of Civil Disobedience

Vatic Note: After reading this, I am much more inclined to that of Howard Zinn, rather than Rawls or the others mentioned. This is a fascinating treatment of the subject. I remember, when Martin Luther King was sitting in jail, he read all he could get his hands on with respect to civil disobedience. Now its our turn to take a hard look at that subject. If not, then we best bone up on slavery. That is the only other option at this point.

As you can tell, two of my rabbitholes ended up at pragmatic witness. LOL

A Different Philosophy of Civil Disobedience

by Pragmatic Witness


Conventional civil disobedience usually engages localized agencies and domestic government. Redress of grievances, constitutionally protected under law is a myth in practice. 

The courts operate as protectors of state authority, while crushing the safeguards of individual natural rights. Petition to elected officials for recourse resembles begging for sustenance. 

Allegiance to country is confused with deference to decadent dictates. Conscience and moral imperatives draw sincere and aware citizens to resort to necessary measures of dissent. The question is what kind of civil disobedience is appropriate and effective?

The conventional interruption of the principle of civil disobedience usually cites Thoreau, Gandhi and King. Most students of history are familiar with their significance and writings.

 However, less well known are John Rawls and Howard Zinn. A review of their viewpoints is helpful to understand the nature of civil disobedience. However, in an age of globalism, the sovereign state has less importance because the transnational community of nations is implementing a tyrannical New World Order.

Stephen Grant argues that John Rawls identifies eight criteria for identifying an act as one of civil disobedience.
1) There must be clear injustice.
2) The law must be broken. A key factor which distinguishes civil disobedience from protest is the brute fact that the actions undertaken are illegal.
3) The law which is to be overturned need not be the one which is broken.
4) It must be a public act. One essential feature of civil disobedience is that it tries to communicate to the wider community the injustice of a particular law.
5) It must be non-violent and non-threatening. The civil disobedient is attempting to appeal to the “sense of justice” of the majority.  (VN:  I was thinking of the Pals and how they have not won much doing it that way.  something to think about.)
6) The perpetrator accepts the penalties for her illegal actions. Although civil disobedience involves breaking the law, it is done for moral rather than selfish reasons, and the willingness to accept arrest is proof of the integrity of the act.
7) The actions must not threaten the stability of the state. Rawls emphasises that the context in which civil disobedience is morally permissible is one where there is a limited number of unjust laws which are the focus of opposition, but where there is a fundamentally just set of principles against which those laws can be deemed to be unjust.
8) The actions are carried out within “fidelity to the law”. The civil disobedient does not object to the rule of law as such, and may well accept as just the great majority of laws to which she is subject.
Dr. Jan Garrett claims that Rawls’ principles of justice are central to his viewpoint on the legitimacy to conducting civil disobedience. Rawls argues that self-interested rational persons behind the veil of ignorance would choose two general principles of justice to structure society in the real world:
i) Principle of Equal Liberty: Each person has an equal right to the most extensive liberties compatible with similar liberties for all. (Egalitarian.) 

ii) Difference Principle: Social and economic inequalities should be arranged so that they are both 
(a) to the greatest benefit of the least advantaged persons, and 
(b) attached to offices and positions open to all under conditions of equality of opportunity.

The Civil Disobedience & Rawls YouTube presents a short summary.John Rawls is very limited and has a naive mindset of a world better suited to the intellectual salon of entrenched and tenured academics. The proposition that governments, much less covert masters of the universe, accept the precept that the powers of world domination respect the human rights of the populace is absurd. 

Accepting that elected officials can be elected that are willing to empower the people misses the primary point that no political hierarchy has the muscle or influence to remove the money elites from their position of control and submission.

Contrast this “socially acceptable” framework to keep the masses playing a no win game of political musical chairs with the direct approach of Howard Zinn.

Howard Zinn describes Seven guidelines for civil disobedience.
1) Civil disobedience is the deliberate, discriminate, violation of law for a vital social purpose. It becomes not only justifiable but necessary when a fundamental human right is at stake, and when legal channels are inadequate for securing that right. 

2) There is no social value to a general obedience to the law, any more than there is value to a general disobedience to the law. Obedience to bad laws as a way of inculcating some abstract subservience to “the rule of law” can only encourage the already strong tendencies of citizens to bow to the power of authority, to desist from challenging the status quo.  
3) Civil disobedience may involve violation of laws which are not in themselves obnoxious, in order to protest on a very important issue.
4) If a specific act of civil disobedience is a morally justifiable act of protest, then the jailing of those engaged in that act is immoral and should be opposed, contested to the very end.
5) Those who engage in civil disobedience should choose tactics which are as nonviolent as possible, consonant with the effectiveness of their protest and the importance of the issue.
6) The degree of disorder in civil disobedience should not be weighed against a false “peace” presumed to exist in the status quo, but against the real disorder and violence that are part of daily life, overtly expressed internationally in wars, but hidden locally under that facade of “order” which obscures the injustice of contemporary society.
7) In our reasoning about civil disobedience, we must never forget that we and the state are separate in our interests, and we must not be lured into forgetting this by the agents of the state.

The video Howard Zinn on Civil Disobedience adds to the discussion. However, the practical drawback of most proponents of civil disobedience is that they are labeled as progressives. 

Noncompliance has no limits of creed. Pragmatic resistance requires a union of competing political orientations to oppose the essential source of the monocracy. Zinn’s impact offers an opportunity for coalition synergy if his followers are able to advance beyond street theater and confront the NWO in affiliation with distressed and disenfranchised mainstream citizens.

The error of limiting thinking to the functions of the state blinds most resistors to the true and real nature of the despotism that is engulfing the planet. Throughout ideological shortcomings and accepting the axiom that the ruling apparatus that rules over nations is a small cabal of financial controllers that indirectly select the political officials that garnish most of the public attention.

The institutions and bureaucracies that serve the interests of the Mattoids that manipulate the perception of world events through media disinformation is the primary tool used to stop honest intellectual inquiry. The gatekeepers, who persecute any organized effort to overthrow the satanic debt created money banking, protecting the systems, enslave humanity.

Civil disobedience is simply a natural response to illegitimate authority contrived to subjugate people to obey a top down despotic scheme to achieve total world domination. Consistently adopting resistant reactions are usually a defensive response. Proactive measures targeted at bringing down the established integrated global order; seem too radical for even most civil disobedient advocates.

The narrow dissent of Rawls is an embarrassment to any rational proponent of human dignity and individual liberty. The Zinn approach favors action. Yet, it needs re-direction to focus on the essential element of worldwide injustice. Interpreting the term, INJUSTICE, as a social acceptance of some intrinsic Egalitarian component would be a deadly error. The entire supremacy of criminal government authority is based upon the false idea that the correct role of the state is to guarantee equality and welfare.

The predacious matrix that routinely blinds the thinking of society that unconscionable taxation and debt obligations are the natural order is the key element that places the yoke of compliance in the minds of weak thinking people. Since the tyranny of individual freedom is the primary purpose of the international system of trained indoctrination, the enemy elite just grows in power and hatred for humanity.

Creative methods of unifying a political struggle that challenges the rule of artificial edicts must be the focus and global. Civil disobedience is a permanent way of confronting vile power. The immorality of centralized absolutism disguised as lawful authority is the eternal force that plagues all self-respecting mortals.

When globalists manage violence and repress human independence the true face of international totalitarianism reveals the nature of iniquity. Duping the average Plebian into believing that obedience is civil behavior, holds the slave system together. The intercontinental globalists seek total domination using their nefarious institutions to deceive and diminish expectations.

Shutting off political escape valves inevitably makes civil disobedience the operative path. Think global and act local. Coordinate cooperation and zero in on the globalist agenda. Resistance is patriotic. Breaking all the rules is intellectually prudent.

SARTRE – April 29, 2012

“Civil disobedience is not our problem. Our problem is civil obedience. Our problem is that people all over the world have obeyed the dictates of leaders…and millions have been killed because of this obedience…Our problem is that people are obedient allover the world in the face of poverty and starvation and stupidity, and war, and cruelty. Our problem is that people are obedient while the jails are full of petty thieves… (and) the grand thieves are running the country. That’s our problem.”  - Howard Zinn


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By: V.K. Durham
Date: 2006-12-17

From:  Durham Holding Trust, Tias 12087

The Duly Constituted, Outstanding, Primary Creditor of the United States of America and ALL Debtor Nations.
Ida Grove, Iowa 51445

  The President of the United States, U.S. House Representatives, Secretary Paulson, and Chairman of the Senate Banking Committee, Charles E. Grassley:


I have warned each of you and provided you with the evidence, in great detail about this rampant Money Laundering which each of you are currently sweating bullets over ..with the CHINA "GUIDANCE SYSTEMS" and "FRAUDULENT US DEBT INSTRUMENTS" issue.

Each of you have ignored the issues presented ..and one Senator tried to tell me in writing:  "The Federal Reserve is a U.S. Federal Agency.."  That is pretty darned good..the Constituency knows the Federal Reserve is a Private Corporation, but the Chairman of the Senate Banking Committee 'don't know' that it is "private"..?


Satanist Insider: "The Party is Beginning!"

Vatic Note: Another find when going down another rabbit hole. It was published way back a year and a half ago. Look at how prophetic this satanist was in his predictions and distain for us and those who are into the light and not the dark. This was stated well before we reached today. In fact, I believe he says that TSA is an ongoing satanic ritual of sexual abuse and humiliation designed to become part of everyday life. Wow. Its that bad folks. They think we are stupid.

Now is time for those thoughts that we must do daily asking for the light to fill all  our souls and minds and ask for all the darkness to disappear and go away.  We have much work to make up for since we allowed this to go for so long.  Jefferson said during the debates over the 2nd amendment that Americans are not easily pushed into revolutions, rather they have the opposite problem.  They are way too slow to act, so being armed will not mean they will be having a revolution every 2  years.  It will be surprising if they do anything before its almost too late. 

What we are is patient and long suffering because that has worked for 250 years. We have never had to overthrow our government, but then we did not have a foreign nation running it either. So read how they see us and our situation and how they believe they can now come out of the closet. These below are his observations and predictions. Its an interesting global new world order he has planned for us,   or his superiors have planned for us.

Satanist Insider: "The Party is Beginning!"
by Aloysius James Fozdyke
January 20, 2011


"The Kenyan won't be re-elected. I was told this on New Year's Eve by two of our people from America. Obama will be blamed for the mess that's unfolding."

[Editor's Note: AJF is an Australian satanist who has established his credentials by first releasing this to the world. This material is presented for its information value. We do not endorse the content.]

by Aloysius James Fozdyke

America is an increasingly dark place and this will continue apace. "Change that you can believe in!" A little more change and Americans will be able to buy a coffee. Europe and Asia will follow almost in lockstep. We're coming up to the tenth anniversary. So much has been achieved in a decade.

The sheeple appreciate that it's better to live on their knees than to die on their feet. Remember the old 'Duck and Cover' films? Today it's more like peasants under glass. The only problem with treating sheeple like slugs is that your shoes get dirty.

The constitutional issues of Australia, Canada and New Zealand have been put to bed. 

Freedom will soon be a distant and distorted memory. It won't alp_200_182.jpgbe so bad. Everyone's already on their knees waiting for Yeshua. We silenced Kelvyn Alp (left.) You can always rely upon the legal profession. 

Lions beneath the throne and all that. We silenced Ken. As the story will never be published, just take it from me: The constitutional issues of Australia, Canada and New Zealand could have destroyed all of the sacrifice, work and dreams of the Alpha Lodge, efforts going back to long before I was even born. That's not going to happen.

The United Nations isn't interested in national sovereignty. The U.N. is interested in global control. If the constitutional issues had been fixed, this would have destroyed so many well laid plans and conceivably caused international economic and political turmoil. As it was and as it remains, the media and sheeple are otherwise engaged. There's a Writ of Mandamus served on Chief Justice French of the Australian High Court which is to be filed with the Privy Council in early February. That's sorted.

Oil prices are going to rise significantly this year. And oil is the life blood of economies particularly what's left of America's. And American oil prices will rise soon. Your American readers better get used to the truth. They're not getting it from their churches or media are they? They're getting and rejecting it from me!

As I said before: trade barriers will start in earnest this year and coupled with currency devaluation, the emasculation of social security, massive unemployment and losses in the value of real estate, the party will begin. Already fees and levies are increasing and this will lead to crime and the resultant loss of liberties. Big Brother will be watching even more intently than now. Societies are coming apart at the seams, America included.   (VN:  Its already started and we did up a blog on the new global trade agreement and they gutted it, so I have to try and find it again and reput it up.  Out of 16 chapters of the agreement,  2 are about trade and 14 are about deregulation  and changing laws and giving the corporations and bankers all the authority to veto any such laws and regulations.  They can do any damn thing they want and we  have no  say in it anymore.  Its the final stage in globalizing and I honestly believe its why the Satanists have been coming out of the closet)